void _ParticleShadowSync_FinishReceiveOfIncomingParticleCounts( ParticleCommHandler* self ) {
	MPI_Status			status;
	Processor_Index			proc_I;
	ShadowInfo*		        cellShadowInfo = CellLayout_GetShadowInfo( self->swarm->cellLayout );
	ProcNbrInfo*		        procNbrInfo = cellShadowInfo->procNbrInfo;
	Neighbour_Index		        nbr_I;
	int i = 0;

	self->swarm->shadowParticleCount = 0;
	/* TODO: may be worth converting the below into an MPI_Test loop */
	for ( nbr_I=0; nbr_I < procNbrInfo->procNbrCnt; nbr_I++ ) {
		proc_I = procNbrInfo->procNbrTbl[nbr_I];
		(void)MPI_Wait( self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellCountsHandles[nbr_I], &status );

		self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsTotalCounts[nbr_I] = 0;
		for( i=0; i<cellShadowInfo->procShadowCnt[nbr_I]; i++ ){
			Index shadowCell = 0;

			shadowCell = cellShadowInfo->procShadowTbl[nbr_I][i];
			self->swarm->shadowCellParticleCountTbl[shadowCell-self->swarm->cellLocalCount] = 0;

			self->swarm->shadowCellParticleTbl[shadowCell] = Memory_Realloc_Array( self->swarm->shadowCellParticleTbl[shadowCell], Particle_Index,
																	(self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellCounts[nbr_I][i]) );

			self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsTotalCounts[nbr_I] += self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellCounts[nbr_I][i];
		self->swarm->shadowParticleCount+= self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsTotalCounts[nbr_I];
void _Stg_ObjectList_AllocMoreMemory( void* namedObjectList ) {
   Stg_ObjectList* self = (Stg_ObjectList*) namedObjectList;

   self->_size += self->_delta;
   self->data = Memory_Realloc_Array( self->data, Stg_ObjectPtr, self->_size );
   assert( self->data );
void ParticleMovementHandler_FindParticlesThatHaveMovedOutsideMyDomain( ParticleMovementHandler* self )
	Particle_Index		particlesOutsideDomainSize = 0;
	GlobalParticle*         currParticle = NULL;
	Particle_Index		lParticle_I = 0;

	Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 1, "In %s():\n", __func__ );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount = 0;
	self->currParticleLeavingMyDomainIndex = 0;
	particlesOutsideDomainSize = self->swarm->particlesArrayDelta;

	Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 1, "Checking the owning cell of each of my swarm's %d particles:\n",
		self->swarm->particleLocalCount );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	for ( lParticle_I=0; lParticle_I < self->swarm->particleLocalCount; lParticle_I++ ) {

		currParticle = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleAt( self->swarm, lParticle_I );
		if ( currParticle->owningCell == self->swarm->cellDomainCount ) {
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "particle %d has moved outside domain to (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f): "
				"saving index\n", lParticle_I, currParticle->coord[0], currParticle->coord[1],
								currParticle->coord[2] );
			if ( self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount == particlesOutsideDomainSize ) { 
				particlesOutsideDomainSize += self->swarm->particlesArrayDelta;
				Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "(Need more memory to save indexes: increasing from %d to %d.)\n",
					self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount, particlesOutsideDomainSize );
				self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices = Memory_Realloc_Array( self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices,
					Particle_Index, particlesOutsideDomainSize );
			self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices[self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount++] = lParticle_I;

	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	self->particlesOutsideDomainUnfilledCount = self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount;

	#if DEBUG
		Particle_Index		particle_I = 0;
		if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( self->debug, 2 ) ) {
			Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "%d Particles have moved outside my domain:\n\t[",
				self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount );
			for ( ; particle_I < self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount; particle_I++ ) {
				Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "%d, ", self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices[particle_I] );
			Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "]\n" );
	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
void PeriodicBoundariesManager_AddPeriodicBoundary( void* periodicBCsManager, Axis axis ) {
	PeriodicBoundariesManager*	self = (PeriodicBoundariesManager*)periodicBCsManager;	
	PeriodicBoundary*				newPeriodicBoundary;
	double							min[3], max[3];

	Mesh_GetGlobalCoordRange( self->mesh, min, max );
	if ( self->count == self->size ) {
		self->size += self->delta;
		self->boundaries = Memory_Realloc_Array( self->boundaries, PeriodicBoundary, self->size );

	newPeriodicBoundary = &self->boundaries[self->count];
	newPeriodicBoundary->axis = axis;
	newPeriodicBoundary->minWall = min[axis];
	newPeriodicBoundary->maxWall = max[axis];
	newPeriodicBoundary->particlesUpdatedMinEndCount = 0;	
	newPeriodicBoundary->particlesUpdatedMaxEndCount = 0;	
예제 #5
void CreateTriangle(lucIsosurface* self, Vertex* point1, Vertex* point2, Vertex* point3, Bool wall)
   Vertex* points[3] = {point1, point2, point3};
   int i;

   if (self->triangleCount >= self->trianglesAlloced)
      self->trianglesAlloced += 100;
      self->triangleList = Memory_Realloc_Array( self->triangleList, Surface_Triangle, self->trianglesAlloced );

