예제 #1
  \fn MRI *RFstat2P(MRI *rf, RFS *rfs, MRI *binmask, int TwoSided, MRI *p)
  \brief Converts a stat to a p value. If TwoSided, then computes a p value
      based on an unsigned stat, but the sign is still passed to p.
MRI *RFstat2P(MRI *rf, RFS *rfs, MRI *binmask, int TwoSided, MRI *p)
  int c,r,s,f=0,m;
  double v,pval;

  if (RFname2Code(rfs) == -1) return(NULL);
  p = MRIclone(rf,p);

  for (c=0; c < rf->width; c++)
    for (r=0; r < rf->height; r++)
      for (s=0; s < rf->depth; s++)
        if (binmask != NULL)
          m = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(binmask,c,r,s,0);
          if (!m) continue;
        for (f=0; f < rf->nframes; f++)
          v = MRIgetVoxVal(rf,c,r,s,f);
	  if(TwoSided) pval = SIGN(v)*2*RFstat2PVal(rfs,fabs(v));
	  else         pval = RFstat2PVal(rfs,v);
예제 #2
static MRI *
make_atrophy_map(MRI *mri_time1, MRI *mri_time2, MRI *mri_dst, TRANSFORM *transform1, TRANSFORM *transform2,
                 int *gray_labels, int ngray, int *csf_labels, int ncsf) {
  int            x, y, z, label1, label2, n, found, xp, yp, zp, spacing ;
  GCA_MORPH_NODE *gcamn1, *gcamn2 ;
  GCA_MORPH      *gcam1, *gcam2 ;
  float           volume ;

  if (mri_dst == NULL) {
    mri_dst = MRIalloc(mri_time1->width, mri_time1->height, mri_time1->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_time1, mri_dst) ;

  gcam1 = (GCA_MORPH*)transform1->xform ;
  gcam2 = (GCA_MORPH*)transform2->xform ;
  spacing = gcam1->spacing ;

  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_time1->width ; x++) {
    xp = x / spacing;
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_time1->height ; y++) {
      yp = y / spacing;
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_time1->depth ; z++) {
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        label1 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_time1, x, y, z, 0) ;
        label2 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_time2, x, y, z, 0) ;
        if (label1 == label2)
          continue ;

        /* if label1 was one of the gray types and label2 one of the csf, call it atrophy */
        for (found = n = 0 ; n < ngray ; n++)
          if (label1 == gray_labels[n]) {
            found = 1 ;
            break ;
        if (found == 0)
          continue ;
        for (found = n = 0 ; n < ncsf ; n++)
          if (label2 == csf_labels[n]) {
            found = 1 ;
            break ;
        if (found == 0)
          continue ;
        zp = z / spacing;
        gcamn1 = &gcam1->nodes[xp][yp][zp] ;
        gcamn2 = &gcam2->nodes[xp][yp][zp] ;
        volume = 0 ;
        if (FZERO(gcamn1->area) == 0)
          volume += gcamn1->orig_area / gcamn1->area ;
        if (FZERO(gcamn2->area) == 0)
          volume += gcamn2->orig_area / gcamn2->area ;
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, volume) ;

  return(mri_dst) ;
예제 #3
static MRI *
compute_bias(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_bias)
  int x, y, z ;
  float bias, src, dst ;

  if (!mri_bias)
    mri_bias = MRIalloc
               (mri_src->width, mri_src->height, mri_src->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;

