예제 #1
파일: lda_stats.cpp 프로젝트: MLDL/lightlda
	double LDAStats::ComputeOneDocLLH(LDADocument* doc) {
		double one_doc_llh = log_doc_normalizer_;

		wood::light_hash_map doc_topic_counter(1024);
		int num_words = doc->size();
		if (num_words == 0) 
			return 0.0;
		int32_t capacity = doc_topic_counter.capacity();
		int32_t *key = doc_topic_counter.key();
		int32_t *value = doc_topic_counter.value();
		int32_t nonzero_num = 0;

		real_t ll_alpha = 0.01;

		for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
			if (key[i] > 0) {
				one_doc_llh += LogGamma(value[i] + ll_alpha);

		one_doc_llh += (K_ - nonzero_num) * LogGamma(ll_alpha);
		one_doc_llh -= LogGamma(num_words + ll_alpha * K_);

		CHECK_EQ(one_doc_llh, one_doc_llh) << "one_doc_llh is nan.";
		return one_doc_llh;
    double LightDocSampler::ComputeOneDocLLH(LDADocument* doc)
        double doc_ll = 0;
        double one_doc_llh = log_doc_normalizer_;

        // Compute doc-topic vector on the fly.
        int num_tokens = doc->size();

        if (num_tokens == 0)
            return doc_ll;


        int32_t capacity = doc_topic_counter_.capacity();
        int32_t *key = doc_topic_counter_.key();
        int32_t *value = doc_topic_counter_.value();
        int32_t nonzero_num = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
            if (key[i] > 0)
                one_doc_llh += LogGamma(value[i] + ll_alpha_);
        one_doc_llh += (K_ - nonzero_num) * LogGamma(ll_alpha_);
        one_doc_llh -= LogGamma(num_tokens + ll_alpha_ * K_);

        doc_ll += one_doc_llh;
        return doc_ll;
    double LightDocSampler::ComputeWordLLH(int32_t lower, int32_t upper)
        // word_llh is P(w|z).
        double word_llh = 0;
        double zero_entry_llh = LogGamma(beta_);

        // Since some vocabs are not present in the corpus, use num_words_seen to
        // count # of words in corpus.
        int num_words_seen = 0;
        for (int w = lower; w < upper; ++w)
            auto word_topic_row = get_word_row(w);
            int32_t total_count = 0;
            double delta = 0;
            if (word_topic_row.is_dense())
                int32_t* memory = word_topic_row.memory();
                int32_t capacity = word_topic_row.capacity();
                int32_t count;
                for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
                    count = memory[i];
                    total_count += count;
                    delta += LogGamma(count + beta_);
                int32_t* key = word_topic_row.key();
                int32_t* value = word_topic_row.value();
                int32_t capacity = word_topic_row.capacity();
                int32_t count;
                int32_t nonzero_num = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
                    if (key[i] > 0)
                        count = value[i];
                        total_count += count;
                        delta += LogGamma(count + beta_);
                delta += (K_ - nonzero_num) * zero_entry_llh;

            if (total_count)
                word_llh += delta;

