예제 #1
void CommThread :: SendMessage()
//	This is called if there is a message to send, it'll take the global 
//	string sendmessage and send it through the socket. Its important to
//	note that it'll send the string sendmessage exactly as it is (once it
//	has converted it to const char) so all editing such as the adding of 
//	PRIVMSG needs to be done before SendMessage is called.
			fd_set	writefds;
 			struct	timeval tv;
			int n, rv;
			gowrite = 0;
			FD_SET(sockfd, &writefds);
			n = sockfd + 1;		
			cout << "write n = " << n << endl;
			tv.tv_sec = 2;
			tv.tv_usec = 500000;
			rv = select(n, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &tv);
			cout << "write rv = " << rv << endl;			
			if (rv == -1) {
				perror("select"); //error occured in select()
			} else if (rv == 0 ) {
				printf("(Write) Timeout occured! Blocked after 2.5 seconds. \n");
				gowrite = 1; 	

			} else {
				if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &writefds)) {
					cout << "write rv > 1" << endl;	
					gowrite = -1;				
					cout << "Clear to send" << endl;
			if (gowrite == -1) {
//	As gowrite == 1 then we convert the string sendmessage into const chars, measure its length
//	and then send it through sockfd.		
				const char* finalmsg;
				finalmsg = sendmessage.c_str();
				int finalmessagelen, finalmessagebytes_sent;
				finalmessagelen = sendmessage.length();
				finalmessagebytes_sent = send(sockfd, finalmsg, finalmessagelen, MSG_DONTWAIT); 							
				cout << "Sent string sendmessage: " << sendmessage << endl;
				cout << "Final Message Length: " << finalmessagelen << endl;
				cout << "Bytes Sent: " << finalmessagebytes_sent << endl;	
				sendmessage = "";
				messagetosend = 0;						
				Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START);
				Mail("Commthread", msg1);					
			else if (gowrite == 1) {
//	If gowrite == -1 then there its not possible to send a message, the sendreceive loop starts again
//	and will attempt to send the message.
			messagetosend = 0;
			Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START);
			Mail("Commthread", msg1);
예제 #2
void CommThread :: ReceiveMessage()
// 	This section of code checks sockfd (socket to irc server) for data,
// 	if there is data it sends a message to MainView to execute Update (),
//	which after collecting the data and putting it into the textOutputView
//	will restart the SendReceiveLoop().
//	If not it instead sends a message to start the SendReceiveLoop() again.
			fd_set	readfds;
 			struct	timeval tv;
			int n, rv;
			go = 0;
			FD_SET(sockfd, &readfds);
			n = sockfd +1;
			cout << "n = " << n << endl;
			tv.tv_sec = 2;
			tv.tv_usec = 500000;
			rv = select(n, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
			cout << "rv = " << rv << endl;			
			if (rv == -1) {
				perror("select"); //error occured in select()
			} else if (rv == 0 ) {
				printf("(Read) Timeout occured! No data after 2.5 seconds. \n");
				go = -1;

			} else {
				if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &readfds)) {
					cout << "rv > 1" << endl;	
					go = 1;				
//	If "go" is set to -1 there is no data the SendReceiveLoop is started 
//	again, if it is 1 then a message is sent (via Mail) to MainView.
			cout << "go = " << go << endl;	
			if (go == 1) {	
				bzero(buf, 50000);		
				numbytes = recv (sockfd, buf,50000, 0);
				printf("buffer = %d\n", numbytes);
//				cout << "Raw buf = " << buf << endl;		
				Message *msg = new Message(MSG_FROMLOOPER_NEW_MESSAGE);
				Mail("MainView", msg);			
			} else if (go == -1) {

						Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START);
						Mail("Commthread", msg1);

예제 #3
//	Join really does what is says on the tin, messagesend is set to 1 and therefore on the next loop the message
//	will be send. erase is also sent to 1. This tells the program to start editing the buf before sending it to
//	the textOutputView - removes all the junk. Finally it puts together a string, places it in the sendmessage 
//	variable and starts the loop
void MainView::Join(void)
	messagetosend = 1;	
	erase = 1;		
	sendmessage = join + channel + end;	
	cout << "Sent JOIN" << endl;	
	Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START);
	Mail("Commthread", msg1);	

예제 #4
void MainView::SendMsg (void)
	textfrominput = textInputView->GetBuffer()[0].const_str();
	cout << "Text from input: " << textfrominput << endl;
	messagetosend = 1;		
	sendmessage = priv + channel + " :" + textfrominput + end;	
	Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START);
	Mail("Commthread", msg1);	
	string printinputmessage = nick + channel + " : " + textfrominput + end;	
	cout << printinputmessage << endl;	
	const char* msgupdate;
	msgupdate = printinputmessage.c_str();	
	textOutputView->Insert(msgupdate, true);
예제 #5
void MainView::Connect(void)
			erase = 0;
			struct hostent *he;
			struct sockaddr_in their_addr; // connector's address information 
			argv[1] = "chat.freenode.net";

			if ((he=gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) {  // get the host info 
				printf("get the host info");

			if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {

			their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;    // host byte order 
			their_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT);  // short, network byte order 
			their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
			memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);  // zero the rest of the struct 
			if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) {
			int nrv, counter;
			nrv = read(sockfd,buf1,5000);			
			printf(" read: %s\n", buf1);
			string nickmessage;
			nickmessage = "Nick " + nick + end;
			const char* nickmsg;
			nickmsg = nickmessage.c_str();
			int nickmessagelen, nickmessagebytes_sent;
			nickmessagelen = nickmessage.length();
			nickmessagebytes_sent = send(sockfd, nickmsg, nickmessagelen, MSG_DONTWAIT); 				
//			send(sockfd, "NICK jcoxon_\n", 13, 0);
			cout << "Sent NICK" << endl;	
			send(sockfd, "USER sIRC sIRC_ sIRC__ :sIRC\n", 29, 0);
			cout << "Sent USER" << endl;					
			go = 1;
			Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_RECEIVE);
			Mail("Commthread", msg1);				
예제 #6
static bool SendMemoMail(NickCore *nc, MemoInfo *mi, Memo *m)
	Anope::string subject = translate(nc, Config->MailMemoSubject.c_str());
	Anope::string message = translate(nc, Config->MailMemoMessage.c_str());

	subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%n", nc->display);
	subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%s", m->sender);
	subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%d", mi->GetIndex(m));
	subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%t", m->text);

	message = message.replace_all_cs("%n", nc->display);
	message = message.replace_all_cs("%s", m->sender);
	message = message.replace_all_cs("%d", mi->GetIndex(m));
	message = message.replace_all_cs("%t", m->text);

	return Mail(nc, subject, message);
예제 #7
Mailbox::read(const std::string& fname, const std::time_t& timestamp) const
	std::ifstream fd(fname.c_str());
	if (!fd) {
		ERROR1("error opening mail file: %s", fname.c_str());
		throw ReadError("error opening mail file: " + fname);

	std::string sender;
	std::getline(fd, sender);

	std::string message;
	std::getline(fd, message);

	return Mail(sender, message, timestamp);