  MRIcopyHeader(mri_src, mri_bias) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
        src = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, 0) ;
        dst = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0) ;
        if (FZERO(src))
          bias = 1 ;
          bias = dst/src ;
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri_bias, x, y, z, 0, bias) ;

  return(mri_bias) ;
예제 #4
MRIcombineDistanceTransforms(MRI *mri_src1, MRI *mri_src2, MRI *mri_dst)
  int   x, y, z, f ;
  float val1, val2 ;

  if (mri_dst == NULL)
    mri_dst = MRIclone(mri_src1, NULL) ;

  for (f = 0 ; f < mri_dst->nframes ; f++)
    for (x = 0 ; x < mri_dst->width ; x++)
      for (y = 0 ; y < mri_dst->height ; y++)
        for (z = 0 ; z < mri_dst->depth ; z++)
          val1 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src1, x, y, z, f) ;
          val2 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src2, x, y, z, f) ;
          if (val2 < 0 && val1 > 0)
            val1 = val2 ;  // in the interior of 1
          else if (val2 > 0 && val1 > val2)  // exterior of both, but closer to border of 2
            val1 = val2 ;
          else if (val2 < 0 && val1 < val2)
            val1 = val2 ;  // interior of both, but closer to border of 2

          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, f, val1) ;
  return(mri_dst) ;
예제 #5
static int
normalize_PD(MRI *mri_PD, float target) {
  double mean_PD, scale, val ;
  int    x, y, z ;

  for (mean_PD = 0.0, x = 0 ; x < mri_PD->width ; x++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_PD->height ; y++) {
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_PD->depth ; z++) {
        mean_PD += (double)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_PD, x, y, z,0) ;
  mean_PD /= (mri_PD->width * mri_PD->height * mri_PD->depth) ;
  scale = target / mean_PD ;
  printf("mean PD %2.0f, scaling by %2.2f to set mean to %2.0f\n",
         mean_PD, scale, target) ;
  for (mean_PD = 0.0, x = 0 ; x < mri_PD->width ; x++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_PD->height ; y++) {
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_PD->depth ; z++) {
        val = (double)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_PD, x, y, z,0) ;
        val *= scale ;
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri_PD, x, y, z,0, val);
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
static int
normalize_timepoints_with_parzen_window(MRI *mri, double cross_time_sigma)
  int   frame1, frame2, x, y, z ;
  double val0, val, total, g, norm, total_norm ;

  norm = 1 / sqrt(2 * M_PI * SQR(cross_time_sigma)) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++)
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        for (frame1 = 0 ; frame1 < mri->nframes ; frame1++)
          val0 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame1) ;
          for (total = total_norm = 0.0, frame2 = 0 ; frame2 < mri->nframes ; frame2++)
            val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame2) ;
            g = norm * exp( - SQR(val-val0) / (2 * SQR(cross_time_sigma))) ;
            total += g*val ; 
            total_norm += g ;
          total /= total_norm ;
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame1, total) ;

  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #7
MRI *RFrescale(MRI *rf, RFS *rfs, MRI *binmask, MRI *rfout)
  int c,r,s,f,m;
  double v, gmean, gstddev, gmax;

  if (RFname2Code(rfs) == -1) return(NULL);
  RFexpectedMeanStddev(rfs); // expected
  RFglobalStats(rf, binmask, &gmean, &gstddev, &gmax); //actual

  rfout = MRIclone(rf,rfout);

  for (c=0; c < rf->width; c++)
    for (r=0; r < rf->height; r++)
      for (s=0; s < rf->depth; s++)
        if (binmask != NULL)
          m = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(binmask,c,r,s,0);
          if (!m) continue;
        for (f=0; f < rf->nframes; f++)
          v = MRIgetVoxVal(rf,c,r,s,f);
          v = (v - gmean)*(rfs->stddev/gstddev) + rfs->mean;
예제 #8
MRI *RFp2Stat(MRI *p, RFS *rfs, MRI *binmask, MRI *rf)
  int c,r,s,f,m;
  double v,pval;

  if (RFname2Code(rfs) == -1) return(NULL);
  rf = MRIclone(p,rf);

  for (c=0; c < rf->width; c++)
    for (r=0; r < rf->height; r++)
      for (s=0; s < rf->depth; s++)
        if (binmask != NULL)
          m = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(binmask,c,r,s,0);
          if (!m) continue;
        for (f=0; f < rf->nframes; f++)
          pval = MRIgetVoxVal(p,c,r,s,f);
          v = RFp2StatVal(rfs,pval);
예제 #9
static int
normalize_timepoints_with_samples(MRI *mri, GCA_SAMPLE *gcas, int nsamples, int nsoap)
  int   frame, i, x, y, z ;
  double target, val ;
  MRI    *mri_ctrl, *mri_bias, *mri_target, *mri_frame ;

  mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_UCHAR) ;
  mri_bias = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_FLOAT) ;
  mri_target = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_FLOAT) ;

  for (i = 0 ; i < nsamples ; i++)
    if (i == Gdiag_no)
      DiagBreak() ;
    x = nint(gcas[i].x)  ; y = nint(gcas[i].y) ; z = nint(gcas[i].z) ;
    MRIsetVoxVal(mri_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    for (target = 0.0, frame = 0 ; frame < mri->nframes ; frame++)
      target += MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame) ;
    target /= mri->nframes ;
    MRIsetVoxVal(mri_target, x, y, z, 0, target) ;

  // build a bias correction for each time point (which each has its own frame)
  for (frame = 0 ; frame < mri->nframes ; frame++)
    MRIclear(mri_bias) ; 
    for (i = 0 ; i < nsamples ; i++)
      if (i == Gdiag_no)
        DiagBreak() ;
      x = nint(gcas[i].x)  ; y = nint(gcas[i].y) ; z = nint(gcas[i].z) ;
      target = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_target, x, y, z, 0) ;
      val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame) ;
      if (FZERO(val))
        val = 1.0 ;
      MRIsetVoxVal(mri_bias, x, y, z, 0, target/val) ;
    MRIbuildVoronoiDiagram(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias) ;
    MRIsoapBubble(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias, nsoap) ;
    mri_frame = MRIcopyFrame(mri, NULL, frame, 0) ;
    MRImultiply(mri_frame, mri_bias, mri_frame) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      char fname[STRLEN] ;
      sprintf(fname, "frame%d.mgz", frame) ;
      MRIwrite(mri_frame, fname) ;
      sprintf(fname, "bias%d.mgz", frame) ;
      MRIwrite(mri_bias, fname) ;
      sprintf(fname, "target%d.mgz", frame) ;
      MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ;
    MRIcopyFrame(mri_frame, mri, 0, frame) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_bias) ; MRIfree(&mri_target) ; MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #10
MATRIX *ComputeAdjMatrix(MRI *mri_label, MRI *mri_mask, int minlabel, int maxlabel)
  MATRIX *AdjMatrix;
  int i, j, label1, label2, offset, numLabels;
  int depth, width, height;
  int x,y,z,cx,cy,cz;

  numLabels = maxlabel - minlabel + 1;

  depth = mri_label->depth;
  width = mri_label->width;
  height = mri_label->height;

  AdjMatrix = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(numLabels, numLabels, MATRIX_REAL);

  if (!AdjMatrix)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: unable to allowcate memory.\n", Progname);
  /* The diagnoal entries of AdjMatrix is set to zero and remain zero */
  for (i=1; i <= numLabels;i++)
    for (j=i; j <= numLabels; j++)
      AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = 0.0;
      AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = 0.0;

  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++)
        if (MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;
        label1 = (int) MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y, z,0);
        if (label1 < minlabel || label1 > maxlabel) continue;

        /* Find all 6-neighbor with different label */
        for (offset = 0; offset < 6; offset++)
          cx = x + xoff[offset];
          cy = y + yoff[offset];
          cz = z + zoff[offset];
          if (cx < 0 || cx >= width || cy < 0 || cy >= height
              || cz < 0 || cz >= depth) continue;

          label2 = (int) MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, cx, cy, cz,0);
          if (label2 < minlabel || label2 > maxlabel || label2 == label1)