        return word_llh;
예제 #4
	*  L O G   F A C T                                                         *
	*                                                                          *
	*  Returns the natural logarithm of n factorial.  For efficiency, some     *
	*  of the values are cached, so they need be computed only once.           *
	*                                                                          *
	double LogFact( int n )
		static const int Cache_Size = 100;
		static double c[ Cache_Size ] = { 0.0 }; // Cache some of the values.
		if( n <= 1 ) return 0.0;
		if( n < Cache_Size )
			if( c[n] == 0.0 ) c[n] = LogGamma((double)(n+1));
			return c[n];
		return LogGamma((double)(n+1)); // gamma(n+1) == n!
예제 #5
 double Eval::NormalizeWordLLH(Trainer* trainer)
     Row<int64_t>& params = trainer->GetRow<int64_t>(kSummaryRow, 0);
     double llh = Config::num_topics *
         (LogGamma(Config::beta * Config::num_vocabs) -
         Config::num_vocabs * LogGamma(Config::beta));
     for (int32_t k = 0; k < Config::num_topics; ++k)
         llh -= LogGamma(params.At(k)
             + Config::num_vocabs * Config::beta);
     return llh;
예제 #6
LogFactorial( int n )
    static double smallLF[ 100 ];
    if ( n <= 1 )
        return 0.;
    if ( n < 100 )
        if ( smallLF[n] != 0. )
            return smallLF[n];
            return (smallLF[n] = LogGamma( n + 1. ));
    return LogGamma( n + 1.);
예제 #7
 double Eval::ComputeOneWordLLH(int32_t word, Trainer* trainer)
     Row<int32_t>& params = trainer->GetRow<int32_t>(
         kWordTopicTable, word);
     if (params.NonzeroSize() == 0) return 0.0;
     double word_llh = 0.0;
     int32_t nonzero_num = 0;
     RowIterator<int32_t> iter = params.Iterator();
     while (iter.HasNext())
         word_llh += LogGamma(iter.Value() + Config::beta);
     word_llh += (Config::num_topics - nonzero_num)
         * LogGamma(Config::beta);
     return word_llh;
 double LightDocSampler::NormalizeWordLLH()
     double word_llh = K_ * log_topic_normalizer_;
     for (int k = 0; k < K_; ++k)
         word_llh -= LogGamma(summary_row_[k] + beta_sum_);
     return word_llh;
        int32_t K,
        int32_t V,
        int32_t num_threads,
        int32_t mh_step,
        float beta,
        float alpha_sum,
        std::vector<lda::hybrid_map> &word_topic_table,
        std::vector<int64_t> &summary_row,
        std::vector<lda::hybrid_alias_map> &alias_kv,
        int32_t &beta_height,
        float& beta_mass,
        std::vector<wood::alias_k_v> &beta_k_v)
        : doc_topic_counter_(1024),
        word_topic_table_(word_topic_table), summary_row_(summary_row),
        beta_sum_ = beta_ * V_;
        alpha_ = alpha_sum_ / K_;

        ll_alpha_ = (lda::real_t)0.01;
        ll_alpha_sum_ = ll_alpha_ * K_;

        // Precompute LLH parameters
        log_doc_normalizer_ = LogGamma(ll_alpha_ * K_) - K_ * LogGamma(ll_alpha_);
        log_topic_normalizer_ = LogGamma(beta_sum_) - V_ * LogGamma(beta_);



        rehashing_buf_ = new int32_t[K_ * 2];
예제 #10
파일: lda_stats.cpp 프로젝트: MLDL/lightlda
	LDAStats::LDAStats() {
		// Topic model parameters.
		util::Context& context = util::Context::get_instance();
		K_ = context.get_int32("num_topics");
		V_ = context.get_int32("num_vocabs");

		CHECK_NE(-1, V_);
		beta_ = context.get_double("beta");
		beta_sum_ = beta_ * V_;
		alpha_ = context.get_double("alpha");
		alpha_sum_ = K_ * alpha_;
		num_threads_ = context.get_int32("num_worker_threads");
		// Precompute LLH parameters
		real_t ll_alpha = 0.01;
		log_doc_normalizer_ = LogGamma(K_ * ll_alpha) - K_ * LogGamma(ll_alpha);
		// log_doc_normalizer_ = LogGamma(alpha_sum_) - K_ * LogGamma(alpha_);
		log_topic_normalizer_ = LogGamma(beta_sum_) - V_ * LogGamma(beta_);

