void mech_move_event(EVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data; if (MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL) if (Landed(mech) || FuelCheck(mech)) return; UpdateHeading(mech); if ((IsMechLegLess(mech)) || Jumping(mech) || OODing(mech)) { if (MechDesiredFacing(mech) != MechFacing(mech)) MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_MOVE, mech_move_event, MOVE_TICK, 0); return; } UpdateSpeed(mech); move_mech(mech); if (mech->mapindex < 0) return; if (MechType(mech) == CLASS_VEH_NAVAL && MechRTerrain(mech) != BRIDGE && MechRTerrain(mech) != ICE && MechRTerrain(mech) != WATER) return; if (MechSpeed(mech) || MechDesiredSpeed(mech) || MechDesiredFacing(mech) != MechFacing(mech) || ((MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL || MechMove(mech) == MOVE_SUB) && MechVerticalSpeed(mech))) MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_MOVE, mech_move_event, MOVE_TICK, 0); }
void showNetworkData(dbref player, MECH * mech, int tIsC3) { int i, bearing; MECH *otherMech; float range; char buff[100]; char *mech_name; char move_type[30]; int networkSize; dbref myNetwork[C3_NETWORK_SIZE]; notify_printf(player, "%s Network Status:", tIsC3 ? "C3" : "C3i"); buildTempNetwork(mech, myNetwork, &networkSize, 1, 1, 0, tIsC3); for(i = 0; i < networkSize; i++) { otherMech = getMechInTempNetwork(i, myNetwork, networkSize); if(!otherMech) continue; if(!Good_obj(otherMech->mynum)) continue; range = FlMechRange(objMap, mech, otherMech); bearing = FindBearing(MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech), MechFX(otherMech), MechFY(otherMech)); strcpy(move_type, GetMoveTypeID(MechMove(otherMech))); mech_name = silly_atr_get(otherMech->mynum, A_MECHNAME); sprintf(buff, "%%ch%%cy[%s]%c %-12.12s x:%3d y:%3d z:%3d r:%4.1f b:%3d s:%5.1f h:%3d a: %3d i: %3d%%cn", MechIDS(otherMech, 1), move_type[0], mech_name, MechX(otherMech), MechY(otherMech), MechZ(otherMech), range, bearing, MechSpeed(otherMech), MechVFacing(otherMech), getRemainingArmorPercent(otherMech), getRemainingInternalPercent(otherMech)); notify(player, buff); } notify_printf(player, "End %s Network Status", tIsC3 ? "C3" : "C3i"); }
static void mech_enterbay_event(MUXEVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data, *ds, *tmpm = NULL; long ref = (long) e->data2; long bayn; int x = 5, y = 5; MAP *tmpmap; if(!Started(mech) || Uncon(mech) || Jumping(mech) || (MechType(mech) == CLASS_MECH && (Fallen(mech) || Standing(mech))) || OODing(mech) || (fabs(MechSpeed(mech)) * 5 >= MMaxSpeed(mech) && fabs(MMaxSpeed(mech)) >= MP1) || (MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL && AeroFuel(mech) <= 0)) return; tmpmap = getMap(ref); if(!(ds = getMech(tmpmap->onmap))) return; if(!Find_DS_Bay_In_MechHex(mech, ds, &bayn)) return; /* whee */ ref = AeroBay(ds, bayn); StopBSuitSwarmers(FindObjectsData(mech->mapindex), mech, 1); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You enter the bay."); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, tprintf("has entered %s at %d,%d.", GetMechID(ds), MechX(mech), MechY(mech))); MarkForLOSUpdate(mech); if(MechType(mech) == CLASS_MW && !In_Character(ref)) { enter_mw_bay(mech, ref); return; } if(MechCarrying(mech) > 0) tmpm = getMech(MechCarrying(mech)); mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d", ref)); mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d %d", x, y)); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "has entered the bay."); loud_teleport(mech->mynum, ref); if(tmpm) { mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) tmpm, tprintf("%d", ref)); mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) tmpm, tprintf("%d %d", x, y)); loud_teleport(tmpm->mynum, ref); } }