   /* Wall flag */
   self->triangleList[self->triangleCount].wall = wall;
   for (i=0; i<3; i++)
      double value = 0;
      float *pos = self->triangleList[self->triangleCount].pos[i]; 

      if (self->sampleGlobal)
         /* Check maskField values */
         if ( self->maskField )
            double mvalue;
            FieldVariable_InterpolateValueAt( self->maskField, points[i]->pos, &mvalue);
            /* Don't bother calculating if vertex is masked */
            if (lucDrawingObjectMask_Test( &self->mask, mvalue ) == False) return;

         /* Get global coordinates */
         pos[0] = points[i]->pos[0];
         pos[1] = points[i]->pos[1];
         pos[2] = points[i]->pos[2];
         if (self->isosurfaceField->dim == 2) pos[2] = 0;

         /* Get colourField value */
         if ( self->colourField && self->colourMap)
            FieldVariable_InterpolateValueAt( self->colourField, points[i]->pos, &value);
         FeVariable* field = (FeVariable*)self->isosurfaceField;
         double dpos[3] = {0};

         /* Check maskField values */
         if ( self->maskField )
            double mvalue;
            FeVariable_InterpolateWithinElement( self->maskField, points[i]->element_I, points[i]->pos, &mvalue);
            /* Don't bother calculating if vertex is masked */
            if (lucDrawingObjectMask_Test( &self->mask, mvalue ) == False) return;

         /* Get global coordinates */
         FeMesh_CoordLocalToGlobal( field->feMesh, points[i]->element_I, points[i]->pos, dpos );
         pos[0] = dpos[0];
         pos[1] = dpos[1];
         pos[2] = dpos[2];

         /* Get colourField value */
         if ( self->colourField && self->colourMap)
            FeVariable_InterpolateWithinElement( self->colourField, points[i]->element_I, points[i]->pos, &value);

      /* Copy value */
      self->triangleList[self->triangleCount].value[i] = value;

예제 #6
void SolutionVector_UpdateSolutionOntoNodes( void* solutionVector ) {
	SolutionVector*		self = (SolutionVector *)solutionVector;
	double*			localSolnVecValues;
	Node_LocalIndex 	lNode_I = 0;
	Dof_Index		currNodeNumDofs;
	Dof_Index		nodeLocalDof_I;
	Partition_Index		ownerProc;
	FeVariable*		feVar = self->feVariable;
	FeMesh*			feMesh = feVar->feMesh;
	MPI_Comm		mpiComm;
	FeEquationNumber*	eqNum = self->eqNum;
	Dof_EquationNumber	currEqNum;
	Index			indexIntoLocalSolnVecValues;
	Index*			reqFromOthersCounts;
	Index*			reqFromOthersSizes;
	RequestInfo**		reqFromOthersInfos;
	Dof_EquationNumber**	reqFromOthers;
	Comm*			comm;
	Partition_Index		nProc;
	Partition_Index		myRank;
	Partition_Index		proc_I;
	double			initialGuessAtNonLocalEqNumsRatio = 0.1;
	double			ratioToIncreaseRequestArraySize = 1.5;
	Index			newReqFromOthersSize;

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s - for \"%s\"\n", __func__, self->name );
	Stream_IndentBranch( StgFEM_Debug );

	#if DEBUG
	if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( self->debug, 3 ) ) {
		Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "Vector data:\n" );
		_SolutionVector_VectorView( self->vector, self->debug );

	comm = Mesh_GetCommTopology( feMesh, MT_VERTEX );
	mpiComm = Comm_GetMPIComm( comm );
	MPI_Comm_size( mpiComm, (int*)&nProc );
	MPI_Comm_rank( mpiComm, (int*)&myRank );

	/* allocate arrays for nodes that I want on each processor */
	reqFromOthersCounts = Memory_Alloc_Array( Index, nProc, "reqFromOthersCounts" );
	reqFromOthersSizes = Memory_Alloc_Array( Index, nProc, "reqFromOthersSizes" );
	reqFromOthersInfos = Memory_Alloc_Array( RequestInfo*, nProc, "reqFromOthersInfos" );
	reqFromOthers = Memory_Alloc_Array( Dof_EquationNumber*, nProc, "reqFromOthers" );
	/* Allocate the arrays of req. values from others independently, as we don't know how large they'll be */
	for ( proc_I=0; proc_I < nProc; proc_I++ ) {
		reqFromOthersCounts[proc_I] = 0;

		if (proc_I == myRank) continue;

