GetScore(const Phrase& f, const Phrase& e, const Phrase& c)
  if((!m_FactorsF.empty() && 0 == f.GetSize())
      || (!m_FactorsE.empty() && 0 == e.GetSize())) {
    //NOTE: no check for c as c might be empty, e.g. start of sentence
    //not a proper key
    // phi: commented out, since e may be empty (drop-unknown)
    //std::cerr << "Not a proper key!\n";
    return Scores();

  CacheType::iterator i;

  if(m_UseCache) {
    std::pair<CacheType::iterator, bool> r;
    r = m_Cache.insert(std::make_pair(MakeCacheKey(f,e),Candidates()));
    if(!r.second) return auxFindScoreForContext((r.first)->second, c);
    i = r.first;
  } else if((i = m_Cache.find(MakeCacheKey(f,e))) != m_Cache.end())
    // although we might not be caching now, cache might be none empty!
    return auxFindScoreForContext(i->second, c);

  // not in cache => go to file...
  Candidates cands;
  m_Table->GetCandidates(MakeTableKey(f,e), &cands);
  if(cands.empty()) return Scores();
  if(m_UseCache) i->second = cands;

  if(m_FactorsC.empty()) {
    UTIL_THROW_IF2(1 != cands.size(), "Error");
    return cands[0].GetScore(0);
  } else return auxFindScoreForContext(cands, c);
void LexicalReorderingTableTree::auxCacheForSrcPhrase(const Phrase& f)
  if(m_FactorsE.empty()) {
    //f is all of key...
    Candidates cands;
    m_Cache[MakeCacheKey(f,Phrase(ARRAY_SIZE_INCR))] = cands;
  } else {
    ObjectPool<PPimp>     pool;
    PPimp* pPos  = m_Table->GetRoot();
    //1) goto subtree for f
    for(size_t i = 0; i < f.GetSize() && 0 != pPos && pPos->isValid(); ++i) {
      /* old code
      pPos = m_Table.Extend(pPos, auxClearString(f.GetWord(i).ToString(m_FactorsF)), SourceVocId);
      pPos = m_Table->Extend(pPos, f.GetWord(i).GetString(m_FactorsF, false), SourceVocId);
    if(0 != pPos && pPos->isValid()) {
      pPos = m_Table->Extend(pPos, PrefixTreeMap::MagicWord);
    if(0 == pPos || !pPos->isValid()) {
    //2) explore whole subtree depth first & cache
    std::string cache_key = auxClearString(f.GetStringRep(m_FactorsF)) + "|||";

    std::vector<State> stack;
    Candidates cands;
    while(!stack.empty()) {
      if(stack.back().pos->isValid()) {
        LabelId w = stack.back().pos->ptr()->getKey(stack.back().pos->idx);
        std::string next_path = stack.back().path + " " + m_Table->ConvertWord(w,TargetVocId);
        //cache this
        if(!cands.empty()) {
          m_Cache[cache_key + auxClearString(next_path)] = cands;
        PPimp* next_pos = pool.get(PPimp(stack.back().pos->ptr()->getPtr(stack.back().pos->idx),0,0));
      } else {