예제 #1
static void saveHistory (HyperPage me, const wchar_t *title) {
	if (! title) return;

	 * The page title will be saved at the top. Go there.
	while (my historyPointer < 19 && my history [my historyPointer]. page)
		my historyPointer ++;

	 * If the page title to be saved is already at the top, ignore it.
	if (my history [my historyPointer]. page) {
		if (wcsequ (my history [my historyPointer]. page, title)) return;
	} else if (my historyPointer > 0 && wcsequ (my history [my historyPointer - 1]. page, title)) {
		my historyPointer --;

	 * If the history buffer is full, shift it.
	if (my historyPointer == 19 && my history [my historyPointer]. page) {
		int i;
		Melder_free (my history [0]. page);
		for (i = 0; i < 19; i ++) my history [i] = my history [i + 1];

	 * Add the page title to the top of the history list.
	my history [my historyPointer]. page = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
예제 #2
static void print (I, Graphics graphics) {
	iam (Manual);
	ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
	long numberOfPages = manPages -> pages -> size, savePage = my path;
	my ps = graphics;
	Graphics_setDollarSignIsCode (my ps, TRUE);
	Graphics_setAtSignIsLink (my ps, TRUE);
	my printing = TRUE;
	HyperPage_initSheetOfPaper ((HyperPage) me);
	for (long ipage = 1; ipage <= numberOfPages; ipage ++) {
		ManPage page = (ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [ipage];
		if (my printPagesStartingWith == NULL ||
		    Melder_stringMatchesCriterion (page -> title, kMelder_string_STARTS_WITH, my printPagesStartingWith))
			ManPage_Paragraph par;
			my path = ipage;
			my paragraphs = page -> paragraphs;
			my numberOfParagraphs = 0;
			par = my paragraphs;
			while ((par ++) -> type) my numberOfParagraphs ++;
			Melder_free (my currentPageTitle);
			my currentPageTitle = Melder_wcsdup_f (page -> title);
			my v_goToPage_i (ipage);
			my v_draw ();
			my v_goToPage_i (savePage);
	my printing = FALSE;
	my printPagesStartingWith = NULL;
예제 #3
파일: UiFile.cpp 프로젝트: alekstorm/tala
UiFile::UiFile (GuiObject parent, const wchar_t *title,
	int (*okCallback) (UiForm *sendingForm, const wchar_t *sendingString, Interpreter *interpreter, const wchar_t *invokingButtonTitle, bool modified, void *closure), void *okClosure,
	const wchar_t *invokingButtonTitle, const wchar_t *helpTitle)
	: UiForm (parent, title, okCallback, okClosure, invokingButtonTitle, helpTitle),
	  _shiftKeyPressed(0) {
	_parent = parent;
	_name = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
예제 #4
static void do_forth (HyperPage me) {
	if (my historyPointer >= 19 || ! my history [my historyPointer + 1]. page) return;
	autostring page = Melder_wcsdup_f (my history [++ my historyPointer]. page);
	int top = my history [my historyPointer]. top;
	if (my v_goToPage (page.peek())) {
		my top = top;
		HyperPage_clear (me);
		updateVerticalScrollBar (me);
예제 #5
static void do_back (HyperPage me) {
	if (my historyPointer <= 0) return;
	autostring page = Melder_wcsdup_f (my history [-- my historyPointer]. page);   // temporary, because pointer will be moved
	int top = my history [my historyPointer]. top;
	if (my v_goToPage (page.peek())) {
		my top = top;
