예제 #1
enna_panel_infos_set_rating(Evas_Object *obj, Enna_Metadata *m)
    Evas_Object *rating = NULL;
    const char *rt;
    Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_data_get(obj, "sd");

    if (!sd)

    rt = enna_metadata_meta_get(m, "rating", 1);
    if (rt)
        char rate[16];
        int r;

        r = MMAX(atoi(rt), 0);
        r = MMIN(r, 5);
        memset(rate, '\0', sizeof(rate));
        snprintf(rate, sizeof(rate), "rating/%d", r);
        rating = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(sd->o_edje));
        edje_object_file_set(rating, enna_config_theme_get(), rate);

    sd->o_rating = rating;
                             "panel.rating.swallow", sd->o_rating);
예제 #2
WIN32DLL_DEFINE mutils_word32 mhash_count(void)
    hashid count = 0;

    MHASH_LOOP( count = MMAX( p->id, count) );

    return count;
예제 #3
gs_byte_seek(GsByte *b, int len, int whence) {
    if(whence == SEEK_SET){
        if(len >= 0){
            b->mBufPtr = MMIN(b->mBuf + len, b->mBufEnd);
    }else if(whence == SEEK_CUR){
        b->mBufPtr = MMIN(MMAX(b->mBuf, (b->mBufPtr + len)), b->mBufEnd);

예제 #4
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: GeeXboX/enna
unsigned int
enna_util_calculate_font_size(Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
    float size = 12;

    size = sqrt(w * w + h * h) / (float)50.0;
    size = MMIN(size, 8);
    size = MMAX(size, 30);

    return (unsigned int)size;

예제 #5
gs_byte_read(GsByte *b, uint8_t* buf, int size)
    int len = 0;
    if (size > 0) {
        if (b->mBufEnd >= (b->mBufPtr + size)) {
            len = size;
            memcpy(buf, b->mBufPtr, len);
        } else {
            len = b->mBufEnd - b->mBufPtr;
            len = MMAX(0, len);
            memcpy(buf, b->mBufPtr, len);
        b->mBufPtr += len;
    } else if (size == 0) {
        len = 0;
    } else {
        len = -1;

    return len;
예제 #6
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){

  long      n_xyz, n;
  double    *xyz;
  long      n_points, p;
  double    *points;
  long      closest_id;
  mxArray   *PLOC;
  int       *ijk, i,j,k;
  int       N[3], max_N;
  int       *IDs, MARK;
  double    D_SCAM, D_SCAM2;
  int       offset_bucket;
  double    min_dist2, this_dist2;
  int       isPLOC;

/*   //read the inputs */
  n_points =  mxGetM( prhs[1] );
  points   = mxGetPr( prhs[1] );
  n_xyz    =  mxGetM( mxGetField( prhs[0], 0, "xyz") );
  xyz      = mxGetPr( mxGetField( prhs[0], 0, "xyz") );

/*  //create the outputs */
  plhs[0]= mxCreateDoubleMatrix( n_points,1,mxREAL );
  if( nlhs > 1) {
    plhs[1]= mxCreateDoubleMatrix( n_points,3,mxREAL );
  if( nlhs > 2) {
    plhs[2]= mxCreateDoubleMatrix( n_points,1,mxREAL );

/*   //MARKS vectors */
  IDs = mxMalloc( n_xyz*sizeof( int ) );

/*   //if SCAM structure doesn't exists */
  if( mxGetField( prhs[0], 0, "SCAM") == NULL ) {
    D_SCAM= 1;
    isPLOC= 0;
  } else {
    D_SCAM= *mxGetPr( mxGetField( mxGetField( prhs[0], 0, "SCAM"), 0 , "D"));