          AdjMatrix->rptr[label1-minlabel+1][label2-minlabel+1] = 1.0;
          AdjMatrix->rptr[label2-minlabel+1][label1-minlabel+1] = 1.0;
        } /* for_offset */

  return (AdjMatrix);
예제 #11
 figure out what to do with voxels that were turned 'off' by the
 topology correction. This is a hack, but for now just make them
 the most likely of the nbr voxel labels.
static int
resegment_erased_voxels(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_in, MRI *mri_out, int target_label) {
  int       x, y, z, label_in, label_out, xi, yi, zi, xk, yk, zk, label, changed=0 ;
  double    p, max_p, val ;

  build_label_histograms(mri_in, mri_T1, histos) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height ; y++) {
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth ; z++) {
        label_in = nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0)) ;
        label_out = nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0)) ;
        if (label_in == target_label) {
          // find most likely nbr label
          max_p = 0 ;
          label_out = label_in ;
          for (xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++) {
            xi = x + xk ;
            if (xi < 0 || xi >= mri_in->width)
              continue ;
            for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++) {
              yi = y + yk ;
              if (yi < 0 || yi >= mri_in->height)
                continue ;
              for (zk = -1 ; zk <= 1 ; zk++) {
                zi = z + zk ;
                if (zi < 0 || zi >= mri_in->depth)
                  continue ;
                label = nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, xi, yi, zi, 0)) ;
                if (label == label_in)
                  continue ;  // would be topologically incorrect
                val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, xi, yi, zi, 0) ;
                p = HISTOvalToCount(histos[label], val) ;
                if (p > max_p) {
                  max_p = p ;
                  label_out = label ;
          changed++ ;
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0, label_out) ;
  printf("%d voxels resegmented to be ML\n", changed) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #12
MRIaccumulateMeansAndVariances(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_mean, MRI *mri_std) {
  int    x, y, z, width, height, depth ;
  float  val, *pmean, *pstd ;

  width = mri->width ;
  height = mri->height ;
  depth = mri->depth ;

  for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) {
      pmean = &MRIFvox(mri_mean, 0, y, z) ;
      pstd = &MRIFvox(mri_std, 0, y, z) ;
      for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) {
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri,x,y,z,0) ;
        if (x == DEBUG_X && y == DEBUG_Y && z == DEBUG_Z)
          DiagBreak() ;
#if 1
        *pmean++ += (float) val ;
        *pstd++ += ((float) val)*((float) val) ;
        MRIFvox(mri_mean,x,y,z) += val ;
        MRIFvox(mri_std,x,y,z) += val*val ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #13
int RFsynth(MRI *rf, RFS *rfs, MRI *binmask)
  int c,r,s,f;
  double v,m;

  if (RFname2Code(rfs) == -1) return(1);

  for (c=0; c < rf->width; c++)
    for (r=0; r < rf->height; r++)
      for (s=0; s < rf->depth; s++)
        if (binmask != NULL)
          m = MRIgetVoxVal(binmask,c,r,s,0);
          if (m < 0.5) continue;
        for (f=0; f < rf->nframes; f++)
          v = RFdrawVal(rfs);
예제 #14
static int
apply_bias_field(MRI *mri, int nbias, float *bias_coefs[3][2]) {
  int    x, y, z, n ;
  double xb, yb, zb, x0, y0, z0, w0x, w0y, w0z ;
  float  val ;

  x0 = mri->width/2 ;
  y0 = mri->height/2 ;
  z0 = mri->depth/2 ;
  w0x = 2/x0 ;
  w0y = 2/y0 ;
  w0z = 2/z0 ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) {
    for (xb = 1.0, n=1 ; n <= nbias ; n++)
      xb += bias_coefs[0][0][n-1] * cos(w0x*n*(x-x0)) + bias_coefs[0][1][n-1] * sin(w0x*n*(x-x0)) ;
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) {
      for (yb = 1.0, n=1 ; n <= nbias ; n++)
        yb += bias_coefs[1][0][n-1] * cos(w0y*n*(y-y0)) + bias_coefs[1][1][n-1] * sin(w0y*n*(y-y0)) ;
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) {
        for (zb = 1.0, n=1 ; n <= nbias ; n++)
          zb += bias_coefs[2][0][n-1] * cos(w0z*n*(z-z0)) + bias_coefs[2][1][n-1] * sin(w0z*n*(z-z0)) ;
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0) ;
        val = val * xb * yb * zb ;
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0, val) ;