		HyperPage_clear (me);
		updateVerticalScrollBar (me);
예제 #6
파일: Thing.cpp 프로젝트: alekstorm/tala
void Thing_setName (I, const wchar_t *name) {
	iam (Thing);
	 * First check without change.
	wchar *newName = Melder_wcsdup_f (name);   // BUG: that's no checking
	 * Then change without error.
	Melder_free (my name);
	my name = newName;
	our nameChanged (me);   // BUG: what if this fails?
예제 #7
int HyperPage_goToPage (I, const wchar_t *title) {
	iam (HyperPage);
	switch (my v_goToPage (title)) {
		case -1: return 0;
		case 0: HyperPage_clear (me); return 0;
	saveHistory (me, title);   /* Last chance: HyperPage_clear will destroy "title" !!! */
	Melder_free (my currentPageTitle);
	my currentPageTitle = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
	my top = 0;
	HyperPage_clear (me);
	updateVerticalScrollBar (me);   /* Scroll to the top (my top == 0). */
	return 1;	
예제 #8
Strings FilesInMemory_to_Strings_id (FilesInMemory me) {
	try {
		autoStrings thee = Thing_new (Strings);
		thy strings = NUMvector <wchar *> (1, my size);
		thy numberOfStrings = 0;
		for (long ifile = 1; ifile <= my size; ifile++) {
			FileInMemory fim = (FileInMemory) my item[ifile];
			thy strings[ifile] = Melder_wcsdup_f (fim -> d_id);
			thy numberOfStrings++;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw ("No Strings created from FilesinMemory.");
예제 #9
static void replaceOutput (OTGrammarCandidate me) {
	int abstract = FALSE;
	Melder_assert (my output != NULL);
	wchar_t newOutput [100], *q = & newOutput [0];
	for (const wchar_t *p = & my output [0]; *p != '\0'; p ++) {
		if (p [0] == ' ') {
			*q ++ = p [-1] == ']' || p [1] == '/' ? ' ' : '.';
		} else if (isSyllable (p [0])) {
			*q ++ = 'c';
			if (abstract) {
				*q ++ = 'V';
				if (isStress (p [1])) {
					*q ++ = p [1];
				if (p [0] == 'L') {
				} else if (p [0] == 'H') {
					*q ++ = 'V';
				} else if (p [0] == 'K') {
					*q ++ = 'c';
				} else {
					*q ++ = 'C';
			} else {
				*q ++ = 'v';
				if (p [0] == 'L') {
				} else if (p [0] == 'H') {
					*q ++ = ':';
				} else {
					*q ++ = 'c';
		} else if (isStress (p [0]) && abstract) {
		} else {
			if (p [0] == '/') abstract = TRUE;
			*q ++ = p [0];
	*q = '\0';
	Melder_free (my output);
	my output = Melder_wcsdup_f (newOutput);
예제 #10
void praat_addAction4 (ClassInfo class1, int n1, ClassInfo class2, int n2, ClassInfo class3, int n3, ClassInfo class4, int n4,
	const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *after, unsigned long flags, void (*callback) (UiForm, int, Stackel, const wchar_t *, Interpreter, const wchar_t *, bool, void *))
	try {
		int depth = flags, unhidable = FALSE, hidden = FALSE, key = 0, attractive = 0;
		unsigned long motifFlags = 0;
		if (flags > 7) {
			depth = ((flags & praat_DEPTH_7) >> 16);
			unhidable = (flags & praat_UNHIDABLE) != 0;
			hidden = (flags & praat_HIDDEN) != 0 && ! unhidable;
			key = flags & 0x000000FF;
			motifFlags = key ? flags & (0x002000FF | GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK) : flags & GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK;
			attractive = (motifFlags & praat_ATTRACTIVE) != 0;
		fixSelectionSpecification (& class1, & n1, & class2, & n2, & class3, & n3);

