예제 #1
파일: log.c 프로젝트: TonyAlloa/miranda-dev
static int Log_AppendRTF(LOGSTREAMDATA* streamData, BOOL simpleMode, char **buffer, int *cbBufferEnd, int *cbBufferAlloced, const TCHAR *fmt, ...)
	va_list va;
	int lineLen, textCharsCount=0;
	TCHAR* line = (TCHAR*)alloca(8001 * sizeof(TCHAR));
	char* d;

	va_start(va, fmt);
	lineLen = _vsntprintf( line, 8000, fmt, va);
	if (lineLen < 0) lineLen = 8000;
	line[lineLen] = 0;

	lineLen = lineLen*20 + 8;
	if (*cbBufferEnd + lineLen > *cbBufferAlloced) {
		cbBufferAlloced[0] += (lineLen + 1024 - lineLen % 1024);
		*buffer = (char *) mir_realloc(*buffer, *cbBufferAlloced);

	d = *buffer + *cbBufferEnd;

	for (; *line; line++, textCharsCount++) {
		if (*line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n') {
			CopyMemory(d, "\\par ", 5);
			d += 5;
		else if (*line == '\n') {
			CopyMemory(d, "\\line ", 6);
			d += 6;
		else if (*line == '%' && !simpleMode ) {
			char szTemp[200];

			szTemp[0] = '\0';
			switch ( *++line ) {
			case '\0':
			case '%':
				*d++ = '%';

			case 'c':
			case 'f':
				if (g_Settings.StripFormat || streamData->bStripFormat)
					line += 2;

				else if ( line[1] != '\0' && line[2] != '\0') {
					TCHAR szTemp3[3], c = *line;
					int col;
					szTemp3[0] = line[1];
					szTemp3[1] = line[2];
					szTemp3[2] = '\0';
					line += 2;

					col = _ttoi(szTemp3);
					col += (OPTIONS_FONTCOUNT + 1);
					mir_snprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), ( c == 'c' ) ? "\\cf%u " : "\\highlight%u ", col);
			case 'C':
			case 'F':
				if ( !g_Settings.StripFormat && !streamData->bStripFormat) {
					int j = streamData->lin->bIsHighlighted ? 16 : EventToIndex(streamData->lin);
					if ( *line == 'C' )
						mir_snprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), "\\cf%u ", j+1);
						mir_snprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), "\\highlight0 ");
			case 'b':
			case 'u':
			case 'i':
				if ( !streamData->bStripFormat )
					mir_snprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), (*line == 'u') ? "\\%cl " : "\\%c ", *line );

			case 'B':
			case 'U':
			case 'I':
				if ( !streamData->bStripFormat ) {
					mir_snprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), (*line == 'U') ? "\\%cl0 " : "\\%c0 ", *line );
					CharLowerA( szTemp );

			case 'r':
				if ( !streamData->bStripFormat ) {
					int index = EventToIndex(streamData->lin);
					mir_snprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), "%s ", Log_SetStyle(index, index));

			if ( szTemp[0] ) {
				int iLen = lstrlenA(szTemp);
				memcpy( d, szTemp, iLen );
				d += iLen;
		else if (*line == '\t' && !streamData->bStripFormat) {
			CopyMemory(d, "\\tab ", 5);
			d += 5;
		else if ((*line == '\\' || *line == '{' || *line == '}') && !streamData->bStripFormat) {
			*d++ = '\\';
			*d++ = (char) *line;
		else if (*line > 0 && *line < 128) {
			*d++ = (char) *line;
		#if defined( _UNICODE )
			else d += sprintf(d, "\\u%u ?", (WORD)*line);
			else d += sprintf(d, "\\'%02x", (BYTE)*line);
예제 #2
char* Log_CreateRTF(LOGSTREAMDATA *streamData)
	MODULEINFO *mi = ci.MM_FindModule(streamData->si->pszModule);

	// guesstimate amount of memory for the RTF
	size_t bufferEnd = 0, bufferAlloced = streamData->bRedraw ? 1024 * (streamData->si->iEventCount + 2) : 2048;
	char *buffer = (char *)mir_alloc(bufferAlloced);
	buffer[0] = '\0';

