int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); printf("example: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment.xml\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } const char *platform_file = argv[1]; const char *application_file = argv[2]; MSG_create_environment(platform_file); MSG_function_register("receiver", receiver); MSG_function_register("sender", sender); MSG_launch_application(application_file); #ifndef DISABLE_THE_MUTEX mutex = xbt_mutex_init(); #endif msg_error_t res = MSG_main(); #ifndef DISABLE_THE_MUTEX xbt_mutex_destroy(mutex); mutex = NULL; #endif XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; /* Argument checking */ MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 3) { XBT_CRITICAL("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); XBT_CRITICAL("example: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment_suspend.xml\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* Simulation setting */ MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("emigrant", emigrant); MSG_function_register("policeman", policeman); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); /* Run the simulation */ mutex = xbt_mutex_init(); cond = xbt_cond_init(); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); xbt_cond_destroy(cond); xbt_mutex_destroy(mutex); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; } /* end_of_main */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); /* Trace categories */ TRACE_category_with_color("host0", "0 0 1"); TRACE_category_with_color("host1", "0 1 0"); TRACE_category_with_color("host2", "0 1 1"); TRACE_category_with_color("host3", "1 0 0"); TRACE_category_with_color("host4", "1 0 1"); TRACE_category_with_color("host5", "0 0 0"); TRACE_category_with_color("host6", "1 1 0"); TRACE_category_with_color("host7", "1 1 1"); TRACE_category_with_color("host8", "0 1 0"); /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("broadcaster", broadcaster); MSG_function_register("peer", peer); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Total simulation time: %e", MSG_get_clock()); return res != MSG_OK; }
/** * \brief Main function. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef BENCH_THIS_CODE xbt_os_cputimer_t timer = xbt_os_timer_new(); #endif MSG_init(&argc, argv); char **options = &argv[1]; const char* platform_file = options[0]; const char* application_file = options[1]; MSG_create_environment(platform_file); MSG_function_register("node", node); MSG_launch_application(application_file); #ifdef BENCH_THIS_CODE xbt_os_cputimer_start(timer); #endif msg_error_t res = MSG_main(); #ifdef BENCH_THIS_CODE xbt_os_cputimer_stop(timer); #endif XBT_CRITICAL("Simulated time: %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i,res; MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); xbt_dynar_t hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar(); MSG_function_register("host", host); unsigned long nb_hosts = xbt_dynar_length(hosts); XBT_INFO("Number of host '%lu'",nb_hosts); for(i = 0 ; i<nb_hosts; i++) { char* name_host = bprintf("%d",i); MSG_process_create( name_host, host, NULL, xbt_dynar_get_as(hosts,i,msg_host_t) ); free(name_host); } xbt_dynar_free(&hosts); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc > 2, "Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n" "\tExample: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment.xml\n", argv[0], argv[0]); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); //declaring user variables TRACE_host_variable_declare("HDD_capacity"); TRACE_host_variable_declare("HDD_utilization"); //register functions and launch deployment MSG_function_register("master", trace_fun); MSG_function_register("worker", trace_fun); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); MSG_main(); //get user declared variables unsigned int cursor; char *variable; xbt_dynar_t host_variables = TRACE_get_host_variables (); if (host_variables){ XBT_INFO ("Declared host variables:"); xbt_dynar_foreach (host_variables, cursor, variable){ XBT_INFO ("%s", variable); } xbt_dynar_free (&host_variables); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; sg_energy_plugin_init(); MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc != 3) { XBT_CRITICAL("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); XBT_CRITICAL ("example: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment.xml\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("dvfs_test", dvfs); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Total simulation time: %e", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
/** * @param platform_file The path/name of the platform file. * @param deploy_file The path/name of the deploy file. * @param mra_config_file The path/name of the configuration file. * @param vc_file_name The volunteer computing configuration file. */ static msg_error_t run_mra_simulation (const char* platform_file, const char* deploy_file, const char* mra_config_file, const char* vc_file_name) { msg_error_t res_mra = MSG_OK; read_mra_config_file (mra_config_file); MSG_create_environment (platform_file); read_bandwidth (platform_file); init_mra_vc (vc_file_name); // for tracing purposes.. TRACE_category_with_color ("MRA_MAP", "1 0 0"); TRACE_category_with_color ("MRA_REDUCE", "0 0 1"); MSG_function_register ("master_mra", master_mra); MSG_function_register ("worker_mra", worker_mra); MSG_launch_application (deploy_file); init_mr_mra_config (mra_config_file); res_mra = MSG_main (); free_mra_global_mem (); return res_mra; }
MSG_error_t run(const char *platform_file,const char *application_file) { MSG_error_t res = MSG_OK; XBT_INFO("running simulation"); /* Simulation setting */ MSG_create_environment(platform_file); /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("service_cordel",service_cordel); MSG_function_register("service_chor",service_chor); MSG_function_register("service", service); MSG_function_register("broker",broker); MSG_function_register("service_controller",service_controller); MSG_function_register("broker_controller",broker_controller); MSG_function_register("service_chor_controller",service_chor_controller); MSG_function_register("service_cordel_controller",service_cordel_controller); MSG_launch_application(application_file); res = MSG_main(); return res; }/* end_of_test_all */
