예제 #1
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void Sin_BSPBrushToMapBrush(sin_dbrush_t *bspbrush, entity_t *mapent)
	mapbrush_t       *b;
	int              i, k, n;
	side_t           *side, *s2;
	int              planenum;
	sin_dbrushside_t *bspbrushside;
	sin_dplane_t     *bspplane;

	if (nummapbrushes >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES)
		Error("nummapbrushes >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES");

	b                 = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes];
	b->original_sides = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];
	b->entitynum      = mapent - entities;
	b->brushnum       = nummapbrushes - mapent->firstbrush;
	b->leafnum        = dbrushleafnums[bspbrush - sin_dbrushes];

	for (n = 0; n < bspbrush->numsides; n++)
		//pointer to the bsp brush side
		bspbrushside = &sin_dbrushsides[bspbrush->firstside + n];

		if (nummapbrushsides >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES)
		} //end if
		  //pointer to the map brush side
		side = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];
		//if the BSP brush side is textured
		if (sin_dbrushsidetextured[bspbrush->firstside + n])
			side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED;
			side->flags &= ~SFL_TEXTURED;
		//ME: can get side contents and surf directly from BSP file
		side->contents = bspbrush->contents;
		//if the texinfo is TEXINFO_NODE
		if (bspbrushside->texinfo < 0)
			side->surf = 0;
			side->surf = sin_texinfo[bspbrushside->texinfo].flags;

		// translucent objects are automatically classified as detail
//		if (side->surf & (SURF_TRANS33|SURF_TRANS66) )
//			side->contents |= CONTENTS_DETAIL;
			side->contents |= CONTENTS_DETAIL;
		if (fulldetail)
			side->contents &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL;
		if (!(side->contents & ((LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS - 1)
			side->contents |= CONTENTS_SOLID;

		// hints and skips are never detail, and have no content
		if (side->surf & (SURF_HINT | SURF_SKIP))
			side->contents = 0;
			side->surf    &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL;

		//ME: get a plane for this side
		bspplane = &sin_dplanes[bspbrushside->planenum];
		planenum = FindFloatPlane(bspplane->normal, bspplane->dist, 0, NULL);
		// see if the plane has been used already
		//ME: this really shouldn't happen!!!
		//ME: otherwise the bsp file is corrupted??
		//ME: still it seems to happen, maybe Johny Boy's
		//ME: brush bevel adding is crappy ?
		for (k = 0; k < b->numsides; k++)
			s2 = b->original_sides + k;
			if (s2->planenum == planenum)
				Log_Print("Entity %i, Brush %i: duplicate plane\n"
				          , b->entitynum, b->brushnum);
			if (s2->planenum == (planenum ^ 1))
				Log_Print("Entity %i, Brush %i: mirrored plane\n"
				          , b->entitynum, b->brushnum);
		if (k != b->numsides)
			continue;       // duplicated

		// keep this side
		//ME: reset pointer to side, why? hell I dunno (pointer is set above already)
		side = b->original_sides + b->numsides;
		//ME: store the plane number
		side->planenum = planenum;
		//ME: texinfo is already stored when bsp is loaded
		//NOTE: check for TEXINFO_NODE, otherwise crash in Sin_BrushContents
		if (bspbrushside->texinfo < 0)
			side->texinfo = 0;
			side->texinfo = bspbrushside->texinfo;

		// save the td off in case there is an origin brush and we
		// have to recalculate the texinfo
		// ME: don't need to recalculate because it's already done
		//     (for non-world entities) in the BSP file
//		side_brushtextures[nummapbrushsides] = td;

	} //end for

	// get the content for the entire brush
	b->contents = bspbrush->contents;

	if (BrushExists(b))
		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	//if we're creating AAS
	if (create_aas)
		//create the AAS brushes from this brush, don't add brush bevels
		AAS_CreateMapBrushes(b, mapent, false);
	} //end if

	// allow detail brushes to be removed
	if (nodetail && (b->contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL))
		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	// allow water brushes to be removed
	if (nowater && (b->contents & (CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_WATER)))
		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	// create windings for sides and bounds for brush

	//mark brushes without winding or with a tiny window as bevels

	// brushes that will not be visible at all will never be
	// used as bsp splitters
		for (i = 0; i < b->numsides; i++)
			b->original_sides[i].texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;
	} //end for