예제 #11
파일: lda_stats.cpp 프로젝트: MLDL/lightlda
	double LDAStats::NormalizeWordLLH(petuum::ClientSummaryRow& summary_row) {
		double word_llh = K_ * log_topic_normalizer_;
		for (int k = 0; k < K_; ++k) {
			int64_t count = summary_row.GetSummaryCount(k);
			CHECK_GE(count, 0);
			word_llh -= LogGamma(count + beta_sum_);
			CHECK_EQ(word_llh, word_llh) << "word_llh is nan after -LogGamma";
		return word_llh;
예제 #12
파일: bessel.c 프로젝트: PeterZhouSZ/helit
float LogModBesselFirstAlt(int orderX2, float x, float accuracy, int limit)
 // Special case problem values...
  if (orderX2==0) return LogModBesselFirst(orderX2, x, accuracy, limit);
  if (x<1e-12) return -1e32;
 accuracy = log(accuracy);
 // Create the very first term, set ret to be it...
  float term = x - 0.5 * log(2.0 * M_PI * x) - LogGamma(orderX2+1);

  float inc_gam = LogLowerIncompleteGamma(orderX2 + 1, 2.0 * x);
  term += inc_gam;
  int sign = 1;
  float ret = term;

 // Keep summing in terms until the desired accuracy is reached, or we obtain a term with zero in, meaning we have obtained 100% accuracy and can stop...
  int n;
  float log2x = log(2.0 * x);
  for (n=1; n<limit; n++)
   // Move to next inc_gam, factoring it into the term...
    term -= inc_gam;
    float smo = 0.5 * (orderX2 + 2*n - 1);
    inc_gam += log(smo);
    inc_gam += log(1.0 - exp(smo * log2x - 2.0 * x - inc_gam));
    term += inc_gam;
   // Update term...
    int mult2X = 1 - orderX2 + 2 * (n - 1);
    if (mult2X==0) break; // Term has zero in - this term and all further add nil.
    if (mult2X<0)
     sign *= -1;
     mult2X = -mult2X;
    term += log(0.5 * mult2X);
    term -= log(n) + log2x;

   // Add in or subtract in term - we can always assume its less than the previous...
    ret += log(1.0 + sign * exp(term - ret));
   // If the accuracy is high enough, terminate...
    if (term<accuracy) break;
 // Return...
  return ret;
예제 #13
double WordSampler::ComputeWordLikelihood() {
  Context& context = Context::get_instance();
  int32_t num_topics = context.get_int32("num_topics");
  double beta = context.get_double("beta");

  double word_log_likelihood = 0.0;
  int32_t num_non_zero = 0;
  int32_t word_topic_count;

  int length = topic_counts_.length;
  for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
    cnt_topic_t cnt_top = topic_counts_.items[j];
    int word_topic_count = cnt_top.choose.cnt;
    word_log_likelihood += LogGamma(word_topic_count + beta_);
  // This can be removed if this function is solely used to compute delta.
  word_log_likelihood -= length * LogGamma(beta_);

  return word_log_likelihood;
예제 #14
 double Eval::ComputeOneDocLLH(Document* doc, Row<int32_t>& doc_topic_counter)
     if (doc->Size() == 0) return 0.0;
     double one_doc_llh = LogGamma(Config::num_topics * Config::alpha)
         - Config::num_topics * LogGamma(Config::alpha);
     int32_t nonzero_num = 0;
     Row<int32_t>::iterator iter = doc_topic_counter.Iterator();
     while (iter.HasNext())
         one_doc_llh += LogGamma(iter.Value() + Config::alpha);
     one_doc_llh += (Config::num_topics - nonzero_num)
         * LogGamma(Config::alpha);
     one_doc_llh -= LogGamma(doc->Size() + 
         Config::alpha * Config::num_topics);
     return one_doc_llh;
double BirthDeathImmuneUpdater::Logposterior(double value, curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars)
  curr_par_obj* ptr;
  double deathdatemultiplier=0.0;
  double runcount;
  double loglike;
  double kappa = hyperpar[0];
  double theta = hyperpar[1];
  if(value == current_value[0])
      ptr = current_values;
      if(value == proposal_value[0])
	  ptr = temp_parameters;
	  cout << "BirthDeathImmuneUpdater Error: neither proposal nor current value entered into log posterior" << endl;
  if(ptr->Deathdate() < ptr->T)
      deathdatemultiplier = global_pars->survival_rate[ptr->Deathdate()];
  loglike = (ptr->Is_immune())*log(global_pars->immune_rate) + (1-ptr->Is_immune())*( log(1.0-global_pars->immune_rate) + log(1.0-deathdatemultiplier) + sum_nonoff_transitions );

