예제 #1
파일: mblspec.cpp 프로젝트: n9yty/livecode
static bool MCS_loadurl_callback(void *p_context, MCSystemUrlStatus p_status, const void *p_data)
    MCSLoadUrlState *context;
    context = static_cast<MCSLoadUrlState *>(p_context);

    context -> status = p_status;

    if (p_status == kMCSystemUrlStatusError)
    else if (p_status == kMCSystemUrlStatusLoading)
        const MCString *t_data = static_cast<const MCString*>(p_data);
        MCMemoryReallocate(context->data.bytes, context->data.size + t_data->getlength(), context->data.bytes);
        MCMemoryCopy(static_cast<uint8_t*>(context->data.bytes) + context->data.size, t_data->getstring(), t_data->getlength());
        context->data.size += t_data->getlength();

    send_url_progress(context -> object, p_status, context -> url, context -> data . size, context -> total, (const char *)p_data);

    if (p_status == kMCSystemUrlStatusError || p_status == kMCSystemUrlStatusFinished)
        MCUrlLoadEvent *t_event;
        t_event = MCUrlLoadEvent::CreateUrlLoadEvent(context->object, context->message, context->url, p_status, context->data.bytes, context->data.size, static_cast<const char *>(p_data));
        if (t_event)
    return true;
예제 #2
파일: srvcgi.cpp 프로젝트: bduck/livecode
static bool MCConvertNativeFromUTF16(const uint16_t *p_chars, uint32_t p_char_count, uint8_t*& r_output, uint32_t& r_output_length)
	uint8_t *t_output;
	uint32_t t_output_length;
	if (!MCMemoryAllocate(p_char_count, t_output))
		return false;

	uint32_t t_index;
	t_index = 0;
	t_output_length = 0;
	while(t_index < p_char_count)
		if (p_chars[t_index] < 128 && (t_index == p_char_count - 1 || p_chars[t_index + 1] < 128))
			t_output[t_output_length++] = (char)p_chars[t_index];
			t_index += 1;
			uint32_t t_start;
			t_start = t_index;
			uint32_t t_codepoint;
			t_codepoint = MCUnicodeCodepointAdvance((const uint2 *)p_chars, p_char_count, t_index);
			while(t_index < p_char_count)
				uint4 t_old_index;
				t_old_index = t_index;
				t_codepoint = MCUnicodeCodepointAdvance((const uint2 *)p_chars, p_char_count, t_index);
				if (MCUnicodeCodepointIsBase(t_codepoint))
					t_index = t_old_index;

			uint8_t t_char;
			if (!MCUnicodeMapToNative(p_chars + t_start, t_index - t_start, t_char))
				t_char = '?';
			t_output[t_output_length++] = t_char;

	MCMemoryReallocate(t_output, t_output_length, t_output);

	r_output = t_output;
	r_output_length = t_output_length;

	return true;
예제 #3
bool rle_true_encode(const uint4 *sptr, uint4 ssize, uint1 *&dptr, uint4 &dsize)
    uint4 osize = ssize + (ssize / 127);
    uint1 *destptr = nil;
    if (!MCMemoryNewArray(osize, destptr))
        return false;
    const uint4 *eptr = sptr + ssize / sizeof(uint4);
    dsize = 0;
    uint2 run;
        run = 1;
        if (sptr < (eptr - 1) && *sptr == *(sptr + 1))
            uint4 pixel = *sptr;
            while (++sptr < eptr && *sptr == pixel && run < 127)
            destptr[dsize++] = run | 0x80;
            memcpy(&destptr[dsize], &pixel, sizeof(uint4));
            dsize += sizeof(uint4);
            while (++sptr < (eptr - 1) && *sptr != *(sptr + 1) && run < 127)
            destptr[dsize++] = (uint1)run;
            uint2 bytes = run * sizeof(uint4);
            memcpy(&destptr[dsize], sptr - run, bytes);
            uint4 *startptr = (uint32_t*)&destptr[dsize];
            while (run--)
            dsize += bytes;
    while (sptr < eptr);

