예제 #1
파일: key.c 프로젝트: BOTSlab/bupimo_src
/* Alternate approach to return an orientation for a keypoint, as
   described in the PhD thesis of Krystian Mikolajczyk.  This is done
   by creating a Gaussian weighted average of the gradient directions
   in the region.  The result is in the range of -PII to PII.  This was
   found not to work as well, but is included so that comparisons can
   continue to be done.
KKeypoint AssignOriAvg(Image grad, Image ori, float octSize, float octScale,
		      float octRow, float octCol, KKeypoint keys)
   int r, c, irow, icol, rows, cols, radius;
   float gval, sigma, distsq, weight, angle, xvec = 0.0, yvec = 0.0;
   rows = grad->rows;
   cols = grad->cols;
   irow = (int) (octRow+0.5);
   icol = (int) (octCol+0.5);
   /* Look at pixels within 3 sigma around the point and put their
      Gaussian weighted vector values in (xvec, yvec).
   sigma = OriSigma * octScale;
   radius = (int) (3.0 * sigma);
   for (r = irow - radius; r <= irow + radius; r++)
      for (c = icol - radius; c <= icol + radius; c++)
         if (r >= 0 && c >= 0 && r < rows && c < cols) {
            gval = grad->pixels[r][c];
            distsq = (r - octRow) * (r - octRow) + (c - octCol) * (c - octCol);
            if (distsq <= radius * radius) {
               weight = exp(- distsq / (2.0 * sigma * sigma));
               /* Angle is in range of -PII to PII. */
               angle = ori->pixels[r][c];
	       xvec += gval * cos(angle);
	       yvec += gval * sin(angle);
   /* atan2 returns angle in range [-PII,PII]. */
   angle = atan2(yvec, xvec);  
   return MakeKeypoint(grad, ori, octSize, octScale, octRow, octCol,
		       angle, keys);
예제 #2
/* Assign an orientation to this keypoint.  This is done by creating a
   Gaussian weighted histogram of the gradient directions in the
   region.  The histogram is smoothed and the largest peak selected.
   The results are in the range of -PI to PI.
void AssignOriHist(
	const flimage& grad, float octSize,
	float octScale, float octRow, float octCol,keypointslist& keys,siftPar &par)
	int	bin, prev, next;
	float* hist = new float[par.OriBins];
	float	distsq, dif, weight, angle, interp;
	float radius2, sigma2;		

	int	row = (int) (octRow+0.5),
		col = (int) (octCol+0.5),
		rows = grad.h,
		cols = grad.w;

	for (int i = 0; i < par.OriBins; i++) hist[i] = 0.0;

	/* Look at pixels within 3 sigma around the point and sum their
	  Gaussian weighted gradient magnitudes into the histogram. */
	float	sigma = par.OriSigma * octScale;
	int	radius = (int) (sigma * 3.0);
	int rmin = std::max(0,row-radius);
	int cmin = std::max(0,col-radius);
	int rmax = std::min(row+radius,rows-2);
	int cmax = std::min(col+radius,cols-2);
	radius2 = (float)(radius * radius);
	sigma2 = 2.0f*sigma*sigma;

	for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; r++) {
		for (int c = cmin; c <= cmax; c++) {
            dif = (r - octRow);	distsq = dif*dif;
            dif = (c - octCol);	distsq += dif*dif;
			const float* g=grad.pixel(c,r);

            if (g[0] > 0.0  &&  distsq < radius2 + 0.5) {
                weight = exp(- distsq / sigma2);
                /* Ori is in range of -PI to PI. */
                bin = (int) (par.OriBins * (g[1] + M_PI + 0.001) / (2.0 * M_PI));
                assert(bin >= 0 && bin <= par.OriBins);
                bin = std::min(bin, par.OriBins - 1);
                hist[bin] += weight * g[0];

	/* Apply smoothing 6 times for accurate Gaussian approximation. */
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		SmoothHistogram(hist, par.OriBins);

	/* Find maximum value in histogram. */
	float maxval = 0.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < par.OriBins; i++) 
		if (hist[i] > maxval) maxval = hist[i];