		/* Our initial guess at number of non-local eqNums is a small ratio of the number of local dofs */
		reqFromOthersSizes[proc_I] = eqNum->localEqNumsOwnedCount * initialGuessAtNonLocalEqNumsRatio;
		/* Special case for really small meshes: make sure it's at least 1 */
		if (0 == reqFromOthersSizes[proc_I] ) {
		reqFromOthersInfos[proc_I] = Memory_Alloc_Array( RequestInfo, reqFromOthersSizes[proc_I],
			"reqFromOthersInfos[proc_I]" );
		reqFromOthers[proc_I] = Memory_Alloc_Array( Dof_EquationNumber, reqFromOthersSizes[proc_I],
			"reqFromOthers[proc_I]" );

	/* Get the locally held part of the vector */
	//Vector_GetArray( self->vector, &localSolnVecValues );
	VecGetArray( self->vector, &localSolnVecValues );

	for( lNode_I=0; lNode_I < Mesh_GetLocalSize( feMesh, MT_VERTEX ); lNode_I++ ) {
		currNodeNumDofs = feVar->dofLayout->dofCounts[ lNode_I ];
		Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "getting solutions for local node %d, has %d dofs.\n", lNode_I, currNodeNumDofs );

		/* process each dof */
		for ( nodeLocalDof_I = 0; nodeLocalDof_I < currNodeNumDofs; nodeLocalDof_I++ ) {
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "\tdof %d: ", nodeLocalDof_I );

			currEqNum = eqNum->mapNodeDof2Eq[lNode_I][nodeLocalDof_I];
			if( currEqNum != -1 ) {
				Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "is unconstrained, eqNum %d:", currEqNum );

				if( STreeMap_HasKey( eqNum->ownedMap, &currEqNum ) ) {
					indexIntoLocalSolnVecValues = *(int*)STreeMap_Map( eqNum->ownedMap, &currEqNum );
					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "local -> just copying value %f\n",
						localSolnVecValues[indexIntoLocalSolnVecValues] );
					DofLayout_SetValueDouble( feVar->dofLayout, lNode_I, nodeLocalDof_I,
						localSolnVecValues[indexIntoLocalSolnVecValues] );
				else {
					RequestInfo*	requestInfo;

					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "nonlocal -> add to req list " );
					ownerProc = FeEquationNumber_CalculateOwningProcessorOfEqNum( eqNum, currEqNum );
					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "from proc %d\n", ownerProc );
					/* first check count & realloc if necessary */
					if (reqFromOthersCounts[ownerProc] == reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] ) {
						newReqFromOthersSize = reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] * ratioToIncreaseRequestArraySize;
						if ( newReqFromOthersSize == reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] ) {
							/* Special case: always increase by at least 1 */
						reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] = newReqFromOthersSize;

						Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "req list from proc %d count %d now "
							"equal to size, so reallocing to size %d\n",
							ownerProc, reqFromOthersCounts[ownerProc],
							reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] );

						reqFromOthersInfos[ownerProc] = Memory_Realloc_Array(
							reqFromOthersInfos[ownerProc], RequestInfo, reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] );
						reqFromOthers[ownerProc] = Memory_Realloc_Array(
							reqFromOthers[ownerProc], Dof_EquationNumber, reqFromOthersSizes[ownerProc] );
					requestInfo = &reqFromOthersInfos[ownerProc][ reqFromOthersCounts[ownerProc] ];
					requestInfo->lNode_I = lNode_I;
					requestInfo->nodeLocalDof_I = nodeLocalDof_I;
					reqFromOthers[ownerProc][reqFromOthersCounts[ownerProc]] = currEqNum;
			else {
				Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "is a BC, so skipping...\n" );

	if ( nProc > 1 ) {
		_SolutionVector_ShareValuesNotStoredLocally( self, reqFromOthersCounts, reqFromOthersInfos, reqFromOthers,
			localSolnVecValues );

	for ( proc_I=0; proc_I < nProc; proc_I++ ) {
		if (proc_I == myRank) continue;
		Memory_Free( reqFromOthers[proc_I] );
		Memory_Free( reqFromOthersInfos[proc_I] );
	Memory_Free( reqFromOthers );
	Memory_Free( reqFromOthersInfos );
	Memory_Free( reqFromOthersCounts );
	Memory_Free( reqFromOthersSizes );

	//Vector_RestoreArray( self->vector, &localSolnVecValues );
	VecRestoreArray( self->vector, &localSolnVecValues );

	** Syncronise the FEVariable in question.

	FeVariable_SyncShadowValues( feVar );

	Stream_UnIndentBranch( StgFEM_Debug );