static ftRequest_t* FT_CreateRequest(const char* address, const char* url) { void* buf; ftRequest_t* request; request = Z_Malloc(sizeof(ftRequest_t)); if(request == NULL) return NULL; Com_Memset(request, 0, sizeof(ftRequest_t)); request->lock = qtrue; request->finallen = -1; request->socket = -1; request->transfersocket = -1; if(address != NULL) { Q_strncpyz(request->address, address, sizeof(request->address)); /* Open the connection */ request->socket = NET_TcpClientConnect(request->address); if(request->socket < 0) { request->socket = -1; FT_FreeRequest(request); return NULL; } } buf = Z_Malloc(INITIAL_BUFFERLEN); if( buf == NULL) { FT_FreeRequest(request); return NULL; } MSG_Init(&request->recvmsg, buf, INITIAL_BUFFERLEN); buf = Z_Malloc(INITIAL_BUFFERLEN); if( buf == NULL) { FT_FreeRequest(request); return NULL; } MSG_Init(&request->sendmsg, buf, INITIAL_BUFFERLEN); if(url != NULL) { Q_strncpyz(request->url, url, sizeof(request->url)); } request->startTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); return request; }
void SV_WriteDemoMessageForClient( byte *data, int dataLen, client_t *client ){ int len, swlen; byte bufData[64]; msg_t msg; MSG_Init(&msg, bufData, sizeof(bufData)); SV_WriteDemoArchive(&msg, client); MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0); // write the packet sequence len = client->netchan.outgoingSequence; swlen = LittleLong( len ); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, swlen); // skip the packet sequencing information swlen = LittleLong( dataLen ); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, swlen); FS_DemoWrite(, msg.cursize, client->demofile ); FS_DemoWrite( data, dataLen, client->demofile ); // Com_DPrintf("Writing: %i bytes of demodata\n", dataLen+ msg.cursize); }
/* ======================= SV_SendClientSnapshot ======================= */ void SV_SendClientSnapshot( client_t *client ) { byte msg_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; msg_t msg; // build the snapshot SV_BuildClientSnapshot( client ); // bots need to have their snapshots build, but // the query them directly without needing to be sent if ( client->gentity && client->gentity->svFlags & SVF_BOT ) { return; } MSG_Init (&msg, msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf)); msg.allowoverflow = qtrue; // (re)send any reliable server commands SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient( client, &msg ); // send over all the relevant entityState_t // and the playerState_t SV_WriteSnapshotToClient( client, &msg ); // check for overflow if ( msg.overflowed ) { Com_Printf ("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s\n", client->name); MSG_Clear (&msg); } SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client ); }
/* ======================= SV_SendClientEmptyMessage This is just an empty message so that we can tell if the client dropped the gamestate that went out before ======================= */ void SV_SendClientEmptyMessage( client_t *client ) { msg_t msg; byte buffer[10]; MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client ); }
/* * TV_Downstream_ClientResetCommandBuffers */ void TV_Downstream_ClientResetCommandBuffers( client_t *client, qboolean resetReliable ) { // clear the sounds datagram MSG_Init( &client->soundsmsg, client->soundsmsgData, sizeof( client->soundsmsgData ) ); MSG_Clear( &client->soundsmsg ); if( resetReliable ) { // reset the reliable commands buffer client->clientCommandExecuted = 0; client->reliableAcknowledge = 0; client->reliableSequence = 0; client->reliableSent = 0; memset( client->reliableCommands, 0, sizeof( client->reliableCommands ) ); } // reset frames and game commands memset( client->gameCommands, 0, sizeof( client->gameCommands ) ); client->gameCommandCurrent = 0; client->lastframe = -1; client->lastSentFrameNum = 0; memset( client->snapShots, 0, sizeof( client->snapShots ) ); // reset the usercommands buffer(clc_move) client->UcmdTime = 0; client->UcmdExecuted = 0; client->UcmdReceived = 0; memset( client->ucmds, 0, sizeof( client->ucmds ) ); }