	/* Look for each local peak in histogram.  If value is within
	  par.OriHistThresh of maximum value, then generate a keypoint. */
	for (int i = 0; i < par.OriBins; i++) {
		prev = (i == 0 ? par.OriBins - 1 : i - 1);
		next = (i == par.OriBins - 1 ? 0 : i + 1);

		if (	hist[i] > hist[prev]  &&  hist[i] > hist[next]  &&
			hist[i] >= par.OriHistThresh * maxval ) {
			/* Use parabolic fit to interpolate peak location from 3 samples.
			  Set angle in range -PI to PI. */
			interp = InterpPeak(hist[prev], hist[i], hist[next]);
			angle = 2.0f * M_PI * (i + 0.5f + interp) / (float)par.OriBins - M_PI;
			assert(angle >= -M_PI  &&  angle <= M_PI);
			if (DEBUG) printf("angle selected: %f \t location: (%f,%f)\n", angle, octRow, octCol);

			/* Create a keypoint with this orientation. */
				grad, octSize, octScale,
				octRow, octCol, angle, keys,par);

	delete [] hist;
예제 #3
파일: key.c 프로젝트: BOTSlab/bupimo_src
/* Assign an orientation to this keypoint.  This is done by creating a
     Gaussian weighted histogram of the gradient directions in the
     region.  The histogram is smoothed and the largest peak selected.
     The results are in the range of -PII to PII.
KKeypoint AssignOriHist(Image grad, Image ori, float octSize, float octScale,
		       float octRow, float octCol, KKeypoint keys)
   int i, r, c, row, col, rows, cols, radius, bin, prev, next;
   float hist[OriBins], distsq, gval, weight, angle, sigma, interp,
         maxval = 0.0;
   row = (int) (octRow+0.5);
   col = (int) (octCol+0.5);
   rows = grad->rows;
   cols = grad->cols;
   for (i = 0; i < OriBins; i++)
      hist[i] = 0.0;
   /* Look at pixels within 3 sigma around the point and sum their
      Gaussian weighted gradient magnitudes into the histogram.
   sigma = OriSigma * octScale;
   radius = (int) (sigma * 3.0);
   for (r = row - radius; r <= row + radius; r++)
      for (c = col - radius; c <= col + radius; c++)

         /* Do not use last row or column, which are not valid. */
         if (r >= 0 && c >= 0 && r < rows - 2 && c < cols - 2) {
            gval = grad->pixels[r][c];
            distsq = (r - octRow) * (r - octRow) + (c - octCol) * (c - octCol);

            if (gval > 0.0  &&  distsq < radius * radius + 0.5) {
               weight = exp(- distsq / (2.0 * sigma * sigma));
               /* Ori is in range of -PII to PII. */
               angle = ori->pixels[r][c];
               bin = (int) (OriBins * (angle + PII + 0.001) / (2.0 * PII));
               assert(bin >= 0 && bin <= OriBins);
               bin = MIN_(bin, OriBins - 1);
               hist[bin] += weight * gval;
   /* Apply circular smoothing 6 times for accurate Gaussian approximation. */
   for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
     SmoothHistogram(hist, OriBins);

   /* Find maximum value in histogram. */
   for (i = 0; i < OriBins; i++)
      if (hist[i] > maxval)
         maxval = hist[i];

   /* Look for each local peak in histogram.  If value is within
      OriHistThresh of maximum value, then generate a keypoint.
   for (i = 0; i < OriBins; i++) {
     prev = (i == 0 ? OriBins - 1 : i - 1);
     next = (i == OriBins - 1 ? 0 : i + 1);
     if (hist[i] > hist[prev]  &&  hist[i] > hist[next]  &&
	 hist[i] >= OriHistThresh * maxval) {
       /* Use parabolic fit to interpolate peak location from 3 samples.
	  Set angle in range -PII to PII.
       interp = InterpPeak(hist[prev], hist[i], hist[next]);
       angle = 2.0 * PII * (i + 0.5 + interp) / OriBins - PII;
       assert(angle >= -PII  &&  angle <= PII);
       /* Create a keypoint with this orientation. */
       keys = MakeKeypoint(grad, ori, octSize, octScale, octRow, octCol,
			   angle, keys);
   return keys;