예제 #1
파일: hebcal.c 프로젝트: hebcal/hebcal
date_t nextHebDate( date_t dth )
    if (dth.dd > max_days_in_heb_month (dth.mm, dth.yy))
        if (dth.mm == MONTHS_IN_HEB (dth.yy))
            dth.mm = NISAN;
            dth.dd = 1;
            dth.dd = 1;
            if (dth.mm == TISHREI)
    return dth;
예제 #2
파일: holidays.c 프로젝트: fbialek/hebcal
void init_yahrtzeits( int hyear )
    holstorep_t tmpholp;

    char *s, *monthStr, *eventStr, nextChar;
    int index, inMonth, inDay, inYear, lineNum = 1;
    date_t hDeath, gDeath;

    initStr (&s, MAX_LINE_LEN);
    initStr (&monthStr, MAX_LINE_LEN);
    rewind (yFile);
    nextChar = (char) getc (yFile);      /* priming getc */
    for (; !feof (yFile);
         lineNum++, nextChar = (char) getc (yFile))
    {                            /* force an EOF */
        ungetc (nextChar, yFile);
        if (!fgets (s, MAX_LINE_LEN, yFile))
            warn ("yahrtzeit file read error. Skipping line %s", hc_itoa (lineNum));
        if (s[0] == '\n')         /* blank line */
        if (sscanf (s, "%s %d %d%n", monthStr, &inDay, &inYear, &index) < 3)
            warn ("Error in yahrtzeit file.  Skipping line %s", hc_itoa (lineNum));
        if (!isAllNums (monthStr))
            warn ("Non-numeric month in yahrtzeit file. Skipping line %s",
                  hc_itoa (lineNum));
        sscanf (monthStr, "%d", &inMonth);

        if (inMonth > 12 || inMonth < 1 ||
            inDay < 1 || inDay > MonthLengths[LEAP (inYear)][inMonth])

            warn ("Date out of range in yahrtzeit file. Skipping line %s",
                  hc_itoa (lineNum));

        gDeath.dd = inDay;
        gDeath.mm = inMonth;
        gDeath.yy = inYear;

        hDeath = abs2hebrew (greg2abs (gDeath));

        /* If it's Heshvan 30 it depends on the first anniversary; if
           that was not Heshvan 30, use the day before Kislev 1. */

        if (hDeath.mm == CHESHVAN && hDeath.dd == 30 &&
            !long_cheshvan (hDeath.yy + 1))
            hDeath.dd = 1;
            hDeath.mm = KISLEV;
            hDeath.yy = hyear;
            hDeath = abs2hebrew (hebrew2abs (hDeath) - 1L);
        /* If it's Kislev 30 it depends on the first anniversary; if
           that was not Kislev 30, use the day before Teveth 1. */
        else if (hDeath.mm == KISLEV && hDeath.dd == 30 &&
                 !short_kislev (hDeath.yy + 1))
            hDeath.dd = 1;
            hDeath.mm = TEVET;
            hDeath.yy = hyear;
            hDeath = abs2hebrew (hebrew2abs (hDeath) - 1L);
        /* If it's Adar II, use the same day in last month of
           year (Adar or Adar II). */
        else if (hDeath.mm == ADAR_II)
            hDeath.mm = MONTHS_IN_HEB (hyear);
        /* If it's the 30th in Adar I and year is not a leap year
           (so Adar has only 29 days), use the last day in Shevat. */
        else if (hDeath.mm == ADAR_I && hDeath.dd == 30 &&
                 !LEAP_YR_HEB (hyear))
            hDeath.dd = 30;
            hDeath.mm = SHVAT;
        /* In all other cases, use the normal anniversary of the date of death. */

        /* advance day to rosh chodesh if needed */
        if (hDeath.mm == CHESHVAN && hDeath.dd == 30
            && !long_cheshvan(hyear)) {
            hDeath.mm = KISLEV;
            hDeath.dd = 1;
        } else if (hDeath.mm == KISLEV && hDeath.dd == 30
                   && short_kislev(hyear)) {
            hDeath.mm = TEVET;
            hDeath.dd = 1;

        eventStr = s + index + 1; /* get the name of the event */
        /*    if (eventStr[strlen(eventStr)-1] == '\n') */
        eventStr[strlen (eventStr) - 1] = '\0';   /* chop off the \n */

        /* store the holiday in the LUT */
        tmpholp = getHolstorep ();
        initStr (&tmpholp->name, MAX_LINE_LEN);
        strcpy (tmpholp->name, eventStr);         /* load the user holiday into it. */
        tmpholp->typeMask = USER_EVENT;
        PushHoliday (tmpholp, &var_holidays[hDeath.mm][hDeath.dd]);

예제 #3
파일: hebcal.c 프로젝트: hebcal/hebcal
void main_calendar( long todayAbs, long endAbs) /* the range of the desired printout */
    date_t todayGreg, todayHeb;
    holstorep_t holi_start,holip;         /* a list of holidays for today */
    year_t theYear;
    char *omerStr ;
    int omer, day_of_week, first_weekday, returnedMask;
    int omer_today, sedra_today, candle_today, holidays_today, molad_today;
    molad_t moladNext;
    int monthNext;
    int today_zemanim, i_zman;
    int num_zmanim = sizeof (zemanim) / sizeof (struct _zman); 
    char buffer[80];
/* Used to decide whether a particular type of daily info should be
   included in the abbreviated view. In abbreviated mode things like
   sunrise, daf, omer are printed once a week. */
#define INCLUDE_TODAY(_sw) \
  ( (_sw) && ((!abbrev_sw) || (first_weekday == day_of_week)))
    todayHeb = abs2hebrew (todayAbs);
    todayGreg = abs2greg (todayAbs);
    theYear = yearData (todayHeb.yy);