	// origin brushes are removed, but they set
	// the rotation origin for the rest of the brushes
	// in the entity.  After the entire entity is parsed,
	// the planenums and texinfos will be adjusted for
	// the origin brush
	//ME: not needed because the entities in the BSP file already
	//    have an origin set
//	if (b->contents & CONTENTS_ORIGIN)
//	{
//		char	string[32];
//		vec3_t	origin;
//		if (num_entities == 1)
//		{
//			Error ("Entity %i, Brush %i: origin brushes not allowed in world"
//				, b->entitynum, b->brushnum);
//			return;
//		}
//		VectorAdd (b->mins, b->maxs, origin);
//		VectorScale (origin, 0.5, origin);
//		sprintf (string, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]);
//		SetKeyValue (&entities[b->entitynum], "origin", string);
//		VectorCopy (origin, entities[b->entitynum].origin);
//		// don't keep this brush
//		b->numsides = 0;
//		return;
//	}

	//ME: the bsp brushes already have bevels, so we won't try to
	//    add them again (especially since Johny Boy's bevel adding might
	//    be crappy)
//	AddBrushBevels(b);

} //end of the function Sin_BSPBrushToMapBrush
예제 #2
파일: map_q3.c 프로젝트: Diskutant/RTCW-SP
// Parameter:               -
// Returns:                 -
// Changes Globals:     -
void Q3_BSPBrushToMapBrush(q3_dbrush_t *bspbrush, entity_t *mapent)
	mapbrush_t *b;
	int i, k, n;
	side_t *side, *s2;
	int planenum;
	q3_dbrushside_t *bspbrushside;
	q3_dplane_t *bspplane;
	int contentFlags = 0;

	if(nummapbrushes >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES)
		Error("nummapbrushes >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES");

	b = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes];
	b->original_sides = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];
	b->entitynum = mapent - entities;
	b->brushnum = nummapbrushes - mapent->firstbrush;
	b->leafnum = dbrushleafnums[bspbrush - q3_dbrushes];

	for(n = 0; n < bspbrush->numSides; n++)
		//pointer to the bsp brush side
		bspbrushside = &q3_dbrushsides[bspbrush->firstSide + n];

		if(nummapbrushsides >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES)
		} //end if

		//pointer to the map brush side
		side = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];

		//if the BSP brush side is textured
		if(q3_dbrushsidetextured[bspbrush->firstSide + n])
			side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED | SFL_VISIBLE;
			side->flags &= ~SFL_TEXTURED;

		//NOTE: all Quake3 sides are assumed textured
		//side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED|SFL_VISIBLE;
		if(bspbrushside->shaderNum < 0)
			side->contents = 0;
			side->surf = 0;
		} //end if
			side->contents = q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].contentFlags;
			side->surf = q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].surfaceFlags;

			if(strstr(q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].shader, "common/hint"))
				//Log_Print("found hint side\n");
				side->surf |= SURF_HINT;
			} //end if

			// Ridah, mark ladder brushes
			if(cfg.rs_allowladders && strstr(q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].shader, "common/ladder"))
				//Log_Print("found ladder side\n");
				side->contents |= CONTENTS_LADDER;
				contentFlags |= CONTENTS_LADDER;
			} //end if

			// done.

		} //end else


		if(!(strstr(q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].shader, "common/slip")))
			side->flags |= SFL_VISIBLE;
		else if(side->surf & SURF_NODRAW)
			side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED | SFL_VISIBLE;
		} //end if

		  side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED|SFL_VISIBLE;
		} //end if*/

		// hints and skips are never detail, and have no content
		if(side->surf & (SURF_HINT | SURF_SKIP))
			side->contents = 0;
			//Log_Print("found hint brush side\n");

		if ((side->surf & SURF_NODRAW) && (side->surf & SURF_NOIMPACT))
		    side->contents = 0;
		    side->surf &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL;
		    Log_Print("probably found hint brush in a BSP without hints being used\n");
		} //end if*/

		        // RF, ignore slick brushes (causes ladder issues)
		        if (strstr(q3_dshaders[bspbrushside->shaderNum].shader, "common/slick"))
		            //Log_Print("found hint side\n");
		            b->numsides = 0;
		            b->contents = 0;
		            return; // get out of here
		        } //end if

		//ME: get a plane for this side
		bspplane = &q3_dplanes[bspbrushside->planeNum];
		planenum = FindFloatPlane(bspplane->normal, bspplane->dist);