		if (callback && ! title)
			Melder_throw ("An action command with callback has no title. Classes: ",
				class1 ? class1 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class2 ? class2 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class3 ? class3 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class4 ? class4 -> className : L"", L".");

		if (! class1)
			Melder_throw ("The action command \"", title, "\" has no first class.");

		 * Determine the position of the new command.
		long position;
		if (after) {   // search for existing command with same selection
			long found = lookUpMatchingAction (class1, class2, class3, class4, after);
			if (found == 0)
				Melder_throw ("The action command \"", title, "\" cannot be put after \"", after, "\",\n"
					"because the latter command does not exist.");
			position = found + 1;   // after 'after'
		} else {
			position = theNumberOfActions + 1;   // at end

		 * Increment the command area.
		if (theNumberOfActions >= praat_MAXNUM_LOOSE_COMMANDS)
			Melder_throw ("Too many action commands (maximum ", praat_MAXNUM_LOOSE_COMMANDS, ").");
		theNumberOfActions += 1;

		 * Make room for insertion.
		for (long i = theNumberOfActions; i > position; i --) theActions [i] = theActions [i - 1];
		memset (& theActions [position], 0, sizeof (struct structPraat_Command));

		 * Insert new command.
		theActions [position]. class1 = class1;
		theActions [position]. n1 = n1;
		theActions [position]. class2 = class2;
		theActions [position]. n2 = n2;
		theActions [position]. class3 = class3;
		theActions [position]. n3 = n3;
		theActions [position]. class4 = class4;
		theActions [position]. n4 = n4;
		theActions [position]. title = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
		theActions [position]. depth = depth;
		theActions [position]. callback = callback;   /* NULL for a separator. */
		theActions [position]. button = NULL;
		theActions [position]. script = NULL;
		theActions [position]. hidden = hidden;
		theActions [position]. unhidable = unhidable;
		theActions [position]. attractive = attractive;
	} catch (MelderError) {
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_expose (I, GuiDrawingAreaExposeEvent event) {
	iam (RunnerMFC);
	Melder_assert (event -> widget == my d_drawingArea);
	if (my graphics == NULL) return;   // Could be the case in the very beginning.
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	long iresponse;
	if (my data == NULL) return;
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
	if (experiment -> trial == 0) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> startText);
	} else if (experiment -> pausing) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> pauseText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
	} else if (experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		const wchar_t *visibleText = experiment -> stimulus [experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]]. visibleText;
		wchar_t *visibleText_dup = Melder_wcsdup_f (visibleText ? visibleText : L""), *visibleText_p = visibleText_dup;
		Graphics_setFont (my graphics, kGraphics_font_TIMES);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 10);
		Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_text3 (my graphics, 0, 1, Melder_integer (experiment -> trial), L" / ", Melder_integer (experiment -> numberOfTrials));
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		 * The run text.
		if (visibleText_p [0] != '\0') {
			wchar_t *visibleText_q = wcschr (visibleText_p, '|');
			if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = '\0';
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, visibleText_p [0] != '\0' ? visibleText_p : experiment -> runText);
			if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += wcslen (visibleText_p);
		} else {
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, experiment -> runText);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfDifferentResponses; iresponse ++) {
			ResponseMFC response = & experiment -> response [iresponse];
			wchar_t *textToDraw = response -> label;   // can be overridden
			if (visibleText_p [0] != '\0') {
				wchar_t *visibleText_q = wcschr (visibleText_p, '|');
				if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = '\0';
				textToDraw = visibleText_p;   // override
				if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += wcslen (visibleText_p);
			if (wcsnequ (textToDraw, L"\\FI", 3)) {
				structMelderFile file;
				MelderDir_relativePathToFile (& experiment -> rootDirectory, textToDraw + 3, & file);
				Graphics_imageFromFile (my graphics, Melder_fileToPath (& file), response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
			} else {
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics,
					response -> name [0] == '\0' ? Graphics_SILVER :
					experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED :
					experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left || experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ?
