static void print_doc (const bson_t *b) { char *str; str = bson_as_json(b, NULL); MONGOC_DEBUG("%s", str); bson_free(str); }
void mongoc_client_set_stream_initiator (mongoc_client_t *client, mongoc_stream_initiator_t initiator, void *user_data) { bson_return_if_fail (client); if (!initiator) { initiator = mongoc_client_default_stream_initiator; user_data = client; } else { MONGOC_DEBUG ("Using custom stream initiator."); } client->initiator = initiator; client->initiator_data = user_data; }
void mongoc_client_set_stream_initiator (mongoc_client_t *client, mongoc_stream_initiator_t initiator, void *user_data) { BSON_ASSERT (client); if (!initiator) { initiator = mongoc_client_default_stream_initiator; user_data = client; } else { MONGOC_DEBUG ("Using custom stream initiator."); } client->initiator = initiator; client->initiator_data = user_data; if (client->topology->single_threaded) { mongoc_topology_scanner_set_stream_initiator (client->topology->scanner, initiator, user_data); } }
bool mongoc_secure_transport_setup_ca (mongoc_stream_tls_secure_transport_t *secure_transport, mongoc_ssl_opt_t *opt) { if (opt->ca_file) { CFArrayRef items; SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypeCertificate; bool success = _mongoc_secure_transport_import_pem (opt->ca_file, NULL, &items, &type); if (!success) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Can't find certificate in \"%s\"", opt->ca_file); return false; } if (type == kSecItemTypeAggregate) { CFMutableArrayRef anchors = CFArrayCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (items); ++i) { CFTypeID item_id = CFGetTypeID (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i)); if (item_id == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) { CFArrayAppendValue (anchors, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i)); } } secure_transport->anchors = CFRetain (anchors); CFRelease (items); } else if (type == kSecItemTypeCertificate) { secure_transport->anchors = CFRetain (items); } /* This should be SSLSetCertificateAuthorities But the /TLS/ tests fail when it is */ success = !SSLSetTrustedRoots (secure_transport->ssl_ctx_ref, secure_transport->anchors, true); MONGOC_DEBUG ("Setting certificate authority %s (%s)", success ? "succeeded" : "failed", opt->ca_file); return true; } MONGOC_INFO ("No CA provided, using defaults"); return false; }
static void ha_replica_set_configure (ha_replica_set_t *replica_set, ha_node_t *primary) { mongoc_database_t *database; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor; const bson_t *doc; bson_error_t error; bson_iter_t iter; ha_node_t *node; bson_t ar; bson_t cmd; bson_t config; bson_t member; char *str; char *uristr; char hoststr[32]; char key[8]; int i = 0; uristr = bson_strdup_printf("mongodb://", primary->port); client = mongoc_client_new(uristr); #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL if (replica_set->ssl_opt) { mongoc_client_set_ssl_opts(client, replica_set->ssl_opt); } #endif bson_free(uristr); bson_init(&cmd); bson_append_document_begin(&cmd, "replSetInitiate", -1, &config); bson_append_utf8(&config, "_id", 3, replica_set->name, -1); bson_append_array_begin(&config, "members", -1, &ar); for (node = replica_set->nodes; node; node = node->next) { snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%u", i); key[sizeof key - 1] = '\0'; snprintf(hoststr, sizeof hoststr, "", node->port); hoststr[sizeof hoststr - 1] = '\0'; bson_append_document_begin(&ar, key, -1, &member); bson_append_int32(&member, "_id", -1, i); bson_append_utf8(&member, "host", -1, hoststr, -1); bson_append_bool(&member, "arbiterOnly", -1, node->is_arbiter); bson_append_document_end(&ar, &member); i++; } bson_append_array_end(&config, &ar); bson_append_document_end(&cmd, &config); str = bson_as_json(&cmd, NULL); MONGOC_DEBUG("Config: %s", str); bson_free(str); database = mongoc_client_get_database(client, "admin"); again: cursor = mongoc_database_command(database, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 1, &cmd, NULL, NULL); while (mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc)) { str = bson_as_json(doc, NULL); MONGOC_DEBUG("Reply: %s", str); bson_free(str); if (bson_iter_init_find(&iter, doc, "ok") && bson_iter_as_bool(&iter)) { goto cleanup; } } if (mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error)) { mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); MONGOC_WARNING("%s: Retrying in 1 second.", error.message); sleep(1); goto again; } cleanup: mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); mongoc_database_destroy(database); mongoc_client_destroy(client); bson_destroy(&cmd); }
static void test1 (void) { mongoc_server_description_t *description; mongoc_collection_t *collection; mongoc_read_prefs_t *read_prefs; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; const bson_t *doc; bson_error_t error; bool r; ha_node_t *replica; bson_t q; int i; bson_init(&q); if (use_pool) { pool = ha_replica_set_create_client_pool(replica_set); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = ha_replica_set_create_client(replica_set); } collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "test1", "test1"); MONGOC_DEBUG("Inserting test documents."); insert_test_docs(collection); MONGOC_INFO("Test documents inserted."); read_prefs = mongoc_read_prefs_new(MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY); MONGOC_DEBUG("Sending query to a SECONDARY."); cursor = mongoc_collection_find(collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 100, &q, NULL, read_prefs); BSON_ASSERT(cursor); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->server_id); /* * Send OP_QUERY to server and get first document back. */ MONGOC_INFO("Sending OP_QUERY."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->sent); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->rpc.reply.n_returned == 100); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); /* * Make sure we queried a secondary. */ description = mongoc_topology_server_by_id(client->topology, cursor->server_id, &error); ASSERT_OR_PRINT (description, error); BSON_ASSERT (description->type != MONGOC_SERVER_RS_PRIMARY); mongoc_server_description_destroy(description); /* * Exhaust the items in our first OP_REPLY. */ MONGOC_DEBUG("Exhausting OP_REPLY."); for (i = 0; i < 98; i++) { r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); } /* * Finish off the last item in this OP_REPLY. */ MONGOC_INFO("Fetcing last doc from OP_REPLY."