	// ### RTF HEADER
	char *header = mi->pszHeader;
	if (header)
		Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, header);

	// ### RTF BODY (one iteration per event that should be streamed in)
	for (LOGINFO *lin = streamData->lin; lin; lin = lin->prev) {
		// filter
		if (streamData->si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || streamData->si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS)
			if (streamData->si->bFilterEnabled && (streamData->si->iLogFilterFlags & lin->iType) == 0)

		// create new line, and set font and color
		if (lin->next != NULL)
			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\par ");
		Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", Log_SetStyle(0));

		// Insert icon
		if ((lin->iType & g_Settings->dwIconFlags) || lin->bIsHighlighted && (g_Settings->dwIconFlags & GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT)) {
			int iIndex = (lin->bIsHighlighted && g_Settings->dwIconFlags & GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT) ? ICON_HIGHLIGHT : EventToIcon(lin);
			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\f0\\fs14");
			while (bufferAlloced - bufferEnd < logIconBmpSize[0])
				bufferAlloced += 4096;
			buffer = (char *)mir_realloc(buffer, bufferAlloced);
			memcpy(buffer + bufferEnd, pLogIconBmpBits[iIndex], logIconBmpSize[iIndex]);
			bufferEnd += logIconBmpSize[iIndex];

		if (g_Settings->bTimeStampEventColour) {
			LOGFONT &lf = ci.aFonts[0].lf;

			// colored timestamps
			static char szStyle[256];
			if (lin->ptszNick && lin->iType == GC_EVENT_MESSAGE) {
				int iii = lin->bIsHighlighted ? 16 : (lin->bIsMe ? 2 : 1);
				mir_snprintf(szStyle, _countof(szStyle), "\\f0\\cf%u\\ul0\\highlight0\\b%d\\i%d\\fs%u", iii + 1, lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD ? 1 : 0, lf.lfItalic, 2 * abs(lf.lfHeight) * 74 / ci.logPixelSY);
				Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", szStyle);
			else {
				int iii = lin->bIsHighlighted ? 16 : EventToIndex(lin);
				mir_snprintf(szStyle, _countof(szStyle), "\\f0\\cf%u\\ul0\\highlight0\\b%d\\i%d\\fs%u", iii + 1, lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD ? 1 : 0, lf.lfItalic, 2 * abs(lf.lfHeight) * 74 / ci.logPixelSY);
				Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", szStyle);
		else Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", Log_SetStyle(0));

		if (g_Settings->dwIconFlags)
			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\tab ");

		//insert timestamp
		if (g_Settings->bShowTime) {
			TCHAR szTimeStamp[30], szOldTimeStamp[30];

			mir_tstrncpy(szTimeStamp, MakeTimeStamp(g_Settings->pszTimeStamp, lin->time), 30);
			mir_tstrncpy(szOldTimeStamp, MakeTimeStamp(g_Settings->pszTimeStamp, streamData->si->LastTime), 30);
			if (!g_Settings->bShowTimeIfChanged || streamData->si->LastTime == 0 || mir_tstrcmp(szTimeStamp, szOldTimeStamp)) {
				streamData->si->LastTime = lin->time;
				Log_AppendRTF(streamData, TRUE, buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, _T("%s"), szTimeStamp);
			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\tab ");

		// Insert the nick
		if (lin->ptszNick && lin->iType == GC_EVENT_MESSAGE) {
			TCHAR pszTemp[300], *p1;

			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", Log_SetStyle(lin->bIsMe ? 2 : 1));
			mir_tstrncpy(pszTemp, lin->bIsMe ? g_Settings->pszOutgoingNick : g_Settings->pszIncomingNick, 299);
			p1 = _tcsstr(pszTemp, _T("%n"));
			if (p1)
				p1[1] = 's';

			Log_AppendRTF(streamData, TRUE, buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, pszTemp, lin->ptszNick);
			Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, " ");

		// Insert the message
		Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "%s ", Log_SetStyle(lin->bIsHighlighted ? 16 : EventToIndex(lin)));
		streamData->lin = lin;
		AddEventToBuffer(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, streamData);

	// ### RTF END
	if (streamData->bRedraw)
		Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "\\par}");
		Log_Append(buffer, bufferEnd, bufferAlloced, "}");
	return buffer;