예제 #1
HRESULT DXDiagNVUtil::GetProperty( LPCWSTR container_name0, 
									LPCWSTR container_name1, 
									LPCWSTR property_name, 
									wstring * out_value )

	IDxDiagContainer * pContainer;
	hr = GetChildContainer( container_name0, container_name1, &pContainer );
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "GetProperty(cn,cn,pn,&v) couldn't get child container!\n", hr );

	hr = GetProperty( pContainer, property_name, out_value );
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "GetProperty(cn,cn,pn,&v) couldn't get container property!\n", hr );

	SAFE_RELEASE( pContainer );
	return( hr );
예제 #2
HRESULT	DXDiagNVUtil::GetNumDisplayDevices( DWORD * out_pdwNumAdapters )
	MSGVARNAME_AND_FAIL_IF_NULL( out_pdwNumAdapters );

	IDxDiagContainer * pChild;
	hr = GetChildContainer( L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices", & pChild );
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "GetNumDisplayDevices() Couldn't get display devices container!\n", hr );

	hr = pChild->GetNumberOfChildContainers( out_pdwNumAdapters );
	MSG_AND_BREAK_IF( FAILED(hr), "GetNumDisplayDevices() Couldn't get number of child containers!\n" );

	SAFE_RELEASE( pChild );
	return( hr );
예제 #3
HRESULT DXDiagNVUtil::GetDisplayDeviceNode( DWORD dwDeviceIndex, IDxDiagContainer ** ppNode )
	// fill *ppNode with pointer to the display device at index nDevice of the DXDiag_DisplayDevices container
	// you must SAFE_RELEASE( *ppNode ) outside of this function.
	FAIL_IF_NULL( ppNode );

	IDxDiagContainer * pDevicesNode;
	hr = GetChildContainer( L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices", & pDevicesNode );
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "GetDisplayDeviceNode() couldn't get devices node!\n", hr );

	// Get the device at the appropriate index
	hr = GetChildByIndex( pDevicesNode, dwDeviceIndex, ppNode );

	SAFE_RELEASE( pDevicesNode );
	return( hr );
예제 #4
Retrieve various data through the IDxDiagContainer interface.

The DXDiagNVUtil class provides a few convenient wrapper functions,
and direct querries using the IDxDiagContainer COM object names are
also supported.  For a list of all the container and property COM
object names, call ListAllDXDiagPropertyNames(..)
HRESULT	GetGPUAndSystemInfo::GetData()
	hr = m_DXDiagNVUtil.InitIDxDiagContainer();
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "Couldn't initialize DXDiagNVUtil!\n", hr );
	wstring wstr;
	// Get the computer's machine name:
	m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetProperty( L"DxDiag_SystemInfo", L"szMachineNameEnglish", &wstr );
	m_strMachineName = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstr );

	FMsgW(L"machine name:  %s\n", wstr.c_str() );

	// Get info about physcial memory:
	m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetPhysicalMemoryInMB( & m_fSystemPhysicalMemoryMB );
	FMsg("physical memory: %g MB\n", m_fSystemPhysicalMemoryMB );
	// Get info about logical disks
	IDxDiagContainer * pContainer, *pChild;
	DWORD dwNumDisks;
	hr = m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetChildContainer( L"DxDiag_LogicalDisks", & pContainer );
	if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
		pContainer->GetNumberOfChildContainers( & dwNumDisks );

		wstring drive, space;
		FMsgW(L"logical disks: %d\n", dwNumDisks );
		for( DWORD n=0; n < dwNumDisks; n++ )
			hr = m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetChildByIndex( pContainer, n, &pChild );
			if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
				m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetProperty( pChild, L"szDriveLetter", &drive );
				m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetProperty( pChild, L"szFreeSpace", &space );
				FMsgW(L"  %s  Free space = %s\n", drive.c_str(), space.c_str() );			
				SAFE_RELEASE( pChild );
		SAFE_RELEASE( pContainer );


	m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDirectXVersion( &m_dwDXVersionMajor, &m_dwDXVersionMinor, &m_cDXVersionLetter );
	FMsg("DirectX Version: %d.%d%c\n", m_dwDXVersionMajor, m_dwDXVersionMinor, m_cDXVersionLetter );

	hr = m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetNumDisplayDevices( & m_dwNumDisplayDevices );
	MSG_AND_RET_VAL_IF( FAILED(hr), "Couldn't GetNumDisplayDevices()\n", hr );
	FMsg("Num Display Devices:  %d\n", m_dwNumDisplayDevices );

	string str;

//	for( DWORD dev=0; dev < m_dwNumDisplayDevices; dev ++ )
	if( m_dwNumDisplayDevices > 0 )
		DWORD dev = 0;

		// get info from display devices
		m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDisplayDeviceDescription(		dev, & m_wstrDeviceDesc );
		m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDisplayDeviceNVDriverVersion( dev, & m_fDriverVersion );
		m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDisplayDeviceMemoryInMB(		dev, & m_nDeviceMemoryMB );

		// report the info via OutputDebugString
		FMsgW(L"Device %d Description:    %s\n", dev, m_wstrDeviceDesc.c_str() );
		FMsg( "Device %d Driver version:  %g\n", dev, m_fDriverVersion );
		FMsg( "Device %d Physical mem:    %d MB\n", dev, m_nDeviceMemoryMB );

		// Get info about AGP memory:
		wstring wstrAGPEnabled, wstrAGPExists, wstrAGPStatus;
		hr = m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDisplayDeviceAGPMemoryStatus( dev, &wstrAGPEnabled, &wstrAGPExists, &wstrAGPStatus );
		if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// create a string from the AGP status strings
			m_strAGPStatus = "";
			str = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstrAGPEnabled );
			m_strAGPStatus += "AGP Enabled = "; m_strAGPStatus += str; m_strAGPStatus += ",  ";
			str = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstrAGPExists );
			m_strAGPStatus += "AGP Exists = "; m_strAGPStatus += str; m_strAGPStatus += ",  ";
			str = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstrAGPStatus );
			m_strAGPStatus += "AGP Status = "; m_strAGPStatus += str;
		FMsg("%s\n", m_strAGPStatus.c_str() );

		wstring wstrNotes, wstrTestD3D9;
		m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetProperty( L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices", L"0", L"szTestResultD3D9English", &wstrTestD3D9 );
		m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetProperty( L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices", L"0", L"szNotesEnglish",			&wstrNotes );
		str = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstrTestD3D9 );
		FMsg("Device 0 szTestResultD3D9English = \"%s\"\n", str.c_str() );
		str = m_DXDiagNVUtil.WStringToString( &wstrNotes );
		FMsg("Device 0 szNotesEnglish = \"%s\"\n", str.c_str() );

	m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetDebugLevels( & m_wstrDxDebugLevels );
	FMsg("DirectX Debug Levels:\n");
	FMsgW(L"%s\n", m_wstrDxDebugLevels.c_str() );

	// ListAllDXDiagPropertyNames() is slow
	// It prints out all nodes, child nodes, properties and their values
//	m_DXDiagNVUtil.ListAllDXDiagPropertyNames();

	// Use a call like that below to print out a specific node and it's children.
	//   For example, to list all the display device property names.
	m_DXDiagNVUtil.GetChildContainer( L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices", &pContainer );
	m_DXDiagNVUtil.ListAllDXDiagPropertyNames( pContainer, L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices" );
	SAFE_RELEASE( pContainer );
// */	

	return( hr );