예제 #1
std::string mitk::PythonService::Execute(const std::string &stdpythonCommand, int commandType)
  QString pythonCommand = QString::fromStdString(stdpythonCommand);
    MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PythonService") << "pythonCommand = " << pythonCommand.toStdString();
    MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PythonService") << "commandType = " << commandType;

  QVariant result;
  bool commandIssued = true;

  if(commandType == IPythonService::SINGLE_LINE_COMMAND )
    result = m_PythonManager.executeString(pythonCommand, ctkAbstractPythonManager::SingleInput );
  else if(commandType == IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND )
    result = m_PythonManager.executeString(pythonCommand, ctkAbstractPythonManager::FileInput );
  else if(commandType == IPythonService::EVAL_COMMAND )
    result = m_PythonManager.executeString(pythonCommand, ctkAbstractPythonManager::EvalInput );
    commandIssued = false;

    m_ErrorOccured = PythonQt::self()->hadError();

  return result.toString().toStdString();
mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PythonService::CopyCvImageFromPython( const std::string& stdvarName )
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );

  mitk::Image::Pointer mitkImage;
  QString command;
  QString fileName = GetTempDataFileName( ".bmp" );
  fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( fileName );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "run python command to save image with opencv to " << fileName.toStdString();

  command.append( QString( "cv2.imwrite(\"%1\", %2)\n").arg( fileName ).arg( varName ) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Loading temporary file " << fileName.toStdString() << " as MITK image";
      mitkImage = mitk::IOUtil::LoadImage( fileName.toStdString() );
  catch(std::exception& e)
    MITK_ERROR << e.what();

  QFile file(fileName);
  if( file.exists() )
      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Removing temporary file " << fileName.toStdString();

  return mitkImage;
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsCvImage( mitk::Image* image, const std::string& stdvarName )
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );

  bool convert = false;
  if(image->GetDimension() != 2)
    MITK_ERROR << "Only 2D images allowed for OpenCV images";
    return convert;

  // try to save mitk image
  QString fileName = this->GetTempDataFileName( ".bmp" );
  fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( fileName );
  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Saving temporary file " << fileName.toStdString();
  if( !mitk::IOUtil::SaveImage(image, fileName.toStdString()) )
    MITK_ERROR << "Temporary file " << fileName.toStdString() << " could not be created.";
    return convert;

  QString command;

  command.append( QString("%1 = cv2.imread(\"%2\")\n") .arg( varName ).arg( fileName ) );
  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Removing file " << fileName.toStdString();
  QFile file(fileName);
  convert = true;
  return convert;
예제 #4
mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PythonService::CopyCvImageFromPython( const std::string& stdvarName )

  // access python module
  PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__");
  // global dictionarry
  PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod);
  mitk::Image::Pointer mitkImage = mitk::Image::New();
  QString command;
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );

  command.append( QString("import numpy as np\n"));
  command.append( QString("%1_dtype=%1.dtype.name\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_shape=np.asarray(%1.shape)\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_np_array=%1[:,...,::-1]\n").arg(varName));
  command.append( QString("%1_np_array=np.reshape(%1_np_array,%1.shape[0] * %1.shape[1] * %1.shape[2])").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  PyObject* py_dtype = PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_dtype").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  std::string dtype = PyString_AsString(py_dtype);
  PyArrayObject* py_data = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_np_array").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  PyArrayObject* shape = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_shape").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );

  size_t* d = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(PyArray_DATA(shape));

  unsigned int dimensions[3];
  dimensions[0] = d[1];
  dimensions[1] = d[0];
  dimensions[2] = d[2];

  unsigned int nr_dimensions = 2;

  // get number of components
  unsigned int nr_Components = (unsigned int) d[2];

  mitk::PixelType pixelType = DeterminePixelType(dtype, nr_Components, nr_dimensions);

  mitkImage->Initialize(pixelType, nr_dimensions, dimensions);

    mitk::ImageWriteAccessor ra(mitkImage);
    char* data = (char*)(ra.GetData());
    memcpy(data, PyArray_DATA(py_data), dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * pixelType.GetSize());


  command.append( QString("del %1_shape\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_dtype\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_np_array").arg(varName));

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  return mitkImage;
void QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView::OnVariableStackDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
    if( m_DataStorage.IsNull() || m_PythonService == 0 )
        MITK_ERROR << "QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView not configured correctly. Quit";

    int row = index.row();
    std::vector<mitk::PythonVariable> variableStack = m_TableModel->GetVariableStack();
      MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView") << "row " << row;
      MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView") << "variableStack.size(): " << variableStack.size();

    QString varName = QString::fromStdString( variableStack.at(row).m_Name );
    QString type = QString::fromStdString( variableStack.at(row).m_Type );
    QString value = QString::fromStdString( variableStack.at(row).m_Value );

      MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView") << "varName: " << varName.toStdString();
      MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView") << "type: " << type.toStdString();

    mitk::Image::Pointer mitkImage;
    mitk::Surface::Pointer mitkSurface;

    if( type.startsWith("itkImage") )
      mitkImage = m_PythonService->CopyItkImageFromPython(varName.toStdString());
    else if( type.startsWith("numpy.ndarray") )
      mitkImage = m_PythonService->CopyCvImageFromPython(varName.toStdString());
    else if( value.startsWith("(vtkPolyData)") )
      mitkSurface = m_PythonService->CopyVtkPolyDataFromPython(varName.toStdString());

    std::string nodeName = varName.toStdString();
    mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = mitk::DataNode::New();
    node->SetName ( nodeName );

    if( mitkImage.IsNotNull() )
      node->SetData( mitkImage );
    else if( mitkSurface.IsNotNull() )
      node->SetData( mitkSurface );

        void Unload(us::ModuleContext* context)
          if( m_PersistenceService.IsNull() )

          MITK_DEBUG("PersistenceActivator") << "PersistenceActivator::Unload";
          MITK_DEBUG("PersistenceActivator") << "m_PersistenceService GetReferenceCount " << m_PersistenceService->GetReferenceCount();

예제 #7
bool mitk::PersistenceService::RestorePropertyListsFromPersistentDataNodes( const DataStorage* storage )
  bool oneFound = false;
  DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allNodes = storage->GetAll();
  for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = allNodes->begin();
      sourceIter != allNodes->end();
      ++sourceIter )
      mitk::DataNode* node = *sourceIter;
      bool isPersistenceNode = false;
      //node->GetBoolProperty( PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY_NAME.c_str(), isPersistenceNode ); //see bug 17729
      node->GetBoolProperty( GetPersistencePropertyName().c_str(), isPersistenceNode );

      if( isPersistenceNode )
          oneFound = true;
          MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "isPersistenceNode was true";
          std::string name = node->GetName();

          bool existed = false;
          mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList = this->GetPropertyList( name, &existed );

          if( existed )
              MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "calling replace observer before replacing values";
              std::set<PropertyListReplacedObserver*>::iterator it = m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.begin();
              while( it != m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.end() )
                  (*it)->BeforePropertyListReplaced( name, propList );
          } // if( existed )

          MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "replacing values";

          this->ClonePropertyList(  node->GetPropertyList(), propList );

          if( existed )
              MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "calling replace observer before replacing values";
              std::set<PropertyListReplacedObserver*>::iterator it = m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.begin();
              while( it != m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.end() )
                  (*it)->AfterPropertyListReplaced( name, propList );
          } // if( existed )
      } // if( isPersistenceNode )
  } // for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = allNodes->begin(); ...

  return oneFound;
예제 #8
void QmitkPythonSnippets::SaveStringMap(const QString &filename, const QmitkPythonSnippets::QStringMap &) const
  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "saving to xml file " << filename.toStdString();

  if( filename.isEmpty() )
    MITK_WARN("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "empty auto save file path given. quit.";

  QFile file(filename);
  if( !file.isOpen() )
    MITK_WARN("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "could not open file " << filename.toStdString() << " for writing";
  QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter(&file);


  QStringMap::const_iterator it = d->m_Snippets.begin();
  while( it != d->m_Snippets.end() )

      MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "writing item " << it.key().toStdString();


    xmlWriter.writeAttribute( "key", it.key() );
    xmlWriter.writeAttribute( "value", it.value() );



  if( file.isOpen() )

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "SaveStringMap successful ";

예제 #9
void mitk::IGTLServer::Send()
  igtl::MessageBase::Pointer curMessage;

  //get the latest message from the queue
  curMessage = this->m_SendQueue->PullMessage();

  // there is no message => return
  if (curMessage.IsNull())

  AddTrackingMeasurements(4, curMessage, 0);

  //the server can be connected with several clients, therefore it has to check
  //all registered clients
  //sending a message to all registered clients might not be the best solution,
  //it could be better to store the client together with the requested type. Then
  //the data would be send to the appropriate client and to noone else.
  //(I know it is no excuse but PLUS is doing exactly the same, they broadcast
  SocketListIteratorType it;
  auto it_end =
  for (it = this->m_RegisteredClients.begin(); it != it_end; ++it)
    //maybe there should be a check here if the current socket is still active
    this->SendMessagePrivate(curMessage.GetPointer(), *it);
    MITK_DEBUG("IGTLServer") << "Sent IGTL Message";
예제 #10
QmitkCtkPythonShell::QmitkCtkPythonShell(QWidget* parent)
    : ctkPythonConsole(parent), d( new QmitkCtkPythonShellData )
  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkCtkPythonShell") << "retrieving  IPythonService";
  mitk::ModuleContext* context = mitk::GetModuleContext();
  d->m_PythonServiceRef = context->GetServiceReference<mitk::IPythonService>();
  d->m_PythonService = dynamic_cast<mitk::PythonService*> ( context->GetService<mitk::IPythonService>(d->m_PythonServiceRef) );

  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkCtkPythonShell") << "checking  IPythonService";
  Q_ASSERT( d->m_PythonService );

  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkCtkPythonShell") << "initialize  m_PythonService";
  this->initialize( d->m_PythonService->GetPythonManager() );

  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkCtkPythonShell") << "m_PythonService initialized";
예제 #11
void mitk::PersistenceService::Initialize()
  if (m_Initialized || m_InInitialized)
  m_InInitialized = true;

  m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter = PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter::New();

  // Load Default File in any case
  // std::string id = mitk::PersistenceService::PERSISTENCE_PROPERTYLIST_NAME; //see bug 17729
  std::string id = GetPersistencePropertyListName();
  mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList = this->GetPropertyList(id);
  bool autoLoadAndSave = true;
  propList->GetBoolProperty("m_AutoLoadAndSave", autoLoadAndSave);

  if (autoLoadAndSave == false)
    MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "autoloading was not wished. clearing data we got so far.";

  m_InInitialized = false;
  m_Initialized = true;
예제 #12
void mitk::PythonService::NotifyObserver(const std::string &command)
  MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PythonService") << "number of observer " << m_Observer.size();
  for( int i=0; i< m_Observer.size(); ++i )
예제 #13
void QmitkPythonSnippets::on_Name_currentIndexChanged(int i)
  bool validSelection =  i >= 0 ;


  if( validSelection )
    QString name = d->m_Name->currentText();
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "selected snippet " << name.toStdString();
    d->m_Content->setText( d->m_Snippets[name] );
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "selected snippet content " <<  d->m_Snippets[name].toStdString();
예제 #14
  MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PythonService") << "destructing PythonService";

    delete[] pHome;
예제 #15
mitk::Surface::Pointer mitk::PythonService::CopyVtkPolyDataFromPython( const std::string& stdvarName )
  // access python module
  PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__");
  // global dictionarry
  PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod);
  // python memory address
  PyObject *pyAddr = nullptr;
  // cpp address
  size_t addr = 0;
  mitk::Surface::Pointer surface = mitk::Surface::New();
  QString command;
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );

  command.append( QString("%1_addr_str = %1.GetAddressAsString(\"vtkPolyData\")\n").arg(varName) );
  // remove 0x from the address
  command.append( QString("%1_addr = int(%1_addr_str[5:],16)").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  // get address of the object
  pyAddr = PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_addr").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str());

  // convert to long
  addr = PyInt_AsLong(pyAddr);

  MITK_DEBUG << "Python object address: " << addr;

  // get the object
  vtkPolyData* poly = (vtkPolyData*)((void*)addr);

  // delete helper variables from python stack
  command = "";
  command.append( QString("del %1_addr_str\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_addr").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  return surface;
예제 #16
void QmitkPythonSnippets::on_AddSnippet_triggered(bool)
  bool ok;
  QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this,
                                       tr("Add new snippet"),
                                       tr("Name of snippet:"),
  if (ok && !name.isEmpty())
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "creating unique name for " << name.toStdString();
    name = this->CreateUniqueName(name);

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "creating snippet " << name.toStdString();
    d->m_Snippets[name] = "";
    this->SaveStringMap( d->m_AutoSaveFileName, d->m_Snippets );
예제 #17
void QmitkPythonSnippets::on_Content_textChanged()
  if( d->m_Content->isEnabled() )
    QString name = d->m_Name->currentText();
    QString snippet = d->m_Content->toPlainText();
    d->m_Snippets[name] = snippet;

    this->SaveStringMap( d->m_AutoSaveFileName, d->m_Snippets );
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "SaveStringMap successful";
예제 #18
void QmitkPythonSnippets::Update(const QString &name)