  loglike += LogGamma((double)(ptr->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa)  - ((double)(ptr->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa)*log((double)(ptr->NumOffSeq()) + (1.0/theta) );
  runcount = (double)first_nonoff_transition - (double)(ptr->Birthdate());
  if( runcount > 0)
    loglike -= LogGamma(runcount + 1.0);
  runcount = (double)(ptr->Deathdate()) - (double)last_nonoff_transition;
  if( runcount > 0)
    loglike -= LogGamma(runcount + 1.0);

예제 #16
void LDAStats::ComputeWordLLHSummary(int32_t ith_llh, int iter) {
  double word_llh = log_topic_normalizer_;
  // log(\prod_j (1 / \gamma(n_j^* + W\beta))) term.
  petuum::RowAccessor summary_row_acc;
  summary_table_.Get(0, &summary_row_acc);
  const auto& summary_row = summary_row_acc.Get<petuum::DenseRow<int32_t> >();
  for (int k = 0; k < K_; ++k) {
    word_llh -= LogGamma(summary_row[k] + beta_sum_);
    CHECK_EQ(word_llh, word_llh)
      << "word_llh is nan after -LogGamma(summary_row[k] + beta_). "
      << "summary_row[k] = " << summary_row[k];
  CHECK_EQ(word_llh, word_llh) << "word_llh is nan.";
  llh_table_.Inc(ith_llh, kColIdxLLHTableLLH, word_llh);

  // Since only 1 client should call this ComputeWordLLH, we set the first
  // column to be iter-#
  llh_table_.Inc(ith_llh, kColIdxLLHTableIter, static_cast<double>(iter));
예제 #17
LDAStats::LDAStats() {
  // Topic model parameters.
  Context& context = Context::get_instance();
  K_ = context.get_int32("num_topics");
  V_ = context.get_int32("num_vocabs");
  CHECK_NE(-1, V_);
  beta_ = context.get_double("beta");
  beta_sum_ = beta_ * V_;
  alpha_ = context.get_double("alpha");
  alpha_sum_ = K_ * alpha_;

  for (int i = 0; i < kNumLogGammaAlpha_; ++i) {
    loggamma_alpha_offset_[i] = LogGamma(i + alpha_);
  for (int i = 0; i < kNumLogGammaAlphaSum_; ++i) {
    loggamma_alpha_sum_offset_[i] = LogGamma(i + alpha_sum_);
  for (int i = 0; i < kNumLogGammaBeta_; ++i) {
    loggamma_beta_offset_[i] = LogGamma(i + beta_);

  // Precompute LLH parameters
  log_doc_normalizer_ = LogGamma(alpha_sum_) - K_ * LogGamma(alpha_);
  log_topic_normalizer_ = K_ * (LogGamma(beta_sum_) - V_ * LogGamma(beta_));

  // PS tables.
  int32_t summary_table_id = context.get_int32("summary_table_id");
  int32_t word_topic_table_id = context.get_int32("word_topic_table_id");
  int32_t llh_table_id = context.get_int32("llh_table_id");
  summary_table_ = petuum::PSTableGroup::GetTableOrDie<int>(summary_table_id);
  word_topic_table_ = petuum::PSTableGroup::GetTableOrDie<int>(
  llh_table_ = petuum::PSTableGroup::GetTableOrDie<double>(llh_table_id);
void StateUpdater::Propose(curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars)
  double val;
  int range;
  int end_range;
  short int original_state;
  short int states_to_choose[2];
  int pre_index_nondecay;
  int post_index_nondecay;
  int path_off_off_transitions;
  int path_num_off_runs;
  int j;
  double alphaval;
  double lambdaval;
  double spikemult;
  int beginend[4];
  int addsub[2];
  vector<double> prop1_trans;
  vector<double> prop1_pois;
  vector<double> prop2_trans;
  vector<double> prop2_pois;
  vector<double> curr_trans;
  vector<double> curr_pois;
  double s1, s2, s3;
  double kappa, theta;
  kappa = hyperpar[0];
  theta = hyperpar[1];
  curr_hfun1 = curr_hfun2 = prop_hfun1 = prop_hfun2 = 0.0;