  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #15
static int
is_wmsa_border(MRI *mri_seg, int x, int y, int z)
  int found_wmsa, found_non_wmsa, label, xi, yi, zi, xk, yk, zk ;

  for (found_wmsa = found_non_wmsa = 0, xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++)
    xi = mri_seg->xi[x+xk] ;
    for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++)
      yi = mri_seg->yi[y+yk] ;
      for (zk = -1 ; zk <= 1 ; zk++)
	if (abs(xk)+abs(yk)+abs(zk) > 1)  // only 6-connected
	  continue ;
	zi = mri_seg->zi[z+zk] ;
	label = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_seg, xi, yi, zi, 0) ;
	if (IS_WMSA(label))
	  found_wmsa++ ;
	  found_non_wmsa++ ;
	if (found_wmsa && found_non_wmsa)
	  return(1) ;
  return(0) ;
relabel_hypointensities_neighboring_gray(MRI *mri)
  int    x, y, z, label, changed, i ;
  MRI    *mri_tmp = NULL ;

  for (changed = i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) {
    mri_tmp = MRIcopy(mri, mri_tmp) ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) {
      for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) {
        for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) {
          label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_tmp, x, y, z, 0) ;
          if (label != WM_hypointensities) {
            continue ;
          if (MRIneighbors(mri_tmp, x, y, z, Left_Cerebral_Cortex) > 0) {
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0, Left_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
            changed++ ;
          } else if (MRIneighbors(mri_tmp,x,y,z,Right_Cerebral_Cortex) > 0) {
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0, Right_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
            changed++ ;

  printf("%d hypointense voxels neighboring cortex changed\n", changed) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #17
파일: fcd.c 프로젝트: vgurev/freesurfer
static int
most_frequent_label(MRI *mri_seg, MRI_SEGMENT *mseg)
  int  label_counts[MAX_CMA_LABELS], i, max_count, max_label, label ;

  memset(label_counts, 0, sizeof(label_counts)) ;
  for (i = max_count = max_label = 0 ; i < mseg->nvoxels ; i++)
    label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_seg, 
                         mseg->voxels[i].z, 0) ;
    if (IS_WM(label) == 0 && IS_UNKNOWN(label) == 0)
      label_counts[label]++ ;
  for (i = max_count = max_label = 0 ; i < MAX_CMA_LABELS ; i++)
    if (label_counts[i] > max_count)
      max_count = label_counts[i] ;
      max_label = i ;
  return(max_label) ;
예제 #18
static int
rip_vertices_out_of_fov(MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri_profiles) {
  int  vno, n, i, good, nsamples ;
  VERTEX *v ;

  nsamples = mri_profiles->nframes ;
  for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
    v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
    for (good = i = 0 ; good == 0 && i < nsamples ; i++)
      if (!FZERO(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_profiles, vno, 0, 0, i)))
        good = 1 ;
    if (!good) {
      v->ripflag = 1 ;
      v->annotation = 0 ;

  // rip stuff around the identically 0 ones, as they can't be trusted
  for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
    v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
    if (v->ripflag != 1)
      continue ;
    for (n = 0 ; n < v->vtotal ; n++) {
      mris->vertices[v->v[n]].ripflag = 2 ;
      mris->vertices[v->v[n]].annotation = 0 ;
  for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
    v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
    if (v->ripflag == 2)
      v->ripflag = 1 ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #19
MRIaccumulateMaskedMeansAndVariances(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dof,
                                     float low_val,
                                     float hi_val,MRI *mri_mean,MRI *mri_std) {
  int     x, y, z, width, height, depth ;
  float   val ;
  BUFTYPE *pmask, mask ;

  width = mri->width ;
  height = mri->height ;
  depth = mri->depth ;