/************************************************* * Function: PCT_ReconnectCloud * Description: * Author: cxy * Returns: * Parameter: * History: *************************************************/ void PCT_ReconnectCloud(PTC_ProtocolCon *pstruContoller, u32 u32ReConnectTimer) { u32 u32Index; if (PCT_TIMER_INVAILD != pstruContoller->u8ReconnectTimer) { ZC_Printf("already reconnected \n"); return; } MSG_Init(); g_struProtocolController.u8keyRecv = PCT_KEY_UNRECVED; for (u32Index = 0; u32Index < ZC_TIMER_MAX_NUM; u32Index++) { if (g_struTimer[u32Index].u8Status == ZC_TIMER_STATUS_USED) { TIMER_StopTimer((u8)u32Index); } } TIMER_Init(); g_struProtocolController.u8ReconnectTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8SendMoudleTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8HeartTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8MainState = PCT_STATE_INIT; pstruContoller->pstruMoudleFun->pfunSetTimer(PCT_TIMER_RECONNECT, u32ReConnectTimer, &pstruContoller->u8ReconnectTimer); pstruContoller->struCloudConnection.u32Socket = PCT_INVAILD_SOCKET; pstruContoller->u8keyRecv = PCT_KEY_UNRECVED; pstruContoller->u8MainState = PCT_STATE_INIT; }
int SV_SendDownloadMessages(void) { int i, numDLs = 0; client_t *cl; msg_t msg; byte msgBuffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; for(i=0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; if(cl->state && *cl->downloadName) { int basesize; MSG_Init(&msg, msgBuffer, sizeof(msgBuffer)); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, cl->lastClientCommand); basesize = msg.cursize; SV_WriteDownloadToClient(cl, &msg); if (msg.cursize != basesize) { SV_SendMessageToClient(&msg, cl); numDLs++; } } } return numDLs; }
void HL2Rcon_SourceRconFlushRedirect(char* outputbuf, qboolean lastcommand){ rconUser_t* user; if(sourceRcon.redirectUser < 1 || sourceRcon.redirectUser > MAX_RCONUSERS) return; user = &sourceRcon.activeRconUsers[sourceRcon.redirectUser -1]; msg_t msg; int32_t *updatelen; byte sourcemsgbuf[HL2RCON_SOURCEOUTPUTBUF_LENGTH+16]; MSG_Init(&msg, sourcemsgbuf, sizeof(sourcemsgbuf)); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, 0); //writing 0 for now MSG_WriteLong(&msg, user->lastpacketid); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE); MSG_WriteBigString(&msg, outputbuf); MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0); //Adjust the length updatelen = (int32_t*); *updatelen = msg.cursize - 4; NET_SendData(user->remote.sock, &msg); }
/************************************************* * Function: PCT_Sleep * Description: * Author: cxy * Returns: * Parameter: * History: *************************************************/ void PCT_Sleep() { u32 u32Index; MSG_Init(); g_struProtocolController.u8keyRecv = PCT_KEY_UNRECVED; memcpy(g_struProtocolController.u8SessionKey, g_struRegisterInfo.u8PrivateKey, ZC_HS_SESSION_KEY_LEN); memcpy(g_struProtocolController.IvSend, g_struRegisterInfo.u8PrivateKey, ZC_HS_SESSION_KEY_LEN); memcpy(g_struProtocolController.IvRecv, g_struRegisterInfo.u8PrivateKey, ZC_HS_SESSION_KEY_LEN); for (u32Index = 0; u32Index < ZC_TIMER_MAX_NUM; u32Index++) { if (g_struTimer[u32Index].u8Status == ZC_TIMER_STATUS_USED) { TIMER_StopTimer((u8)u32Index); } } TIMER_Init(); g_struProtocolController.u8ReconnectTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8SendMoudleTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8HeartTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8CloudAckTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8MainState = PCT_STATE_INIT; g_struProtocolController.u8RegisterTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u32CloudNotAckNum = 0; PCT_SendNotifyMsg(ZC_CODE_WIFI_DISCONNECTED); ZC_ClientSleep(); }
void NET_Event(fd_set *fdr) { byte bufData[MAX_MSGLEN + 1]; netadr_t from; msg_t netmsg; while(1) { MSG_Init(&netmsg, bufData, sizeof(bufData)); if(NET_GetPacket(&from, &netmsg, fdr)) { if(net_dropsim->value > 0.0f && net_dropsim->value <= 100.0f) { // com_dropsim->value percent of incoming packets get dropped. if(rand() < (int) (((double) RAND_MAX) / 100.0 * (double) net_dropsim->value)) continue; // drop this packet } if(com_sv_running->integer) Com_RunAndTimeServerPacket(&from, &netmsg); else CL_PacketEvent(from, &netmsg); } else break; } }