  /*uniform assumption of weights */
  if(current_values->Deathdate() >= current_values->T)
    end_range = current_values->T-1;
    end_range = current_values->Deathdate();
  //range = end_range - current_values->birthdate + 1;
  distributions->Simulate(3, 1, &val, (double)current_values->Birthdate(), (double)(end_range)+1.0);
  index_selected = (int)floor(val);
  if( (index_selected > end_range) || (index_selected < current_values->Birthdate()))
      cout << "In StateUpdater::Logposterior : index selected is out of range" << endl;
      cout << "_" << data->uid << "_" << index_selected << "_" << "ct_" << data->GetTotalCount(index_selected);
  //  if((index_selected != current_values->beginval) && (index_selected != current_values->endval))
  // {
  //	if((current_values->state[index_selected - 1] == 1) || (current_values->state[index_selected + 1] == 1))
  //cout << endl << " spike vicinty : "<< current_values->state[index_selected - 1] << " " << current_values->state[index_selected] << " " << current_values->state[index_selected + 1] << endl;
  //      }
  original_state = current_values->State(index_selected);
  current_value[0] = (double) original_state;
  PathToChange(index_selected, current_values, data, beginend);
  pre_index_nondecay = beginend[0];
  post_index_nondecay = beginend[1];
  path_off_off_transitions = beginend[2];
  path_num_off_runs = beginend[3];

  curr_hfun1 = EtaPropH(index_selected,pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, data, temp_parameters, global_pars, &(curr_trans), &(curr_pois));
  if(data->GetTotalCount(index_selected) > 0)
      /* This may need to be adapted for transition states with prob 0 (eg spike->spike)  */
      if(temp_parameters->State(index_selected) == 1)
	proposal_value[0] = 2;
	proposal_value[0] = 1;
      states_to_choose[0] = (short int)(proposal_value[0]);
      states_to_choose[1] = -1;
      temp_parameters->SetState(index_selected, (short int)(proposal_value[0]  ));
      prop_hfun1 = EtaPropH(index_selected, pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, data, temp_parameters, global_pars, &(prop1_trans), &(prop1_pois));
      if(prop_hfun1 == (-1.0*INFINITY))
	  //cout << endl << prop_hfun1 << endl << (short int)prop_hfun1 ;
	  //cout << endl << "Cannot change state: " << endl << "st:"<< current_values->state[max(0,index_selected - 1)] << " " << original_state << " " << current_values->state[min(current_values->T, index_selected + 1)] << endl << "fl:"<< data->fl[max(0,index_selected - 1)] << " " << data->fl[index_selected] << " " << data->fl[min(current_values->T, index_selected + 1)] << endl;
	  proposal_value[0] = original_state;
      prop_hfun2 = 0.0;
      curr_hfun2 = 0.0;
      temp_parameters->SetState(index_selected, original_state);
      /* y = 0; choose between two other states */
      /*And do a lambda update as well*/
      prop_hfun2 = 0.0;
      curr_hfun2 = 0.0;
      j = 0;
      spikemult = 0.5;
      if(original_state != 0)
	  states_to_choose[j] = 0;
      if(original_state != 2)
	  states_to_choose[j] = 2;
      if(original_state != 1)
	  states_to_choose[j] = 1;
          spikemult = 0.8;
      distributions->Simulate(3, 1, &alphaval, 0.0, 1.0);
      if(alphaval < (spikemult))
	proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[0];
	proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[1];
      temp_parameters->SetState(index_selected, (short int)(proposal_value[0]));
      //cout << "current state = " << (int)(original_state) << " num-off-off, num-off-seq = " << current_values->NumOffOffTrans() << ", " << current_values->NumOffSeq() << endl;
      //cout << "proposed state= " << (int)(proposal_value[0]) << " num-off-off, num-off-seq = " << temp_parameters->NumOffOffTrans() << ", " << temp_parameters->NumOffSeq() << endl;