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } char *platform_file = argv[1]; char *deployment_file = argv[2]; MSG_create_environment(platform_file); //declaring user variables TRACE_host_variable_declare("HDD_capacity"); TRACE_host_variable_declare("HDD_utilization"); //register functions and launch deployment MSG_function_register("master", master); MSG_function_register("slave", master); MSG_launch_application(deployment_file); MSG_main(); //get user declared variables unsigned int cursor; char *variable; xbt_dynar_t host_variables = TRACE_get_host_variables (); if (host_variables){ XBT_INFO ("Declared host variables:"); xbt_dynar_foreach (host_variables, cursor, variable){ XBT_INFO ("%s", variable); } xbt_dynar_free (&host_variables); }
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res; const char *platform_file; const char *application_file; MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); printf("example: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment.xml\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } platform_file = argv[1]; application_file = argv[2]; { /* Simulation setting */ MSG_create_environment(platform_file); } { /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("master", master); MSG_function_register("slave", slave); MSG_launch_application(application_file); } res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; } /* end_of_main */
/** Test function */ MSG_error_t test_all(const char *platform_file, const char *application_file) { MSG_error_t res = MSG_OK; { /* Simulation setting */ MSG_set_channel_number(0); MSG_create_environment(platform_file); } { //declaring user categories with RGB colors TRACE_category_with_color ("compute", "1 0 0"); //red TRACE_category_with_color ("request", "0 1 0"); //green TRACE_category_with_color ("data", "0 0 1"); //blue TRACE_category_with_color ("finalize", "0 0 0");//black } { /* Application deployment */ MSG_function_register("master", master); MSG_function_register("slave", slave); MSG_launch_application(application_file); } res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); return res; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; MSG_init(&argc, argv); surf_parse = surf_parse_bypass_platform; MSG_create_environment(NULL); MSG_function_register("host", host); xbt_dynar_t hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar(); nb_hosts = xbt_dynar_length(hosts); XBT_INFO("Number of host '%d'",nb_hosts); for(i = 0 ; i<nb_hosts; i++) { char* name_host = bprintf("%d",i); MSG_process_create( name_host, host, NULL, xbt_dynar_get_as(hosts,i,msg_host_t) ); free(name_host); } xbt_dynar_free(&hosts); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNICALL Java_org_simgrid_msg_Msg_run(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) { /* Run everything */ XBT_DEBUG("Ready to run MSG_MAIN"); msg_error_t rv = MSG_main(); XBT_DEBUG("Done running MSG_MAIN"); jxbt_check_res("MSG_main()", rv, MSG_OK, xbt_strdup("unexpected error : MSG_main() failed .. please report this bug ")); XBT_INFO("MSG_main finished; Cleaning up the simulation..."); /* Cleanup java hosts */ xbt_dynar_t hosts = MSG_hosts_as_dynar(); for (unsigned long index = 0; index < xbt_dynar_length(hosts) - 1; index++) { msg_host_t msg_host = xbt_dynar_get_as(hosts,index,msg_host_t); jobject jhost = (jobject) msg_host->extension(JAVA_HOST_LEVEL); if (jhost) jhost_unref(env, jhost); } xbt_dynar_free(&hosts); /* Cleanup java storages */ xbt_dynar_t storages = MSG_storages_as_dynar(); if(!xbt_dynar_is_empty(storages)){ for (unsigned long index = 0; index < xbt_dynar_length(storages) - 1; index++) { jobject jstorage = (jobject) xbt_lib_get_level(xbt_dynar_get_as(storages,index,msg_storage_t), JAVA_STORAGE_LEVEL); if (jstorage) jstorage_unref(env, jstorage); } } xbt_dynar_free(&storages); }
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_function_register("app", &app); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_process_create("app", app, NULL, MSG_get_host_by_name("Tremblay")); return MSG_main(); }
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_function_register("app", &app); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); return MSG_main(); }
/** This function starts and ends simulation workflow. `main` accepts following arguments: @--cfg=tracing:yes enables tracing functionality of simgrid @--cfg=tracing/platform:yes enables platform tracing functionality of simgrid @--cfg=tracing/filename:<path to trace file> defines path to file simgrid writes to @--cfg=maxmin/concurrency_limit:100000 maximum number of simultaneously running processes in simulation @--cfg=storage/max_file_descriptors:220000" maximum number of simultaneously open (and not closed) file descriptors */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config.yml"); const std::string model = config["model"].as<std::string>(); const std::string platform = config["platform"].as<std::string>(); const std::string deployment = config["deployment"].as<std::string>(); path_to_output = config["out.txt"].as<std::string>(); jobs_file = config["jobs"].as<std::string>(); input_files_file = config["input"].as<std::string>(); auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment(platform.c_str()); declare_trace_variables(); sem_requester = MSG_sem_init(1); MSG_function_register("evil", evil); MSG_function_register("scheduler", scheduler); MSG_function_register("tier1", tier1); MSG_function_register("killer", killer); MSG_function_register("tracer", tracer); MSG_function_register("initialize", initialize_file_labels); MSG_function_register("delete_unpop_file", delete_unpopular_file); MSG_launch_application(deployment.c_str()); current_model = (char*) model.c_str(); msg_error_t res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %f", MSG_get_clock()); fclose(FP); MSG_sem_destroy(sem_requester); MSG_sem_destroy(sem_link); // Clear info of name node /*std::map<string, FileData*>::iterator file_itr = name_node->begin(); while (file_itr != name_node->end()){ delete (*file_itr).second; name_node->erase(file_itr); file_itr++; }*/ // delete global_queue and name_node delete GLOBAL_QUEUE; //delete name_node; auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); XBT_INFO("Real time of simulation: %ld seconds", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(t2-t1).count()); return res != MSG_OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc==2); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_process_create("test", server, NULL, MSG_host_by_name("Tremblay")); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment("../msg_platform.xml"); MSG_function_register("coordinator", coordinator); MSG_function_register("client", client); MSG_launch_application("deploy_mutex.xml"); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s platform_file\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform_file\n\tExample: %s msg_platform.xml\n", argv[0], argv[0]); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_process_create("simple_func", process_function, NULL, MSG_get_host_by_name("Tremblay")); MSG_process_create("simple_func", process_function, NULL, MSG_get_host_by_name("Fafard")); MSG_main(); return 0; }
/** Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; long i; MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 4) { printf("Usage: %s platform_file number_of_jobs number_of_slaves\n", argv[0]); printf("example: %s msg_platform.xml 10 5\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } MSG_function_register("master", master); MSG_function_register("slave", slave); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); number_of_jobs = atol(argv[2]); number_of_slaves = atol(argv[3]); xbt_dynar_t host_dynar = MSG_hosts_as_dynar(); long number_max = xbt_dynar_length(host_dynar); XBT_INFO("Got %ld slaves, %ld tasks to process, and %ld hosts", number_of_slaves, number_of_jobs,number_max); msg_host_t *host_table = xbt_dynar_to_array(host_dynar); //xbt_dynar_free(&host_dynar); MSG_process_create( "master", master, NULL, host_table[my_random(number_max)] ); for(i = 0 ; i<number_of_slaves; i++) { char* name_host = bprintf("slave-%ld",i); MSG_process_create( name_host, slave, NULL, host_table[my_random(number_max)] ); free(name_host); } xbt_free(host_table); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; } /* end_of_main */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ MSG_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc == 2); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); launch_master(MSG_host_by_name("Fafard")); int res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Bye (simulation time %g)", MSG_get_clock()); return !(res == MSG_OK); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment("platform.xml"); MSG_function_register("server", server); MSG_function_register("client", client); MSG_launch_application("deploy_bugged1.xml"); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; MSG_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 3) { XBT_CRITICAL("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } MSG_function_register("terrorist", terrorist); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_launch_application(argv[2]); /* // Simplistic platform with only one host sg_platf_begin(); s_sg_platf_AS_cbarg_t AS = SG_PLATF_AS_INITIALIZER; sg_platf_new_AS_begin(&AS); s_sg_platf_host_cbarg_t host = SG_PLATF_HOST_INITIALIZER; = "host0"; sg_platf_new_host(&host); sg_platf_new_AS_end(); sg_platf_end(); // Add one process -- super heavy just to launch an application! SIMIX_init_application(); sg_platf_begin(); s_sg_platf_process_cbarg_t process = SG_PLATF_PROCESS_INITIALIZER; process.argc=1; process.argv = malloc(sizeof(char*)*2); process.argv[0] = "terrorist"; process.argv[1] = NULL; = "host0"; process.function = "terrorist"; process.start_time = 0; sg_platf_new_process(&process); sg_platf_end(); */ // Launch the simulation res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); if (res == MSG_OK) return 0; else return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_process_create("send", sender_fun, NULL, MSG_get_host_by_name("Tremblay")); MSG_process_create("receive", receiver_fun, NULL, MSG_get_host_by_name("Tremblay")); res = MSG_main(); return res != MSG_OK; }
/** Test function */ msg_error_t test_all(const char *platform_file) { msg_error_t res = MSG_OK; MSG_create_environment(platform_file); MSG_function_register("master", master); MSG_function_register("slave", slave); surf_parse = bypass_deployment; MSG_launch_application(NULL); res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); return res; } /* end_of_test_all */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MC_automaton_new_propositional_symbol_pointer("cs", &cs); MSG_create_environment("../msg_platform.xml"); MSG_function_register("coordinator", coordinator); MSG_function_register("client", client); MSG_launch_application("deploy_bugged2_liveness.xml"); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_config("model-check/property","promela"); MSG_create_environment("snapshot_comparison_platform.xml"); MSG_function_register("test", test); MSG_launch_application("deploy_snapshot_comparison.xml"); MSG_main(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { MSG_init(&argc, argv); MSG_create_environment(argv[1]); MSG_function_register("host", host); for(int i = 0 ; i < 5; i++){ MSG_process_create("bob", host, NULL, MSG_host_by_name(xbt_strdup("bob"))); } int res = MSG_main(); XBT_INFO("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock()); return res != MSG_OK; }