/* ================ rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectCallstack Handle an incoming inspect callstack message by sending a message back to the client with the callstack data. ================ */ void rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectCallstack ( msg_t* in_msg ) { msg_t msg; byte buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; int i; prstack_t temp; MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)DBMSG_INSPECTCALLSTACK ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)mBreakInterpreter->GetCallstackDepth ( ) ); // write out the current function temp.f = mBreakInterpreter->GetCurrentFunction ( ); temp.s = 0; temp.stackbase = 0; MSG_WriteCallstackFunc ( &msg, &temp ); // Run through all of the callstack and write each to the msg for ( i = mBreakInterpreter->GetCallstackDepth ( ) - 1; i > 0; i -- ) { MSG_WriteCallstackFunc ( &msg, mBreakInterpreter->GetCallstack ( ) + i ); } SendPacket (, msg.cursize ); }
/* ================ rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectThreads Send the list of the current threads in the interpreter back to the debugger client ================ */ void rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectThreads ( msg_t* in_msg ) { msg_t msg; byte buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; int i; // Initialize the message MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)DBMSG_INSPECTTHREADS ); // Write the number of threads to the message MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)idThread::GetThreads().Num() ); // Loop through all of the threads and write their name and number to the message for ( i = 0; i < idThread::GetThreads().Num(); i ++ ) { idThread* thread = idThread::GetThreads()[i]; MSG_WriteString ( &msg, thread->GetThreadName ( ) ); MSG_WriteLong ( &msg, thread->GetThreadNum ( ) ); MSG_WriteBits ( &msg, (int)(thread == mBreakInterpreter->GetThread ( )), 1 ); MSG_WriteBits ( &msg, (int)thread->IsDoneProcessing(), 1 ); MSG_WriteBits ( &msg, (int)thread->IsWaiting(), 1 ); MSG_WriteBits ( &msg, (int)thread->IsDying(), 1 ); } // Send off the inspect threads packet to the debugger client SendPacket (, msg.cursize ); }
/************************************************* * Function: PCT_Init * Description: * Author: cxy * Returns: * Parameter: * History: *************************************************/ void PCT_Init(PTC_ModuleAdapter *pstruAdapter) { g_struProtocolController.pstruMoudleFun = pstruAdapter; g_struProtocolController.struCloudConnection.u32Socket = PCT_INVAILD_SOCKET; /*config connection type*/ g_struProtocolController.struCloudConnection.u16Port = ZC_CLOUD_PORT; g_struProtocolController.struCloudConnection.u8IpType = ZC_IPTYPE_IPV4; g_struProtocolController.struCloudConnection.u8ConnectionType = ZC_CONNECT_TYPE_TCP; g_struProtocolController.struClientConnection.u32Socket = PCT_INVAILD_SOCKET; /*config connection type*/ g_struProtocolController.struClientConnection.u16Port = ZC_SERVER_PORT; g_struProtocolController.struClientConnection.u8IpType = ZC_IPTYPE_IPV4; g_struProtocolController.struClientConnection.u8ConnectionType = ZC_CONNECT_TYPE_TCP; ZC_ConfigInitPara(); MSG_Init(); TIMER_Init(); g_struProtocolController.u8keyRecv = PCT_KEY_UNRECVED; g_struProtocolController.u8ReconnectTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8SendMoudleTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8HeartTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8RegisterTimer = PCT_TIMER_INVAILD; g_struProtocolController.u8MainState = PCT_STATE_INIT; //ZC_ClientInit(); }
/* ================ Sys_GetEvent ================ */ sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent( void ) { sysEvent_t ev; char *s; msg_t netmsg; netadr_t adr; // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // pump the message loop // in vga this calls KBD_Update, under X, it calls GetEvent Sys_SendKeyEvents (); // check for console commands s = Sys_ConsoleInput(); if ( s ) { char *b; int len; len = strlen( s ) + 1; b = (char *)malloc( len ); strcpy( b, s ); Sys_QueEvent( 0, SE_CONSOLE, 0, 0, len, b ); } // check for other input devices IN_Frame(); // check for network packets MSG_Init( &netmsg, sys_packetReceived, sizeof( sys_packetReceived ) ); #if 0 if ( Sys_GetPacket ( &adr, &netmsg ) ) { netadr_t *buf; int len; // copy out to a seperate buffer for qeueing len = sizeof( netadr_t ) + netmsg.cursize; buf = malloc( len ); *buf = adr; memcpy( buf+1,, netmsg.cursize ); Sys_QueEvent( 0, SE_PACKET, 0, 0, len, buf ); } #endif // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // create an empty event to return memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); ev.evTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); return ev; }