      //if(temp_parameters->NumOffSeq() > 0)
      distributions->Simulate(4,1, &lambdaval,(double)(temp_parameters->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa,(double)1.0/(((double)(temp_parameters->NumOffSeq()))+ (1.0/theta) ));

	//lambdaval = current_values->off_lambda;
      //cout << "Lambda simulated = " << lambdaval << " current = " << current_values->off_lambda << endl;
      /*  if(  (lambdaval < hyperpar[0]) || (lambdaval > hyperpar[1]))
	  lambdaval = current_values->off_lambda;
	  //proposal_value[0] = (double)(current_values->State(index_selected));
	  temp_parameters->off_lambda = lambdaval;	  

      prop_hfun1 = EtaPropH(index_selected, pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, data, temp_parameters, global_pars, &(prop1_trans), &(prop1_pois));

      //add in log jump probabilities
      prop_hfun1 += LogSpikeProb(0.8, (short int)original_state, (short int)(proposal_value[0]));
      curr_hfun1 += LogSpikeProb(0.8, (short int)(proposal_value[0]), (short int)original_state);
      //add in the extra bits from the gamma proposal constants
      prop_hfun1 += LogGamma((double)((double)(temp_parameters->NumOffOffTrans()) + hyperpar[0]));
      curr_hfun1 += LogGamma((double)((double)(current_values->NumOffOffTrans()) + hyperpar[0])); 
      prop_hfun1 += (double)((double)(current_values->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa)*log((double)(current_values->NumOffSeq()) + (1.0/theta)   );
	  //curr_hfun1 += ScaledGammaLogConstant(hyperpar[0], hyperpar[1], (double)(current_values->NumOffOffTrans())+1.0 , 1.0/double(current_values->NumOffSeq()));
      curr_hfun1 += (double)((double)(temp_parameters->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa)*log((double)(temp_parameters->NumOffSeq()) + (1.0/theta) );
      //prop_hfun1 += ScaledGammaLogConstant(hyperpar[0], hyperpar[1], (double)(temp_parameters->NumOffOffTrans())+1.0 , 1.0/double(temp_parameters->NumOffSeq()));