void aero_move_event(EVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data; if (!Landed(mech)) { /* Returns 1 only if we 1) Ran out of fuel, and 2) Were VTOL, and 3) Crashed */ if (FuelCheck(mech)) return; /* Genuine CHEAT :-) */ if (Started(mech)) { aero_UpdateHeading(mech); aero_UpdateSpeed(mech); } if (Fallen(mech)) MechStartFZ(mech) = MechStartFZ(mech) - 1; move_mech(mech); if (IsDS(mech) && MechZ(mech) <= (MechElevation(mech) + 5) && ((event_tick / WEAPON_TICK) % 10) == 0) DS_BlastNearbyMechsAndTrees(mech, "You are hit by the DropShip's plasma exhaust!", "is hit directly by DropShip's exhaust!", "You are hit by the DropShip's plasma exhaust!", "is hit by DropShip's exhaust!", "light up and burn.", 8); MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_MOVE, aero_move_event, MOVE_TICK, 0); } else if (Landed(mech) && !Fallen(mech) && RollingT(mech)) { UpdateHeading(mech); UpdateSpeed(mech); move_mech(mech); if (fabs(MechSpeed(mech)) > 0.0 || fabs(MechDesiredSpeed(mech)) > 0.0 || MechDesiredFacing(mech) != MechFacing(mech)) if (!FuelCheck(mech)) MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_MOVE, aero_move_event, MOVE_TICK, 0); } }
void mech_enterbay(dbref player, void *data, char *buffer) { char *args[3]; int argc; dbref ref = -1, bayn = -1; MECH *mech = data, *ds; MAP *map; cch(MECH_USUAL); DOCHECK(MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL && AeroFuel(mech) <= 0, "You lack fuel to maneuver in!"); DOCHECK(Jumping(mech), "While in mid-jump? No way."); DOCHECK(MechType(mech) == CLASS_MECH && (Fallen(mech) || Standing(mech)), "Crawl inside? I think not. Stand first."); DOCHECK(OODing(mech), "While in mid-flight? No way."); DOCHECK((argc = mech_parseattributes(buffer, args, 2)) == 2, "Hmm, invalid number of arguments?"); if(argc > 0) DOCHECK((ref = FindTargetDBREFFromMapNumber(mech, args[0])) <= 0, "Invalid target!"); if(ref < 0) { DOCHECK(!Find_Single_DS_In_MechHex(mech, &ref, &bayn), "No DS bay found in your hex!"); DOCHECK(ref < 0, "Multiple enterable things found ; use the id for specifying which you want."); DOCHECK(!(ds = getMech(ref)), "You sense wrongness in fabric of space."); } else { DOCHECK(!(ds = getMech(ref)), "You sense wrongness in fabric of space."); DOCHECK(!Find_DS_Bay_In_MechHex(mech, ds, &bayn), "You see no bays in your hex."); } DOCHECK(IsDS(mech) && !(MechSpecials2(mech) & CARRIER_TECH), "Your craft can't enter bays."); DOCHECK(!DS_Bay_Is_Open(mech, ds, AeroBay(ds, bayn)), "The door has been jammed!"); DOCHECK(IsDS(mech), "Your unit is a bit too large to fit in there."); DOCHECK((fabs((float) (MechSpeed(mech) - MechSpeed(ds)))) > MP1, "Speed difference's too large to enter!"); DOCHECK(MechZ(ds) != MechZ(mech), "Get to same elevation before thinking about entering!"); DOCHECK(abs(MechVerticalSpeed(mech) - MechVerticalSpeed(ds)) > 10, "Vertical speed difference is too great to enter safely!"); DOCHECK(MechType(mech) == CLASS_MECH && !MechIsQuad(mech) && (IsMechLegLess(mech)), "Without legs? Are you kidding?"); ref = AeroBay(ds, bayn); map = getMap(ref); DOCHECK(!map, "You sense wrongness in fabric of space."); DOCHECK(EnteringHangar(mech), "You are already entering the hangar!"); if(!can_pass_lock(mech->mynum, ref, A_LENTER)) { char *msg = silly_atr_get(ref, A_FAIL); if(!msg || !