		// see if the plane has been used already
		//ME: this really shouldn't happen!!!
		//ME: otherwise the bsp file is corrupted??
		//ME: still it seems to happen, maybe Johny Boy's
		//ME: brush bevel adding is crappy ?
		for(k = 0; k < b->numsides; k++)
			s2 = b->original_sides + k;
//			if (DotProduct (mapplanes[s2->planenum].normal, mapplanes[planenum].normal) > 0.999
//							&& fabs(mapplanes[s2->planenum].dist - mapplanes[planenum].dist) < 0.01 )

			if(s2->planenum == planenum)
				Log_Print("Entity %i, Brush %i: duplicate plane\n"
				          , b->entitynum, b->brushnum);

			if(s2->planenum == (planenum ^ 1))
				Log_Print("Entity %i, Brush %i: mirrored plane\n"
				          , b->entitynum, b->brushnum);

		if(k != b->numsides)
			continue;       // duplicated


		// keep this side
		//ME: reset pointer to side, why? hell I dunno (pointer is set above already)
		side = b->original_sides + b->numsides;
		//ME: store the plane number
		side->planenum = planenum;
		//ME: texinfo is already stored when bsp is loaded
		//NOTE: check for TEXINFO_NODE, otherwise crash in Q3_BrushContents
		//if (bspbrushside->texinfo < 0) side->texinfo = 0;
		//else side->texinfo = bspbrushside->texinfo;

		// save the td off in case there is an origin brush and we
		// have to recalculate the texinfo
		// ME: don't need to recalculate because it's already done
		//     (for non-world entities) in the BSP file
//		side_brushtextures[nummapbrushsides] = td;

	} //end for

	// get the content for the entire brush
	//Quake3 bsp brushes don't have a contents
	b->contents = q3_dshaders[bspbrush->shaderNum].contentFlags | contentFlags;
	// Ridah, Wolf has ladders (if we call Q3_BrushContents(), we'll get the solid area bug

	//b->contents = Q3_BrushContents(b);
	// Ridah, CONTENTS_MOSTERCLIP should prevent AAS from being created, but not clip players/AI in the game
	if(b->contents & CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP)
		b->contents |= CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;

	// func_explosive's not solid
	if(!strcmp("func_explosive", ValueForKey(&entities[b->entitynum], "classname")) ||
	        !strcmp("func_invisible_user", ValueForKey(&entities[b->entitynum], "classname")) ||
	        !strcmp("script_mover", ValueForKey(&entities[b->entitynum], "classname")) ||
	        !strcmp("func_static", ValueForKey(&entities[b->entitynum], "classname")))
		Log_Print("Ignoring %s brush..\n", ValueForKey(&entities[b->entitynum], "classname"));
		b->numsides = 0;
		b->contents = 0;

		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	//if we're creating AAS
		//create the AAS brushes from this brush, don't add brush bevels
		AAS_CreateMapBrushes(b, mapent, false);
	} //end if

	// allow detail brushes to be removed
	if(nodetail && (b->contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL))
		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	// allow water brushes to be removed
	if(nowater && (b->contents & (CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_WATER)))
		b->numsides = 0;
	} //end if

	// create windings for sides and bounds for brush

	//mark brushes without winding or with a tiny window as bevels

	// brushes that will not be visible at all will never be
	// used as bsp splitters

		for(i = 0; i < b->numsides; i++)
			b->original_sides[i].texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;
	} //end for

	// origin brushes are removed, but they set
	// the rotation origin for the rest of the brushes
	// in the entity.  After the entire entity is parsed,
	// the planenums and texinfos will be adjusted for
	// the origin brush
	//ME: not needed because the entities in the BSP file already
	//    have an origin set
//	if (b->contents & CONTENTS_ORIGIN)
//	{
//		char    string[32];
//		vec3_t  origin;
//		if (num_entities == 1)
//		{
//			Error ("Entity %i, Brush %i: origin brushes not allowed in world"
//				, b->entitynum, b->brushnum);
//			return;
//		}
//		VectorAdd (b->mins, b->maxs, origin);
//		VectorScale (origin, 0.5, origin);
//		sprintf (string, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]);
//		SetKeyValue (&entities[b->entitynum], "origin", string);
//		VectorCopy (origin, entities[b->entitynum].origin);
//		// don't keep this brush
//		b->numsides = 0;
//		return;
//	}

	//ME: the bsp brushes already have bevels, so we won't try to
	//    add them again (especially since Johny Boy's bevel adding might
	//    be crappy)
//	AddBrushBevels(b);

} //end of the function Q3_BSPBrushToMapBrush