  for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) {
      pmask = &MRIvox(mri_mask, 0, y, z) ;
      for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) {
        if (x == DEBUG_X && y == DEBUG_Y && z == DEBUG_Z)
          DiagBreak() ;
        mask = *pmask++ ;
        if (mask >= low_val && mask <= hi_val) {
          val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri,x,y,z,0) ;
          MRIFvox(mri_mean,x,y,z) += val ;
          MRIFvox(mri_std,x,y,z) += val*val ;
          MRIvox(mri_dof,x,y,z)++ ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #20
  MRIbinarize2() - same as MRIbinarize() but passes theshold, low, and hi as
  doubles instead of UCHARs.
MRI * MRIbinarize2(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,
                   double threshold, double low_val, double hi_val) {
  int     width, height, depth, x, y, z, f ;
  double  val;

  if (!mri_dst)  mri_dst = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;

  width = mri_src->width ;
  height = mri_src->height ;
  depth = mri_src->depth ;

  for (f = 0 ; f < mri_src->nframes ; f++) {
    for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) {
      for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) {
        for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) {
          val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, f);
          if (val > threshold) val = hi_val ;
          else                val = low_val ;
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, f, val) ;

  return(mri_dst) ;
예제 #21
static int
rip_bad_vertices(MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri_profiles) {
  int    unknown_index, bad, i, vno, index ;
  VERTEX *v ;

  CTABfindName(mris->ct, "Unknown", &unknown_index) ;
  printf("unknown index = %d\n", unknown_index) ;
  for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
    v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
    if (vno == Gdiag_no)
      DiagBreak() ;
    if (v->ripflag)
      continue ;

    CTABfindAnnotation(mris->ct, v->annotation, &index);
    if (index == unknown_index) {
      v->annotation = 0 ;
      v->ripflag = 1 ;
    } else {
      bad = 1 ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < mri_profiles->nframes ; i++) {
        if (!FZERO(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_profiles, vno, 0, 0, i)))
          bad = 0 ;
      if (bad) {
        v->ripflag = 1 ;
        v->annotation = 0 ;

  MRISripFaces(mris) ;
  MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #22
static int
compute_cluster_statistics(MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri_profiles, CLUSTER *ct, int k) {
  int    i, vno, cluster, nsamples, num[MAX_CLUSTERS];
  VECTOR *v1 ;

  memset(num, 0, sizeof(num)) ;
  nsamples = mri_profiles->nframes ;

  v1 = VectorAlloc(nsamples, MATRIX_REAL) ;

  for (cluster = 0 ; cluster < k ; cluster++)
    VectorClear(ct[cluster].v_mean) ;

  // compute means
  for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
    cluster = mris->vertices[vno].curv ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < nsamples ; i++) {
      VECTOR_ELT(v1, i+1) = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_profiles, vno, 0, 0, i) ;
    num[cluster]++ ;
    VectorAdd(ct[cluster].v_mean, v1, ct[cluster].v_mean) ;

  for (cluster = 0 ; cluster < k ; cluster++)
    if (num[cluster] > 0)
      VectorScalarMul(ct[cluster].v_mean, 1.0/(double)num[cluster], ct[cluster].v_mean) ;

  VectorFree(&v1) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #23
static int
check_volume(MRI *mri_save, MRI *mri_out, int target_label) {
  int   x, y, z, sval, oval ;

  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_save->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_save->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_save->depth ; z++) {
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        sval = nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_save, x, y, z, 0)) ;
        oval = nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0)) ;
        if ((oval == target_label && sval == 0) ||
            (oval != target_label && sval > 0))
          DiagBreak() ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #24
static int
load_vals(MRI *mri_profiles, VECTOR *v, int vno) {
  int i ;

  for (i = 0 ; i < mri_profiles->nframes ; i++)
    VECTOR_ELT(v, i+1) = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_profiles, vno, 0, 0, i) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
예제 #25
  \fn LABEL *MRISmask2Label(MRIS *surf, MRI *mask, int frame, double thresh)
  \brief Converts a surface overlay (mask) to a surface label. mask can be
  non-binary.  Values over thresh are used. The mask value is set to
  be the label stat.
LABEL *MRISmask2Label(MRIS *surf, MRI *mask, int frame, double thresh)
  LABEL *label;
  int c, r, s, n, vtxno;
  double val;
  VERTEX *v;