    /* plug in light_offset before starting the loop */
    for (i_zman = 0; i_zman < num_zmanim; i_zman ++)
       if (zemanim[i_zman].flags == ZMAN_CANDLES_BEFORE)
          zemanim[i_zman].min_offset = light_offset;
       else if (zemanim[i_zman].flags == ZMAN_CANDLES_AFTER ||
                zemanim[i_zman].flags == ZMAN_HAVDALAH )
          zemanim[i_zman].min_offset = havdalah_minutes;

    /*============== Main Year Loop ==============*/
    reset_Omer (todayHeb.yy);
    if (sedraAllWeek_sw || sedrot_sw)
        reset_sedra (todayHeb.yy);
    first_weekday = day_of_week = (int) (todayAbs % 7L);
    while (todayAbs <= endAbs)
        /* get the holidays for today */
      returnedMask = getHebHolidays (todayHeb, &holip);
      sedra_today = sedraAllWeek_sw || (sedrot_sw && (day_of_week == SAT));
      omer_today = printOmer_sw &&
          (todayAbs >= beginOmer) &&
          (todayAbs <= endOmer);
      holidays_today = holip &&
        (!noHolidays_sw || (returnedMask & USER_EVENT));
      molad_today = printMolad_sw &&
          (day_of_week == SAT) &&
          (todayHeb.dd >= 23 && todayHeb.dd <= 29) &&
          (todayHeb.mm != ELUL); /* no birkat hachodesh before rosh hashana */
      today_zemanim = 0;
      if (INCLUDE_TODAY(default_zemanim))
         today_zemanim |= default_zemanim;
      if (candleLighting_sw)
         if (day_of_week == FRI)
            today_zemanim |= ZMAN_CANDLES_BEFORE;
            if (returnedMask & LIGHT_CANDLES)
               today_zemanim |= (day_of_week == SAT) ?
               if ((returnedMask & LIGHT_CANDLES_TZEIS) &&
                   ! (returnedMask & YOM_TOV_ENDS))
                  today_zemanim |= ZMAN_CANDLES_AFTER;
         if (!(today_zemanim & (ZMAN_CANDLES_BEFORE | ZMAN_CANDLES_AFTER)) &&
             (day_of_week == SAT || returnedMask & YOM_TOV_ENDS))
            today_zemanim |= ZMAN_HAVDALAH;
         if (!(today_zemanim & (ZMAN_CANDLES_BEFORE)) &&
             (returnedMask & CHANUKAH_CANDLES))
           today_zemanim |= ZMAN_CANDLES_AFTER; /* even if havdalah */
      if (INCLUDE_TODAY(printHebDates_sw) ||
          ((printSomeHebDates_sw || printHebDates_sw) && 
           (holidays_today || sedra_today || omer_today || 
          PrintGregDate (todayGreg);
          printf ("%d%s of %s, %d\n",
                  todayHeb.dd,       /* print the hebrew date */
                  numSuffix( todayHeb.dd ),
                  _(hMonths[LEAP_YR_HEB( todayHeb.yy )][todayHeb.mm].name),
      if (printSunriseSunset_sw)
      /* print the sedra, if desired */
      if (sedra_today)
          char sedraStr[40];
          int foundSedra = sedra( todayAbs, sedraStr, 40 );
          if (foundSedra)
              PrintGregDate( todayGreg );
              printf( "%s %s\n",
                      sedraStr );
      /* print today's holidays */
      holi_start=holip;         /* store the head of the list for freeing */
      for (; holip; holip = holip->next)
          if (!noHolidays_sw || (holip->typeMask & USER_EVENT))
              PrintGregDate( todayGreg ); 
              puts( holip->name ); 
      /* Print the Omer */
      if (INCLUDE_TODAY(omer_today))
          initStr (&omerStr, NM_LEN);
          omer = (int) (todayAbs - beginOmer + 1L);
          if (!tabs_sw)
              strncat (omerStr, hc_itoa (omer), NM_LEN);
              strncat (omerStr, numSuffix (omer), NM_LEN);
              strncat (omerStr, " day of the Omer", NM_LEN);
              strncat (omerStr, "Omer: ", NM_LEN);
              strncat (omerStr, hc_itoa (omer), NM_LEN);
          PrintGregDate (todayGreg);
          printf ("%s\n", omerStr);
          free( omerStr );
      if (INCLUDE_TODAY(dafYomi_sw))
      /* Print CandleLighting times  */
      if (today_zemanim)
          print_candlelighting_times (today_zemanim,
                                      day_of_week, todayGreg);
      /* Print Molad */
      if (molad_today)
          PrintGregDate (todayGreg);
          monthNext = (todayHeb.mm == MONTHS_IN_HEB(todayHeb.yy) ? 1 : todayHeb.mm + 1);
          moladNext = get_molad(todayHeb.yy, monthNext);
          printf ("Molad %s: %s, %d minutes and %d chalakim after %d %s\n",
              (int) moladNext.chalakim / 18,
              moladNext.chalakim % 18,
              (moladNext.hour > 12 ? moladNext.hour - 12 : moladNext.hour),
              (moladNext.hour > 12 ? "PM" : "AM")

      incHebGregDate (&todayHeb, &todayGreg, &todayAbs, &day_of_week, &theYear);
#     ifdef PLUG_LEAKS
#     endif