예제 #1
 *  ======== TransportShm_sharedMemReq ========
SizeT TransportShm_sharedMemReq(const TransportShm_Params *params)
    SizeT memReq, minAlign;
    UInt16 regionId;
    ListMP_Params listMPParams;

    regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);

    minAlign = Memory_getMaxDefaultTypeAlign();
    if (SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(regionId) > minAlign) {
        minAlign = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(regionId);

    /* for the Attrs structure */
    memReq = _Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign);

    /* for the second Attrs structure */
    memReq += _Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign);

    listMPParams.regionId = regionId;

    /* for localListMP */
    memReq += ListMP_sharedMemReq(&listMPParams);

    /* for remoteListMP */
    memReq += ListMP_sharedMemReq(&listMPParams);

예제 #2
 *  ======== SemaphoreMP_sharedMemReq ========
SizeT SemaphoreMP_sharedMemReq(const SemaphoreMP_Params *params)
    SizeT memReq, minAlign;
    ListMP_Params listMPParams;
    UInt16 regionId;
    if (params->sharedAddr == NULL) {
        regionId = params->regionId;
    else {
        regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
    Assert_isTrue(regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID, 
    minAlign = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(regionId);
    memReq = _Ipc_roundup(sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), minAlign);
     *  Add size of ListMP Attrs.  No need to init params since it's not used
     *  to create.
    listMPParams.regionId = regionId;
    memReq += ListMP_sharedMemReq(&listMPParams);
    return (memReq);
예제 #3
 *  ======== ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Instance_init ========
Int ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Instance_init(ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Object *obj,
        const ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Params *params,
        Error_Block *eb)
    SharedRegion_SRPtr sharedShmBase;
    Ptr localAddr;
    Int status;
    ListMP_Params sparams;
    IHeap_Handle regionHeap;

    if (params->openFlag == TRUE) {
        /* Open by sharedAddr */
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_OPENDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(&(obj->attrs->head));
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        /* get the local address of the SRPtr */
        localAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(obj->attrs->gateMPAddr);
        status = GateMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (GateMP_Handle *)&(obj->gate));
        if (status != GateMP_S_SUCCESS) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (1);
        return (0);

    /* init the gate */
    if (params->gate != NULL) {
        obj->gate = params->gate;
    else {
        obj->gate = (ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_Handle)GateMP_getDefaultRemote();
    if (params->sharedAddr == NULL) {
        /* Creating using a shared region ID */                
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC_REGION;
        obj->regionId = params->regionId;
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        /* Need to allocate from the heap */
        sparams.regionId = params->regionId;
        obj->allocSize = ListMP_sharedMemReq(&sparams);
        regionHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap(obj->regionId);
        Assert_isTrue(regionHeap != NULL, ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_A_noHeap);

        /* The region heap will take care of the alignment */
        obj->attrs = Memory_alloc(regionHeap, obj->allocSize, 0, eb);

        if (obj->attrs == NULL) {
            return (2);
    else {
        /* Creating using sharedAddr */
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
        /* Assert that the buffer is in a valid shared region */
        Assert_isTrue(obj->regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID, 
        /* set object's cacheEnabled, objType, and attrs  */
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;

        /* Assert that sharedAddr is cache aligned */
        Assert_isTrue((obj->cacheLineSize == 0) ||
                      ((UInt32)params->sharedAddr % obj->cacheLineSize == 0),

    /* init the head (to be empty) */
    /* store the GateMP sharedAddr in the Attrs */
    obj->attrs->gateMPAddr = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_getSharedAddr(obj->gate);

    /* last thing, set the status */
    obj->attrs->status = ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_CREATED;
    if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_wbInv(obj->attrs, sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs), 
                Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    /* add to NameServer if name not NULL */
    if (params->name != NULL) {
        sharedShmBase = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(obj->attrs, obj->regionId);
        obj->nsKey = NameServer_addUInt32(
            (NameServer_Handle)ListMP_module->nameServer, params->name,
        if (obj->nsKey == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_nameFailed, params->name, 0);
            return (3);

    return (0);
예제 #4
 *  ======== TransportShm_Instance_init ========
Int TransportShm_Instance_init(TransportShm_Object *obj,
        UInt16 procId, const TransportShm_Params *params,
        Error_Block *eb)
    Int            localIndex;
    Int            remoteIndex;
    Int            status;
    Bool           flag;
    UInt32         minAlign;
    ListMP_Params  listMPParams[2];
    Swi_Handle     swiHandle;
    Swi_Params     swiParams;
    Ptr            localAddr;

    swiHandle = TransportShm_Instance_State_swiObj(obj);