  // Count number of points in the label
  n = 0;
  for(s=0; s < mask->depth; s++){
    for(r=0; r < mask->height; r++){
      for(c=0; c < mask->width; c++){
	val = MRIgetVoxVal(mask,c,r,s,frame);
	if(val < thresh) continue;

  // Alloc
  label = LabelAlloc(n,surf->subject_name,NULL);
  label->n_points = n;

  // Asign values
  n = 0;
  vtxno = -1;
  for(s=0; s < mask->depth; s++){
    for(r=0; r < mask->height; r++){
      for(c=0; c < mask->width; c++){
	val = MRIgetVoxVal(mask,c,r,s,frame);
	if(val < thresh) continue;
	v = &surf->vertices[vtxno];
	label->lv[n].vno = vtxno;
	label->lv[n].x = v->x;
	label->lv[n].y = v->y;
	label->lv[n].z = v->z;
	label->lv[n].stat = val;

예제 #26
MRIremoveFilledBrightStuff(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst,
                           int filled_label, float thresh)
    int     x, y, z, width, height, depth, nwhite, ntested, nchanged ;
    BUFTYPE val ;
    float   intensity_thresh ;

    if (!mri_dst)
        mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_labeled, NULL) ;
    width = mri_T1->width ;
    height = mri_T1->height ;
    depth = mri_T1->depth ;

    ntested = nchanged = 0 ;
    for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++)
        for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
            for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
                val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) ;
                ntested++ ;
                if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_labeled, x, y, z, 0) == filled_label &&
                        val > thresh)
                    MRIsetVoxVal(mri_labeled, x, y, z, 0) ;
                    nchanged++ ;

    if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW)
        fprintf(stderr, "               %8d voxels tested (%2.2f%%)\n",
                ntested, 100.0f*(float)ntested/ (float)(width*height*depth));
        fprintf(stderr, "               %8d voxels changed (%2.2f%%)\n",
                nchanged, 100.0f*(float)nchanged/ (float)(width*height*depth));
    return(mri_dst) ;
예제 #27
static int
is_diagonal(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z)
    int xk, yk, zk, xi, yi, zi ;

    for (zk = -1 ; zk <= 1 ; zk++)
        for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++)
            for (xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++)
                if ((fabs(xk) + fabs(yk) + fabs(zk)) <= 1)
                    continue ;
                xi = mri->xi[x+xk] ;
                yi = mri->yi[y+yk] ;
                zi = mri->zi[z+zk] ;
                if (!MRIgetVoxVal(mri, xi, yi, zi, 0))
                    continue ;  /* not a diagonal */

                if (xk && MRIgetVoxVal(mri, xi, y, z, 0) >= WM_MIN_VAL)
                    continue ;  /* not a diagonal */
                if (yk && MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, yi, z, 0) >= WM_MIN_VAL)
                    continue ;  /* not a diagonal */
                if (zk && MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, zi, 0) >= WM_MIN_VAL)
                    continue ;  /* not a diagonal */
                return(1) ;   /* found a diagonal with no 4-connection */
    return(0) ;
예제 #28
MRIcropVolumeToLabel(MRI *mri_src, 
                     MRI *mri_dst, 
                     LABEL *area, 
                     MRI_SURFACE *mris_white, 
                     MRI_SURFACE *mris_pial)
  MHT    *mht_white, *mht_pial ;
  int    x, y, z ;
  VERTEX *v_white, *v_pial ;
  Real   xs, ys, zs ;

  mht_white = MHTfillVertexTableRes(mris_white, NULL, CURRENT_VERTICES, 5.0) ;
  mht_pial = MHTfillVertexTableRes(mris_pial, NULL, CURRENT_VERTICES, 5.0) ;
  if (mri_dst == NULL)
    mri_dst = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;