*msg) msg = "You are unable to enter the bay!"; notify(player, msg); return; } DOCHECK(!DS_Bay_Is_EnterOK(mech, ds, AeroBay(ds, bayn)), "Someone else is using the door at the moment."); DOCHECK(!(map = getMap(mech->mapindex)), "You sense a wrongness in fabric of space."); HexLOSBroadcast(map, MechX(mech), MechY(mech), "The bay doors at $h start to open.."); MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_ENTER_HANGAR, mech_enterbay_event, 12, ref); }
static int load_update1(void *key, void *data, int depth, void *arg) { const dbref key_val = (dbref)key; XCODE *const xcode_obj = data; FILE *const fp = arg; MAP *map; int doh; char mapbuffer[MBUF_SIZE]; MECH *mech; int i; int ctemp; switch (xcode_obj->type) { case GTYPE_MAP: map = (MAP *)xcode_obj; memset(map->mapobj, 0, sizeof(map->mapobj)); map->map = NULL; strcpy(mapbuffer, map->mapname); doh = (map->flags & MAPFLAG_MAPO); if(strcmp(map->mapname, "Default Map")) map_loadmap(1, map, mapbuffer); if(!strcmp(map->mapname, "Default Map") || !map->map) initialize_map_empty(map, key_val); if(!feof(fp)) { load_mapdynamic(fp, map); if(!feof(fp)) if(doh) load_mapobjs(fp, map); } if(feof(fp)) { map->first_free = 0; map->mechflags = NULL; map->mechsOnMap = NULL; map->LOSinfo = NULL; } debug_fixmap(GOD, map, NULL); break; case GTYPE_MECH: mech = (MECH *)xcode_obj; if(!(FlyingT(mech) && !Landed(mech))) { MechDesiredSpeed(mech) = 0; MechSpeed(mech) = 0; MechVerticalSpeed(mech) = 0; } ctemp = MechCocoon(mech); if(MechCocoon(mech)) { MechCocoon(mech) = 0; initiate_ood((dbref) GOD, mech, tprintf("%d %d %d", MechX(mech), MechY(mech), MechZ(mech))); MechCocoon(mech) = ctemp; } if(!FlyingT(mech) && Started(mech) && Jumping(mech)) mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d %d", MechX(mech),MechY(mech))); MechStatus(mech) &= ~(BLINDED | UNCONSCIOUS | JUMPING | TOWED); MechSpecials2(mech) &= ~(ECM_ENABLED | ECM_DISTURBANCE | ECM_PROTECTED | ECCM_ENABLED | ANGEL_ECM_ENABLED | ANGEL_ECCM_ENABLED | ANGEL_ECM_PROTECTED | ANGEL_ECM_DISTURBED); MechCritStatus(mech) &= ~(JELLIED | LOAD_OK | OWEIGHT_OK | SPEED_OK); MechWalkXPFactor(mech) = 999; MechCarrying(mech) = -1; MechBoomStart(mech) = 0; MechC3iNetworkSize(mech) = -1; MechHeatLast(mech) = 0; MechCommLast(mech) = 0; // ClearStaggerDamage mech->rd.staggerDamageList = NULL; if(!(MechXPMod(mech))) MechXPMod(mech) = 1; for(i = 0; i < FREQS; i++) if(mech->freq[i] < 0) mech->freq[i] = 0; break; } return 1; }
void showNetworkTargets(dbref player, MECH * mech, int tIsC3) { MAP *objMap = getMap(mech->mapindex); int i, j, wTemp, bearing; MECH *otherMech; float realRange, c3Range; char buff[100]; char *mech_name; char move_type[30]; char cStatus1, cStatus2, cStatus3, cStatus4, cStatus5; char weaponarc; int losFlag; int arc; int wSeeTarget = TARG_LOS_NONE; int wC3SeeTarget = TARG_LOS_NONE; int tShowStatusInfo = 0; char bufflist[MAX_MECHS_PER_MAP][120]; float rangelist[MAX_MECHS_PER_MAP]; int buffindex = 0; int sbuff[MAX_MECHS_PER_MAP]; int networkSize; dbref myNetwork[C3_NETWORK_SIZE]; dbref c3Ref; buildTempNetwork(mech, myNetwork, &networkSize, 1, 1, 0, tIsC3); /* * Send then a 'contacts' style report. This is different from the * normal contacts since it has a 'physical' range in it too. */ notify_printf(player, "%s Contacts:", tIsC3 ? "C3" : "C3i"); for(i = 0; i < objMap->first_free; i++) { if(!