/************************************************* * Function: PCT_DisConnectCloud * Description: * Author: cxy * Returns: * Parameter: * History: *************************************************/ void PCT_DisConnectCloud(PTC_ProtocolCon *pstruContoller) { pstruContoller->u8MainState = PCT_STATE_DISCONNECT_CLOUD; pstruContoller->u8keyRecv = PCT_KEY_UNRECVED; MSG_Init(); PCT_SendNotifyMsg(ZC_CODE_CLOUD_DISCONNECTED); }
/* * SV_Demo_WriteSnap */ void SV_Demo_WriteSnap( void ) { int i; msg_t msg; uint8_t msg_buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; if( !svs.demo.file ) return; for( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ ) { if( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_SPAWNED && svs.clients[i].edict && !( svs.clients[i].edict->r.svflags & SVF_NOCLIENT ) ) break; } if( i == sv_maxclients->integer ) { // FIXME Com_Printf( "No players left, stopping server side demo recording\n" ); SV_Demo_Stop_f(); return; } MSG_Init( &msg, msg_buffer, sizeof( msg_buffer ) ); SV_BuildClientFrameSnap( &svs.demo.client ); SV_WriteFrameSnapToClient( &svs.demo.client, &msg ); SV_AddReliableCommandsToMessage( &svs.demo.client, &msg ); SV_Demo_WriteMessage( &msg ); svs.demo.duration = svs.gametime - svs.demo.basetime; svs.demo.client.lastframe = sv.framenum; // FIXME: is this needed? }
int SV_SendDownloadMessages(void) { int i, numDLs = 0, retval; client_t *cl; msg_t msg; byte msgBuffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; for(i=0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++) { cl = &svs.clients[i]; if(cl->state && *cl->downloadName) { MSG_Init(&msg, msgBuffer, sizeof(msgBuffer)); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, cl->lastClientCommand); retval = SV_WriteDownloadToClient(cl, &msg); if(retval) { MSG_WriteByte(&msg, svc_EOF); SV_Netchan_Transmit(cl, &msg); numDLs += retval; } } } return numDLs; }
void SV_WriteDemoArchive(client_t *client){ byte bufData[72]; msg_t msg; MSG_Init(&msg, bufData, sizeof(bufData)); int archiveIndex; playerState_t *ps = SV_GameClientNum(client - svs.clients); vec3_t nullvec = {0, 0, 0}; MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 1); archiveIndex = client->demoArchiveIndex % 256; MSG_WriteLong(&msg, archiveIndex); MSG_WriteVector(&msg, ps->origin); MSG_WriteVector(&msg, nullvec); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, 0); //Velocity MSG_WriteLong(&msg, 0); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, ps->commandTime); MSG_WriteVector(&msg, ps->viewangles); client->demoArchiveIndex++; FS_DemoWrite(, msg.cursize, &client->demofile ); }
/* ================ SV_SendClientGameState Sends the first message from the server to a connected client. This will be sent on the initial connection and upon each new map load. It will be resent if the client acknowledges a later message but has the wrong gamestate. ================ */ void SV_SendClientGameState( client_t *client ) { msg_t msg; byte msgBuffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; MSG_Init( &msg, msgBuffer, sizeof( msgBuffer ) ); // MW - my attempt to fix illegible server message errors caused by // packet fragmentation of initial snapshot. while(client->state&&client->netchan.unsentFragments) { // send additional message fragments if the last message // was too large to send at once Com_Printf ("[ISM]SV_SendClientGameState() [2] for %s, writing out old fragments\n", client->name); SV_Netchan_TransmitNextFragment(&client->netchan); } Com_DPrintf ("SV_SendClientGameState() for %s\n", client->name); Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_CONNECTED to CS_PRIMED for %s\n", client->name ); if ( client->state == CS_CONNECTED ) client->state = CS_PRIMED; client->pureAuthentic = 0; client->gotCP = qfalse; // when we receive the first packet from the client, we will // notice that it is from a different serverid and that the // gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit client->gamestateMessageNum = client->netchan.outgoingSequence; SV_CreateClientGameStateMessage( client, &msg ); // deliver this to the client SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client ); }