  PLOC= mxGetField( prhs[0], 0, "PLOC");
/*   //if PLOC structure doesn't exists */
  if(  PLOC == NULL ){
    isPLOC= 0;
    max_N = 1;
  } else {
    /* //SCAM coordinates of the points */
    ijk = mxMalloc( 3*n_points*sizeof( int ) );
    SCAMCOORD( ijk, prhs[0], points, n_points , N );

    max_N= MMAX( N[0],N[1],N[2] );

  for( p=0 ; p<n_points ; p++ ) {
    /* //reset the MARKS */
    for ( n=0 ; n<n_xyz ; n++ ) {
    offset_bucket= 1;
    min_dist2= 1e+300;
    while( offset_bucket <= max_N ){
      if( isPLOC ) {
        i= ijk[ p ];
        j= ijk[ p + n_points ];
        k= ijk[ p + 2*n_points ];
        n= MarkIdsOnBuckets( PLOC,
                             IDs, MARK );
        if( n < 0 ) { 
      } else {
        MARK= 0;
        n= n_xyz-1;
      for ( ; n >= 0 ; n-- ) {
        /* //only the the just marked ones */
        if (IDs[n]==MARK) {
          /* //distance between points(p) and m.xyz(n) */
          this_dist2 = (points[p           ]-xyz[n        ])*(points[p           ]-xyz[n        ])+
                       (points[p+  n_points]-xyz[n+  n_xyz])*(points[p+  n_points]-xyz[n+  n_xyz])+

          if( this_dist2 < min_dist2 ){
            /* //a closer point found */
            min_dist2= this_dist2;                /* //update the min_dist2 */
            closest_id= n;
            if( min_dist2 < 1e-30 ) {                     /*  //tolerance of the search */
              break;                                      /*  //a point was found */
      if( offset_bucket*offset_bucket >= min_dist2/D_SCAM2 ) {         
      if( !isPLOC ) {
      offset_bucket= (int)( sqrt(min_dist2/D_SCAM2) )+1;

    *(mxGetPr(plhs[0])+p)= closest_id + 1;           /* //update the output id */
    if( nlhs > 1) {                                  /* //update the output point */
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])+p           )= xyz[closest_id        ];
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])+p+  n_points)= xyz[closest_id+  n_xyz];
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])+p+2*n_points)= xyz[closest_id+2*n_xyz];
    if( nlhs > 2) {                       /* //update the output distance */
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])+p)= sqrt( min_dist2 ) ;

  if( isPLOC ) {
예제 #7
// 零窗口完全搜索例程
static int SearchCut(int vlBeta, int nDepth, bool bNoNull = false) {
	int nNewDepth, vlBest, vl;
	int mvHash, mv, mvEvade;
	MoveSortStruct MoveSort;
	// 完全搜索例程包括以下几个步骤:

	// 1. 在叶子结点处调用静态搜索;
	if (nDepth <= 0) {
		__ASSERT(nDepth >= -NULL_DEPTH);
		return SearchQuiesc(Search.pos, vlBeta - 1, vlBeta);

	// 2. 无害裁剪;
	vl = HarmlessPruning(Search.pos, vlBeta);
	if (vl > -MATE_VALUE) {
		return vl;

	// 3. 置换裁剪;
	vl = ProbeHash(Search.pos, vlBeta - 1, vlBeta, nDepth, bNoNull, mvHash);
	if (Search.bUseHash && vl > -MATE_VALUE) {
		return vl;

	// 4. 达到极限深度,直接返回评价值;
	if (Search.pos.nDistance == LIMIT_DEPTH) {
		return Evaluate(Search.pos, vlBeta - 1, vlBeta);
	__ASSERT(Search.pos.nDistance < LIMIT_DEPTH);

	// 5. 中断调用;
	vlBest = -MATE_VALUE;
	if ((Search2.nMainNodes & Search.nCountMask) == 0 && Interrupt()) {
		return vlBest;

	// 6. 尝试空着裁剪;
	if (Search.bNullMove && !bNoNull && Search.pos.LastMove().ChkChs <= 0 && Search.pos.NullOkay()) {
		vl = -SearchCut(1 - vlBeta, nDepth - NULL_DEPTH - 1, NO_NULL);
		if (Search2.bStop) {
			return vlBest;

		if (vl >= vlBeta) {
			if (Search.pos.NullSafe()) {
				// a. 如果空着裁剪不带检验,那么记录深度至少为(NULL_DEPTH + 1);
				RecordHash(Search.pos, HASH_BETA, vl, MMAX(nDepth, NULL_DEPTH + 1), 0);
				return vl;
			else if (SearchCut(vlBeta, nDepth - NULL_DEPTH, NO_NULL) >= vlBeta) {
				// b. 如果空着裁剪带检验,那么记录深度至少为(NULL_DEPTH);
				RecordHash(Search.pos, HASH_BETA, vl, MMAX(nDepth, NULL_DEPTH), 0);
				return vl;

