예제 #1
// Given an application bundle reference and the name of an icon file
// which is a resource in that bundle, look up the full (posix style)
// path to that icon. Returns the path, or an empty wxString on failure
wxString GetPathForIconFile( CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef iconFile )
    // If either parameter is NULL there is no hope of success
    if( !bundle || !iconFile )
        return wxEmptyString;

    // Create a range object representing the whole string
    CFRange wholeString;
    wholeString.location = 0;
    wholeString.length = CFStringGetLength( iconFile );

    // Index of the period in the file name for iconFile
    UniCharCount periodIndex;

    // In order to locate the period delimiting the extension,
    // iconFile must be represented as UniChar[]
        // Allocate a buffer and copy in the iconFile string
        UniChar* buffer = new UniChar[ wholeString.length ];
        CFStringGetCharacters( iconFile, wholeString, buffer );

        // Locate the period character
        OSStatus status = LSGetExtensionInfo( wholeString.length, buffer, &periodIndex );

        // Deallocate the buffer
        delete [] buffer;

        // If the period could not be located it will not be possible to get the URL
        if( status != noErr || periodIndex == kLSInvalidExtensionIndex )
            return wxEmptyString;

    // Range representing the name part of iconFile
    CFRange iconNameRange;
    iconNameRange.location = 0;
    iconNameRange.length = periodIndex - 1;

    // Range representing the extension part of iconFile
    CFRange iconExtRange;
    iconExtRange.location = periodIndex;
    iconExtRange.length = wholeString.length - periodIndex;

    // Get the name and extension strings
    wxCFStringRef iconName = CFStringCreateWithSubstring( kCFAllocatorDefault, iconFile, iconNameRange );
    wxCFStringRef iconExt = CFStringCreateWithSubstring( kCFAllocatorDefault, iconFile, iconExtRange );

    // Now it is possible to query the URL for the icon as a resource
    wxCFRef< CFURLRef > iconUrl = wxCFRef< CFURLRef >( CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle, iconName, iconExt, NULL ) );

    if( !iconUrl.get() )
        return wxEmptyString;

    // All being well, return the icon path
    return wxCFStringRef( CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( iconUrl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle ) ).AsString();
예제 #2
static PyObject *Launch_LSGetExtensionInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    PyObject *_res = NULL;
    OSStatus _err;
    UniChar *inNameLen__in__;
    UniCharCount inNameLen__len__;
    int inNameLen__in_len__;
    UniCharCount outExtStartIndex;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "u#",
                          &inNameLen__in__, &inNameLen__in_len__))
        return NULL;
    inNameLen__len__ = inNameLen__in_len__;
    _err = LSGetExtensionInfo(inNameLen__len__, inNameLen__in__,
    if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
    _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    return _res;
예제 #3
CFStringRef	HLFileSystemObject::CopyNameExtension() const
	//	get the file name from the catalog info
	HFSUniStr255 theUniStr255;
	OSStatus theError = FSGetCatalogInfo(&mFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &theUniStr255, NULL, NULL);
	ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLFileSystemObject::CopyNameExtension: couldn't get the catalog information");
	//	use Launch Services to find the start of the extension
	UniCharCount theExtensionStart = 0;
	LSGetExtensionInfo(theUniStr255.length, theUniStr255.unicode, &theExtensionStart);
	//	assume that there wasn't an extension
	CFStringRef theExtension = NULL;
	if(theExtensionStart != kLSInvalidExtensionIndex)
		//	but there was, so make a CFString out of it
		theExtension = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, &theUniStr255.unicode[theExtensionStart], theUniStr255.length - theExtensionStart);
	return theExtension;
예제 #4
void	HLFileSystemObject::SetNameExtension(CFStringRef inNameExtension)
	//	the FSRef for a file can change after renaming,
	//	so don't allow it to be done while the file is open
	ThrowIf(IsOpenForReading() || IsOpenForWriting(), CAException(fBsyErr), "HLFileSystemObject::SetNameExtension: can't change the file name extension of an open file");
	//	make a raw unicode string out of the CFString containing the new extension
	CACFString theExtension(inNameExtension, false);
	UInt32 theExtensionLength = 255;
	UniChar	theExtensionString[255];
	theExtension.GetUnicodeString(theExtensionString, theExtensionLength);

	//	get the file name from the catalog info
	HFSUniStr255 theNameString;
	OSStatus theError = FSGetCatalogInfo(&mFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &theNameString, NULL, NULL);
	ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLFileSystemObject::SetNameExtension: couldn't get the catalog information");
	//	use Launch Services to find the start of the extension
	UniCharCount theExtensionStart = 0;
	LSGetExtensionInfo(theNameString.length, theNameString.unicode, &theExtensionStart);
	UInt32 theCharsToCopy;
	if(theExtensionStart != kLSInvalidExtensionIndex)
		//	there already was an extension, so replace it
		//	figure out how many characters worth of extension can fit
		theCharsToCopy = 255UL - theExtensionStart;
		//	range it against the actual length of the extension
		theCharsToCopy = theExtensionLength < theCharsToCopy ? theExtensionLength : theCharsToCopy;
		//	copy the extension
		memcpy(&theNameString.unicode[theExtensionStart], theExtensionString, theCharsToCopy * sizeof(UniChar));
		//	update the length of the name string
		theNameString.length = theExtensionStart + theCharsToCopy;

		//	save off the current FSRef, since it may change
		FSRef theOldFSRef;
		memcpy(&theOldFSRef, &mFSRef, sizeof(FSRef));

		//	rename the file, getting us the new FSRef
		theError = FSRenameUnicode(&theOldFSRef, theNameString.length, theNameString.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, &mFSRef);
		ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLFileSystemObject::SetName: couldn't rename the file");
	else if(theNameString.length < 254)
		//	there isn't an extension yet, and there's room for at least two characters
		//	make a raw unicode string with the period
		CFRange thePeriodRange = { 0, 1 };
		UniChar	thePeriodString[255];
		CFStringGetCharacters(HLFileSystemCFStringConstants::sNameExtensionDelimiter, thePeriodRange, thePeriodString);
		//	copy it at the end of the string
		theNameString.unicode[theNameString.length] = thePeriodString[0];
		//	update the length
		theNameString.length += 1;
		//	figure out how many characters worth of extension can fit
		theCharsToCopy = 255UL - theNameString.length;

		//	range it against the actual length of the extension
		theCharsToCopy = theExtensionLength < theCharsToCopy ? theExtensionLength : theCharsToCopy;

		//	copy the extension
		memcpy(&theNameString.unicode[theNameString.length], theExtensionString, theCharsToCopy * sizeof(UniChar));

		//	update the length of the name string
		theNameString.length += theCharsToCopy;

		//	save off the current FSRef, since it may change
		FSRef theOldFSRef;
		memcpy(&theOldFSRef, &mFSRef, sizeof(FSRef));

		//	rename the file, getting us the new FSRef
		theError = FSRenameUnicode(&theOldFSRef, theNameString.length, theNameString.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, &mFSRef);
		ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "HLFileSystemObject::SetName: couldn't rename the file");