  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "size of snippets " << d->m_Snippets.size();
  QStringMap::const_iterator it = d->m_Snippets.begin();

  while( it != d->m_Snippets.end() )
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "adding item " << it.key().toStdString();
    d->m_Name->addItem( it.key() );

  int index = d->m_Name->findText( name );
  if( index >= 0 )
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonSnippets") << "selecting index " << index;

예제 #19
void mitk::IGTLDevice::RunCommunication(void (IGTLDevice::*ComFunction)(void), itk::FastMutexLock* mutex)
  if (this->GetState() != Running)

     // keep lock until end of scope
     MutexLockHolder communicationFinishedLockHolder(*mutex);

     // Because m_StopCommunication is used by two threads, access has to be guarded
     // by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here
     bool localStopCommunication;

     // update the local copy of m_StopCommunication
     localStopCommunication = this->m_StopCommunication;
     while ((this->GetState() == Running) && (localStopCommunication == false))

        /* Update the local copy of m_StopCommunication */
        localStopCommunication = m_StopCommunication;

        // time to relax
  catch (...)
     MITK_ERROR("IGTLDevice::RunCommunication") << "Error while communicating. Thread stopped.";
     //mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Error while communicating. Thread stopped.";
  // StopCommunication was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now
  // that the tracking loop has ended.
  //this->SetState(Ready); //this is done elsewhere
  MITK_DEBUG("IGTLDevice::RunCommunication") << "Reached end of communication.";
  // returning from this function (and ThreadStartCommunication())
  // this will end the thread
예제 #20
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsVtkPolyData( mitk::Surface* surface, const std::string& stdvarName )
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );
  std::ostringstream oss;
  std::string addr = "";
  QString command;
  QString address;

  oss << (void*) ( surface->GetVtkPolyData() );

  // get the address
  addr = oss.str();

  // remove "0x"
  address = QString::fromStdString(addr.substr(2));

  command.append( QString("%1 = vtk.vtkPolyData(\"%2\")\n").arg(varName).arg(address) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  return true;
예제 #21
void QmitkPythonView::CreateQtPartControl(QWidget* parent)
    d->m_PythonVariableStackTableView = new QmitkPythonVariableStackTableView;

    QString snippetsFilePath = mitk::PluginActivator::m_XmlFilePath;
    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "got snippetsFilePath " << snippetsFilePath.toStdString();

    d->m_PythonSnippets = new QmitkPythonSnippets(snippetsFilePath);

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "initializing varStackSnippetsTab";
    QTabWidget* varStackSnippetsTab = new QTabWidget;
    varStackSnippetsTab->addTab( d->m_PythonVariableStackTableView, "Variable Stack" );
    varStackSnippetsTab->addTab( d->m_PythonSnippets, "Snippets" );
    varStackSnippetsTab->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::South );

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "initializing m_PythonShell";
    d->m_PythonShell = new QmitkCtkPythonShell;

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "initializing m_TextEditor";
    d->m_TextEditor = new QmitkPythonTextEditor;

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "initializing tabWidgetConsoleEditor";
    QTabWidget* tabWidgetConsoleEditor = new QTabWidget;
    tabWidgetConsoleEditor->addTab( d->m_PythonShell, "Console" );
    tabWidgetConsoleEditor->addTab( d->m_TextEditor, "Text Editor" );
    tabWidgetConsoleEditor->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::South );

    QList<int> sizes;
    sizes << 1 << 3;
    QSplitter* splitter = new QSplitter;
    splitter->setStretchFactor ( 0, 1 );
    splitter->setStretchFactor ( 1, 3 );

    QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout;
    layout->addWidget( splitter, 0, 0 );

    MITK_DEBUG("QmitkPythonView") << "creating connections for m_PythonSnippets";
    connect( d->m_PythonSnippets, SIGNAL(PasteCommandRequested(QString)), d->m_PythonShell, SLOT(Paste(QString)) );
    connect( d->m_PythonSnippets, SIGNAL(PasteCommandRequested(QString)), d->m_TextEditor, SLOT(Paste(QString)) );
bool mitk::PointSetInteractor::ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent )
  bool ok = false;//for return type bool

  //checking corresponding Data; has to be a PointSet or a subclass
  mitk::PointSet* pointSet =
  if ( pointSet == NULL )
    return false;

  //get the timestep to support 3D+T
  const mitk::Event *theEvent = stateEvent->GetEvent();
  mitk::ScalarType timeInMS = 0.0;

  //check if the current timestep has to be changed
  if ( theEvent )
    if (theEvent->GetSender() != NULL)
      //additionaly to m_TimeStep we need timeInMS to satisfy the execution of the operations
      timeInMS = theEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();

  //for reading on the points, Id's etc
  mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet( m_TimeStep );
  if ( itkPointSet == NULL )
    return false;

  mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer *points = itkPointSet->GetPoints();

  /*Each case must watch the type of the event!*/
  switch (action->GetActionId())
    ok = true;
    //to check if the given Event is a DisplayPositionEvent.
      mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *dispPosEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent *> (

      if (dispPosEvent != NULL)
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDYES, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDNO, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
      ok = true;

  case AcADDPOINT:
    // Declare two operations: one for the selected state: deselect the last
    // one selected and select the new one the other operation is the add
    // operation: There the first empty place have to be found and the new
    // point inserted into that space
      mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast < const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * >

      // Check if it is a DisplayEvent thrown in a 3D window. Then the
      // z-information is missing. Returning false might end in the state
      // full, but the last point couldn't be added, so the set wouldn't be
      // full. So a extra Action that checks the operationtype has been added.
      if ( posEvent == NULL )
        return false;

      mitk::Point3D itkPoint;
      itkPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

      // undo-supported deselect of all points in the DataList; if List is
      // empty, then nothing will be unselected
      this->UnselectAll( m_TimeStep, timeInMS );

      // find the position, the point is to be added to: first entry with
      // empty index. If the Set is empty, then start with 0. if not empty,
      // then take the first index not occupied
      int lastPosition = 0;
      if (!points->empty())
        mitk::PointSet::PointsIterator it, end;
        it = points->Begin();
        end = points->End();
        while( it != end )
          if (!points->IndexExists(lastPosition))

      PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(
        OpINSERT, timeInMS, itkPoint, lastPosition);

      if (m_UndoEnabled)
        // difference between OpDELETE and OpREMOVE is, that OpDELETE deletes
        // a point at the end, and OpREMOVE deletes it from the given position
        // remove is better, cause we need the position to add or remove the
        // point anyway. We can get the last position from size()
        PointOperation *undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(
          OpREMOVE, timeInMS, itkPoint, lastPosition);
        OperationEvent *operationEvent =
          new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Add point");

