예제 #1

    Expend loader if use compress

    @return void
static void BL_RunPartOne(void)
    UINT8 *in_addr = (UINT8 *)(_loader_exec_compress_load_cpu_addr);
    UINT8 *out_addr = (UINT8 *)(_loader_exec_compres_start);
    UINT32 uiCompressedOutSize;

    // Get decompress size within specific header
    uiCompressedOutSize = (((UINT32)*(in_addr + 12)) << 24) +
                          (((UINT32)*(in_addr + 13)) << 16) +
                          (((UINT32)*(in_addr + 14)) <<  8) +
                          ((UINT32)*(in_addr + 15));

    // Decompress loader image
    LZ_Uncompress((unsigned char *)(in_addr + LDC_HEADER_SIZE), (unsigned char *)(out_addr), uiCompressedOutSize);

    // Need to clean data cache
///    uart_putSystemUARTStr("\r\nUNZOK!");
예제 #2
int TestFile( char *name, int algo, int verbose )
  unsigned int  insize, outsize, bufsize, *work, k, err_count;
  unsigned char *in, *out, *buf;
  FILE          *f;
  double        t0, t_comp, t_uncomp;

  printf( "Testing %s...", name );

  /* Open input file */
  f = fopen( name, "rb" );
  if( !f )
    printf( "unable to open!\n" );
    return 0;

  /* Get input size */
  insize = GetFileSize( f );
  if( insize < 1 )
    printf( "empty file!\n" );
    fclose( f );
    return 0;

  /* Worst case output buffer size */
  bufsize = (insize*104+50)/100 + 384;

  /* Allocate memory */
  in = (unsigned char *) malloc( insize + 2*bufsize );
  if( !in )
    printf( "out of memory!\n" );
    fclose( f );
    return 0;

  /* Pointers to compression buffer and output memory */
  buf = &in[ insize ];
  out = &buf[ bufsize ];

  /* Read and close input file */
  fread( in, 1, insize, f );
  fclose( f );

  /* Compress and decompress */
  switch( algo )
    case 1:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = RLE_Compress( in, insize, buf, bufsize );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      RLE_Uncompress( buf, outsize, out, insize );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 2:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Huffman_Compress( in, buf, insize );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Huffman_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 3:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT8 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT8 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 4:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT16 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT16 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 5:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT32 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_UINT32 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 6:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_INT8 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_INT8 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 7:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_INT16 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_INT16 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 8:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = Rice_Compress( in, buf, insize, RICE_FMT_INT32 );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      Rice_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize, RICE_FMT_INT32 );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 9:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = LZ_Compress( in, buf, insize );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      LZ_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
    case 10:
      work = malloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * (65536+insize) );
      if( work )
        t0 = GetTime();
        outsize = LZ_CompressFast( in, buf, insize, work );
        t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
        free( work );
        t0 = GetTime();
        LZ_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize );
        t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
        printf( "unable to allocate working buffer!\n" );
        t_comp = 0.0;
        t_uncomp = 0.0;
        outsize = 0;
    case 11:
      t0 = GetTime();
      outsize = SF_Compress( in, buf, insize );
      t_comp = GetTime() - t0;
      t0 = GetTime();
      SF_Uncompress( buf, out, outsize, insize );
      t_uncomp = GetTime() - t0;
      /* Should never happen... */
      outsize = 0;
      t_comp = 0.0;
      t_uncomp = 0.0;

  err_count = 0;
  if(outsize > 0)
    /* Show compression result */
    if( verbose )
      printf( "\n  Compression: %d/%d bytes (%.1f%%)", outsize, insize,
              100*(float)outsize/(float)insize );

    /* Compare input / output data */
    for( k = 0; k < insize; ++ k )
      if( in[ k ] != out[ k ] )
        if( err_count == 0 ) printf( "\n" );
        if( err_count == 30 ) printf( "    ...\n" );
        else if( err_count < 30 )
            printf( "    %d: %d != %d\n", k, out[ k ], in[ k ] );
        ++ err_count;

    /* Did we have success? */
    if( err_count == 0 )
      printf( " - OK!\n" );
      if( verbose )
        printf( "    Compression speed: %.1f KB/s (%.2f ms)\n",
                (double) insize / (1024.0 * t_comp), 1000.0 * t_comp );
        printf( "    Uncompression speed: %.1f KB/s (%.2f ms)\n",
                (double) insize / (1024.0 * t_uncomp), 1000.0 * t_uncomp );
      printf( "    *******************************\n" );
      printf( "    ERROR: %d faulty bytes\n", err_count );
      printf( "    *******************************\n" );

  /* Free all memory */
  free( in );

  return (outsize > 0) && (err_count == 0);