예제 #1
/** Set the volume of the current sequence. */
static void DoSetVolume()
	if (_sequence == NULL) return;

	AUGraph graph;
	MusicSequenceGetAUGraph(_sequence, &graph);

	AudioUnit output_unit = NULL;

	/* Get output audio unit */
	UInt32 node_count = 0;
	AUGraphGetNodeCount(graph, &node_count);
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
		AUNode node;
		AUGraphGetIndNode(graph, i, &node);

		AudioUnit unit;
		OSType comp_type = 0;

		if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
			/* The 10.6 SDK has changed the function prototype of
			 * AUGraphNodeInfo. This is a binary compatible change,
			 * but we need to get the type declaration right or
			 * risk compilation errors. The header AudioComponent.h
			 * was introduced in 10.6 so use it to decide which
			 * type definition to use. */
			AudioComponentDescription desc;
			ComponentDescription desc;
			AUGraphNodeInfo(graph, node, &desc, &unit);
			comp_type = desc.componentType;
		} else
			ComponentDescription desc;
			AUGraphGetNodeInfo(graph, node, &desc, NULL, NULL, &unit);
			comp_type = desc.componentType;

		if (comp_type == kAudioUnitType_Output) {
			output_unit = unit;
	if (output_unit == NULL) {
		DEBUG(driver, 1, "cocoa_m: Failed to get output node to set volume");

	Float32 vol = _volume / 127.0f;  // 0 - +127 -> 0.0 - 1.0
	AudioUnitSetParameter(output_unit, kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, vol, 0);
예제 #2
FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
	FT_Error err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;

	/* Get font reference from name. */
	CFStringRef name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, font_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
	ATSFontRef font = ATSFontFindFromName(name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
	if (font == kInvalidFont) return err;

	/* Get a file system reference for the font. */
	FSRef ref;
	OSStatus os_err = -1;
	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		os_err = ATSFontGetFileReference(font, &ref);
	} else
#if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) && !defined(__LP64__)
		/* This type was introduced with the 10.5 SDK. */
	#define ATSFSSpec FSSpec
		FSSpec spec;
		os_err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification(font, (ATSFSSpec *)&spec);
		if (os_err == noErr) os_err = FSpMakeFSRef(&spec, &ref);

	if (os_err == noErr) {
		/* Get unix path for file. */
		UInt8 file_path[PATH_MAX];
		if (FSRefMakePath(&ref, file_path, sizeof(file_path)) == noErr) {
			DEBUG(freetype, 3, "Font path for %s: %s", font_name, file_path);
			err = FT_New_Face(_library, (const char *)file_path, 0, face);

	return err;
예제 #3
 * Starts playing a new song.
 * @param filename Path to a MIDI file.
void MusicDriver_Cocoa::PlaySong(const char *filename)
	DEBUG(driver, 2, "cocoa_m: trying to play '%s'", filename);

	if (_sequence != NULL) {
		_sequence = NULL;

	if (NewMusicSequence(&_sequence) != noErr) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to create music sequence");

	const char *os_file = OTTD2FS(filename);
	CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)os_file, strlen(os_file), false);

	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		if (MusicSequenceFileLoad(_sequence, url, 0, 0) != noErr) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to load MIDI file");
	} else
		FSRef ref_file;
		if (!CFURLGetFSRef(url, &ref_file)) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to make FSRef");
		if (MusicSequenceLoadSMFWithFlags(_sequence, &ref_file, 0) != noErr) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to load MIDI file old style");

	/* Construct audio graph */
	AUGraph graph = NULL;

	MusicSequenceGetAUGraph(_sequence, &graph);
	if (AUGraphInitialize(graph) != noErr) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to initialize AU graph");

	/* Figure out sequence length */
	UInt32 num_tracks;
	MusicSequenceGetTrackCount(_sequence, &num_tracks);
	_seq_length = 0;
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < num_tracks; i++) {
		MusicTrack     track = NULL;
		MusicTimeStamp track_length = 0;
		UInt32         prop_size = sizeof(MusicTimeStamp);
		MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(_sequence, i, &track);
		MusicTrackGetProperty(track, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &track_length, &prop_size);
		if (track_length > _seq_length) _seq_length = track_length;
	/* Add 8 beats for reverb/long note release */
	_seq_length += 8;