(objMap->mechsOnMap[i] != mech->mynum && objMap->mechsOnMap[i] != -1)) continue; otherMech = (MECH *) FindObjectsData(objMap->mechsOnMap[i]); if(!otherMech) continue; if(!Good_obj(otherMech->mynum)) continue; tShowStatusInfo = 0; realRange = FlMechRange(objMap, mech, otherMech); losFlag = InLineOfSight(mech, otherMech, MechX(otherMech), MechY(otherMech), realRange); /* * If we do see them, let's make sure it's not just a 'something' */ if(losFlag) { if(InLineOfSight_NB(mech, otherMech, MechX(otherMech), MechY(otherMech), 0.0)) wSeeTarget = TARG_LOS_CLEAR; else wSeeTarget = TARG_LOS_SOMETHING; } else wSeeTarget = TARG_LOS_NONE; /* * If I don't see it, let's see if someone else in the network does */ if(wSeeTarget != TARG_LOS_CLEAR) wC3SeeTarget = mechSeenByNetwork(mech, otherMech, tIsC3); /* If noone sees it, we continue */ if(!wSeeTarget && !wC3SeeTarget) continue; /* Get our network range */ c3Range = findC3RangeWithNetwork(mech, otherMech, realRange, myNetwork, networkSize, &c3Ref); /* Figure out if we show the info or not... ie, do we actually 'see' it */ if((wSeeTarget != TARG_LOS_CLEAR) && (wC3SeeTarget != TARG_LOS_CLEAR)) { tShowStatusInfo = 0; mech_name = "something"; } else { tShowStatusInfo = 1; mech_name = silly_atr_get(otherMech->mynum, A_MECHNAME); } bearing = FindBearing(MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech), MechFX(otherMech), MechFY(otherMech)); strcpy(move_type, GetMoveTypeID(MechMove(otherMech))); /* Get our weapon arc */ arc = InWeaponArc(mech, MechFX(otherMech), MechFY(otherMech)); weaponarc = getWeaponArc(mech, arc); /* Now get our status chars */ if(!tShowStatusInfo) { cStatus1 = ' '; cStatus2 = ' '; cStatus3 = ' '; cStatus4 = ' '; cStatus5 = ' '; } else { cStatus1 = getStatusChar(mech, otherMech, 1); cStatus2 = getStatusChar(mech, otherMech, 2); cStatus3 = getStatusChar(mech, otherMech, 3); cStatus4 = getStatusChar(mech, otherMech, 4); cStatus5 = getStatusChar(mech, otherMech, 5); } /* Now, build the string */ sprintf(buff, "%s%c%c%c[%s]%c %-11.11s x:%3d y:%3d z:%3d r:%4.1f c:%4.1f b:%3d s:%5.1f h:%3d S:%c%c%c%c%c%s", otherMech->mynum == MechTarget(mech) ? "%ch%cr" : (tShowStatusInfo && !MechSeemsFriend(mech, otherMech)) ? "%ch%cy" : "", (losFlag & MECHLOSFLAG_SEESP) ? 'P' : ' ', (losFlag & MECHLOSFLAG_SEESS) ? 'S' : ' ', weaponarc, MechIDS(otherMech, MechSeemsFriend(mech, otherMech) || !tShowStatusInfo), move_type[0], mech_name, MechX(otherMech), MechY(otherMech), MechZ(otherMech), realRange, c3Range, bearing, MechSpeed(otherMech), MechVFacing(otherMech), cStatus1, cStatus2, cStatus3, cStatus4, cStatus5, (otherMech->mynum == MechTarget(mech) || !MechSeemsFriend(mech, otherMech)) ? "%c" : ""); rangelist[buffindex] = realRange; rangelist[buffindex] += (MechStatus(otherMech) & DESTROYED) ? 10000 : 0; strcpy(bufflist[buffindex++], buff); } for(i = 0; i < buffindex; i++) sbuff[i] = i; /* print a sorted list of detected mechs */ /* use the ever-popular bubble sort */ for(i = 0; i < (buffindex - 1); i++) for(j = (i + 1); j < buffindex; j++) if(rangelist[sbuff[j]] > rangelist[sbuff[i]]) { wTemp = sbuff[i]; sbuff[i] = sbuff[j]; sbuff[j] = wTemp; } for(i = 0; i < buffindex; i++) notify(player, bufflist[sbuff[i]]); notify_printf(player, "End %s Contact List", tIsC3 ? "C3" : "C3i"); }