  MRISclearMarks(mris_white) ; MRISclearMarks(mris_pial) ;
  LabelMarkSurface(area, mris_white) ; LabelMarkSurface(area, mris_pial) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, 0) > 0)
          MRISsurfaceRASFromVoxel(mris_white, mri_dst, 
                                  x, y, z, 
                                  &xs, &ys, &zs) ;
          v_white = MHTfindClosestVertexInTable(mht_white, mris_white, 
                                                xs, ys, zs, 1) ;
          v_pial = MHTfindClosestVertexInTable(mht_pial, mris_pial, 
                                               xs, ys, zs, 1) ;
          if ((v_white && v_white->marked == 1) ||
              (v_pial && v_pial->marked == 1))
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, 255) ;
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;

  MHTfree(&mht_white) ; MHTfree(&mht_pial) ;
  return(mri_dst) ;
예제 #29
int RFglobalStats(MRI *rf, MRI *binmask,
                  double *gmean, double *gstddev, double *max)
  int c,r,s,f,m;
  double v;
  double sum, sumsq;
  long nv;

  nv = 0;
  sum = 0;
  sumsq = 0;
  *max = -1000000;
  for (c=0; c < rf->width; c++)
    for (r=0; r < rf->height; r++)
      for (s=0; s < rf->depth; s++)
        if (binmask != NULL)
          m = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(binmask,c,r,s,0);
          if (!m) continue;
        for (f=0; f < rf->nframes; f++)
          v = MRIgetVoxVal(rf,c,r,s,f);
          sum += v;
          sumsq += (v*v);
          if (*max < v) *max = v;
  *gmean = sum/nv;
  *gstddev = sqrt(sumsq/nv - (*gmean)*(*gmean));

예제 #30
static int
assemble_training_data_and_free_mris(MRI_SURFACE *mris[MAX_SUBJECTS], MRI *mri_overlays[MAX_SUBJECTS][MAX_OVERLAYS], 
				     int nsubjects, int noverlays, int **ptraining_classes, double ***ptraining_data, int *pntraining) 
  int    sno, i, ntraining, *training_classes, x, y, z, f, vno, tno ;
  double **training_data ;

  for (ntraining = sno = 0 ; sno < nsubjects ; sno++)
    ntraining += MRISvalidVertices(mris[sno]) ;

  printf("%2.1fM total training voxels found\n", (float)ntraining/(1024*1024.0)) ;
  training_classes = (int *)calloc(ntraining, sizeof(int)) ;
  if (training_classes == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not allocate %d-len training class vector", Progname, ntraining) ;
  training_data = (double **)calloc(ntraining, sizeof(double *)) ;
  if (training_data == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not allocate %d-len training data vector", Progname, ntraining) ;

  for (tno = sno = 0 ; sno < nsubjects ; sno++)
    for (vno = x = 0 ; x < mri_overlays[sno][0]->width ; x++)
      for (y = 0 ; y < mri_overlays[sno][0]->height ; y++)
	for (z = 0 ; z < mri_overlays[sno][0]->depth ; z++)
	  for (f = 0 ; f < mri_overlays[sno][0]->nframes ; f++, vno++)
	    if (tno == Gdiag_no)
	      DiagBreak() ;
	    if (vno == Gdiag_no)
	    if (mris[sno]->vertices[vno].ripflag)  
	      continue ;   // not in cortex 
	    training_classes[tno] = mris[sno]->vertices[vno].marked ;
	    training_data[tno] = (double *)calloc(noverlays, sizeof(double)) ;
	    if (training_data[tno] == NULL)
	      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not allocate %d-len training data vector [%d]", Progname, noverlays, tno) ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < noverlays ; i++)
	      training_data[tno][i] = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_overlays[sno][i], x, y, z, f) ;
	    tno++ ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < noverlays ; i++)
      MRIfree(&mri_overlays[sno][i]) ; 
    MRISfree(&mris[sno]) ;

  *pntraining = ntraining ;
  *ptraining_classes = training_classes ;
  *ptraining_data = training_data ;

  return(NO_ERROR) ;