static void LoadCommon(MDFNFILE *fp) { try { /* Assign default settings (US NTSC machine) */ sms.display = DISPLAY_NTSC; sms.territory = MDFN_GetSettingI("sms.territory"); sms.use_fm = FALSE; Cart_Init(fp); Cart_LoadNV(); if(IS_SMS && sms.territory == TERRITORY_DOMESTIC) sms.use_fm = MDFN_GetSettingB(""); MDFNMP_Init(1024, 65536 / 1024); system_assign_device(PORT_A, DEVICE_PAD2B); system_assign_device(PORT_B, DEVICE_PAD2B); MDFNMP_AddRAM(8192, 0xC000, sms.wram); sms_init(); pio_init(); vdp_init(IS_SMS && sms.territory == TERRITORY_DOMESTIC); render_init(); MDFNGameInfo->GameSetMD5Valid = FALSE; uint32 sndclk; if(sms.display == DISPLAY_PAL) { sndclk = 3546893; MDFNGameInfo->fps = (uint32)((uint64)65536 * 256 * sndclk / 313 / 228); //6144000 * 65536 * 256 / 515 / 198); // 3072000 * 2 * 10000 / 515 / 198 } else { sndclk = 3579545; MDFNGameInfo->fps = (uint32)((uint64)65536 * 256 * sndclk / 262 / 228); //6144000 * 65536 * 256 / 515 / 198); // 3072000 * 2 * 10000 / 515 / 198 } MDFNGameInfo->MasterClock = MDFN_MASTERCLOCK_FIXED(sndclk); SMS_SoundInit(sndclk, sms.use_fm); = 0; system_reset(); } catch(...) { Cleanup(); throw; } }
bool MDFNI_SaveState(const char *fname, const char *suffix, const MDFN_Surface *surface, const MDFN_Rect *DisplayRect, const int32 *LineWidths) noexcept { bool ret = true; try { if(!MDFNGameInfo->StateAction) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Module \"%s\" doesn't support save states."), MDFNGameInfo->shortname); } if(MDFNnetplay && (MDFNGameInfo->SaveStateAltersState == true)) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Module %s is not compatible with manual state saving during netplay."), MDFNGameInfo->shortname); } // // { MemoryStream st(65536); MDFNSS_SaveSM(&st, false, surface, DisplayRect, LineWidths); // // // GZFileStream gp(fname ? std::string(fname) : MDFN_MakeFName(MDFNMKF_STATE,CurrentState,suffix), GZFileStream::MODE::WRITE, MDFN_GetSettingI("filesys.state_comp_level")); gp.write(, st.size()); gp.close(); } MDFND_SetStateStatus(NULL); if(!fname && !suffix) { SaveStateStatus[CurrentState] = true; RecentlySavedState = CurrentState; MDFN_DispMessage(_("State %d saved."), CurrentState); } } catch(std::exception &e) { if(!fname && !suffix) MDFN_DispMessage(_("State %d save error: %s"), CurrentState, e.what()); else MDFN_PrintError("%s", e.what()); if(MDFNnetplay) MDFND_NetplayText(e.what(), false); ret = false; } return(ret); }
bool MDFNI_StartAVRecord(const char *path, double SoundRate) { try { QTRecord::VideoSpec spec; memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec)); spec.SoundRate = SoundRate; spec.SoundChan = MDFNGameInfo->soundchan; spec.VideoWidth = MDFNGameInfo->lcm_width; spec.VideoHeight = MDFNGameInfo->lcm_height; spec.VideoCodec = MDFN_GetSettingI("qtrecord.vcodec"); spec.MasterClock = MDFNGameInfo->MasterClock; if(spec.VideoWidth < MDFN_GetSettingUI("qtrecord.w_double_threshold")) spec.VideoWidth *= 2; if(spec.VideoHeight < MDFN_GetSettingUI("qtrecord.h_double_threshold")) spec.VideoHeight *= 2; spec.AspectXAdjust = ((double)MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width * 2) / spec.VideoWidth; spec.AspectYAdjust = ((double)MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height * 2) / spec.VideoHeight; MDFN_printf("\n"); MDFN_printf(_("Starting QuickTime recording to file \"%s\":\n"), path); MDFN_indent(1); MDFN_printf(_("Video