	MusicPlayerSetSequence(_player, _sequence);
	if (MusicPlayerStart(_player) != noErr) return;
	_playing = true;

	DEBUG(driver, 3, "cocoa_m: playing '%s'", filename);
예제 #4
bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode, int winlangid, MissingGlyphSearcher *callback)
	bool result = false;

	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		/* Determine fallback font using CoreText. This uses the language isocode
		 * to find a suitable font. CoreText is available from 10.5 onwards. */
		char lang[16];
		if (strcmp(language_isocode, "zh_TW") == 0) {
			/* Traditional Chinese */
			strecpy(lang, "zh-Hant", lastof(lang));
		} else if (strcmp(language_isocode, "zh_CN") == 0) {
			/* Simplified Chinese */
			strecpy(lang, "zh-Hans", lastof(lang));
		} else {
			/* Just copy the first part of the isocode. */
			strecpy(lang, language_isocode, lastof(lang));
			char *sep = strchr(lang, '_');
			if (sep != NULL) *sep = '\0';

		/* Create a font descriptor matching the wanted language and latin (english) glyphs. */
		CFStringRef lang_codes[2];
		lang_codes[0] = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, lang, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		lang_codes[1] = CFSTR("en");
		CFArrayRef lang_arr = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)lang_codes, lengthof(lang_codes), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
		CFDictionaryRef lang_attribs = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&kCTFontLanguagesAttribute, (const void **)&lang_arr, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
		CTFontDescriptorRef lang_desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(lang_attribs);

		/* Get array of all font descriptors for the wanted language. */
		CFSetRef mandatory_attribs = CFSetCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&kCTFontLanguagesAttribute, 1, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks);
		CFArrayRef descs = CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(lang_desc, mandatory_attribs);

		for (CFIndex i = 0; descs != NULL && i < CFArrayGetCount(descs); i++) {
			CTFontDescriptorRef font = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(descs, i);

			/* Get font traits. */
			CFDictionaryRef traits = (CFDictionaryRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontTraitsAttribute);
			CTFontSymbolicTraits symbolic_traits;
			CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait), kCFNumberIntType, &symbolic_traits);

			/* Skip symbol fonts and vertical fonts. */
			if ((symbolic_traits & kCTFontClassMaskTrait) == (CTFontStylisticClass)kCTFontSymbolicClass || (symbolic_traits & kCTFontVerticalTrait)) continue;
			/* Skip bold fonts (especially Arial Bold, which looks worse than regular Arial). */
			if (symbolic_traits & kCTFontBoldTrait) continue;
			/* Select monospaced fonts if asked for. */
			if (((symbolic_traits & kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) == kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) != callback->Monospace()) continue;

			/* Get font name. */
			char name[128];
			CFStringRef font_name = (CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute);
			CFStringGetCString(font_name, name, lengthof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

			/* There are some special fonts starting with an '.' and the last
			 * resort font that aren't usable. Skip them. */
			if (name[0] == '.' || strncmp(name, "LastResort", 10) == 0) continue;

			/* Save result. */
			callback->SetFontNames(settings, name);
			if (!callback->FindMissingGlyphs(NULL)) {
				DEBUG(freetype, 2, "CT-Font for %s: %s", language_isocode, name);
				result = true;
		if (descs != NULL) CFRelease(descs);
	} else
		/* Create a font iterator and iterate over all fonts that
		 * are available to the application. */
		ATSFontIterator itr;
		ATSFontRef font;
		ATSFontIteratorCreate(kATSFontContextLocal, NULL, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefaultScope, &itr);
		while (!result && ATSFontIteratorNext(itr, &font) == noErr) {
			/* Get font name. */
			char name[128];
			CFStringRef font_name;
			ATSFontGetName(font, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &font_name);
			CFStringGetCString(font_name, name, lengthof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

			bool monospace = IsMonospaceFont(font_name);