      //execute the Operation

      if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
        delete doOp;

      //the point is added and directly selected in PintSet. So no need to call OpSELECTPOINT

      ok = true;

      // Update the display
      mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());

      if (posEvent == NULL)
        return false;

      // start of the Movement is stored to calculate the undoKoordinate
      // in FinishMovement
      m_LastPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

      // initialize a value to calculate the movement through all
      // MouseMoveEvents from MouseClick to MouseRelease

      ok = true;
  case AcMOVESELECTED://moves all selected Elements
      mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());

      if (posEvent == NULL)
        return false;

      mitk::Point3D newPoint, resultPoint;
      newPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();
      // search the elements in the list that are selected then calculate the
      // vector, because only with the vector we can move several elements in
      // the same direction
      //   newPoint - lastPoint = vector
      // then move all selected and set the lastPoint = newPoint.
      // then add all vectors to a summeryVector (to be able to calculate the
      // startpoint for undoOperation)
      mitk::Vector3D dirVector = newPoint - m_LastPoint;

      //sum up all Movement for Undo in FinishMovement
      m_SumVec = m_SumVec + dirVector;

      mitk::PointSet::PointsIterator it, end;
      it = points->Begin();
      end = points->End();
      while( it != end )
        int position = it->Index();
        if ( pointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, m_TimeStep) )//if selected
          PointSet::PointType pt = pointSet->GetPoint(position, m_TimeStep);
          mitk::Point3D sumVec;
          sumVec[0] = pt[0];
          sumVec[1] = pt[1];
          sumVec[2] = pt[2];
          resultPoint = sumVec + dirVector;
          PointOperation doOp(OpMOVE, timeInMS, resultPoint, position);

          //execute the Operation
          //here no undo is stored, because the movement-steps aren't interesting.
          // only the start and the end is interisting to store for undo.
      m_LastPoint = newPoint;//for calculation of the direction vector
      ok = true;

      // Update the display

  case AcREMOVEPOINT://remove the given Point from the list
      //if the point to be removed is given by the positionEvent:
      mitk::PositionEvent const  *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent != NULL)
        mitk::Point3D itkPoint;
        itkPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

        //search the point in the list
        int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(itkPoint, 0.0, m_TimeStep);
        //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last
        //State checkpointbut we also need the position in the list to remove it
        if (position>=0)//found a point
          PointSet::PointType pt = pointSet->GetPoint(position, m_TimeStep);
          itkPoint[0] = pt[0];
          itkPoint[1] = pt[1];
          itkPoint[2] = pt[2];

          PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpREMOVE,
            timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
          if (m_UndoEnabled)  //write to UndoMechanism
            PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpINSERT,
              timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
            OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet,
              doOp, undoOp, "Remove point");
          //execute the Operation

          if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
            delete doOp;

          //only then a select of a point is possible!
          if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) > 0)
            this->SelectPoint(pointSet->Begin(m_TimeStep)->Index(), m_TimeStep, timeInMS);

          ok = true;
      else //no position is given so remove all selected elements
        //delete all selected points
        //search for the selected one and then declare the operations!
        mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end;
        it = points->Begin();
        end = points->End();
        int position = 0;
        int previousExistingPosition = -1;//to recognize the last existing position; needed because the iterator gets invalid if the point is deleted!
        int lastDelPrevExistPosition = -1; //the previous position of the last deleted point
        while (it != end)
          if (points->IndexExists(it->Index()))
            //if point is selected
            if (  pointSet->GetSelectInfo(it->Index(), m_TimeStep) )
              //get the coordinates of that point to be undoable
              PointSet::PointType selectedPoint = it->Value();
              mitk::Point3D itkPoint;
              itkPoint[0] = selectedPoint[0];
              itkPoint[1] = selectedPoint[1];
              itkPoint[2] = selectedPoint[2];

              position = it->Index();
              PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpREMOVE,
                timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
              if (m_UndoEnabled)  //write to UndoMechanism
                PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpINSERT,
                  timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
                OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet,
                  doOp, undoOp, "Remove point");

              if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
                delete doOp;

              //after delete the iterator is undefined, so start again
              //count to the last existing entry
              if (points->Size()>1 && points->IndexExists(previousExistingPosition))
                for (it = points->Begin(); it != points->End(); it++)
                  if (it->Index() == (unsigned int) previousExistingPosition)
                    lastDelPrevExistPosition = previousExistingPosition;
                    break; //return if the iterator on the last existing position is found
              else // size <= 1 or no previous existing position set
                //search for the first existing position
                for (it = points->Begin(); it != points->End(); it++)
                  if (points->IndexExists(it->Index()))
                    previousExistingPosition = it->Index();

              //now that we have set the iterator, lets get sure, that the next it++ will not crash!
              if (it == end) { break; }

              previousExistingPosition = it->Index();
          }//if index exists


        if (lastDelPrevExistPosition < 0)//the var has not been set because the first element was deleted and there was no prev position
          lastDelPrevExistPosition = previousExistingPosition; //go to the end

        * now select the point before the point/points that was/were deleted
        if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) > 0) //only then a select of a point is possible!
          if (points->IndexExists(lastDelPrevExistPosition))
            this->SelectPoint( lastDelPrevExistPosition, m_TimeStep, timeInMS );
            //select the first existing element
            for (mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it = points->Begin(); it != points->End(); it++)
              if (points->IndexExists(it->Index()))
                this->SelectPoint( it->Index(), m_TimeStep, timeInMS );
        ok = true;

    // Update the display

  // Remove all Points that have been set at once.
  // TODO: Undo function not supported yet.
      if ( !points->empty() )
        PointSet::PointType pt;
        mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end;
        it = points->Begin();
        end = points->End();
        int position = 0;
        while ( it != end )
          position = it->Index();
          if ( points->IndexExists( position ) )
            pt = pointSet->GetPoint( position, m_TimeStep );
            PointOperation doOp( OpREMOVE, timeInMS, pt, position );
            pointSet->ExecuteOperation( &doOp );
          else it++;
      ok = true;
      // Update the display