	// 7. 初始化;
	if (Search.pos.LastMove().ChkChs > 0) {
		// 如果是将军局面,那么生成所有应将着法;
		mvEvade = MoveSort.InitEvade(Search.pos, mvHash, Search2.wmvKiller[Search.pos.nDistance]);
	else {
		// 如果不是将军局面,那么使用正常的着法列表。
		MoveSort.InitFull(Search.pos, mvHash, Search2.wmvKiller[Search.pos.nDistance]);
		mvEvade = 0;

	// 8. 按照"MoveSortStruct::NextFull()"例程的着法顺序逐一搜索;
	while ((mv = MoveSort.NextFull(Search.pos)) != 0) {
		if (Search.pos.MakeMove(mv)) {

			// 9. 尝试选择性延伸;
			nNewDepth = (Search.pos.LastMove().ChkChs > 0 || mvEvade != 0 ? nDepth : nDepth - 1);

			// 10. 零窗口搜索;
			vl = -SearchCut(1 - vlBeta, nNewDepth);
			if (Search2.bStop) {
				return vlBest;

			// 11. 截断判定;
			if (vl > vlBest) {
				vlBest = vl;
				if (vl >= vlBeta) {
					RecordHash(Search.pos, HASH_BETA, vlBest, nDepth, mv);
					if (!MoveSort.GoodCap(Search.pos, mv)) {
						SetBestMove(mv, nDepth, Search2.wmvKiller[Search.pos.nDistance]);
					return vlBest;

	// 12. 不截断措施。
	if (vlBest == -MATE_VALUE) {
		return Search.pos.nDistance - MATE_VALUE;
	else {
		RecordHash(Search.pos, HASH_ALPHA, vlBest, nDepth, mvEvade);
		return vlBest;
예제 #8
// 静态搜索例程
static int SearchQuiesc(PositionStruct &pos, int vlAlpha, int vlBeta) {
	int vlBest, vl, mv;
	bool bInCheck;
	MoveSortStruct MoveSort;
	// 静态搜索例程包括以下几个步骤:

	// 1. 无害裁剪;
	vl = HarmlessPruning(pos, vlBeta);
	if (vl > -MATE_VALUE) {
		return vl;

	// 3. 置换裁剪;
	vl = ProbeHashQ(pos, vlAlpha, vlBeta);
	if (Search.bUseHash && vl > -MATE_VALUE) {
		return vl;

	// 4. 达到极限深度,直接返回评价值;
	if (pos.nDistance == LIMIT_DEPTH) {
		return Evaluate(pos, vlAlpha, vlBeta);
	__ASSERT(Search.pos.nDistance < LIMIT_DEPTH);

	// 5. 初始化;
	vlBest = -MATE_VALUE;
	bInCheck = (pos.LastMove().ChkChs > 0);

	// 6. 对于被将军的局面,生成全部着法;
	if (bInCheck) {
	else {

		// 7. 对于未被将军的局面,在生成着法前首先尝试空着(空着启发),即对局面作评价;
		vl = Evaluate(pos, vlAlpha, vlBeta);
		__ASSERT(vl > vlBest);
		if (vl >= vlBeta) {
			RecordHashQ(pos, vl, MATE_VALUE);
			return vl;
		vlBest = vl;
		vlAlpha = MMAX(vl, vlAlpha);

		// 8. 对于未被将军的局面,生成并排序所有吃子着法(MVV(LVA)启发);

