예제 #1
 * \brief MPI-PAMI glue for MPI_Win_create function
 * Create a window object. Allocates a MPID_Win object and initializes it,
 * then allocates the collective info array, initalizes our entry, and
 * performs an Allgather to distribute/collect the rest of the array entries.
 * ON first call, initializes (registers) protocol objects for locking,
 * get, and send operations to message layer. Also creates datatype to
 * represent the rma_sends element of the collective info array,
 * used later to synchronize epoch end events.
 * \param[in] base	Local window buffer
 * \param[in] size	Local window size
 * \param[in] disp_unit	Displacement unit size
 * \param[in] info	Window hints (not used)
 * \param[in] comm_ptr	Communicator
 * \param[out] win_ptr	Window
 * \return MPI_SUCCESS, MPI_ERR_OTHER, or error returned from
 *	MPI_Comm_dup or MPI_Allgather.
MPID_Win_create(void       * base,
                MPI_Aint     size,
                int          disp_unit,
                MPID_Info  * info,
                MPID_Comm  * comm_ptr,
                MPID_Win  ** win_ptr)
  int mpi_errno  = MPI_SUCCESS;
  int rc  = MPI_SUCCESS;
  MPID_Win *win;
  size_t  rank;
  MPIDI_Win_info *winfo;

  rc=MPIDI_Win_init(size,disp_unit,win_ptr, info, comm_ptr, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_CREATE, MPI_WIN_UNIFIED);
  win = *win_ptr;
  win->base = base;
  rank = comm_ptr->rank;
  winfo = &win->mpid.info[rank];
  winfo->base_addr = base;
  winfo->win = win;
  winfo->disp_unit = disp_unit;

  rc= MPIDI_Win_allgather(size,win_ptr);
  if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS)
      return rc;

  mpi_errno = MPIR_Barrier_impl(comm_ptr, &mpi_errno);

  return mpi_errno;
예제 #2
 * \brief MPI-PAMI glue for MPI_Win_allocate function
 * Create a window object. Allocates a MPID_Win object and initializes it,
 * then allocates the collective info array, initalizes our entry, and
 * performs an Allgather to distribute/collect the rest of the array entries.
 * On each process, it allocates memory of at least size bytes, returns a
 * pointer to it, and returns a window object that can be used by all processes
 * in comm to * perform RMA operations. The returned memory consists of size
 * bytes local to each process, starting at address base_ptr and is associated
 * with the window as if the user called 'MPI_Win_create' on existing memory.
 * The size argument may be different at each process and size = 0 is valid;
 * however, a library might allocate and expose more memory in order to create
 * a fast, globally symmetric allocation.
 * Input Parameters:
 * \param[in] size      size of window in bytes (nonnegative integer)
 * \param[in] disp_unit local unit size for displacements, in bytes (positive integer)
 * \param[in] info      info argument (handle))
 * \param[in] comm_ptr  Communicator (handle)
 * \param[out] base_ptr - base address of the window in local memory
 * \param[out] win_ptr  window object returned by the call (handle)
 *         MPI_ERR_SIZE
MPID_Win_allocate(MPI_Aint     size,
                  int          disp_unit,
                  MPID_Info  * info,
                  MPID_Comm  * comm_ptr,
                  void *base_ptr,
                  MPID_Win  ** win_ptr)
  int mpi_errno  = MPI_SUCCESS;
  int rc = MPI_SUCCESS;
  mpir_errflag_t errflag = MPIR_ERR_NONE;
  void *baseP; 
  static char FCNAME[] = "MPID_Win_allocate";
  MPIDI_Win_info  *winfo;
  MPID_Win   *win;
  int        rank;

  rc=MPIDI_Win_init(size,disp_unit,win_ptr, info, comm_ptr, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_ALLOCATE, MPI_WIN_UNIFIED);
  win = *win_ptr;

  if (size > 0) {
      baseP = MPIU_Malloc(size);
      MPID_assert(baseP != NULL);
      MPIU_ERR_CHKANDJUMP((baseP == NULL), mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_BUFFER, "**bufnull");

  } else if (size == 0) {
      baseP = NULL;
  } else {
      MPIU_ERR_CHKANDSTMT(size >=0 , mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_SIZE,
                          return mpi_errno, "**rmasize");

  win->base = baseP;
  rank = comm_ptr->rank;
  winfo = &win->mpid.info[rank];
  winfo->base_addr = baseP;
  winfo->win = win;
  winfo->disp_unit = disp_unit;

  rc= MPIDI_Win_allgather(size,win_ptr);
  if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS)
      return rc;
  *(void**) base_ptr = (void *) win->base;
  mpi_errno = MPIR_Barrier_impl(comm_ptr, &errflag);

  return mpi_errno;