/* ================ rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectVariable Respondes to a request from the debugger client to inspect the value of a given variable ================ */ void rvDebuggerServer::HandleInspectVariable ( msg_t* in_msg ) { char varname[256]; int scopeDepth; if ( !mBreak ) { return; } scopeDepth = (short)MSG_ReadShort ( in_msg ); MSG_ReadString ( in_msg, varname, 256 ); idStr varvalue; msg_t msg; byte buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; // Initialize the message MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)DBMSG_INSPECTVARIABLE ); if ( !mBreakInterpreter->GetRegisterValue ( varname, varvalue, scopeDepth ) ) { varvalue = "???"; } MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (short)scopeDepth ); MSG_WriteString ( &msg, varname ); MSG_WriteString ( &msg, varvalue ); SendPacket (, msg.cursize ); }
/* * Netchan_Transmit * * Sends a message to a connection, fragmenting if necessary * A 0 length will still generate a packet. */ bool Netchan_Transmit( netchan_t *chan, msg_t *msg ) { msg_t send; uint8_t send_buf[MAX_PACKETLEN]; assert( msg ); if( msg->cursize > MAX_MSGLEN ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Netchan_Transmit: Excessive length = %i", msg->cursize ); return false; } chan->unsentFragmentStart = 0; chan->unsentIsCompressed = false; // fragment large reliable messages if( msg->cursize >= FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { chan->unsentFragments = true; chan->unsentLength = msg->cursize; chan->unsentIsCompressed = msg->compressed; memcpy( chan->unsentBuffer, msg->data, msg->cursize ); // only send the first fragment now return Netchan_TransmitNextFragment( chan ); } // write the packet header MSG_Init( &send, send_buf, sizeof( send_buf ) ); MSG_Clear( &send ); MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->outgoingSequence ); // wsw : jal : by now our header sends incoming ack too (q3 doesn't) // wsw : jal : also add compressed information if it's compressed if( msg->compressed ) MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->incomingSequence | FRAGMENT_BIT ); else MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->incomingSequence ); chan->outgoingSequence++; // send the game port if we are a client if( !chan->socket->server ) MSG_WriteShort( &send, game_port ); MSG_CopyData( &send, msg->data, msg->cursize ); // send the datagram if( !NET_SendPacket( chan->socket,, send.cursize, &chan->remoteAddress ) ) return false; if( showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%s send %4i : s=%i ack=%i\n", NET_SocketToString( chan->socket ), send.cursize, chan->outgoingSequence - 1, chan->incomingSequence ); } return true; }
/* ================ rvDebuggerServer::SendMessage Send a message with no data to the debugger server. ================ */ void rvDebuggerServer::SendMessage ( EDebuggerMessage dbmsg ) { msg_t msg; byte buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)dbmsg ); SendPacket (, msg.cursize ); }
/* ================ SV_SendClientGameState Sends the first message from the server to a connected client. This will be sent on the initial connection and upon each new map load. It will be resent if the client acknowledges a later message but has the wrong gamestate. ================ */ void SV_SendClientGameState( client_t *client ) { int start; entityState_t *base, nullstate; msg_t msg; byte msgBuffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; Com_DPrintf ("SV_SendGameState() for %s\n", client->name); client->state = CS_PRIMED; // when we receive the first packet from the client, we will // notice that it is from a different serverid and that the // gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit client->gamestateMessageNum = client->netchan.outgoingSequence; // clear the reliable message list for this client client->reliableSequence = 0; client->reliableAcknowledge = 0; MSG_Init( &msg, msgBuffer, sizeof( msgBuffer ) ); // send the gamestate MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_gamestate ); MSG_WriteLong( &msg, client->reliableSequence ); // write the configstrings for ( start = 0 ; start < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; start++ ) { if (sv.configstrings[start][0]) { MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_configstring ); MSG_WriteShort( &msg, start ); MSG_WriteString( &msg, sv.configstrings[start] ); } } // write the baselines memset( &nullstate, 0, sizeof( nullstate ) ); for ( start = 0 ; start < MAX_GENTITIES; start++ ) { base = &sv.svEntities[start].baseline; if ( !base->number ) { continue; } MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_baseline ); MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( &msg, &nullstate, base, qtrue ); } MSG_WriteByte( &msg, 0 ); // check for overflow if ( msg.overflowed ) { Com_Printf ("WARNING: GameState overflowed for %s\n", client->name); } // deliver this to the client SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client ); }
void SV_RecordDemo( client_t *cl, char *demoName ) { char name[MAX_OSPATH]; byte bufData[MAX_MSGLEN]; msg_t msg; int len; if ( cl->demo.demorecording ) { Com_Printf( "Already recording.\n" ); return; } if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) { Com_Printf( "Client is not active.\n" ); return; } // open the demo file Q_strncpyz( cl->demo.demoName, demoName, sizeof( cl->demo.demoName ) ); Com_sprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "demos/%s.dm_%d", cl->demo.demoName, PROTOCOL_VERSION ); Com_Printf( "recording to %s.\n", name ); cl->demo.demofile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( name ); if ( !cl->demo.demofile ) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; } cl->demo.demorecording = qtrue; // don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received cl->demo.demowaiting = qtrue; cl->demo.isBot = ( cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) ? qtrue : qfalse; cl->demo.botReliableAcknowledge = cl->reliableSent; // write out the gamestate message MSG_Init( &msg, bufData, sizeof( bufData ) ); // NOTE, MRE: all server->client messages now acknowledge int tmp = cl->reliableSent; SV_CreateClientGameStateMessage( cl, &msg ); cl->reliableSent = tmp; // finished writing the client packet MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_EOF ); // write it to the demo file len = LittleLong( cl->netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 ); FS_Write( &len, 4, cl->demo.demofile ); len = LittleLong( msg.cursize ); FS_Write( &len, 4, cl->demo.demofile ); FS_Write(, msg.cursize, cl->demo.demofile ); // the rest of the demo file will be copied from net messages }
/* ================ rvDebuggerClient::InspectVariable Instructs the client to inspect the given variable at the given callstack depth. The variable is inspected by sending a DBMSG_INSPECTVARIABLE message to the server which will in turn respond back to the client with the variable value ================ */ void rvDebuggerClient::InspectVariable ( const char* name, int callstackDepth ) { msg_t msg; byte buffer[MAX_MSGLEN]; MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (int)DBMSG_INSPECTVARIABLE ); MSG_WriteShort ( &msg, (short)(mCallstack.Num()-callstackDepth) ); MSG_WriteString ( &msg, name ); SendPacket (, msg.cursize ); }
/* ================ Sys_GetEvent ================ */ sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent( void ) { MSG msg; sysEvent_t ev; char *s; msg_t netmsg; // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // pump the message loop while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if ( !GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0) ) { Com_Quit_f(); } // save the msg time, because wndprocs don't have access to the timestamp g_wv.sysMsgTime = msg.time; TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); } // check for console commands s = Sys_ConsoleInput(); if ( s ) { char *b; int len; len = strlen( s ) + 1; b = (char *) Z_Malloc( len, TAG_EVENT, qfalse); strcpy( b, s ); Sys_QueEvent( 0, SE_CONSOLE, 0, 0, len, b ); } // check for network packets MSG_Init( &netmsg, sys_packetReceived, sizeof( sys_packetReceived ) ); // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // create an empty event to return memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); ev.evTime = timeGetTime(); return ev; }