  //Checking if the Point transmitted is close enough to one point. Then
  //generate a new event with the point and let this statemaschine
  //handle the event.
      mitk::PositionEvent const  *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent != NULL)
        mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

        int position = pointSet->SearchPoint( worldPoint, m_Precision, m_TimeStep );
        if (position>=0)//found a point near enough to the given point
          //get that point, the one meant by the user!
          PointSet::PointType pt = pointSet->GetPoint(position, m_TimeStep);
          mitk::Point2D displPoint;
          displPoint[0] = worldPoint[0]; displPoint[1] = worldPoint[1];
          //new Event with information YES and with the correct point
          mitk::PositionEvent newPosEvent(posEvent->GetSender(), Type_None,
            BS_NoButton, BS_NoButton, Key_none, displPoint, pt);
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDYES, &newPosEvent);
          //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state
          this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
          ok = true;
          //new Event with information NO
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent);
          this->HandleEvent(&newStateEvent );
          ok = true;
        MITK_DEBUG("OperationError")<<this->GetType()<<" AcCHECKELEMENT expected PointOperation.";

        mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const  *disPosEvent =
          dynamic_cast <const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent *> (
        if (disPosEvent != NULL)
        { //2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo
          //the last statechange
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDNO, disPosEvent);
          ok = true;

    //check if there is a point that is selected
      if (pointSet->GetNumberOfSelected(m_TimeStep)>0)
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent( EIDYES, theEvent);
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
      else //not selected then call event EIDNO
        //new Event with information NO
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent( EIDNO, theEvent);
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
      ok = true;
    /*check, if the given point is selected:
    if no, then send EIDNO
    if yes, then send EIDYES*/

    // check, if: because of the need to look up the point again, it is
    // possible, that we grab the wrong point in case there are two same points
    // so maybe we do have to set a global index for further computation,
    // as long, as the mouse is moved...
      int position = -1;
      mitk::PositionEvent const  *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent == NULL)
        return false;
      mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

      position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, m_Precision, m_TimeStep);

      if (position>=0)
        mitk::PositionEvent const  *newPosEvent =
          new mitk::PositionEvent(posEvent->GetSender(),
          posEvent->GetType(), posEvent->GetButton(),
          posEvent->GetButtonState(), posEvent->GetKey(),
          posEvent->GetDisplayPosition(), posEvent->GetWorldPosition());

        //if selected on true, then call Event EIDYES
        if (pointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, m_TimeStep))
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent( EIDYES, newPosEvent );
          this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
          ok = true;

          //saving the spot for calculating the direction vector in moving
          m_LastPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();
        else //not selected then call event EIDNO
          //new Event with information NO
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent( EIDNO, newPosEvent );
          this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
          ok = true;
        delete newPosEvent;
      //the position wasn't set properly. If necessary: search the given
      //point in list and set var position
          "Message from mitkPointSetInteractor: Error in Actions! Check Config XML-file",
        ok = false;


  //generate Events if the set will be full after the addition of the
  // point or not.
      // number of points not limited->pass on
      // "Amount of points in Set is smaller then N-1"
      if (m_N<0)
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDSTSMALERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        ok = true;
        if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) < m_N-1 )
          //pointset after addition won't be full
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDSTSMALERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent());
          this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
          ok = true;
          //after the addition of a point, the container will be full
          mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDSTLARGERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent());
          this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
          ok = true;
      //the number of points in the list is 1 (or smaler)
      if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) <= 1)
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDYES, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        ok = true;
      else //more than 1 points in list, so stay in the state!
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDNO, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        ok = true;
      //the number of points in the list is 1 (or smaler), so will be empty after delete
     if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) <= 1)
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDEMPTY, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        ok = true;
      else if (pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) <= m_N || m_N <= -1)
       //m_N is set to unlimited points allowed or more than 1 points in list, but not full, so stay in the state!
       // if the number of points equals m_N and no point of the point set is selected switch to state EIDEQUALSN
       if ((pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) == m_N)&&(pointSet->GetNumberOfSelected()==0))
         mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDEQUALSN, stateEvent->GetEvent());
         this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
         ok = true;
       // if the number of points is small than or equal m_N and point(s) are selected stay in state
         mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDSMALLERN, stateEvent->GetEvent());
         this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
         ok = true;
        //pointSet->GetSize( m_TimeStep ) >=m_N.
        // This can happen if the points were not added
        // by interaction but by loading a .mps file
        mitk::StateEvent newStateEvent(EIDEQUALSN, stateEvent->GetEvent());
        this->HandleEvent( &newStateEvent );
        ok = true;
  case AcSELECTPICKEDOBJECT://and deselect others
      mitk::PositionEvent const  *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent == NULL) return false;

      mitk::Point3D itkPoint;
      itkPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

      //search the point in the list
      int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(itkPoint, 0.0, m_TimeStep);
      //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last
      //State checkpoint but we also need the position in the list to move it
      if (position>=0)//found a point
        //first deselect the other points
        //undoable deselect of all points in the DataList
        this->UnselectAll( m_TimeStep, timeInMS);

        PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT,
          timeInMS, itkPoint, position);

        if (m_UndoEnabled)  //write to UndoMechanism
          PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT,
            timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
          OperationEvent *operationEvent =
            new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp);

        //execute the Operation

        if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
          delete doOp;

        ok = true;

      // Update the display

      mitk::PositionEvent const  *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent == NULL)
        return false;

      mitk::Point3D itkPoint;
      itkPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition();

      //search the point in the list
      int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(itkPoint, 0.0, m_TimeStep);

      //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last
      // State checkpoint but we also need the position in the list to move it
      if (position>=0)//found a point
        PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT,
          timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
        if (m_UndoEnabled)  //write to UndoMechanism
          PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT,
            timeInMS, itkPoint, position);
          OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp);
        //execute the Operation

        if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
          delete doOp;

        ok = true;

      // Update the display

      //undo-supported able deselect of all points in the DataList
      this->UnselectAll( m_TimeStep, timeInMS );
      ok = true;

      // Update the display

      mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent =
        dynamic_cast <const mitk::PositionEvent *> (stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (posEvent == NULL)
        return false;

      //finish the movement:
      //the final point is m_LastPoint
      //m_SumVec stores the movement in a vector
      //the operation would not be necessary, but we need it for the undo Operation.
      //m_LastPoint is for the Operation
      //the point for undoOperation calculates from all selected
      //elements (point) - m_SumVec

      //search all selected elements and move them with undo-functionality.
      mitk::PointSet::PointsIterator it, end;
      it = points->Begin();
      end = points->End();
      while( it != end )
        int position = it->Index();
        if ( pointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, m_TimeStep) )//if selected
          PointSet::PointType pt = pointSet->GetPoint(position, m_TimeStep);
          Point3D itkPoint;
          itkPoint[0] = pt[0];
          itkPoint[1] = pt[1];
          itkPoint[2] = pt[2];
          PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE,
            timeInMS, itkPoint, position);

          if ( m_UndoEnabled )//&& (posEvent->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseButtonRelease)
            //set the undo-operation, so the final position is undo-able
            //calculate the old Position from the already moved position - m_SumVec
            mitk::Point3D undoPoint = ( itkPoint - m_SumVec );
            PointOperation* undoOp =
              new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, timeInMS, undoPoint, position);
            OperationEvent *operationEvent =
              new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Move point");
          //execute the Operation

          if ( !m_UndoEnabled )
            delete doOp;


      //set every variable for movement calculation to zero
      // commented out: increases usebility in derived classes.

