void Clock::tick()

    if ((getId() == 1) || (getId() == 2)) {
        Log_info4("id %d : %d:%d:%d", getId(), hour, minute, second);
        Log_info5("id %d : %s %d, %d%d", getId(), (IArg)months[month-1], day, century, year);

     * Change selected function to alter clock rate
//  setMicrosecond();
//  setMillisecond();
//  setMinute();
//  setDay(); 
 * @fn      Data_Service_WriteAttrCB
 * @brief   Validate attribute data prior to a write operation
 * @param   connHandle - connection message was received on
 * @param   pAttr - pointer to attribute
 * @param   pValue - pointer to data to be written
 * @param   len - length of data
 * @param   offset - offset of the first octet to be written
 * @param   method - type of write message
 * @return  SUCCESS, blePending or Failure
static bStatus_t Data_Service_WriteAttrCB( uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr,
                                        uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset,
                                        uint8_t method )
  bStatus_t status  = SUCCESS;
  uint8_t   paramID = 0xFF;
  uint8_t   changeParamID = 0xFF;
  uint16_t writeLenMin;
  uint16_t writeLenMax;
  uint16_t *pValueLenVar;

  // See if request is regarding a Client Characterisic Configuration
  if (ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE == pAttr->type.len && GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID == *(uint16_t *)pAttr->type.uuid)
    Log_info3("WriteAttrCB (CCCD): param: %d connHandle: %d %s",
              (IArg)(method == GATT_LOCAL_WRITE?"- restoring bonded state":"- OTA write"));

    // Allow notification and indication, but do not check if really allowed per CCCD.
    status = GATTServApp_ProcessCCCWriteReq( connHandle, pAttr, pValue, len,
                                             offset, GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY |
                                                     GATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE );
    if (SUCCESS == status && pAppCBs && pAppCBs->pfnCfgChangeCb)
       pAppCBs->pfnCfgChangeCb( connHandle, DATA_SERVICE_SERV_UUID,
                                Data_Service_findCharParamId(pAttr), pValue, len );

     return status;

  // Find settings for the characteristic to be written.
  paramID = Data_Service_findCharParamId( pAttr );
  switch ( paramID )
    case DS_STRING_ID:
      writeLenMin  = DS_STRING_LEN_MIN;
      writeLenMax  = DS_STRING_LEN;
      pValueLenVar = &ds_StringValLen;

      Log_info5("WriteAttrCB : %s connHandle(%d) len(%d) offset(%d) method(0x%02x)",
      /* Other considerations for String can be inserted here */

    case DS_STREAM_ID:
      writeLenMin  = DS_STREAM_LEN_MIN;
      writeLenMax  = DS_STREAM_LEN;
      pValueLenVar = &ds_StreamValLen;

      Log_info5("WriteAttrCB : %s connHandle(%d) len(%d) offset(%d) method(0x%02x)",
      /* Other considerations for Stream can be inserted here */

      Log_error0("Attribute was not found.");
      return ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND;
  // Check whether the length is within bounds.
  if ( offset >= writeLenMax )
    Log_error0("An invalid offset was requested.");
  else if ( offset + len > writeLenMax )
    Log_error0("Invalid value length was received.");
  else if ( offset + len < writeLenMin && ( method == ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ || method == ATT_WRITE_REQ ) )
    // Refuse writes that are lower than minimum.
    // Note: Cannot determine if a Reliable Write (to several chars) is finished, so those will
    //       only be refused if this attribute is the last in the queue (method is execute).
    //       Otherwise, reliable writes are accepted and parsed piecemeal.
    Log_error0("Invalid value length was received.");
    // Copy pValue into the variable we point to from the attribute table.
    memcpy(pAttr->pValue + offset, pValue, len);

    // Only notify application and update length if enough data is written.
    // Note: If reliable writes are used (meaning several attributes are written to using ATT PrepareWrite),
    //       the application will get a callback for every write with an offset + len larger than _LEN_MIN.
    // Note: For Long Writes (ATT Prepare + Execute towards only one attribute) only one callback will be issued,
    //       because the write fragments are concatenated before being sent here.
    if ( offset + len >= writeLenMin )
      changeParamID = paramID;
      *pValueLenVar = offset + len; // Update data length.

  // Let the application know something changed (if it did) by using the
  // callback it registered earlier (if it did).
  if (changeParamID != 0xFF)
    if ( pAppCBs && pAppCBs->pfnChangeCb )
      pAppCBs->pfnChangeCb( connHandle, DATA_SERVICE_SERV_UUID, paramID, pValue, len+offset ); // Call app function from stack task context.

  return status;