 * Helper method to dump the contents of the provided test name to execution info map to the provided feedback context
 * @param	InContext		Context to dump the execution info to
 * @param	InInfoToDump	Execution info that should be dumped to the provided feedback context
void FAutomationTestFramework::DumpAutomationTestExecutionInfo( const TMap<FString, FAutomationTestExecutionInfo>& InInfoToDump )
	const FString SuccessMessage = NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomationTest_Success", "Success").ToString();
	const FString FailMessage = NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomationTest_Fail", "Fail").ToString();
	for ( TMap<FString, FAutomationTestExecutionInfo>::TConstIterator MapIter(InInfoToDump); MapIter; ++MapIter )
		const FString& CurTestName = MapIter.Key();
		const FAutomationTestExecutionInfo& CurExecutionInfo = MapIter.Value();

		UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Log, TEXT("%s: %s"), *CurTestName, CurExecutionInfo.bSuccessful ? *SuccessMessage : *FailMessage);

		if ( CurExecutionInfo.Errors.Num() > 0 )
			for ( TArray<FAutomationEvent>::TConstIterator ErrorIter( CurExecutionInfo.Errors ); ErrorIter; ++ErrorIter )
				UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Error, TEXT("%s"), *(*ErrorIter).Message);

		if ( CurExecutionInfo.Warnings.Num() > 0 )
			for ( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator WarningIter( CurExecutionInfo.Warnings ); WarningIter; ++WarningIter )
				UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Warning, TEXT("%s"), **WarningIter );

		if ( CurExecutionInfo.LogItems.Num() > 0 )
			//InContext->Logf( *FString::Printf( TEXT("%s"), *NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomationTest_LogItems", "Log Items").ToString() ) );
			for ( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator LogItemIter( CurExecutionInfo.LogItems ); LogItemIter; ++LogItemIter )
				UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Log, TEXT("%s"), **LogItemIter );
		//InContext->Logf( TEXT("") );
예제 #2
	* Nulls out references to a given object
	* @param InObject - Object to null references to
	void NullReferencesToObject(UObject* InObject)
		TArray<UObject*> ReplaceableObjects;
		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacementMap;
		ReplacementMap.Add(InObject, NULL);

		// Find all the properties (and their corresponding objects) that refer to any of the objects to be replaced
		TMap< UObject*, TArray<UProperty*> > ReferencingPropertiesMap;
		for (FObjectIterator ObjIter; ObjIter; ++ObjIter)
			UObject* CurObject = *ObjIter;

			// Find the referencers of the objects to be replaced
			FFindReferencersArchive FindRefsArchive(CurObject, ReplaceableObjects);

			// Inform the object referencing any of the objects to be replaced about the properties that are being forcefully
			// changed, and store both the object doing the referencing as well as the properties that were changed in a map (so that
			// we can correctly call PostEditChange later)
			TMap<UObject*, int32> CurNumReferencesMap;
			TMultiMap<UObject*, UProperty*> CurReferencingPropertiesMMap;
			if (FindRefsArchive.GetReferenceCounts(CurNumReferencesMap, CurReferencingPropertiesMMap) > 0)
				TArray<UProperty*> CurReferencedProperties;
				ReferencingPropertiesMap.Add(CurObject, CurReferencedProperties);
				for (TArray<UProperty*>::TConstIterator RefPropIter(CurReferencedProperties); RefPropIter; ++RefPropIter)


		// Iterate over the map of referencing objects/changed properties, forcefully replacing the references and then
		// alerting the referencing objects the change has completed via PostEditChange
		int32 NumObjsReplaced = 0;
		for (TMap< UObject*, TArray<UProperty*> >::TConstIterator MapIter(ReferencingPropertiesMap); MapIter; ++MapIter)

			UObject* CurReplaceObj = MapIter.Key();
			const TArray<UProperty*>& RefPropArray = MapIter.Value();

			FArchiveReplaceObjectRef<UObject> ReplaceAr(CurReplaceObj, ReplacementMap, false, true, false);

			for (TArray<UProperty*>::TConstIterator RefPropIter(RefPropArray); RefPropIter; ++RefPropIter)
				FPropertyChangedEvent PropertyEvent(*RefPropIter);

			if (!CurReplaceObj->HasAnyFlags(RF_Transient) && CurReplaceObj->GetOutermost() != GetTransientPackage())
				if (!CurReplaceObj->RootPackageHasAnyFlags(PKG_CompiledIn))