      //increase the GroupEventId, so that the Undo goes to here
      ok = true;

      // Update the display

  case AcCLEAR:
      this->Clear( m_TimeStep, timeInMS );

      // Update the display

    return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent );
  // indicate modification of data tree node
  return ok;
예제 #23
  MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "destructing PersistenceService";
예제 #24
: m_ItkWrappingAvailable( true ), m_OpenCVWrappingAvailable( true ), m_VtkWrappingAvailable( true ), m_ErrorOccured( false )
    MITK_DEBUG << "will init python if necessary";
  bool pythonInitialized = static_cast<bool>( Py_IsInitialized() ); //m_PythonManager.isPythonInitialized() );
    MITK_DEBUG << "pythonInitialized " << pythonInitialized;
    MITK_DEBUG << "m_PythonManager.isPythonInitialized() " << m_PythonManager.isPythonInitialized();

  // due to strange static var behaviour on windows Py_IsInitialized() returns correct value while
  // m_PythonManager.isPythonInitialized() does not because it has been constructed and destructed again
  if( !m_PythonManager.isPythonInitialized() )
      //TODO a better way to do this
#ifndef WIN32
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined(MACOSX)
      const char* library = "libpython${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}.dylib";
      const char* library = "libpython${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}.so";
      if(dlopen(library, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL) == 0 )
        mitkThrow() << "Python runtime could not be loaded: " << dlerror();

      std::string programPath = mitk::IOUtil::GetProgramPath();
      QDir programmDir( QString( programPath.c_str() ).append("/Python") );
      QString pythonCommand;

      // TODO: Check this in the modernization branch with an installer
      // Set the pythonpath variable depending if
      // we have an installer or development environment
      if ( programmDir.exists() ) {
        // runtime directory used in installers
        pythonCommand.append( QString("import site, sys\n") );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("sys.path.append('')\n") );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("sys.path.append('%1')\n").arg(programPath.c_str()) );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("sys.path.append('%1/Python')").arg(programPath.c_str()) );
        // development
      } else {
        pythonCommand.append( QString("import site, sys\n") );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("sys.path.append('')\n") );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("sys.path.append('%1')\n").arg(EXTERNAL_DIST_PACKAGES) );
        pythonCommand.append( QString("\nsite.addsitedir('%1')").arg(EXTERNAL_SITE_PACKAGES) );

      if( pythonInitialized )

      // set python home if own runtime is used
      QString pythonHome;
      if ( programmDir.exists() )

      if(pHome) delete[] pHome;
      pHome = new char[pythonHome.toStdString().length() + 1];

      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "PythonHome: " << pHome;

      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "initalizing python";


      PyObject* dict = PyDict_New();
      // Import builtin modules
      if (PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "__builtins__") == nullptr)
        PyObject* builtinMod = PyImport_ImportModule("__builtin__");
        if (builtinMod == nullptr ||
            PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__builtins__", builtinMod) != 0)

      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService")<< "Python Search paths: " << Py_GetPath();
      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "python initalized";

      //MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "registering python paths" << PYTHONPATH_COMMAND;
      m_PythonManager.executeString( pythonCommand, ctkAbstractPythonManager::FileInput );
    catch (...)
      MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "exception initalizing python";
예제 #25
bool mitk::PersistenceService::Load(const std::string &fileName, bool enforceReload)
  bool load = false;

  std::string theFile = fileName;
  if (theFile.empty())
    theFile = PersistenceService::GetDefaultPersistenceFile();

  MITK_DEBUG << "Load persistence data from file: " << theFile;

  if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(theFile.c_str()))
    return false;

  bool xmlFile = false;
  if (itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(theFile.c_str()) == ".xml")
    xmlFile = true;

  if (enforceReload == false)
    bool loadTheFile = true;
    std::map<std::string, long int>::iterator it = m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes.find(theFile);

    long int currentModifiedTime = itksys::SystemTools::ModifiedTime(theFile.c_str());
    if (it != m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes.end())
      long int knownModifiedTime = (*it).second;
      if (knownModifiedTime >= currentModifiedTime)
        loadTheFile = false;
    if (loadTheFile)
      m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes[theFile] = currentModifiedTime;
      return true;

  if (xmlFile)
    load = m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter->ReadLists(theFile, m_PropertyLists);
    if (m_SceneIO.IsNull())
      m_SceneIO = mitk::SceneIO::New();
    DataStorage::Pointer ds = m_SceneIO->LoadScene(theFile);
    load = (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes()->size() == 0) &&
           (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedProperties()->IsEmpty());
    if (load)
  if (!load)
    MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "loading of scene files failed";
    return load;

  return load;
예제 #26
void QmitkKurtosisWidget::SetData(KurtosisFilterType::KurtosisSnapshot snap)

  if( snap.bvalues.empty() )

  double max_y_val = 1.4 * fmax( snap.measurements[0], snap.m_BzeroFit );

  auto logScale = new QwtLogScaleEngine();
  m_Plot->setAxisScaleEngine(0, logScale );
  m_Plot->setAxisScale(0, 0.1, max_y_val );

  QString s("D=%1, K=%2");
  s = s.arg( snap.m_D, 4); s = s.arg( snap.m_K, 4);

  // insert formatted value string to legend (curve without pen)
  int curveId = this->InsertCurve( s.toLatin1(), QColor( Qt::black ) );
  this->SetCurvePen( curveId, QPen( Qt::NoPen ) );

  QPen pen;
  pen.setColor( QColor( Qt::red ));
  pen.setStyle( Qt::PenStyle::DashLine );

  // get the x-axis maximum
  const double max_bvalue = snap.bvalues.max_value();

  // Data-points
  auto measured_values = toStdVec( snap.measurements );
  double y_bzero = measured_values[0];

  if( snap.m_fittedBZero )
    /*auto c_measurements_curve = this->InsertCurve( "Corrected measured values with fitted b=0" );
    this->SetCurveData( c_measurements_curve, toStdVec( snap.fit_bvalues ), toStdVec( snap.fit_measurements / snap.m_BzeroFit ) );
    this->SetCurvePen( c_measurements_curve, QPen(Qt::NoPen) );
    QwtSymbol* whiteDiamond = new QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol::Diamond, QColor(Qt::white), QColor(Qt::black), QSize(8,8));
    this->SetCurveSymbol( c_measurements_curve, whiteDiamond );*/

    std::vector<double> single_bzero;

    std::vector<double> fitted_bzero;
    fitted_bzero.push_back( snap.m_BzeroFit );

    auto c_measurements_bzero = this->InsertCurve( "Fitted b=0" );
    this->SetCurveData( c_measurements_bzero, single_bzero, fitted_bzero );
    this->SetCurvePen( c_measurements_bzero, QPen(Qt::NoPen) );
    QwtSymbol* blackDiamond = new QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol::Diamond, QColor(Qt::black), QColor(Qt::black), QSize(8,8));
    this->SetCurveSymbol( c_measurements_bzero, blackDiamond );

    y_bzero = snap.m_BzeroFit;