      //last bit: add in the exp for the additional path variables      
      //get addition/subtraction values for the proposed path as opposed to original
      StateRunChanges(current_values, temp_parameters, index_selected, pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, addsub);
      prop_hfun1 += temp_parameters->off_lambda*( (double)path_num_off_runs + (double)(addsub[1]) );
      curr_hfun1 += current_values->off_lambda*((double)path_num_off_runs);
      prop_hfun1 += -1.0*((double)path_off_off_transitions + (double)(addsub[0]))* log(temp_parameters->off_lambda);
      curr_hfun1 += -1.0*((double)path_off_off_transitions)*log(current_values->off_lambda);	  
      for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
	  temp_parameters->SetState(index_selected, states_to_choose[j]);
	  if(j == 0)
	    prop_hfun1 = EtaPropH(index_selected, pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, data, temp_parameters, global_pars, &(prop1_trans), &(prop1_pois));
	  if(j == 1)
	    prop_hfun2 = EtaPropH(index_selected, pre_index_nondecay, post_index_nondecay, data, temp_parameters, global_pars, &(prop2_trans), &(prop2_pois));
      if( ( prop_hfun1 == (-1.0*INFINITY)) || (prop_hfun2 == (-1.0*INFINITY)))
	  //cout << endl<<"_ct_0s impossible jump " << endl;
	  //cout << endl << "_ct_0s Cannot change state at index: "<< index_selected << endl << "_ct_0s st:"<< current_values->state[max(0,index_selected - 1)] << " " << original_state << " " << current_values->state[min(current_values->T, index_selected + 1)] << endl << "_ct_0s fl:"<< data->fl[max(0,index_selected - 1)] << " " << data->fl[index_selected] << " " << data->fl[min(current_values->T, index_selected + 1)] << endl;
	  if(prop_hfun1 != (-1.0*INFINITY))
	    proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[0];
	    if(prop_hfun2 != (-1.0*INFINITY))
	      proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[1];
	      proposal_value[0] = original_state;
	  distributions->Simulate(3, 1, &alphaval, 0.0, 1.0 + exp(prop_hfun2 - prop_hfun1));
	  if(alphaval < 1.0)
	      proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[0];
	      curr_hfun2 = prop_hfun1;
	      proposal_value[0] = states_to_choose[1];
	      curr_hfun2 = prop_hfun2;
예제 #19
파일: gamma.hpp 프로젝트: rncarpio/py_tsg
 inline double lgamma(double x) { return LogGamma(x); }
예제 #20
double LDAStats::GetLogGammaBetaOffset(int val) {
  if (val < kNumLogGammaBeta_) {
    return loggamma_beta_offset_[val];
  return LogGamma(val + beta_);
예제 #21
파일: WinMath.cpp 프로젝트: ecraven/pioneer
void TestLogGamma()
	struct TestCase {
		double input;
		double expected;

	TestCase test[] = {
		{ 1e-12, 27.6310211159 },
		{ 0.9999, 5.77297915613e-05 },
		{ 1.0001, -5.77133422205e-05 },
		{ 3.1, 0.787375083274 },
		{ 6.3, 5.30734288962 },
		{ 11.9999, 17.5020635801 },
		{ 12, 17.5023078459 },
		{ 12.0001, 17.5025521125 },
		{ 27.4, 62.5755868211 }

	size_t numTests = sizeof(test) / sizeof(TestCase);

	double worst_absolute_error = 0.0;
	double worst_relative_error = 0.0;
	size_t worst_absolute_error_case = 0;
	size_t worst_relative_error_case = 0;

	for (size_t t = 0; t < numTests; t++) {
		double computed = LogGamma(test[t].input);
		double absolute_error = fabs(computed - test[t].expected);
		double relative_error = absolute_error / test[t].expected;

		if (absolute_error > worst_absolute_error) {
			worst_absolute_error = absolute_error;
			worst_absolute_error_case = t;

		if (relative_error > worst_relative_error) {
			worst_relative_error = absolute_error;
			worst_relative_error_case = t;

	size_t t = worst_absolute_error_case;
	double x = test[t].input;
	double y = test[t].expected;
	std::cout << "Worst absolute error: "
			  << fabs(LogGamma(x) - y)
			  << "\nGamma( "
			  << x
			  << ") computed as "
			  << LogGamma(x)
			  << " but exact value is "
			  << y
			  << "\n";

	t = worst_relative_error_case;
	x = test[t].input;
	y = test[t].expected;
	std::cout << "Worst relative error: "
			  << (LogGamma(x) - y) / y
			  << "\nGamma( "
			  << x
			  << ") computed as "
			  << LogGamma(x)
			  << " but exact value is "
			  << y
			  << "\n";
예제 #22
파일: WinMath.cpp 프로젝트: ecraven/pioneer
double Gamma(
	double x // We require x > 0
	if (x <= 0.0) {
		std::stringstream os;
		os << "Invalid input argument " << x << ". Argument must be positive.";
		throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());

	// Split the function domain into three intervals:
	// (0, 0.001), [0.001, 12), and (12, infinity)

	// First interval: (0, 0.001)
	// For small x, 1/Gamma(x) has power series x + gamma x^2  - ...
	// So in this range, 1/Gamma(x) = x + gamma x^2 with error on the order of x^3.
	// The relative error over this interval is less than 6e-7.

