bool OptionsDialog::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if(event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) { if(object == ui->proxyIp) { CService addr; /* Check proxyIp for a valid IPv4/IPv6 address and emit the proxyIpValid signal */ emit proxyIpValid(ui->proxyIp, LookupNumeric(ui->proxyIp->text().toStdString().c_str(), addr)); } } return QDialog::eventFilter(object, event); }
CService HTTPRequest::GetPeer() { evhttp_connection* con = evhttp_request_get_connection(req); CService peer; if (con) { // evhttp retains ownership over returned address string const char* address = ""; uint16_t port = 0; evhttp_connection_get_peer(con, (char**)&address, &port); peer = LookupNumeric(address, port); } return peer; }
bool OptionsDialog::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if(event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) { if(object == ui->proxyIp) { CService addr; emit proxyIpValid(ui->proxyIp, LookupNumeric(ui->proxyIp->text().toStdString().c_str(), addr)); } } return QDialog::eventFilter(object, event); }
bool OptionsDialog::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (object == ui->proxyIp && event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) { // Check proxyIP for a valid IPv4/IPv6 address CService addr; if (!LookupNumeric(ui->proxyIp->text().toStdString().c_str(), addr)) { ui->proxyIp->setValid(false); fProxyIpValid = false; ui->statusLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }"); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("The supplied proxy address is invalid.")); emit proxyIpValid(false); } else { fProxyIpValid = true; ui->statusLabel->clear(); emit proxyIpValid(true); } } return QDialog::eventFilter(object, event); }
void OptionsDialog::doProxyIpChecks(QValidatedLineEdit *pUiProxyIp, int nProxyPort) { Q_UNUSED(nProxyPort); CService addrProxy; /* Check for a valid IPv4 / IPv6 address */ if (!(fProxyIpsValid = LookupNumeric(pUiProxyIp->text().toStdString().c_str(), addrProxy))) { disableOkButton(); pUiProxyIp->setValid(false); ui->statusLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }"); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("The supplied proxy address is invalid.")); } else { enableOkButton(); ui->statusLabel->clear(); } }
void TorController::add_onion_cb(TorControlConnection& _conn, const TorControlReply& reply) { if (reply.code == 250) { LogPrint("tor", "tor: ADD_ONION successful\n"); BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &s, reply.lines) { std::map<std::string,std::string> m = ParseTorReplyMapping(s); std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator i; if ((i = m.find("ServiceID")) != m.end()) service_id = i->second; if ((i = m.find("PrivateKey")) != m.end()) private_key = i->second; } service = LookupNumeric(std::string(service_id+".onion").c_str(), GetListenPort()); LogPrintf("tor: Got service ID %s, advertising service %s\n", service_id, service.ToString()); if (WriteBinaryFile(GetPrivateKeyFile(), private_key)) { LogPrint("tor", "tor: Cached service private key to %s\n", GetPrivateKeyFile()); } else { LogPrintf("tor: Error writing service private key to %s\n", GetPrivateKeyFile()); } AddLocal(service, LOCAL_MANUAL); // ... onion requested - keep connection open } else if (reply.code == 510) { // 510 Unrecognized command
bool static TestParse(std::string src, std::string canon) { CService addr(LookupNumeric(src.c_str(), 65535)); return canon == addr.ToString(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); setbuf(stdout, nullptr); CDnsSeedOpts opts; opts.ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); printf("Supporting whitelisted filters: "); for (std::set<uint64_t>::const_iterator it = opts.filter_whitelist.begin(); it != opts.filter_whitelist.end(); it++) { if (it != opts.filter_whitelist.begin()) { printf(","); } printf("0x%lx", (unsigned long)*it); } printf("\n"); if (opts.tor) { CService service(LookupNumeric(opts.tor, 9050)); if (service.IsValid()) { printf("Using Tor proxy at %s\n", service.ToStringIPPort().c_str()); SetProxy(NET_TOR, service); } } if (opts.ipv4_proxy) { CService service(LookupNumeric(opts.ipv4_proxy, 9050)); if (service.IsValid()) { printf("Using IPv4 proxy at %s\n", service.ToStringIPPort().c_str()); SetProxy(NET_IPV4, service); } } if (opts.ipv6_proxy) { CService service(LookupNumeric(opts.ipv6_proxy, 9050)); if (service.IsValid()) { printf("Using IPv6 proxy at %s\n", service.ToStringIPPort().c_str()); SetProxy(NET_IPV6, service); } } bool fDNS = true; if (opts.fUseTestNet) { printf("Using testnet.\n"); netMagic[0] = 0xf4; netMagic[1] = 0xe5; netMagic[2] = 0xf3; netMagic[3] = 0xf4; seeds = testnet_seeds; fTestNet = true; } if (!opts.ns) { printf("No nameserver set. Not starting DNS server.\n"); fDNS = false; } if (fDNS && ! { fprintf(stderr, "No hostname set. Please use -h.\n"); exit(1); } if (fDNS && !opts.mbox) { fprintf(stderr, "No e-mail address set. Please use -m.\n"); exit(1); } FILE *f = fopen("dnsseed.dat", "r"); if (f) { printf("Loading dnsseed.dat..."); CAutoFile cf(f, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); cf >> db; if (opts.fWipeBan) db.banned.clear(); if (opts.fWipeIgnore) db.ResetIgnores(); printf("done\n"); } pthread_t threadDns, threadSeed, threadDump, threadStats; if (fDNS) { printf("Starting %i DNS threads for %s on %s (port %i)...", opts.nDnsThreads,, opts.ns, opts.nPort); dnsThread.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < opts.nDnsThreads; i++) { dnsThread.push_back(new CDnsThread(&opts, i)); pthread_create(&threadDns, nullptr, ThreadDNS, dnsThread[i]); printf("."); Sleep(20); } printf("done\n"); } printf("Starting seeder..."); pthread_create(&threadSeed, nullptr, ThreadSeeder, nullptr); printf("done\n"); printf("Starting %i crawler threads...", opts.nThreads); pthread_attr_t attr_crawler; pthread_attr_init(&attr_crawler); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr_crawler, 0x20000); for (int i = 0; i < opts.nThreads; i++) { pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, &attr_crawler, ThreadCrawler, &opts.nThreads); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr_crawler); printf("done\n"); pthread_create(&threadStats, nullptr, ThreadStats, nullptr); pthread_create(&threadDump, nullptr, ThreadDumper, nullptr); void *res; pthread_join(threadDump, &res); return 0; }