    MITK_DEBUG("Kurtosis.Widget.Bzero") << "[Fitted] " << snap.m_BzeroFit << ": [Measured]  " << snap.measurements[0];

  auto measurements_curve = this->InsertCurve( "Measured values" );
  this->SetCurveData( measurements_curve, toStdVec( snap.bvalues ), measured_values );
  this->SetCurvePen( measurements_curve, QPen(Qt::NoPen) );
  QwtSymbol* redDiamond = new QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol::Diamond, QColor(Qt::red), QColor(Qt::red), QSize(8,8));
  this->SetCurveSymbol( measurements_curve, redDiamond );

  // Kurtosis - full modelled signal
  pen.setColor( QColor( Qt::black ));
  pen.setStyle( Qt::SolidLine );
  const unsigned int num_samples = 50;

  vnl_vector<double> x_K_model(num_samples);
  vnl_vector<double> y_K_model(num_samples);

  vnl_vector<double> y_D_model(num_samples);

  const double x_tics_offset = max_bvalue / static_cast<double>( num_samples );

  for( unsigned int i=0; i<num_samples; ++i)
     x_K_model[i] = i * x_tics_offset;

     double bval = x_K_model[i];
     y_K_model[i] = y_bzero * exp( -bval * snap.m_D + bval*bval * snap.m_D * snap.m_D * snap.m_K / 6.0 );
     y_D_model[i] = y_bzero * exp( -bval * snap.m_D );

  auto kurtosis_curve = this->InsertCurve( "Resulting fit of the model" );
  this->SetCurveData( kurtosis_curve, toStdVec( x_K_model ), toStdVec( y_K_model ) );
  this->SetCurvePen( kurtosis_curve, pen );
  this->SetCurveAntialiasingOn( kurtosis_curve );

  auto d_curve = this->InsertCurve( "D-part of the fitted model" );
  this->SetCurveData( d_curve, toStdVec( x_K_model ), toStdVec( y_D_model ) );

  pen.setColor( QColor( Qt::red));
  pen.setStyle( Qt::PenStyle::DashLine );
  this->SetCurvePen( d_curve, pen );
  this->SetCurveAntialiasingOn( d_curve );

  // add Legend
  auto legend = new QwtLegend();
  m_Plot->insertLegend( legend, QwtPlot::BottomLegend );

예제 #27
mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PythonService::CopySimpleItkImageFromPython(const std::string &stdvarName)
  double*ds = nullptr;
  // access python module
  PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__");
  // global dictionarry
  PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod);
  mitk::Image::Pointer mitkImage = mitk::Image::New();
  mitk::Vector3D spacing;
  mitk::Point3D origin;
  QString command;
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );

  command.append( QString("%1_numpy_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(%1)\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_spacing = numpy.asarray(%1.GetSpacing())\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_origin = numpy.asarray(%1.GetOrigin())\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_dtype = %1_numpy_array.dtype.name\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_direction = numpy.asarray(%1.GetDirection())\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("%1_nrComponents = numpy.asarray(%1.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel())\n").arg(varName));
  command.append( QString("%1_dtype = %1_numpy_array.dtype.name\n").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  PyObject* py_dtype = PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_dtype").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  std::string dtype = PyString_AsString(py_dtype);
  PyArrayObject* py_data = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  PyArrayObject* py_spacing = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_spacing").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  PyArrayObject* py_origin = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_origin").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );
  PyArrayObject* py_direction = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_direction").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );

  PyArrayObject* py_nrComponents = (PyArrayObject*) PyDict_GetItemString(pyDict,QString("%1_nrComponents").arg(varName).toStdString().c_str() );

  unsigned int nr_Components = *(reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(PyArray_DATA(py_nrComponents)));

  unsigned int nr_dimensions = PyArray_NDIM(py_data);
  if (nr_Components > 1) // for VectorImages the last dimension in the numpy array are the vector components.

  mitk::PixelType pixelType = DeterminePixelType(dtype, nr_Components, nr_dimensions);

  unsigned int* dimensions = new unsigned int[nr_dimensions];
  // fill backwards , nd data saves dimensions in opposite direction
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < nr_dimensions; ++i )
    dimensions[i] = PyArray_DIMS(py_data)[nr_dimensions - 1 - i];

  mitkImage->Initialize(pixelType, nr_dimensions, dimensions);


  ds = reinterpret_cast<double*>(PyArray_DATA(py_spacing));
  spacing[0] = ds[0];
  spacing[1] = ds[1];
  spacing[2] = ds[2];


  ds = reinterpret_cast<double*>(PyArray_DATA(py_origin));
  origin[0] = ds[0];
  origin[1] = ds[1];
  origin[2] = ds[2];

  itk::Matrix<double,3,3> py_transform;

  ds = reinterpret_cast<double*>(PyArray_DATA(py_direction));
  py_transform[0][0] = ds[0];
  py_transform[0][1] = ds[1];
  py_transform[0][2] = ds[2];

  py_transform[1][0] = ds[3];
  py_transform[1][1] = ds[4];
  py_transform[1][2] = ds[5];

  py_transform[2][0] = ds[6];
  py_transform[2][1] = ds[7];
  py_transform[2][2] = ds[8];

  mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform = mitkImage->GetGeometry()->GetIndexToWorldTransform();

  itk::Matrix<double,3,3> transform = py_transform * affineTransform->GetMatrix();



  // mitk::AffineTransform3D::New();

  // cleanup
  command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_dtype\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_spacing\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_origin\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_direction\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_nrComponents\n").arg(varName) );
  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();
  this->Execute(command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  delete[] dimensions;

  return mitkImage;
예제 #28
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsCvImage( mitk::Image* image, const std::string& stdvarName )
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );
  QString command;
  unsigned int* imgDim = image->GetDimensions();
  int npy_nd = 1;

  // access python module
  PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__");
  // global dictionary
  PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod);
  mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType();
  PyObject* npyArray = nullptr;
  mitk::ImageReadAccessor racc(image);
  void* array = (void*) racc.GetData();