	const double gamma = 0.577215664901532860606512090; // Euler's gamma constant

	if (x < 0.001)
		return 1.0 / (x * (1.0 + gamma * x));

	// Second interval: [0.001, 12)

	if (x < 12.0) {
		// The algorithm directly approximates gamma over (1,2) and uses
		// reduction identities to reduce other arguments to this interval.

		double y = x;
		int n = 0;
		bool arg_was_less_than_one = (y < 1.0);

		// Add or subtract integers as necessary to bring y into (1,2)
		// Will correct for this below
		if (arg_was_less_than_one) {
			y += 1.0;
		} else {
			n = static_cast<int>(floor(y)) - 1; // will use n later
			y -= n;

		// numerator coefficients for approximation over the interval (1,2)
		static const double p[] = {

		// denominator coefficients for approximation over the interval (1,2)
		static const double q[] = {

		double num = 0.0;
		double den = 1.0;
		int i;

		double z = y - 1;
		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			num = (num + p[i]) * z;
			den = den * z + q[i];
		double result = num / den + 1.0;

		// Apply correction if argument was not initially in (1,2)
		if (arg_was_less_than_one) {
			// Use identity gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z
			// The variable "result" now holds gamma of the original y + 1
			// Thus we use y-1 to get back the orginal y.
			result /= (y - 1.0);
		} else {
			// Use the identity gamma(z+n) = z*(z+1)* ... *(z+n-1)*gamma(z)
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				result *= y++;

		return result;

	// Third interval: [12, infinity)

	if (x > 171.624) {
		// Correct answer too large to display. Force +infinity.
		double temp = DBL_MAX;
		return temp * 2.0;

	return exp(LogGamma(x));
예제 #23
파일: lda_stats.cpp 프로젝트: MLDL/lightlda
	double LDAStats::ComputeOneSliceWordLLH(
		ModelSlice& word_topic_table,
		int32_t thread_id) {
		double word_llh = 0;
		double zero_entry_llh = LogGamma(beta_);

		for (int32_t word_index = Begin(thread_id);
			word_index != End(thread_id);
			++word_index) {
			int32_t num_entries = 0;
			hybrid_map row = word_topic_table.GetRowByIndex(word_index);

			int32_t total_count = 0;
			double delta = 0;
			if (row.is_dense()) {
				int32_t* memory = row.memory();
				int32_t capacity = row.capacity();
				int32_t count;
				for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
					count = memory[i];
					CHECK_LE(0, count) << "negative count . " << count;
					total_count += count;
					delta += LogGamma(count + beta_);
			else {
				int32_t* key = row.key();
				int32_t* value = row.value();
				int32_t capacity = row.capacity();
				int32_t count = 0;
				int32_t nonzero_num = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
					if (key[i] > 0) {
						count = value[i];
						CHECK_LE(0, count) << "negative count . " << count;
						total_count += count;
						delta += LogGamma(count + beta_);
				if (nonzero_num != 0) delta += (K_ - nonzero_num) * zero_entry_llh;

			if (total_count) {
				word_llh += delta;

			// int32_t word = word_topic_table.SliceId() * slice_size_ + word_index;
			// int32_t word = local_vocab_->IndexToWord()
			//for (int k = 0; k < K_; ++k) {
			//	int32_t count = word_topic_table.GetIndexTopicCount(word_index, k); //GetWordTopicCount(word, k);
			//	CHECK_GE(count, 0) << "Negative count";
			//	if (count > 0) {
			//		word_llh += LogGamma(count + beta_);
			//		++num_entries;
			//	}
			//if (num_entries != 0) {
			//	word_llh += (K_ - num_entries) * zero_entry_llh;
		CHECK_EQ(word_llh, word_llh) << "word_llh is nan.";
		return word_llh;
예제 #24
double LDAStats::GetLogGammaAlphaSumOffset(int val) {
  if (val < kNumLogGammaAlphaSum_) {
    return loggamma_alpha_sum_offset_[val];
  return LogGamma(val + alpha_sum_);