					Graphics_YELLOW : Graphics_SILVER);
				Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
				Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
				Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, response -> fontSize ? response -> fontSize : 24);
				Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (response -> left + response -> right),
					0.5 * (response -> bottom + response -> top), textToDraw);
			Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories; iresponse ++) {
			GoodnessMFC goodness = & experiment -> goodness [iresponse];
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ? Graphics_SILVER :
				experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED : Graphics_YELLOW);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
			Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
			Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (goodness -> left + goodness -> right), 0.5 * (goodness -> bottom + goodness -> top), goodness -> label);
		if (experiment -> replay_right > experiment -> replay_left && my numberOfReplays < experiment -> maximumNumberOfReplays) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> replay_left, experiment -> replay_right, experiment -> replay_bottom, experiment -> replay_top,
				experiment -> replay_label);
		if (experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left &&
		    experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0 &&
		    (experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories == 0 || experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] != 0))
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> ok_left, experiment -> ok_right, experiment -> ok_bottom, experiment -> ok_top,
				experiment -> ok_label);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
		Melder_free (visibleText_dup);
	} else {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> endText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
예제 #12
int HyperPage_script (I, double width_inches, double height_inches, const wchar_t *script) {
	iam (HyperPage);
	wchar_t *text = Melder_wcsdup_f (script);
	Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter_createFromEnvironment (NULL);
	double topSpacing = 0.1, bottomSpacing = 0.1, minFooterDistance = 0.0;
	kGraphics_font font = my font;
	int size = my fontSize;
	double true_width_inches = width_inches * ( width_inches < 0.0 ? -1.0 : size / 12.0 );
	double true_height_inches = height_inches * ( height_inches < 0.0 ? -1.0 : size / 12.0 );
if (! my printing) {
	my d_y -= ( my previousBottomSpacing > topSpacing ? my previousBottomSpacing : topSpacing ) * size / 12.0;
	if (my d_y > PAGE_HEIGHT + true_height_inches || my d_y < PAGE_HEIGHT - SCREEN_HEIGHT) {
		my d_y -= true_height_inches;
	} else {
		my d_y -= true_height_inches;
		Graphics_setFont (my g, font);
		Graphics_setFontStyle (my g, 0);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my g, size);
		my d_x = true_width_inches > my rightMargin ? 0 : 0.5 * (my rightMargin - true_width_inches);
		Graphics_setWrapWidth (my g, 0);
		long x1DCold, x2DCold, y1DCold, y2DCold;
		Graphics_inqWsViewport (my g, & x1DCold, & x2DCold, & y1DCold, & y2DCold);
		double x1NDCold, x2NDCold, y1NDCold, y2NDCold;
		Graphics_inqWsWindow (my g, & x1NDCold, & x2NDCold, & y1NDCold, & y2NDCold);
			if (my praatApplication == NULL) my praatApplication = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatApplication, 1);
			if (my praatObjects == NULL) my praatObjects = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatObjects, 1);
			if (my praatPicture == NULL) my praatPicture = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatPicture, 1);
			theCurrentPraatApplication = (PraatApplication) my praatApplication;
			theCurrentPraatApplication -> batch = true;   // prevent creation of editor windows
			theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell = theForegroundPraatApplication. topShell;   // needed for UiForm_create () in dialogs
			theCurrentPraatObjects = (PraatObjects) my praatObjects;
			theCurrentPraatPicture = (PraatPicture) my praatPicture;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> graphics = my g;   // has to draw into HyperPage rather than Picture window
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> font = font;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> fontSize = size;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> lineType = Graphics_DRAWN;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> colour = Graphics_BLACK;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> lineWidth = 1.0;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> arrowSize = 1.0;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC = my d_x;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC = my d_x + true_width_inches;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC = my d_y;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC = my d_y + true_height_inches;

