int Input_other(int (*function) (), char *type) { int stat; char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "%s input required", type); Menu_msg(msg); stat = (*function) (); if (active) use_mouse_msg(); Menu_msg(""); return stat; }
int error(const char *msg, int fatal) { char buf[200]; int x, y, button; Curses_clear_window(PROMPT_WINDOW); Curses_write_window(PROMPT_WINDOW, 1, 1, "LOCATION:\n"); Curses_write_window(PROMPT_WINDOW, 1, 12, G_location()); Curses_write_window(PROMPT_WINDOW, 2, 1, "MAPSET:\n"); Curses_write_window(PROMPT_WINDOW, 2, 12, G_location()); Beep(); if (fatal) sprintf(buf, _("ERROR: %s"), msg); else sprintf(buf, _("WARNING: %s (click mouse to continue)"), msg); Menu_msg(buf); if (fatal) quit(1); Mouse_pointer(&x, &y, &button); Curses_clear_window(PROMPT_WINDOW); return 0; }
static int to_printer(void) { FILE *fd; cancel_which(); Menu_msg("Sending report to printer ..."); Curses_write_window(PROMPT_WINDOW, 1, 1, "Sending report to printer ..."); fd = popen("lp", "w"); do_report(fd); pclose(fd); return 0; }
static int mouse(Objects * objects, int ax, int ay, int box) { int first; int stat; int x, y, button; Objects *obj; first = !active; active = 1; if (first) use_mouse_msg(); if (box) { x = ax + 20; y = ay + 20; } stat = 0; replot = 1; while (stat == 0) { if (replot) { replot = 0; draw_objects(objects); } if (box) Mouse_box_anchored(ax, ay, &x, &y, &button); else Mouse_pointer(&x, &y, &button); if (!(obj = find(objects, x, y))) continue; switch (obj->type) { case MENU_OBJECT: case OTHER_OBJECT: stat = (*obj->handler) (x, y, button); break; case OPTION_OBJECT: select_option(objects, obj); draw_option_boxes(objects); break; } } /* if we are first call, mark not active * indicate that objects above use must be replotted. */ if (first) active = 0; Menu_msg(""); return stat; }
int ask_magnification(int *magnification) { static int use = 1; int x, y; int height; int stat; int width; int top, bottom, left, right; static Objects objects[] = { OTHER(incr, &use), {0} }; Menu_msg(""); mag = *magnification; if (mag < 1) mag = 1; height = VIEW_MENU->nrows; R_text_size(height - 4, height - 4); Get_mouse_xy(&x, &y); top = y - height / 2; if (top < SCREEN_TOP) top = SCREEN_TOP; bottom = top + 4 * height; if (bottom >= VIEW_MENU->top) { top -= bottom - (VIEW_MENU->top - 1); bottom = VIEW_MENU->top - 1; } width = Text_width("MAGNIFICATION") + 4; left = x - width / 2; if (left < SCREEN_LEFT) left = SCREEN_LEFT; right = left + width; if (right > SCREEN_RIGHT) { left -= right - SCREEN_RIGHT; right = SCREEN_RIGHT; } R_panel_save(tempfile1, top, bottom, left, right); R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_standard_color(BLACK); Outline_box(top, bottom, left, right); = top + height; plus.bottom = + height; plus.left = left; plus.right = plus.left + Text_width("++") + 4; Outline_box(, plus.bottom, plus.left, plus.right); = top + height; minus.bottom = + height; minus.right = right; minus.left = minus.right - Text_width("--") - 4; Outline_box(, minus.bottom, minus.left, minus.right); = top + height; value.bottom = + height; value.left = plus.right; value.right = minus.left; Outline_box(, value.bottom, value.left, value.right); = value.bottom; accept.bottom = + height; accept.left = left; accept.right = right; Outline_box(, accept.bottom, accept.left, accept.right); = accept.bottom; cancel.bottom = + height; cancel.left = left; cancel.right = right; Outline_box(, cancel.bottom, cancel.left, cancel.right); dotext("MAGNIFICATION", top, top + height, left, right, WHITE); dotext("+",, plus.bottom, plus.left, plus.right, GREY); dotext("-",, minus.bottom, minus.left, minus.right, GREY); dotext("ACCEPT",, accept.bottom, accept.left, accept.right, GREY); dotext("CANCEL",, cancel.bottom, cancel.left, cancel.right, GREY); draw_mag(); stat = Input_pointer(objects); /* to respond to user */ R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_flush(); R_panel_restore(tempfile1); R_panel_delete(tempfile1); *magnification = mag; return stat > 0; }