			/* Select monospaced fonts if asked for. */
			if (monospace != callback->Monospace()) continue;

			/* We only want the base font and not bold or italic variants. */
			if (strstr(name, "Italic") != NULL || strstr(name, "Bold")) continue;

			/* Skip some inappropriate or ugly looking fonts that have better alternatives. */
			if (name[0] == '.' || strncmp(name, "Apple Symbols", 13) == 0 || strncmp(name, "LastResort", 10) == 0) continue;

			/* Save result. */
			callback->SetFontNames(settings, name);
			if (!callback->FindMissingGlyphs(NULL)) {
				DEBUG(freetype, 2, "ATS-Font for %s: %s", language_isocode, name);
				result = true;

	if (!result) {
		/* For some OS versions, the font 'Arial Unicode MS' does not report all languages it
		 * supports. If we didn't find any other font, just try it, maybe we get lucky. */
		callback->SetFontNames(settings, "Arial Unicode MS");
		result = !callback->FindMissingGlyphs(NULL);

	return result;
예제 #5
bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode, int winlangid, MissingGlyphSearcher *callback)
	const char *str;
	bool result = false;


	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		/* Determine fallback font using CoreText. This uses the language isocode
		 * to find a suitable font. CoreText is available from 10.5 onwards. */
		char lang[16];
		if (strcmp(language_isocode, "zh_TW") == 0) {
			/* Traditional Chinese */
			strecpy(lang, "zh-Hant", lastof(lang));
		} else if (strcmp(language_isocode, "zh_CN") == 0) {
			/* Simplified Chinese */
			strecpy(lang, "zh-Hans", lastof(lang));
		} else if (strncmp(language_isocode, "ur", 2) == 0) {
			/* The urdu alphabet is variant of persian. As OS X has no default
			 * font that advertises an urdu language code, search for persian
			 * support instead. */
			strecpy(lang, "fa", lastof(lang));
		} else {
			/* Just copy the first part of the isocode. */
			strecpy(lang, language_isocode, lastof(lang));
			char *sep = strchr(lang, '_');
			if (sep != NULL) *sep = '\0';

		CFStringRef lang_code;
		lang_code = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, lang, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

		/* Create a font iterator and iterate over all fonts that
		 * are available to the application. */
		ATSFontIterator itr;
		ATSFontRef font;
		ATSFontIteratorCreate(kATSFontContextLocal, NULL, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope, &itr);
		while (!result && ATSFontIteratorNext(itr, &font) == noErr) {
			/* Get CoreText font handle. */
			CTFontRef font_ref = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(font, 0.0, NULL, NULL);
			CFArrayRef langs = CTFontCopySupportedLanguages(font_ref);
			if (langs != NULL) {
				/* Font has a list of supported languages. */
				for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(langs); i++) {
					CFStringRef lang = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(langs, i);
					if (CFStringCompare(lang, lang_code, kCFCompareAnchored) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
						/* Lang code is supported by font, get full font name. */
						CFStringRef font_name = CTFontCopyFullName(font_ref);
						char name[128];
						CFStringGetCString(font_name, name, lengthof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
						/* Skip some inappropriate or ugly looking fonts that have better alternatives. */
						if (strncmp(name, "Courier", 7) == 0 || strncmp(name, "Apple Symbols", 13) == 0 ||
								strncmp(name, ".Aqua", 5) == 0 || strncmp(name, "LastResort", 10) == 0 ||
								strncmp(name, "GB18030 Bitmap", 14) == 0) continue;

						/* Save result. */
						callback->SetFontNames(settings, name);
						DEBUG(freetype, 2, "CT-Font for %s: %s", language_isocode, name);
						result = true;
	} else
		/* Determine fallback font using ATSUI. This uses a string sample with
		 * missing characters. This is not failure-proof, but a better way like
		 * using the isocode as in the CoreText code path is not available.
		 * ATSUI was deprecated with 10.6 and is only partially available in
		 * 64-bit mode. */

