예제 #1
/* Store in the rightface field of each edge the number of the face on
   the right hand side of that edge.  Faces are numbered 0,1,....  Also
   store in facestart[i] an example of an edge in the clockwise orientation
   of the face boundary, and the size of the face in facesize[i], for each i.
   Returns the number of faces. */
void makeDual() {
    register int i, sz;
    register EDGE *e, *ex, *ef, *efx;


    nf = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {

        e = ex = firstedge[i];
        do {
            if (!ISMARKEDLO(e)) {
                facestart[nf] = ef = efx = e;
                faceSets[nf] = EMPTY_SET;
                sz = 0;
                do {
                    ef->rightface = nf;
                    ADD(faceSets[nf], ef->end);
                    ef = ef->inverse->prev;
                } while (ef != efx);
                faceSize[nf] = sz;
            e = e->next;
        } while (e != ex);
예제 #2
/* Store in the rightface field of each edge the number of the face on
   the right hand side of that edge.  Faces are numbered 0,1,....  Also
   store in facestart[i] an example of an edge in the clockwise orientation
   of the face boundary, and the size of the face in facesize[i], for each i.
   Returns the number of faces. */
void makeDual(PLANE_GRAPH *pg) {
    register int i, sz;
    register PG_EDGE *e, *ex, *ef, *efx;

    //first allocate the memory to store faces if this has not yet been done
    int maxf = 2*pg->maxn - 4;
    if(pg->maxf < maxf){
        pg->maxf = maxf;
        pg->facestart = (PG_EDGE **)malloc(sizeof(PG_EDGE *)*maxf);
        if(pg->facestart == NULL){
            pg->maxf = 0;
        pg->faceSize = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*maxf);
        if(pg->faceSize == NULL){
            pg->maxf = 0;

    int nf = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < pg->nv; ++i) {

        e = ex = pg->firstedge[i];
        do {
            if (!ISMARKEDLO(e)) {
                pg->facestart[nf] = ef = efx = e;
                sz = 0;
                do {
                    ef->rightface = nf;
                    ef = ef->inverse->prev;
                } while (ef != efx);
                pg->faceSize[nf] = sz;
            e = e->next;
        } while (e != ex);
    pg->nf = nf;
    pg->dualComputed = TRUE;
void walk_faces(int i, int face_colour)
    int r, c, s;
    int v1, v2, v3;
    int a1, a2, a3;

    vertices_of_face(i, &v1, &v2, &v3);

    // If we have already visited this face then there
    // is nothing to do here so leave.
    if (ISMARKED(facestart[i])) return;

    // Otherwise we tag this face and recurse on the 
    // three neighbours.
    // printf("marking face %d\n", i);

    // If all three vertices of this face are uncoloured
    // then we are entering walk_faces for for the first time
    // so we arbitrarily 3-colour the vertices of this face.
    if (vertex_colour[v1] < 0 && vertex_colour[v2] < 0 && vertex_colour[v3] < 0) {
        vertex_colour[v1] = 0;
        vertex_colour[v2] = 1;
        vertex_colour[v3] = 2;
    } else if (vertex_colour[v1] >= 0 && vertex_colour[v2] >= 0 && vertex_colour[v3] >= 0) {
        // Terminating case, do nothing.
    } else {
        // Two vertices must be coloured so we can colour the third.
        if (vertex_colour[v1] >= 0 && vertex_colour[v2] >= 0) {
            assert(vertex_colour[v3] < 0);
            vertex_colour[v3] = other_colour(vertex_colour[v1], vertex_colour[v2]);
        } else if (vertex_colour[v1] >= 0 && vertex_colour[v3] >= 0) {
            assert(vertex_colour[v2] < 0);
            vertex_colour[v2] = other_colour(vertex_colour[v1], vertex_colour[v3]);
        } else if (vertex_colour[v2] >= 0 && vertex_colour[v3] >= 0) {
            assert(vertex_colour[v1] < 0);
            vertex_colour[v1] = other_colour(vertex_colour[v2], vertex_colour[v3]);
        } else {
	    printf("%d, %d, %d\n", vertex_colour[v1], vertex_colour[v2], vertex_colour[v3]);

    ordered_triple(v1, v2, v3, &r, &c, &s);

    // Have we seen the row label r before? If not, make a note of how
    // we will really present it.
    if (row_label[r] < 0) {
        row_label[r] = max_row_label;
    if (col_label[c] < 0) {
        col_label[c] = max_col_label;
    if (sym_label[s] < 0) {
        sym_label[s] = max_sym_label;

    triple e;
    e.x = row_label[r];
    e.y = col_label[c];
    e.z = sym_label[s];

    if (face_colour == 0) {
        T1[max_entry_index1] = e;
    } else { // face_colour == 1
        T2[max_entry_index2] = e;

    // tags of the three adjacent faces
    a1 = facestart[i]->invers->tag;
    a2 = facestart[i]->invers->prev->invers->tag;
    a3 = facestart[i]->invers->prev->invers->prev->invers->tag;

    if (face_colour == 0)   face_colour = 1;
    else                    face_colour = 0;

    walk_faces(a1, face_colour);
    walk_faces(a2, face_colour);
    walk_faces(a3, face_colour);