     *  Determine who gets the '0' slot in shared memory and who gets
     *  the '1' slot. The '0' slot is given to the lower MultiProc id.
    if (MultiProc_self() < procId) {
        localIndex  = 0;
        remoteIndex = 1;
    else {
        localIndex  = 1;
        remoteIndex = 0;

    if (params->openFlag) {
        /* Open by sharedAddr */
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_OPENDYNAMIC;
        obj->self = (TransportShm_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);

        localAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(obj->self->gateMPAddr);
        status = GateMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (GateMP_Handle *)&obj->gate);
        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
    else {
        /* init the gate for ListMP create below */
        if (params->gate != NULL) {
            obj->gate = params->gate;
        else {
            obj->gate = (ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_Handle)GateMP_getDefaultRemote();

        /* Creating using sharedAddr */
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);

        /* Assert that the buffer is in a valid shared region */
        Assert_isTrue(obj->regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID,

        /* Assert that sharedAddr is cache aligned */
        Assert_isTrue(((UInt32)params->sharedAddr %
                SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId) == 0),

        /* set object's cacheEnabled, type, self */
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC;
        obj->self = (TransportShm_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;

    /* determine the minimum alignment to align to */
    minAlign = Memory_getMaxDefaultTypeAlign();
    if (SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId) > minAlign) {
        minAlign = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);

     *  Carve up the shared memory.
     *  If cache is enabled, these need to be on separate cache lines.
     *  This is done with minAlign and _Ipc_roundup function.
    obj->other = (TransportShm_Attrs *)((UInt32)(obj->self) +
        (_Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign)));

    listMPParams[0].gate = (GateMP_Handle)obj->gate;
    listMPParams[0].sharedAddr = (UInt32 *)((UInt32)(obj->other) +
        (_Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign)));

    listMPParams[1].gate = (GateMP_Handle)obj->gate;
    listMPParams[1].sharedAddr = (UInt32 *)((UInt32)(listMPParams[0].sharedAddr)
        + ListMP_sharedMemReq(&listMPParams[0]));

    obj->priority      = params->priority;
    obj->remoteProcId  = procId;

    swiParams.arg0 = (UArg)obj;
                 &swiParams, eb);

    if (params->openFlag == FALSE) {
        obj->localList = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Handle)
        if (obj->localList == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

        obj->remoteList = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Handle)
        if (obj->localList == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);
    else {
        /* Open the local ListMP instance */
        status = ListMP_openByAddr(listMPParams[localIndex].sharedAddr,
                                   (ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->localList));

        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

        /* Open the remote ListMP instance */
        status = ListMP_openByAddr(listMPParams[remoteIndex].sharedAddr,
                                   (ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->remoteList));

        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

    /* register the event with Notify */
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(
                 procId,    /* remoteProcId */
                 0,         /* lineId */
    if (status < 0) {
        Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
        return (3);

    /* Register the transport with MessageQ */
    flag = ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_registerTransport(
            TransportShm_Handle_upCast(obj), procId, params->priority);
    if (flag == FALSE) {
        Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
        return (4);

    if (params->openFlag == FALSE) {
        obj->self->creatorProcId = MultiProc_self();
        obj->self->notifyEventId = TransportShm_notifyEventId;
        obj->self->priority = obj->priority;

        /* Store the GateMP sharedAddr in the Attrs */
        obj->self->gateMPAddr = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_getSharedAddr(obj->gate);
        obj->self->flag = TransportShm_UP;

        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(obj->self, sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs),
                     Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    else {
        obj->other->flag = TransportShm_UP;
        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(&(obj->other->flag), minAlign, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    obj->status = TransportShm_UP;

    return (0);