		/* Remove all control characters in the range from SCC_CONTROL_START to
		 * SCC_CONTROL_END as well as all ASCII < 0x20 from the string as it will
		 * mess with the automatic font detection */
		char buff[256]; // This length is enough to find a suitable replacement font
		strecpy(buff, str, lastof(buff));
		str_validate(buff, lastof(buff), SVS_ALLOW_NEWLINE);

		/* Extract a UniChar representation of the sample string. */
		CFStringRef cf_str = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, buff, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		if (cf_str == NULL) {
			/* Something went wrong. Corrupt/invalid sample string? */
			return false;
		CFIndex str_len = CFStringGetLength(cf_str);
		UniChar string[str_len];
		CFStringGetCharacters(cf_str, CFRangeMake(0, str_len), string);

		/* Create a default text style with the default font. */
		ATSUStyle style;

		/* Create a text layout object from the sample string using the text style. */
		UniCharCount run_len = kATSUToTextEnd;
		ATSUTextLayout text_layout;
		ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(string, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, str_len, 1, &run_len, &style, &text_layout);

		/* Try to match a font for the sample text. ATSUMatchFontsToText stops after
		 * it finds the first continuous character run not renderable with the currently
		 * selected font starting at offset. The matching needs to be repeated until
		 * the end of the string is reached to make sure the fallback font matches for
		 * all characters in the string and not only the first run. */
		UniCharArrayOffset offset = kATSUFromTextBeginning;
		OSStatus os_err;
		do {
			ATSUFontID font;
			UniCharCount run_len;
			os_err = ATSUMatchFontsToText(text_layout, offset, kATSUToTextEnd, &font, &offset, &run_len);
			if (os_err == kATSUFontsMatched) {
				/* Found a better fallback font. Update the text layout
				 * object with the new font. */
				ATSUAttributeTag tag = kATSUFontTag;
				ByteCount size = sizeof(font);
				ATSUAttributeValuePtr val = &font;
				ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, &tag, &size, &val);
				offset += run_len;
			/* Exit if the end of the string is reached or some other error occurred. */
		} while (os_err == kATSUFontsMatched && offset < (UniCharArrayOffset)str_len);

		if (os_err == noErr || os_err == kATSUFontsMatched) {
			/* ATSUMatchFontsToText exited normally. Extract font
			 * out of the text layout object. */
			ATSUFontID font;
			ByteCount act_len;
			ATSUGetAttribute(style, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(font), &font, &act_len);

			/* Get unique font name. The result is not a c-string, we have
			 * to leave space for a \0 and terminate it ourselves. */
			char name[128];
			ATSUFindFontName(font, kFontUniqueName, kFontNoPlatformCode, kFontNoScriptCode, kFontNoLanguageCode, 127, name, &act_len, NULL);
			name[act_len > 127 ? 127 : act_len] = '\0';

			/* Save Result. */
			callback->SetFontNames(settings, name);
			DEBUG(freetype, 2, "ATSUI-Font for %s: %s", language_isocode, name);
			result = true;


	if (result && strncmp(settings->medium.font, "Geeza Pro", 9) == 0) {
		/* The font 'Geeza Pro' is often found for arabic characters, but
		 * it has the 'tiny' problem of not having any latin characters.
		 * 'Arial Unicode MS' on the other hand has arabic and latin glyphs,
		 * but seems to 'forget' to inform the OS about this fact. Manually
		 * substitute the latter for the former if it is loadable. */
		bool ft_init = _library != NULL;
		FT_Face face;
		/* Init FreeType if needed. */
		if ((ft_init || FT_Init_FreeType(&_library) == FT_Err_Ok) && GetFontByFaceName("Arial Unicode MS", &face) == FT_Err_Ok) {
			callback->SetFontNames(settings, "Arial Unicode MS");
			DEBUG(freetype, 1, "Replacing font 'Geeza Pro' with 'Arial Unicode MS'");
		if (!ft_init) {
			/* Uninit FreeType if we did the init. */
			_library = NULL;

	return result;