	// 9. 用Alpha-Beta算法搜索这些着法;
	while ((mv = MoveSort.NextQuiesc(bInCheck)) != 0) {
		__ASSERT(bInCheck || pos.ucpcSquares[DST(mv)] > 0);
		if (pos.MakeMove(mv)) {
			vl = -SearchQuiesc(pos, -vlBeta, -vlAlpha);
			if (vl > vlBest) {
				if (vl >= vlBeta) {
					if (vl > -WIN_VALUE && vl < WIN_VALUE) {
						RecordHashQ(pos, vl, MATE_VALUE);
					return vl;
				vlBest = vl;
				vlAlpha = MMAX(vl, vlAlpha);

	// 10. 返回分值。
	if (vlBest == -MATE_VALUE) {
		return pos.nDistance - MATE_VALUE;
	else {
		if (vlBest > -WIN_VALUE && vlBest < WIN_VALUE) {
			RecordHashQ(pos, vlBest > vlAlpha ? vlBest : -MATE_VALUE, vlBest);
		return vlBest;
예제 #9
파일: tree_js.c 프로젝트: jpcoles/jcode
static int sort(struct env *env, int M)
    int sp=0;
    struct tree *left=NULL, *right=NULL;
    int nBucket = 0;

    struct particle **ps = env->p;
    struct tree *node = env->tree;

     * Allocate stack
    int ns = (int)MMAX(1, floor(log(((double)(env->N+1))/(M+1))/log(2.0)));
    sp = 0;
    sortStack = (struct tree **)realloc(sortStack, ns * sizeof(struct tree *));
    assert(sortStack != NULL);

    if (node->iUpper - node->iLower + 1 <= M) 
        return 0;

    while (1)
        int i, p, k;
        struct particle *t;
        int nl, nr;
        int d;
        real fSplit;

        assert(node != NULL);
        split(node, &d, &fSplit);

#if 0
        i = node->iLower;
        int j = node->iUpper;

        //PARTITION(ps, t, ->r[d], i,j, < fSplit,> fSplit);
    	while (i <= j && ((ps[i] ->r[d]) < fSplit)) { ++i; } 

#if 0
        while (i <= j)
            switch ((i-j) & 0x7)
                case 7: if 


    	while (i <= j && ((ps[j] ->r[d]) > fSplit)) { --j; } 
    	while (i < j) { 
            SWAP(ps[i], ps[j], t); 
            while ((ps[++i] ->r[d]) < fSplit) { } 
            while ((ps[--j] ->r[d]) > fSplit) { } 


#       define PART(A, i, j, t, d, CMPL) \
        do { \
            int k = i--; \
            do { \
                if (A[k]->r[d] CMPL) { i++; SWAP(A[i], A[k], t); } \
            } while (++k <= j); \
            i++; \
        } while(0)

        i = node->iLower;
        const int j = node->iUpper;

        switch (d)
            case 0: PART(ps, i, j, t, 0, < fSplit); break;
            case 1: PART(ps, i, j, t, 1, < fSplit); break;
            case 2: PART(ps, i, j, t, 2, < fSplit); break;

        //fprintf(err, "(%i %i)\n", i, node->iUpper);

        nl = i - node->iLower;
        nr = node->iUpper - i + 1;

        //fprintf(err, "nl=%i nr=%i\n", nl, nr);

         * If both sides of the partition are not empty then create two new nodes
         * and crop the bounding boxes. Otherwise, undo the split operation.
        if (nl > 0 || nr > 0) {  // jpc changed this from && to || so that a split is always created.
            NEW_NODE(node, left, node->iLower, i - 1);
            NEW_NODE(node, right, i, node->iUpper);
            nodeCount += 2;

            X3( node->left->bnd.r   [_] = node->bnd.r   [_] );
            X3( node->left->bnd.max [_] = node->bnd.max [_] );

            node->left->bnd.max[d]          *= 0.5;
            node->left->bnd.r[d]            -= node->left->bnd.max[d];
            left = node->left;