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->sent); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); /* * Determine which node we queried by using the server_id to * get the cluster information. */ BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); replica = get_replica(client, cursor->server_id); /* * Kill the node we are communicating with. */ MONGOC_INFO("Killing replicaSet node to synthesize failure."); ha_node_kill(replica); /* * Try to fetch the next result set, expect failure. */ MONGOC_DEBUG("Checking for expected failure."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(!r); r = mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error); BSON_ASSERT(r); MONGOC_WARNING("%s", error.message); mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); mongoc_read_prefs_destroy(read_prefs); mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); if (use_pool) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy(client); } bson_destroy(&q); ha_node_restart(replica); }
bool mongoc_secure_transport_setup_certificate (mongoc_stream_tls_secure_transport_t *secure_transport, mongoc_ssl_opt_t *opt) { bool success; CFArrayRef items; SecIdentityRef id; SecKeyRef key = NULL; SecCertificateRef cert = NULL; SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypeCertificate; if (!opt->pem_file) { MONGOC_INFO ("No private key provided, the server won't be able to verify us"); return false; } success = _mongoc_secure_transport_import_pem (opt->pem_file, opt->pem_pwd, &items, &type); if (!success) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Can't find certificate in: '%s'", opt->pem_file); return false; } if (type != kSecItemTypeAggregate) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Cannot work with keys of type \"%d\". Please file a JIRA", type); CFRelease (items); return false; } for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (items); ++i) { CFTypeID item_id = CFGetTypeID (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i)); if (item_id == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) { cert = (SecCertificateRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i); } else if (item_id == SecKeyGetTypeID()) { key = (SecKeyRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i); } } if (!cert || !key) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Couldn't find valid private key"); CFRelease (items); return false; } id = SecIdentityCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cert, key); secure_transport->my_cert = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFIndex)2, items); CFArraySetValueAtIndex(secure_transport->my_cert, 0, id); CFArraySetValueAtIndex(secure_transport->my_cert, 1, cert); /* * Secure Transport assumes the following: * * The certificate references remain valid for the lifetime of the session. * * The identity specified in certRefs[0] is capable of signing. */ success = !SSLSetCertificate (secure_transport->ssl_ctx_ref, secure_transport->my_cert); MONGOC_DEBUG("Setting client certificate %s", success ? "succeeded" : "failed"); CFRelease (items); return true; }
bool _mongoc_cluster_auth_node_cyrus (mongoc_cluster_t *cluster, mongoc_stream_t *stream, mongoc_server_description_t *sd, bson_error_t *error) { mongoc_cmd_parts_t parts; uint32_t buflen = 0; mongoc_cyrus_t sasl; bson_iter_t iter; bool ret = false; const char *tmpstr; uint8_t buf[4096] = {0}; bson_t cmd; bson_t reply; int conv_id = 0; mongoc_server_stream_t *server_stream; BSON_ASSERT (cluster); BSON_ASSERT (stream); if (!_mongoc_cyrus_new_from_cluster ( &sasl, cluster, stream, sd->, error)) { return false; } for (;;) { mongoc_cmd_parts_init ( &parts, cluster->client, "$external", MONGOC_QUERY_SLAVE_OK, &cmd); if (!_mongoc_cyrus_step ( &sasl, buf, buflen, buf, sizeof buf, &buflen, error)) { goto failure; } bson_init (&cmd); if (sasl.step == 1) { _mongoc_cluster_build_sasl_start ( &cmd, sasl.credentials.mechanism, (const char *) buf, buflen); } else { _mongoc_cluster_build_sasl_continue ( &cmd, conv_id, (const char *) buf, buflen); } TRACE ("SASL: authenticating (step %d)", sasl.step); server_stream = _mongoc_cluster_create_server_stream ( cluster->client->topology, sd->id, stream, error); if (!mongoc_cmd_parts_assemble (&parts, server_stream, error)) { mongoc_server_stream_cleanup (server_stream); bson_destroy (&cmd); goto failure; } if (!mongoc_cluster_run_command_private ( cluster, &parts.assembled, &reply, error)) { mongoc_server_stream_cleanup (server_stream); bson_destroy (&cmd); bson_destroy (&reply); goto failure; } mongoc_server_stream_cleanup (server_stream); bson_destroy (&cmd); if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "done") && bson_iter_as_bool (&iter)) { bson_destroy (&reply); break; } conv_id = _mongoc_cluster_get_conversation_id (&reply); if (!bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "payload") || !BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&iter)) { MONGOC_DEBUG ("SASL: authentication failed"); bson_destroy (&reply); bson_set_error (error, MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT, MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATE, "Received invalid SASL reply from MongoDB server."); goto failure; } tmpstr = bson_iter_utf8 (&iter, &buflen); if (buflen > sizeof buf) { bson_set_error (error, MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT, MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATE, "SASL reply from MongoDB is too large."); bson_destroy (&reply); goto failure; } memcpy (buf, tmpstr, buflen); bson_destroy (&reply); mongoc_cmd_parts_cleanup (&parts); } TRACE ("%s", "SASL: authenticated"); ret = true; failure: _mongoc_cyrus_destroy (&sasl); mongoc_cmd_parts_cleanup (&parts); return ret; }