    if (!MCMemoryReallocate(destptr, dsize, dptr))
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #4
bool serialize_bytes(char *&r_stream, uint32_t &r_stream_size, uint32_t &r_offset, const void *p_data, uint32_t p_data_size)
	if (p_data_size == 0)
		return true;
	if (r_offset + p_data_size > r_stream_size)
		char *t_stream;
		uint32_t t_size;
		t_size = r_offset + p_data_size;
		if (!MCMemoryReallocate(r_stream, t_size, t_stream))
			return false;
		r_stream = t_stream;
		r_stream_size = t_size;
	MCMemoryCopy(r_stream + r_offset, p_data, p_data_size);
	r_offset += p_data_size;

	return true;
예제 #5
static bool MCTextLayoutPlaceItem(MCTextLayoutState& self, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS p_analysis, const unichar_t *p_chars, uint32_t p_char_count, const uint16_t *p_clusters, const uint16_t *p_glyphs, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *p_attrs, uint32_t p_glyph_count, MCTextLayoutFont *p_font)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	MCTextLayoutRun *t_run;
	if (self . run_count != 0)
		t_run = &self . runs[self . run_count - 1];
		t_run = nil;

	// We need to append a new run if the font or embedding level has changed.
	if (t_run == nil ||
		t_run -> font != p_font ||
		t_run -> embedding_level != p_analysis . s . uBidiLevel)
		if (self . run_count + 1 > self . run_limit)
			t_success = MCMemoryResizeArray(self . run_limit + 8, self . runs, self . run_limit);

		if (t_success)
			t_run = &self . runs[self . run_count];
			t_run -> font = p_font;
			t_run -> embedding_level = p_analysis . s . uBidiLevel;
			self . run_count += 1;

	// Allocate the cluster, glyph, goffset and advance arrays that we need.
	if (t_success)
		t_success =
			MCMemoryReallocate(t_run -> chars, (t_run -> char_count + p_char_count) * sizeof(unichar_t), t_run -> chars) &&
			MCMemoryReallocate(t_run -> clusters, (t_run -> char_count + p_char_count) * sizeof(uint16_t), t_run -> clusters) &&
			MCMemoryReallocate(t_run -> glyphs, (t_run -> glyph_count + p_glyph_count) * sizeof(uint16_t), t_run -> glyphs) &&
			MCMemoryReallocate(t_run -> goffsets, (t_run -> glyph_count + p_glyph_count) * sizeof(GOFFSET), t_run -> goffsets) &&
			MCMemoryReallocate(t_run -> advances, (t_run -> glyph_count + p_glyph_count) * sizeof(int), t_run -> advances);

	// Run the script placement method
	if (t_success)
		SelectObject(self . dc, p_font -> handle);
		if (ScriptPlace(
				self . dc,
				&p_font -> cache,
				t_run -> advances + t_run -> glyph_count,
				t_run -> goffsets + t_run -> glyph_count,
				nil) != S_OK)
			t_success = false;

	// Fill in the span structure
	if (t_success)
		MCMemoryCopy(t_run -> chars + t_run -> char_count, p_chars, sizeof(unichar_t) * p_char_count);

		if ((p_analysis . s . uBidiLevel & 1) == 0)
			MCMemoryCopy(t_run -> glyphs + t_run -> glyph_count, p_glyphs, sizeof(uint16_t) * p_glyph_count);
			MCMemoryCopy(t_run -> clusters + t_run -> char_count, p_clusters, sizeof(uint16_t) * p_char_count);
			// In this case things are going Right to Left, so remap into visual order.

			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < p_char_count; i++)
				t_run -> clusters[i + t_run -> char_count] = p_glyph_count - p_clusters[i] - 1;

			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < p_glyph_count; i++)
				t_run -> glyphs[i + t_run -> glyph_count] = p_glyphs[p_glyph_count - i - 1];

			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < p_glyph_count / 2; i++)
				MCSwap(t_run -> advances[i + t_run -> glyph_count], t_run -> advances[t_run -> glyph_count + (p_glyph_count - i - 1)]);
				MCSwap(t_run -> goffsets[i + t_run -> glyph_count], t_run -> goffsets[t_run -> glyph_count + (p_glyph_count - i - 1)]);

		// As we might have elided a span, we need to shift all the cluster offsets up by the current
		// glyph count.
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < p_char_count; i++)
			t_run -> clusters[i + t_run -> char_count] += t_run -> glyph_count;

		t_run -> char_count += p_char_count;
		t_run -> glyph_count += p_glyph_count;

	return t_success;