예제 #1
static int setCurLogfont( int overrideSize )
    LRESULT             index;
    char                size[8];
    int                 height;
    HDC                 hdc;
    FARPROC             fp;

    if( overrideSize == 0 ) {
        index = SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
        if( index == CB_ERR ) {
            return( 0 );
        SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)size );
        height = atoi( size );
    } else {
        height = overrideSize;
    CurLogfont.lfHeight = -height;
    CurLogfont.lfWidth = 0;
    CurLogfont.lfEscapement = 0;
    CurLogfont.lfOrientation = 0;
    index = SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( index == LB_ERR )
        return( 0 );
    CurLogfont.lfWeight = ( Style[index] & STYLE_BOLD ) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
    CurLogfont.lfItalic = ( Style[index] & STYLE_ITALIC ) ? 1 : 0;
    CurLogfont.lfUnderline = 0;
    CurLogfont.lfStrikeOut = 0;
    /* use defaults set below by SetupFontData */
#if 0
    CurLogfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
    CurLogfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
    CurLogfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
    CurLogfont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
    CurLogfont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    index = SendMessage( hwndTypeface, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( index == LB_ERR ) {
        return( 0 );
    SendMessage( hwndTypeface, LB_GETTEXT, index, (LPARAM)CurLogfont.lfFaceName );

    /* set up defaults for charset, etc. from info for 1st font of this type */
    hdc = GetDC( EditContainer );
    fp = MakeFontEnumProcInstance( SetupFontData, InstanceHandle );
    EnumFontFamilies( hdc, CurLogfont.lfFaceName, (FONTENUMPROC)fp, 0L );
    FreeProcInstance( fp );
    ReleaseDC( EditContainer, hdc );

    return( 1 );
예제 #2
static void fillTypefaceBox( HWND hwnd )
    FARPROC     fp;
    HDC         hdc;

    hwnd = hwnd;

    /* put typefaces in combo box
    hdc = GetDC( EditContainer );
    fp = MakeFontEnumProcInstance( EnumFamTypefaces, InstanceHandle );
    EnumFontFamilies( hdc, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)fp, 0L );
    FreeProcInstance( fp );
    ReleaseDC( EditContainer, hdc );

    SendMessage( hwndTypeface, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
예제 #3
int CALLBACK EnumFontsEnumFunc( const LOGFONT FAR *lf, const TEXTMETRIC FAR *tm, DWORD ftype, LPARAM data )
#ifdef __WINDOWS_386__
    const LOGFONT __far    *lf = MK_FP32( (void *)_lf );
    tm = tm;
#elif defined( __WINDOWS__ )
    const LOGFONT FAR      *lf = (const LOGFONT FAR *)elf;
//    const TEXTMETRIC FAR *tm = (const TEXTMETRIC FAR *)ntm;
    ntm = ntm;
    tm = tm;
    ftype = ftype;
    data = data;

     * Something has happened in the font world and Windows font mapper since
     * the original source was written, it checked only for Courier. All the
     * font names below are verified as good monospaced fonts. Check for the
     * best fonts first, so that the system picks the best if enumerated first.
     * Changed the test to == 0, because it is easier to read and understand.
#if defined( __NT__ )
    if( FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "andale mono" ) == 0 ||
        FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "lucida console" ) == 0 ||
        FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "vera sans mono" ) == 0 ||
        FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "courier new" ) == 0 ||
        FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "courier" ) == 0 ) {
    if( FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "courier new" ) == 0 ||
        FARstricmp( lf->lfFaceName, "courier" ) == 0 ) {
        courierFont = CreateFont( 13, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, lf->lfCharSet,
                                  lf->lfPitchAndFamily, lf->lfFaceName );
        return( 0 );
    return( 1 );

} /* EnumFunc */

 * getCourierFont - find a mono font
static void getCourierFont( HANDLE inst )
    LOGFONT     logfont;
    FARPROC     fp;
    HDC         hdc;

    inst = inst;        /* shut up the compiler for NT */
    hdc = GetDC( HWND_DESKTOP );
    fp = MakeFontEnumProcInstance( EnumFontsEnumFunc, inst );
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) && defined( _M_I86 )
    EnumFonts( hdc, NULL, (OLDFONTENUMPROC)fp, 0 );
    EnumFonts( hdc, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)fp, 0 );
    FreeProcInstance( fp );
    ReleaseDC( (HWND)NULL, hdc );

    if( courierFont == NULL ) {
        courierFont = GetStockObject( ANSI_FIXED_FONT );
        GetObject( courierFont, sizeof( LOGFONT ), (LPSTR)&logfont );
        courierFont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont );

} /* getCourierFont */
예제 #4
static void fillInfoBoxes( HWND hwnd )
    FARPROC         fp;
    LRESULT         index;
    HDC             hdc;
    char            typeface[LF_FACESIZE + 1];
    char            size[8];
    long            isTrueType = 0;
    char            oldSize[8], oldStyle[40];
    static int      vPitchSizes[] = { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18,
                                      20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 };

    hwnd = hwnd;

    index = SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( index != LB_ERR ) {
        SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_GETTEXT, index, (LPARAM)oldStyle );
    } else {
        oldStyle[0] = 0;
    index = SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( index != CB_ERR ) {
        SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)oldSize );
    } else {
        oldSize[0] = 0;

    SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L );
    SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L );
    NStyles = NSizes = 0;

    index = SendMessage( hwndTypeface, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( index == LB_ERR ) {


    SendMessage( hwndTypeface, LB_GETTEXT, index, (LPARAM)typeface );
    fp = MakeFontEnumProcInstance( EnumFamInfo, InstanceHandle );
    hdc = GetDC( EditContainer );
    EnumFontFamilies( hdc, typeface, (FONTENUMPROC)fp, (LPARAM)(&isTrueType) );
    ReleaseDC( EditContainer, hdc );
    FreeProcInstance( fp );

    if( isTrueType ) {
        /* suggest a few truetype point values
        int nelements = sizeof( vPitchSizes ) / sizeof( vPitchSizes [0] );
        if( NSizes ) {
            SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L );
            NSizes = 0;
        for( index = 0; index < nelements; index++ ) {
            sprintf( size, "%d", vPitchSizes[index] );
            if( SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)size ) == CB_ERR ) {
                SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_INSERTSTRING, NSizes, (LPARAM)size );

    if( oldStyle[0] ) {
        index = SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)oldStyle );
        if( index == LB_ERR ) {
            SendMessage( hwndStyle, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
    if( oldSize[0] ) {
        index = SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)oldSize );
        if( index == CB_ERR ) {
            SendMessage( hwndSize, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L );