void SV_BeginClientSnapshot(client_t *client, msg_t *msg) { static byte tempSnapshotMsgBuf[0x20000]; MSG_Init( msg, tempSnapshotMsgBuf, sizeof(tempSnapshotMsgBuf) ); MSG_ClearLastReferencedEntity( msg ); MSG_WriteLong( msg, client->lastClientCommand ); if ( client->state == CS_ACTIVE || client->state == CS_ZOMBIE ) SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient( client, msg ); }
sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent( void ) { sysEvent_t ev; char *s; msg_t netmsg; netadr_t adr; // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // check for console commands s = Sys_ConsoleInput(); if ( s ) { char *b; int len; len = strlen( s ) + 1; b = (char *)Z_Malloc( len,TAG_EVENT,qfalse ); strcpy( b, s ); Sys_QueEvent( 0, SE_CONSOLE, 0, 0, len, b ); } // check for network packets MSG_Init( &netmsg, sys_packetReceived, sizeof( sys_packetReceived ) ); if ( Sys_GetPacket ( &adr, &netmsg ) ) { netadr_t *buf; int len; // copy out to a seperate buffer for qeueing len = sizeof( netadr_t ) + netmsg.cursize; buf = (netadr_t *)Z_Malloc( len,TAG_EVENT,qfalse ); *buf = adr; memcpy( buf+1,, netmsg.cursize ); Sys_QueEvent( 0, SE_PACKET, 0, 0, len, buf ); } // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // create an empty event to return memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); ev.evTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); return ev; }
/* ======================= SV_SendClientDatagram ======================= */ bool SV_SendClientDatagram( sv_client_t *cl ) { byte msg_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; sizebuf_t msg; SV_BuildClientFrame( cl ); MSG_Init( &msg, msg_buf, sizeof( msg_buf )); // send over all the relevant entity_state_t // and the player state SV_WriteFrameToClient( cl, &msg ); // copy the accumulated reliable datagram // for this client out to the message // it is necessary for this to be after the WriteEntities // so that entity references will be current if( cl->reliable.overflowed ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "reliable datagram overflowed for %s\n", cl->name ); else MSG_WriteData( &msg, cl->, cl->reliable.cursize ); MSG_Clear( &cl->reliable ); if( msg.overflowed ) { // must have room left for the packet header MsgDev( D_WARN, "msg overflowed for %s\n", cl->name ); MSG_Clear( &msg ); } // copy the accumulated multicast datagram // for this client out to the message // it is necessary for this to be after the WriteEntities // so that entity references will be current if( cl->datagram.overflowed ) MsgDev( D_WARN, "datagram overflowed for %s\n", cl->name ); else MSG_WriteData( &msg, cl->, cl->datagram.cursize ); MSG_Clear( &cl->datagram ); if( msg.overflowed ) { // must have room left for the packet header MsgDev( D_WARN, "msg overflowed for %s\n", cl->name ); MSG_Clear( &msg ); } // send the datagram Netchan_Transmit( &cl->netchan, msg.cursize, ); // record the size for rate estimation cl->message_size[sv.framenum % RATE_MESSAGES] = msg.cursize; return true; }
void HL2Rcon_SourceRconSendChatToEachClient( const char *text, rconUser_t *self, int cid, qboolean onlyme){ rconUser_t* user; int i; msg_t msg; int32_t *updatelen; byte sourcemsgbuf[MAX_MSGLEN]; for(i = 0, user = sourceRcon.activeRconUsers; i < MAX_RCONUSERS; i++, user++ ){ if(!user->streamchat) continue; MSG_Init(&msg, sourcemsgbuf, sizeof(sourcemsgbuf)); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, 0); //writing 0 for now MSG_WriteLong(&msg, 0); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, SERVERDATA_CHAT); if(self){ if(self == user) { MSG_WriteByte(&msg, -2); }else{ MSG_WriteByte(&msg, -1); if(onlyme) { continue; } } MSG_WriteBigString(&msg, user->rconUsername); }else{ MSG_WriteByte(&msg, cid); } MSG_WriteBigString(&msg, text); MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0); //Adjust the length updatelen = (int32_t*); *updatelen = msg.cursize - 4; NET_SendData(user->remote.sock, &msg); } }