width: %u\n"), spec.VideoWidth); MDFN_printf(_("Video height: %u\n"), spec.VideoHeight); MDFN_printf(_("Video codec: %s\n"), MDFN_GetSettingS("qtrecord.vcodec").c_str()); if(spec.SoundRate && spec.SoundChan) { MDFN_printf(_("Sound rate: %u\n"), std::min<uint32>(spec.SoundRate, 64000)); MDFN_printf(_("Sound channels: %u\n"), spec.SoundChan); } else MDFN_printf(_("Sound: Disabled\n")); MDFN_indent(-1); MDFN_printf("\n"); qtrecorder = new QTRecord(path, spec); } catch(std::exception &e) { MDFND_PrintError(e.what()); return(false); } return(true); }
static void LoadCommonPost(const md_game_info &ginfo) { MDFN_printf(_("ROM: %dKiB\n"), (ginfo.rom_size + 1023) / 1024); MDFN_printf(_("ROM CRC32: 0x%08x\n"), ginfo.crc32); MDFN_printf(_("ROM MD5: 0x%s\n"), md5_context::asciistr(ginfo.md5, 0).c_str()); MDFN_printf(_("Header MD5: 0x%s\n"), md5_context::asciistr(ginfo.info_header_md5, 0).c_str()); MDFN_printf(_("Product Code: %s\n"), ginfo.product_code); MDFN_printf(_("Domestic name: %s\n"), ginfo.domestic_name); // TODO: Character set conversion(shift_jis -> utf-8) MDFN_printf(_("Overseas name: %s\n"), ginfo.overseas_name); MDFN_printf(_("Copyright: %s\n"), ginfo.copyright); if(ginfo.checksum == ginfo.checksum_real) MDFN_printf(_("Checksum: 0x%04x\n"), ginfo.checksum); else MDFN_printf(_("Checksum: 0x%04x\n Warning: calculated checksum(0x%04x) does not match\n"), ginfo.checksum, ginfo.checksum_real); MDFN_printf(_("Supported I/O devices:\n")); MDFN_indent(1); for(unsigned int iot = 0; iot < sizeof(IO_types) / sizeof(IO_type_t); iot++) { if(ginfo.io_support & (1 << IO_types[iot].id)) MDFN_printf(_("%s\n"), _(IO_types[iot].name)); } MDFN_indent(-1); MDFNMP_Init(8192, (1 << 24) / 8192); MDFNMP_AddRAM(65536, 0x7 << 21, work_ram); MDFNGameInfo->GameSetMD5Valid = FALSE; MDSound_Init(); MDFN_printf(_("Supported regions:\n")); MDFN_indent(1); if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_JAPAN_NTSC) MDFN_printf(_("Japan/Domestic NTSC\n")); if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_JAPAN_PAL) MDFN_printf(_("Japan/Domestic PAL\n")); if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_OVERSEAS_NTSC) MDFN_printf(_("Overseas NTSC\n")); if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_OVERSEAS_PAL) MDFN_printf(_("Overseas PAL\n")); MDFN_indent(-1); { const int region_setting = MDFN_GetSettingI("md.region"); const int reported_region_setting = MDFN_GetSettingI("md.reported_region"); // Default, in case the game doesn't support any regions! bool game_overseas = TRUE; bool game_pal = FALSE; bool overseas; bool pal; bool overseas_reported; bool pal_reported; // Preference order, TODO: Make it configurable if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_OVERSEAS_NTSC) { game_overseas = TRUE; game_pal = FALSE; } else if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_JAPAN_NTSC) { game_overseas = FALSE; game_pal = FALSE; } else if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_OVERSEAS_PAL) { game_overseas = TRUE; game_pal = TRUE; } else if(ginfo.region_support & REGIONMASK_JAPAN_PAL) // WTF? { game_overseas = FALSE; game_pal = TRUE; } if(region_setting == REGION_GAME) { overseas = game_overseas; pal = game_pal; } else { decode_region_setting(region_setting, overseas, pal); } if(reported_region_setting == REGION_GAME) { overseas_reported = game_overseas; pal_reported = game_pal; } else if(reported_region_setting == REGION_SAME) { overseas_reported = overseas; pal_reported = pal; } else { decode_region_setting(reported_region_setting, overseas_reported, pal_reported); } MDFN_printf("\n"); MDFN_printf(_("Active Region: %s %s\n"), overseas ? _("Overseas") : _("Domestic"), pal ? _("PAL") : _("NTSC")); MDFN_printf(_("Active Region Reported: %s %s\n"), overseas_reported ? _("Overseas") : _("Domestic"), pal_reported ? _("PAL") : _("NTSC")); system_init(overseas, pal, overseas_reported, pal_reported); if(pal) MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 240; else MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 224; MDFNGameInfo->MasterClock = MDFN_MASTERCLOCK_FIXED(pal ? CLOCK_PAL : CLOCK_NTSC); if(pal) MDFNGameInfo->fps = (int64)CLOCK_PAL * 65536 * 256 / (313 * 3420); else MDFNGameInfo->fps = (int64)CLOCK_NTSC * 65536 * 256 / (262 * 3420); //printf("%f\n", (double)MDFNGameInfo->fps / 65536 / 256); } if(MDFN_GetSettingB("md.correct_aspect")) { MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 292; MDFNGameInfo->lcm_width = 1280; } else { MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 320; MDFNGameInfo->lcm_width = 320; } MDFNGameInfo->lcm_height = MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height * 2; MDFNGameInfo->LayerNames = "BG0\0BG1\0OBJ\0"; // // { unsigned mtt = MDFN_GetSettingUI("md.input.multitap"); if(MDFN_GetSettingB("")) { for(auto const& e : InputDB) { if(e.crc32 == ginfo.crc32 && (!e.prod_code || !strcmp(e.prod_code, ginfo.product_code))) { MDFNGameInfo->DesiredInput.resize(8); for(unsigned n = e.max_players; n < 8; n++) // Particularly for Gauntlet 4. MDFNGameInfo->DesiredInput[n] = "none"; mtt = e.tap; break; } } } for(const auto* mte = MultiTap_List; mte->string; mte++) { if((unsigned)mte->number == mtt) { MDFN_printf(_("Active Multitap(s): %s\n"), mte->description); break; } } MDINPUT_SetMultitap(mtt); } // // system_reset(true); }
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - int Settings::getInt(const string& key) const { return MDFN_GetSettingI((std::string("stella.") + key).c_str()); }
static int LoadCommon(MDFNFILE *fp) { int32 size = fp->size; const uint8 *data_ptr = fp->data; if(size & 512) { size -= 512; data_ptr += 512; } /* Assign default settings (US NTSC machine) */ sms.display = DISPLAY_NTSC; sms.territory = MDFN_GetSettingI("sms.territory"); sms.use_fm = FALSE; if(!SMS_CartInit(data_ptr, size)) return(0); if(IS_SMS && sms.territory == TERRITORY_DOMESTIC) sms.use_fm = MDFN_GetSettingB(""); MDFNMP_Init(1024, 65536 / 1024); system_assign_device(PORT_A, DEVICE_PAD2B); system_assign_device(PORT_B, DEVICE_PAD2B); MDFNMP_AddRAM(8192, 0xC000, sms.wram); sms_init(); pio_init(); vdp_init(IS_SMS && sms.territory == TERRITORY_DOMESTIC); render_init(); MDFNGameInfo->GameSetMD5Valid = FALSE; uint32 sndclk; if(sms.display == DISPLAY_PAL) { sndclk = 3546893; MDFNGameInfo->fps = (uint32)((uint64)65536 * 256 * sndclk / 313 / 228); //6144000 * 65536 * 256 / 515 / 198); // 3072000 * 2 * 10000 / 515 / 198 } else { sndclk = 3579545; MDFNGameInfo->fps = (uint32)((uint64)65536 * 256 * sndclk / 262 / 228); //6144000 * 65536 * 256 / 515 / 198); // 3072000 * 2 * 10000 / 515 / 198 } MDFNGameInfo->MasterClock = MDFN_MASTERCLOCK_FIXED(sndclk); SMS_SoundInit(sndclk, sms.use_fm); = 0; system_reset(); return(1); }