            X3( node->right->bnd.r   [_] = node->bnd.r   [_] );
            X3( node->right->bnd.max [_] = node->bnd.max [_] );

            node->right->bnd.max[d]         *= 0.5;
            node->right->bnd.r[d]           += node->right->bnd.max[d];

            right = node->right;
            node->bnd.max[d] *= 0.5;
            if (nl > 0) {
                node->bnd.r[d] -= node->bnd.max[d];
                left = node;
            else {
                node->bnd.r[d] += node->bnd.max[d];
                right = node;

         * Now figure out which subfile to process next
        if (nl > M && nr > M) 
            if (nr > nl) sortStack[sp++] = right, node = left;
            else         sortStack[sp++] = left,  node = right;
            if (nl > M) node = left;
            //else if (nl > 0) left->iLower = 0;

            if (nr > M) node = right;
            //else if (nr > 0) right->iLower = 0;

        if (nl <= M && nr <= M) {
            if (sp) node = sortStack[--sp];      /* pop tn */
            else break;


    return 0;
예제 #10
파일: lk-tree.c 프로젝트: jpcoles/jcode
static int sort(struct pqNode **ps, pTree *node, int M)
    int sp=0;
    pTree *pLeft=NULL, *pRight=NULL;
    int nBucket = 0;

     * Allocate stack
    int ns = (int)MMAX(1, floor(log(((double)(NPARTICLES+1))/(M+1))/log(2.0)));
    sp = 0;
    sortStack = (pTree **)realloc(sortStack, ns * sizeof(pTree *));
    assert(sortStack != NULL);

    if (node->iUpper - node->iLower + 1 <= M) 
        return 0;

    while (1)
        int i, j;
        struct pqNode *t;
        int nl, nr;
        int d;
        FLOAT fSplit;

        assert(node != NULL);
        split(node, &d, &fSplit);

        i = node->iLower;
        j = node->iUpper;

        PARTITION(ps, t, ->r[d], i,j, < fSplit,> fSplit);
        nl = i - node->iLower;
        nr = node->iUpper - i + 1;

        //fprintf(err, "nl=%i nr=%i\n", nl, nr);

         * If both sides of the partition are not empty then create two new nodes
         * and crop the bounding boxes. Otherwise, undo the split operation.
        if (nl > 0 || nr > 0) {  // jpc changed this from && to || so that a split is always created.
            NEW_NODE(node, pLeft, node->iLower, i - 1);
            NEW_NODE(node, pRight, i, node->iUpper);
            nodeCount += 2;
#if 0
            crop(ps, node->pLeft, node->pLeft->iLower,  node->pLeft->iUpper);
            crop(ps, node->pRight, node->pRight->iLower, node->pRight->iUpper);

            _3x_(i) node->pLeft->bnd.fCenter[i]  = node->bnd.fCenter[i];
            _3x_(i) node->pLeft->bnd.fMax[i]     = node->bnd.fMax[i];

            _3x_(i) node->pRight->bnd.fCenter[i] = node->bnd.fCenter[i];
            _3x_(i) node->pRight->bnd.fMax[i]    = node->bnd.fMax[i];

            node->pLeft->bnd.fMax[d]            *= 0.5;
            node->pLeft->bnd.fCenter[d]         -= node->pLeft->bnd.fMax[d];

            node->pRight->bnd.fMax[d]           *= 0.5;
            node->pRight->bnd.fCenter[d]        += node->pRight->bnd.fMax[d];

            pLeft = node->pLeft;
            pRight = node->pRight;
            node->bnd.fMax[d] *= 0.5;
            if (nl > 0) {
                node->bnd.fCenter[d] -= node->bnd.fMax[d];
                pLeft = node;
            else {
                node->bnd.fCenter[d] += node->bnd.fMax[d];
                pRight = node;

         * Now figure out which subfile to process next
        if (nl > M && nr > M) 
            if (nr > nl) sortStack[sp++] = pRight, node = pLeft;
            else sortStack[sp++] = pLeft, node = pRight;
            if (nl > M) node = pLeft;
            //else if (nl > 0) pLeft->iLower = 0;

            if (nr > M) node = pRight;
            //else if (nr > 0) pRight->iLower = 0;

        if (nl <= M && nr <= M) {
            if (sp) node = sortStack[--sp];      /* pop tn */
            else break;


    return 0;