			Graphics_setViewport (my g, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC);
			Graphics_setWindow (my g, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
			long x1DC, y1DC, x2DC, y2DC;
			Graphics_WCtoDC (my g, 0.0, 0.0, & x1DC, & y2DC);
			Graphics_WCtoDC (my g, 1.0, 1.0, & x2DC, & y1DC);
			Graphics_resetWsViewport (my g, x1DC, x2DC, y1DC, y2DC);
			Graphics_setWsWindow (my g, 0, width_inches, 0, height_inches);
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC = 0;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC = width_inches;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC = 0;
			theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC = height_inches;
			Graphics_setViewport (my g, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC);			

			{ // scope
				autoMelderProgressOff progress;
				autoMelderWarningOff warning;
				autoMelderSaveDefaultDir saveDir;
				if (! MelderDir_isNull (& my rootDirectory)) {
					Melder_setDefaultDir (& my rootDirectory);
				try {
					Interpreter_run (interpreter, text);
				} catch (MelderError) {
					if (my scriptErrorHasBeenNotified) {
						Melder_clearError ();
					} else {
						Melder_flushError (NULL);
						my scriptErrorHasBeenNotified = true;
			Graphics_setLineType (my g, Graphics_DRAWN);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my g, 1.0);
			Graphics_setArrowSize (my g, 1.0);
			Graphics_setColour (my g, Graphics_BLACK);
			/*Graphics_Link *paragraphLinks;
			long numberOfParagraphLinks = Graphics_getLinks (& paragraphLinks);
			if (my links) for (long ilink = 1; ilink <= numberOfParagraphLinks; ilink ++) {
				HyperLink link = HyperLink_create (paragraphLinks [ilink]. name,
					paragraphLinks [ilink]. x1, paragraphLinks [ilink]. x2,
					paragraphLinks [ilink]. y1, paragraphLinks [ilink]. y2);
				Collection_addItem (my links, link);
			theCurrentPraatApplication = & theForegroundPraatApplication;
			theCurrentPraatObjects = & theForegroundPraatObjects;
			theCurrentPraatPicture = & theForegroundPraatPicture;
		Graphics_resetWsViewport (my g, x1DCold, x2DCold, y1DCold, y2DCold);
		Graphics_setWsWindow (my g, x1NDCold, x2NDCold, y1NDCold, y2NDCold);
		Graphics_setViewport (my g, 0, 1, 0, 1);
		Graphics_setWindow (my g, 0, 1, 0, 1);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my g, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_BOTTOM);
} else {
	Graphics_setFont (my ps, font);
	Graphics_setFontStyle (my ps, 0);
	Graphics_setFontSize (my ps, size);
	my d_y -= my d_y == PAPER_TOP - TOP_MARGIN ? 0 : ( my previousBottomSpacing > topSpacing ? my previousBottomSpacing : topSpacing ) * size / 12.0;
	my d_y -= true_height_inches;
	if (my d_y < PAPER_BOTTOM + BOTTOM_MARGIN + minFooterDistance) {
		Graphics_nextSheetOfPaper (my ps);
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) my d_printingPageNumber ++;
		HyperPage_initSheetOfPaper (me);
		Graphics_setFont (my ps, font);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my ps, size);
		my d_y -= true_height_inches;
	my d_x = 3.7 - 0.5 * true_width_inches;
	if (my d_x < 0) my d_x = 0;
	Graphics_setWrapWidth (my ps, 0);
	long x1DCold, x2DCold, y1DCold, y2DCold;
	Graphics_inqWsViewport (my ps, & x1DCold, & x2DCold, & y1DCold, & y2DCold);
	double x1NDCold, x2NDCold, y1NDCold, y2NDCold;
	Graphics_inqWsWindow (my ps, & x1NDCold, & x2NDCold, & y1NDCold, & y2NDCold);
		if (my praatApplication == NULL) my praatApplication = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatApplication, 1);
		if (my praatObjects == NULL) my praatObjects = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatObjects, 1);
		if (my praatPicture == NULL) my praatPicture = Melder_calloc_f (structPraatPicture, 1);
		theCurrentPraatApplication = (PraatApplication) my praatApplication;
		theCurrentPraatApplication -> batch = true;
		theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell = theForegroundPraatApplication. topShell;   // needed for UiForm_create () in dialogs
		theCurrentPraatObjects = (PraatObjects) my praatObjects;
		theCurrentPraatPicture = (PraatPicture) my praatPicture;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> graphics = my ps;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> font = font;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> fontSize = size;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> lineType = Graphics_DRAWN;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> colour = Graphics_BLACK;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> lineWidth = 1.0;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> arrowSize = 1.0;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC = my d_x;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC = my d_x + true_width_inches;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC = my d_y;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC = my d_y + true_height_inches;

		Graphics_setViewport (my ps, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC);
		Graphics_setWindow (my ps, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
		long x1DC, y1DC, x2DC, y2DC;
		Graphics_WCtoDC (my ps, 0.0, 0.0, & x1DC, & y2DC);
		Graphics_WCtoDC (my ps, 1.0, 1.0, & x2DC, & y1DC);
		long shift = (long) (Graphics_getResolution (my ps) * true_height_inches) + (y1DCold - y2DCold);
		Graphics_resetWsViewport (my ps, x1DC, x2DC, y1DC + shift, y2DC + shift);
		Graphics_setWsWindow (my ps, 0, width_inches, 0, height_inches);
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC = 0;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC = width_inches;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC = 0;
		theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC = height_inches;
		Graphics_setViewport (my ps, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> x2NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y1NDC, theCurrentPraatPicture -> y2NDC);

		{ // scope
			autoMelderProgressOff progress;
			autoMelderWarningOff warning;
			autoMelderSaveDefaultDir saveDir;
			if (! MelderDir_isNull (& my rootDirectory)) {
				Melder_setDefaultDir (& my rootDirectory);
			try {
				Interpreter_run (interpreter, text);
			} catch (MelderError) {
				Melder_clearError ();
		Graphics_setLineType (my ps, Graphics_DRAWN);
		Graphics_setLineWidth (my ps, 1.0);
		Graphics_setArrowSize (my ps, 1.0);
		Graphics_setColour (my ps, Graphics_BLACK);
		theCurrentPraatApplication = & theForegroundPraatApplication;
		theCurrentPraatObjects = & theForegroundPraatObjects;
		theCurrentPraatPicture = & theForegroundPraatPicture;
	Graphics_resetWsViewport (my ps, x1DCold, x2DCold, y1DCold, y2DCold);
	Graphics_setWsWindow (my ps, x1NDCold, x2NDCold, y1NDCold, y2NDCold);
	Graphics_setViewport (my ps, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setWindow (my ps, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setTextAlignment (my ps, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_BOTTOM);
	my previousBottomSpacing = bottomSpacing;
	forget (interpreter);
	Melder_free (text);
	return 1;
예제 #13
void HyperPage_setEntryHint (I, const wchar_t *hint) {
	iam (HyperPage);
	Melder_free (my entryHint);
	my entryHint = Melder_wcsdup_f (hint);