  // save the total number of elements here (since the numpy array is one dimensional)
  npy_intp* npy_dims = new npy_intp[1];
  npy_dims[0] = imgDim[0];

   * Build a string in the format [1024,1028,1]
   * to describe the dimensionality. This is needed for simple itk
   * to know the dimensions of the image
  QString dimensionString;
  // ToDo: check if we need this
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
    // always three because otherwise the 3d-geometry gets destroyed
    // (relevant for backtransformation of simple itk image to mitk.
    npy_dims[0] *= imgDim[i];

  // the next line is necessary for vectorimages
  npy_dims[0] *= pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents();

  // default pixeltype: unsigned short
  NPY_TYPES npy_type  = NPY_USHORT;
  if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) {
    npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) {
    npy_type = NPY_FLOAT;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) {
    npy_type = NPY_SHORT;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) {
    npy_type = NPY_BYTE;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) {
    npy_type = NPY_INT;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) {
    npy_type = NPY_LONG;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) {
    npy_type = NPY_UBYTE;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) {
    npy_type = NPY_UINT;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) {
    npy_type = NPY_LONG;
  } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) {
    npy_type = NPY_USHORT;
  else {
    MITK_WARN << "not a recognized pixeltype";
    return false;

  // creating numpy array
  import_array1 (true);
  npyArray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(npy_nd,npy_dims,npy_type,array);

  // add temp array it to the python dictionary to access it in python code
  const int status = PyDict_SetItemString( pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array")
      npyArray );
  // sanity check
  if ( status != 0 )
    return false;

  command.append( QString("import numpy as np\n"));
  //command.append( QString("if '%1' in globals():\n").arg(varName));
  //command.append( QString("  del %1\n").arg(varName));
  command.append( QString("%1_array_tmp=%1_numpy_array.copy()\n").arg(varName));
  command.append( QString("%1_array_tmp=%1_array_tmp.reshape(%2,%3,%4)\n").arg( varName,

  command.append( QString("%1 = %1_array_tmp[:,...,::-1]\n").arg(varName));
  command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_array_tmp").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();

  this->Execute( command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  return true;
예제 #29
void QmitkCtkPythonShell::executeCommand(const QString& command)
  MITK_DEBUG("QmitkCtkPythonShell") << "executing command " << command.toStdString();
예제 #30
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsSimpleItkImage(mitk::Image *image, const std::string &stdvarName)
  QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName );
  QString command;
  unsigned int* imgDim = image->GetDimensions();
  int npy_nd = 1;

  // access python module
  PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__");
  // global dictionary
  PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod);
  const mitk::Vector3D spacing = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing();
  const mitk::Point3D origin = image->GetGeometry()->GetOrigin();
  mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType();
  itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType ioPixelType = image->GetPixelType().GetPixelType();
  PyObject* npyArray = nullptr;
  mitk::ImageReadAccessor racc(image);
  void* array = (void*) racc.GetData();

  mitk::Vector3D xDirection;
  mitk::Vector3D yDirection;
  mitk::Vector3D zDirection;
  const vnl_matrix_fixed<ScalarType, 3, 3> &transform =

  mitk::Vector3D s = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing();

  // ToDo: Check if this is a collumn or row vector from the matrix.
  // right now it works but not sure for rotated geometries
  mitk::FillVector3D(xDirection, transform[0][0]/s[0], transform[0][1]/s[1], transform[0][2]/s[2]);
  mitk::FillVector3D(yDirection, transform[1][0]/s[0], transform[1][1]/s[1], transform[1][2]/s[2]);
  mitk::FillVector3D(zDirection, transform[2][0]/s[0], transform[2][1]/s[1], transform[2][2]/s[2]);

  // save the total number of elements here (since the numpy array is one dimensional)
  npy_intp* npy_dims = new npy_intp[1];
  npy_dims[0] = imgDim[0];

   * Build a string in the format [1024,1028,1]
   * to describe the dimensionality. This is needed for simple itk
   * to know the dimensions of the image
  QString dimensionString;
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
    // always three because otherwise the 3d-geometry gets destroyed
    // (relevant for backtransformation of simple itk image to mitk.
    npy_dims[0] *= imgDim[i];

  // the next line is necessary for vectorimages
  npy_dims[0] *= pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents();

  // default pixeltype: unsigned short
  NPY_TYPES npy_type  = NPY_USHORT;
  std::string sitk_type = "sitkUInt8";
  if( ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR )
    if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) {
      npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE;
      sitk_type = "sitkFloat64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_FLOAT;
      sitk_type = "sitkFloat32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) {
      npy_type = NPY_SHORT;
      sitk_type = "sitkInt16";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) {
      npy_type = NPY_BYTE;
      sitk_type = "sitkInt8";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_INT;
      sitk_type = "sitkInt32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) {
      npy_type = NPY_LONG;
      sitk_type = "sitkInt64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) {
      npy_type = NPY_UBYTE;
      sitk_type = "sitkUInt8";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_UINT;
      sitk_type = "sitkUInt32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) {
      npy_type = NPY_LONG;
      sitk_type = "sitkUInt64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_USHORT;
      sitk_type = "sitkUInt16";
  else if ( ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::VECTOR ||
      ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::RGB ||
      ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::RGBA
    if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) {
      npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorFloat64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_FLOAT;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorFloat32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) {
      npy_type = NPY_SHORT;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt16";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) {
      npy_type = NPY_BYTE;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt8";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_INT;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) {
      npy_type = NPY_LONG;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) {
      npy_type = NPY_UBYTE;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt8";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_UINT;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt32";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) {
      npy_type = NPY_LONG;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt64";
    } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) {
      npy_type = NPY_USHORT;
      sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt16";
  else {
    MITK_WARN << "not a recognized pixeltype";
    return false;

  // creating numpy array
  import_array1 (true);
  npyArray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(npy_nd,npy_dims,npy_type,array);

  // add temp array it to the python dictionary to access it in python code
  const int status = PyDict_SetItemString( pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array")
      npyArray );

  // sanity check
  if ( status != 0 )
    return false;

  command.append( QString("%1 = sitk.Image(%2,sitk.%3,%4)\n").arg(varName)
      .arg(QString(sitk_type.c_str())).arg(QString::number(pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents())) );
  command.append( QString("%1.SetSpacing([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName)
      .arg(QString::number(spacing[2])) );
  command.append( QString("%1.SetOrigin([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName)
      .arg(QString::number(origin[2])) );
  command.append( QString("%1.SetDirection([%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10])\n").arg(varName)
  // directly access the cpp api from the lib
  command.append( QString("_SimpleITK._SetImageFromArray(%1_numpy_array,%1)\n").arg(varName) );
  command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array").arg(varName) );

  MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString();

  this->Execute( command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND );

  return true;