예제 #1
파일: polygon.cpp 프로젝트: hjw3001/povray
void Polygon::Compute_Polygon(int number, Vector3d *points)
    int i;
    DBL x, y, z, d;
    Vector3d o, u, v, w, N;
    MATRIX a, b;

    /* Create polygon data. */

    if (Data == NULL)
        Data = reinterpret_cast<POLYGON_DATA *>(POV_MALLOC(sizeof(POLYGON_DATA), "polygon points"));

        Data->References = 1;

        Data->Number = number;

        Data->Points = reinterpret_cast<Vector2d *>(POV_MALLOC(number*sizeof(Vector2d), "polygon points"));
        throw POV_EXCEPTION_STRING("Polygon data already computed.");

    /* Get polygon's coordinate system (one of the many possible) */

    o = points[0];

    /* Find valid, i.e. non-zero u vector. */

    for (i = 1; i < number; i++)
        u = points[i] - o;

        if (u.lengthSqr() > EPSILON)

    if (i == number)
        Set_Flag(this, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

;// TODO MESSAGE    Warning("Points in polygon are co-linear. Ignoring polygon.");

    /* Find valid, i.e. non-zero v and w vectors. */

    for (i++; i < number; i++)
        v = points[i] - o;

        w = cross(u, v);

        if ((v.lengthSqr() > EPSILON) && (w.lengthSqr() > EPSILON))

    if (i == number)
        Set_Flag(this, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

;// TODO MESSAGE    Warning("Points in polygon are co-linear. Ignoring polygon.");

    u = cross(v, w);
    v = cross(w, u);



    a[3][0] = -o[X];
    a[3][1] = -o[Y];
    a[3][2] = -o[Z];

    b[0][0] =  u[X];
    b[1][0] =  u[Y];
    b[2][0] =  u[Z];

    b[0][1] =  v[X];
    b[1][1] =  v[Y];
    b[2][1] =  v[Z];

    b[0][2] =  w[X];
    b[1][2] =  w[Y];
    b[2][2] =  w[Z];

    MTimesC(Trans->inverse, a, b);

    MInvers(Trans->matrix, Trans->inverse);

    /* Project points onto the u,v-plane (3D --> 2D) */

    for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
        x = points[i][X] - o[X];
        y = points[i][Y] - o[Y];
        z = points[i][Z] - o[Z];

        d = x * w[X] + y * w[Y] + z * w[Z];

        if (fabs(d) > ZERO_TOLERANCE)
            Set_Flag(this, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

;// TODO MESSAGE      Warning("Points in polygon are not co-planar. Ignoring polygons.");

        Data->Points[i][X] = x * u[X] + y * u[Y] + z * u[Z];
        Data->Points[i][Y] = x * v[X] + y * v[Y] + z * v[Z];

    N = Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    MTransNormal(S_Normal, N, Trans);


예제 #2
void Compute_Polygon(POLYGON *Polyg, int Number, VECTOR *Points)
  int i;
  DBL x, y, z, d;
  VECTOR o, u, v, w, N;
  MATRIX a, b;

  /* Create polygon data. */

  if (Polyg->Data == NULL)
    Polyg->Data = (POLYGON_DATA *)POV_MALLOC(sizeof(POLYGON_DATA), "polygon points");

    Polyg->Data->References = 1;

    Polyg->Data->Number = Number;

    Polyg->Data->Points = (UV_VECT *)POV_MALLOC(Number*sizeof(UV_VECT), "polygon points");
    Error("Polygon data already computed.");

  /* Get polygon's coordinate system (one of the many possible) */

  Assign_Vector(o, Points[0]);

  /* Find valid, i.e. non-zero u vector. */
  for (i = 1; i < Number; i++)
    VSub(u, Points[i], o);

    if (VSumSqr(u) > EPSILON)

  if (i == Number)
    Set_Flag(Polyg, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

    Warning(0, "Points in polygon are co-linear. Ignoring polygon.");

  /* Find valid, i.e. non-zero v and w vectors. */
  for (i++; i < Number; i++)
    VSub(v, Points[i], o);
    VCross(w, u, v);

    if ((VSumSqr(v) > EPSILON) && (VSumSqr(w) > EPSILON))

  if (i == Number)
    Set_Flag(Polyg, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

    Warning(0, "Points in polygon are co-linear. Ignoring polygon.");

  VCross(u, v, w);
  VCross(v, w, u);

  VNormalize(u, u);
  VNormalize(v, v);
  VNormalize(w, w);


  a[3][0] = -o[X];
  a[3][1] = -o[Y];
  a[3][2] = -o[Z];

  b[0][0] =  u[X];
  b[1][0] =  u[Y];
  b[2][0] =  u[Z];

  b[0][1] =  v[X];
  b[1][1] =  v[Y];
  b[2][1] =  v[Z];

  b[0][2] =  w[X];
  b[1][2] =  w[Y];
  b[2][2] =  w[Z];

  MTimesC(Polyg->Trans->inverse, a, b);

  MInvers(Polyg->Trans->matrix, Polyg->Trans->inverse);

  /* Project points onto the u,v-plane (3D --> 2D) */

  for (i = 0; i < Number; i++)
    x = Points[i][X] - o[X];
    y = Points[i][Y] - o[Y];
    z = Points[i][Z] - o[Z];

    d = x * w[X] + y * w[Y] + z * w[Z];

    if (fabs(d) > ZERO_TOLERANCE)
      Set_Flag(Polyg, DEGENERATE_FLAG);

      Warning(0, "Points in polygon are not co-planar. Ignoring polygons.");

    Polyg->Data->Points[i][X] = x * u[X] + y * u[Y] + z * u[Z];
    Polyg->Data->Points[i][Y] = x * v[X] + y * v[Y] + z * v[Z];
  Make_Vector(N, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  MTransNormal(Polyg->S_Normal, N, Polyg->Trans);

