bool HasThumbnail(DisplayState& ds) { if (!ds.thumbnail && !LoadThumbnail(ds)) return false; ScopedMem<WCHAR> bmpPath(GetThumbnailPath(ds.filePath)); if (!bmpPath) return true; FILETIME bmpTime = file::GetModificationTime(bmpPath); FILETIME fileTime = file::GetModificationTime(ds.filePath); // delete the thumbnail if the file is newer than the thumbnail if (FileTimeDiffInSecs(fileTime, bmpTime) > 0) { delete ds.thumbnail; ds.thumbnail = NULL; } return ds.thumbnail != NULL; }
bool HasThumbnail(DisplayState& ds) { if (!ds.thumbnail && !LoadThumbnail(ds)) { return false; } AutoFreeW bmpPath(GetThumbnailPath(ds.filePath)); if (!bmpPath) { return true; } FILETIME bmpTime = file::GetModificationTime(bmpPath); FILETIME fileTime = file::GetModificationTime(ds.filePath); // delete the thumbnail if the file is newer than the thumbnail if (FileTimeDiffInSecs(fileTime, bmpTime) > 0) { delete ds.thumbnail; ds.thumbnail = nullptr; } return ds.thumbnail != nullptr; }
void DrawStartPage(WindowInfo& win, HDC hdc, FileHistory& fileHistory, COLORREF colorRange[2]) { HPEN penBorder = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, DOCLIST_SEPARATOR_DY, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penThumbBorder = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, DOCLIST_THUMBNAIL_BORDER_W, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penLinkLine = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, COL_BLUE_LINK); ScopedFont fontSumatraTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, L"MS Shell Dlg", 24)); ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, L"MS Shell Dlg", 14)); HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontSumatraTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */ ClientRect rc(win.hwndCanvas); FillRect(hdc, &rc.ToRECT(), gBrushLogoBg); SelectObject(hdc, gBrushLogoBg); SelectObject(hdc, penBorder); bool isRtl = IsUIRightToLeft(); /* render title */ RectI titleBox = RectI(PointI(0, 0), CalcSumatraVersionSize(hdc)); titleBox.x = rc.dx - titleBox.dx - 3; DrawSumatraVersion(hdc, titleBox); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(0, titleBox.dy, rc.dx, 0)); /* render recent files list */ SelectObject(hdc, penThumbBorder); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(hdc, WIN_COL_BLACK); rc.y += titleBox.dy; rc.dy -= titleBox.dy; FillRect(hdc, &rc.ToRECT(), gBrushAboutBg); rc.dy -= DOCLIST_BOTTOM_BOX_DY; Vec<DisplayState *> list; fileHistory.GetFrequencyOrder(list); int width = limitValue((rc.dx - DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT - DOCLIST_MARGIN_RIGHT + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X) / (THUMBNAIL_DX + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X), 1, DOCLIST_MAX_THUMBNAILS_X); int height = min((rc.dy - DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP - DOCLIST_MARGIN_BOTTOM + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y) / (THUMBNAIL_DY + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y), FILE_HISTORY_MAX_FREQUENT / width); PointI offset(rc.x + DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT + (rc.dx - width * THUMBNAIL_DX - (width - 1) * DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X - DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT - DOCLIST_MARGIN_RIGHT) / 2, rc.y + DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP); if (offset.x < ABOUT_INNER_PADDING) offset.x = ABOUT_INNER_PADDING; else if (list.Count() == 0) offset.x = DOCLIST_MARGIN_LEFT; SelectObject(hdc, fontSumatraTxt); SIZE txtSize; const WCHAR *txt = _TR("Frequently Read"); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, txt, (int)str::Len(txt), &txtSize); RectI headerRect(offset.x, rc.y + (DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP - / 2,,; if (isRtl) headerRect.x = rc.dx - offset.x - headerRect.dx; DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &headerRect.ToRECT(), (isRtl ? DT_RTLREADING : DT_LEFT) | DT_NOPREFIX); SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockBrush(NULL_BRUSH)); win.staticLinks.Reset(); for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { if (h * width + w >= (int)list.Count()) { // display the "Open a document" link right below the last row height = w > 0 ? h + 1 : h; break; } DisplayState *state = list.At(h * width + w); RectI page(offset.x + w * (int)(THUMBNAIL_DX + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_X * win.uiDPIFactor), offset.y + h * (int)(THUMBNAIL_DY + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y * win.uiDPIFactor), THUMBNAIL_DX, THUMBNAIL_DY); if (isRtl) page.x = rc.dx - page.x - page.dx; bool loadOk = true; if (!state->thumbnail) loadOk = LoadThumbnail(*state); if (loadOk && state->thumbnail) { SizeI thumbSize = state->thumbnail->Size(); if (thumbSize.dx != THUMBNAIL_DX || thumbSize.dy != THUMBNAIL_DY) { page.dy = thumbSize.dy * THUMBNAIL_DX / thumbSize.dx; page.y += THUMBNAIL_DY - page.dy; } HRGN clip = CreateRoundRectRgn(page.x, page.y, page.x + page.dx, page.y + page.dy, 10, 10); SelectClipRgn(hdc, clip); RenderedBitmap *clone = state->thumbnail->Clone(); UpdateBitmapColorRange(clone->GetBitmap(), colorRange); clone->StretchDIBits(hdc, page); SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL); DeleteObject(clip); delete clone; } RoundRect(hdc, page.x, page.y, page.x + page.dx, page.y + page.dy, 10, 10); int iconSpace = (int)(20 * win.uiDPIFactor); RectI rect(page.x + iconSpace, page.y + page.dy + 3, page.dx - iconSpace, iconSpace); if (isRtl) rect.x -= iconSpace; DrawText(hdc, path::GetBaseName(state->filePath), -1, &rect.ToRECT(), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX | (isRtl ? DT_RIGHT : DT_LEFT)); SHFILEINFO sfi; HIMAGELIST himl = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(state->filePath, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); ImageList_Draw(himl, sfi.iIcon, hdc, isRtl ? page.x + page.dx - (int)(16 * win.uiDPIFactor) : page.x, rect.y, ILD_TRANSPARENT); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect.Union(page), state->filePath, state->filePath)); } } /* render bottom links */ rc.y += DOCLIST_MARGIN_TOP + height * THUMBNAIL_DY + (height - 1) * DOCLIST_MARGIN_BETWEEN_Y + DOCLIST_MARGIN_BOTTOM; rc.dy = DOCLIST_BOTTOM_BOX_DY; SetTextColor(hdc, COL_BLUE_LINK); SelectObject(hdc, penLinkLine); HIMAGELIST himl = (HIMAGELIST)SendMessage(win.hwndToolbar, TB_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0); RectI rectIcon(offset.x, rc.y, 0, 0); ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &rectIcon.dx, &rectIcon.dy); rectIcon.y += (rc.dy - rectIcon.dy) / 2; if (isRtl) rectIcon.x = rc.dx - offset.x - rectIcon.dx; ImageList_Draw(himl, 0 /* index of Open icon */, hdc, rectIcon.x, rectIcon.y, ILD_NORMAL); txt = _TR("Open a document..."); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, txt, (int)str::Len(txt), &txtSize); RectI rect(offset.x + rectIcon.dx + 3, rc.y + (rc.dy - / 2,,; if (isRtl) rect.x = rectIcon.x - rect.dx - 3; DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &rect.ToRECT(), isRtl ? DT_RTLREADING : DT_LEFT); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(rect.x, rect.y + rect.dy, rect.dx, 0)); // make the click target larger rect = rect.Union(rectIcon); rect.Inflate(10, 10); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect, SLINK_OPEN_FILE)); rect = DrawBottomRightLink(win.hwndCanvas, hdc, _TR("Hide frequently read")); win.staticLinks.Append(StaticLinkInfo(rect, SLINK_LIST_HIDE)); SelectObject(hdc, origFont); DeleteObject(penBorder); DeleteObject(penThumbBorder); DeleteObject(penLinkLine); }