static int zoom1(int x, int y) { /* called by Input_pointer */ int top, bottom, left, right; int n, row, col; int nrows, ncols; struct Cell_head cellhd; int mag; double magnification(); double north, south, east, west; if (In_view(pick_view = VIEW_MAP1, x, y)) { main_view = VIEW_MAP1; zoom_view = VIEW_MAP1_ZOOM; target_flag = 0; } else if (In_view(pick_view = VIEW_MAP2, x, y)) { if (!pick_view->cell.configured) return 0; /* ignore the mouse event */ main_view = VIEW_MAP2; zoom_view = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM; target_flag = 1; } else if (In_view(pick_view = VIEW_MAP1_ZOOM, x, y)) { if (!pick_view->cell.configured) return 0; /* ignore the mouse event */ main_view = VIEW_MAP1; zoom_view = VIEW_MAP1_ZOOM; target_flag = 0; } else if (In_view(pick_view = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM, x, y)) { if (!pick_view->cell.configured) return 0; /* ignore the mouse event */ main_view = VIEW_MAP2; zoom_view = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM; target_flag = 1; } else return 0; /* ignore the mouse event */ if (!pick_view->cell.configured) return 0; /* just to be sure */ /* * make sure point is within edges of image as well */ if (x <= pick_view->cell.left) return 0; if (x >= pick_view->cell.right) return 0; if (y <= pick_view-> return 0; if (y >= pick_view->cell.bottom) return 0; /* * ok, erase menu messages */ Menu_msg(""); /* determine magnification of zoom */ if (zoom_view->cell.configured) { if (zoom_view == pick_view) mag = floor(magnification(zoom_view) + 1.0) + .1; else mag = ceil(magnification(zoom_view)) + .1; } else { mag = floor(magnification(main_view) + 1.0) + .1; } if (!ask_magnification(&mag)) return 1; /* * Determine the the zoom window (ie, cellhd) */ G_copy(&cellhd, &main_view->cell.head, sizeof(cellhd)); cellhd.ns_res = main_view->cell.ns_res / mag; cellhd.ew_res = main_view->cell.ew_res / mag; cellhd.cols = (cellhd.east - cellhd.west) / cellhd.ew_res; cellhd.rows = (cellhd.north - cellhd.south) / cellhd.ns_res; /* convert x,y to col,row */ col = view_to_col(pick_view, x); east = col_to_easting(&pick_view->cell.head, col, 0.5); col = easting_to_col(&cellhd, east); row = view_to_row(pick_view, y); north = row_to_northing(&pick_view->cell.head, row, 0.5); row = northing_to_row(&cellhd, north); ncols = zoom_view->ncols; nrows = zoom_view->nrows; n = cellhd.cols - col; if (n > col) n = col; if (n + n + 1 >= ncols) { n = ncols / 2; if (n + n + 1 >= ncols) n--; } left = col - n; right = col + n; n = cellhd.rows - row; if (n > row) n = row; if (n + n + 1 >= nrows) { n = nrows / 2; if (n + n + 1 >= nrows) n--; } top = row - n; bottom = row + n; north = row_to_northing(&cellhd, top, 0.0); west = col_to_easting(&cellhd, left, 0.0); south = row_to_northing(&cellhd, bottom, 1.0); east = col_to_easting(&cellhd, right, 1.0); cellhd.north = north; cellhd.south = south; cellhd.east = east; cellhd.west = west; cellhd.rows = (cellhd.north - cellhd.south) / cellhd.ns_res; cellhd.cols = (cellhd.east - cellhd.west) / cellhd.ew_res; /* * Outline the zoom window on the main map * Turn previous one to grey. */ if (zoom_view->cell.configured) { R_standard_color(GREY); Outline_cellhd(main_view, &zoom_view->cell.head); } R_standard_color(RED); Outline_cellhd(main_view, &cellhd); /* * zoom */ if (target_flag) select_target_env(); G_copy(&zoom_view->cell.head, &cellhd, sizeof(cellhd)); Configure_view(zoom_view, pick_view->, pick_view->cell.mapset, pick_view->cell.ns_res, pick_view->cell.ew_res); drawcell(zoom_view); select_current_env(); display_points(1); return 1; /* pop back */ }
static int drawvect(int zoomit, /* -1 = refresh, 0 = new image, 1 = zoom, 2 = warp */ View * zoom_view, double E[], double N[], int trans_order) { /* order of transformation if warping vectors */ int stat = 0; int i; char name[GNAME_MAX], mapset[GMAPSET_MAX]; struct Cell_head cellhd; struct line_pnts *Points; char msg[100], win_name[100]; int t, b, l, r; int blank = 0; View *active_view; int left, top, nrows, ncols; static int vectclr[VFILES]; /* if refresh screen or overlay & no displayed vector maps return */ if ((zoomit == DO_REFRESH || zoomit == DO_WARP) && !numfiles) { if (zoomit == DO_REFRESH) display_points(1); return 0; } /* numfiles stays at 0 until the end of the first vector map init */ if (numfiles >= VFILES) { G_warning ("Can't display another map; reached maximum number of files"); return 0; } select_target_env(); if (zoomit == DO_REFRESH || zoomit == DO_NEW) { /* New Map File or Refresh Screen */ if (zoomit == DO_NEW) { /* zoomit==0, Draw New Map File */ if (!choose_vectfile(name, mapset)) return 0; strcpy(vect_file[numfiles], name); strcpy(vect_mapset[numfiles], mapset); get_vector_color(); /* ask line_color to draw map */ if (!numfiles) { /* first map: SET VECTOR WINDOW BY WIND */ G_get_window(&cellhd); G_copy(&VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, &cellhd, sizeof(cellhd)); } else /* not the first map */ G_copy(&cellhd, &VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, sizeof(VIEW_MAP2->cell.head)); numfiles++; } else { /* zoomit=-1 Refresh Screen */ G_copy(&cellhd, &VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, sizeof(VIEW_MAP2->cell.head)); if (!cellmap_present) Erase_view(VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM); VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.configured = 0; blank = BLACK; } strcpy(win_name, "vect_map"); if (!view2on) { t = VIEW_MAP2->top; b = VIEW_MAP2->bottom; l = VIEW_MAP2->left; r = VIEW_MAP2->right; D_new_window(win_name, t, b, l, r); if (!cellmap_present) blank = BLACK; else blank = 0; /* don't erase viewport */ view2on = 1; } active_view = VIEW_MAP2; } else { /* zoomit>0 Zoom or Warp */ G_copy(&cellhd, &zoom_view->cell.head, sizeof(zoom_view->cell.head)); if (!(zoom_view == VIEW_MAP1)) { /* target side */ VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.configured = 0; strcpy(win_name, "zoom_map"); if (!view2zoomon) { t = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->top; b = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->bottom; l = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->left; r = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->right; D_new_window(win_name, t, b, l, r); view2zoomon = 1; } active_view = VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM; blank = BLACK; } else { strcpy(win_name, "warp_map"); /* defined in drawcell routine */ active_view = VIEW_MAP1; blank = 0; /* don't erase viewport */ } } nrows = active_view->nrows; ncols = active_view->ncols; left = active_view->left; top = active_view->top; D_set_cur_wind(win_name); R_standard_color(YELLOW); Outline_box(top, top + nrows - 1, left, left + ncols - 1); Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); if (zoomit != DO_WARP) { Curses_clear_window(INFO_WINDOW); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 1, 13, "COORDINATES"); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 3, 2, "MAIN WINDOW"); sprintf(msg, "N = %10.2f E = %10.2f", VIEW_MAP2->cell.head.north, VIEW_MAP2->cell.head.east); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 5, 4, msg); sprintf(msg, "S = %10.2f W = %10.2f", VIEW_MAP2->cell.head.south, VIEW_MAP2->cell.head.west); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 6, 4, msg); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 9, 2, "ZOOM WINDOW"); sprintf(msg, "N = %10.2f E = %10.2f", VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.head.north, VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.head.east); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 11, 4, msg); sprintf(msg, "S = %10.2f W = %10.2f", VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.head.south, VIEW_MAP2_ZOOM->cell.head.west); Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 12, 4, msg); } if (zoomit) { /* ie ! DO_NEW */ dsp_setup(blank, &cellhd); for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) { sprintf(msg, "Displaying %s", vect_file[i]); Menu_msg(msg); R_standard_color(vectclr[i]); if (zoomit != DO_WARP) stat = plot(vect_file[i], vect_mapset[i], Points); else stat = plot_warp(vect_file[i], vect_mapset[i], Points, E, N, trans_order); } } else { /* ie DO_NEW */ if (numfiles == 1) { /* let first file set window */ G_copy(&VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, &cellhd, sizeof(cellhd)); cellhd.rows = VIEW_MAP2->nrows; cellhd.cols = VIEW_MAP2->ncols; cellhd.ns_res = (cellhd.north - cellhd.south) / cellhd.rows; cellhd.ew_res = (cellhd.east - cellhd.west) / cellhd.cols; if (cellhd.ns_res > cellhd.ew_res) cellhd.ew_res = cellhd.ns_res; else cellhd.ns_res = cellhd.ew_res; VIEW_MAP2->cell.ns_res = cellhd.ns_res; VIEW_MAP2->cell.ew_res = cellhd.ew_res; G_copy(&VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, &cellhd, sizeof(cellhd)); G_adjust_window_to_box(&cellhd, &VIEW_MAP2->cell.head, VIEW_MAP2->nrows, VIEW_MAP2->ncols); if (!cellmap_present) { Configure_view(VIEW_MAP2, vect_file[numfiles - 1], vect_mapset[numfiles - 1], cellhd.ns_res, cellhd.ew_res); } Curses_write_window(INFO_WINDOW, 15, 2, "WHERE CURSOR-> Mid Button"); } dsp_setup(blank, &cellhd); R_standard_color(YELLOW); Outline_box(top, top + nrows - 1, left, left + ncols - 1); sprintf(msg, "Displaying %s", vect_file[numfiles - 1]); Menu_msg(msg); R_standard_color(line_color); vectclr[numfiles - 1] = line_color; get_clr_name(vect_color[numfiles - 1], line_color); stat = plot(vect_file[numfiles - 1], vect_mapset[numfiles - 1], Points); } display_points(1); R_standard_color(WHITE); Outline_box(top, top + nrows - 1, left, left + ncols - 1); Menu_msg(""); Vect_destroy_line_struct(Points); /* VIEW_MAP2->cell.configured = 1; XXX */ select_current_env(); if (from_screen < 0) { from_flag = 1; from_screen = 0; if (from_keyboard < 0) { from_keyboard = 0; from_screen = 1; } } if (numfiles) { Curses_clear_window(MENU_WINDOW); Curses_write_window(MENU_WINDOW, 1, 5, "COLOR MAP FILE"); for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) { sprintf(msg, "%7s %s", vect_color[i], vect_file[i]); Curses_write_window(MENU_WINDOW, i + 3, 3, msg); } } return 0; }
int ask_line_color(char *colors, int len1, char *xname, int position) { static int use = 1; int pick(); static Objects objects[] = { OTHER(pick, &use), {0} }; char msg[100]; int width; int len2 = 0, len; long offset; long *page_offset; int col, nlist; int line; int stat; char buf[100]; int top, bottom, left, right, center; int topx, bottomx, leftx, rightx, widthx; char name[100], mapset[100], cur_mapset[100]; int new_mapset; Menu_msg(""); sprintf(msg, "Double click on color to assign to vector layer"); /* * build a popup window at center of the screen. * 35% the height and wide enough to hold 2 columms of file names * * the window is for choosing file names and will be laid out in 2 columns * * ------------------------------------------ * | CANCEL | (MORE) | (LESS) | * ------------------------------------------ * | mapset | * ------------------------------------------ * | name1 | name2 | * ------------------------------------------ * | name3 | name4 | * ------------------------------------------ * | name5 | name6 | * | . | * | . | * | . | * ------------------------------------------ */ /* height of 1 line, based on NLINES taking up 35% vertical space */ height = (.35 * (SCREEN_BOTTOM - SCREEN_TOP)) / NLINES + 1; /* size of text, 80% of line height */ text_size = .8 * height; size = text_size - 1; /* fudge for computing pixels width of text */ /* indent for the text */ edge = .1 * height + 1; /* this is a fudge to determine the length of the largest text */ len1 = 2 * len1; /* name in 2 columns */ len2 += strlen("mapset "); len = (len1 > len2 ? len1 : len2); /* width is for max chars plus sidecar for more/less */ width = len * size + height; widthx = strlen(msg) * size; if (widthx < width) widthx = width; /* define the window */ top = (SCREEN_TOP + SCREEN_BOTTOM - height * NLINES) / 2; bottom = top + height * NLINES; center = (SCREEN_LEFT + SCREEN_RIGHT) / 2; if (position > 0) { right = (center + SCREEN_RIGHT + width) / 2; if (right >= SCREEN_RIGHT) right = SCREEN_RIGHT - 1; left = right - width; } else if (position < 0) { left = (center + SCREEN_LEFT - width) / 2; if (left <= SCREEN_LEFT) left = SCREEN_LEFT + 1; right = left + width; } else { left = center + width / 2; right = left + width; } topx = top - 3 * height; bottomx = topx + 2 * height; leftx = (left + right - widthx) / 2; if (leftx < SCREEN_LEFT) leftx = SCREEN_LEFT; rightx = leftx + widthx; /* save what is under these areas, so they can be restored */ R_panel_save(tempfile1, top, bottom, left, right); R_panel_save(tempfile2, topx, bottomx, leftx, rightx); /* fill it top with GREY, pick area with white */ R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_standard_color(GREY); R_box_abs(leftx, topx, rightx, bottomx); R_standard_color(BLACK); Outline_box(top, bottom, left, right); right -= height; /* reduce it to exclude sidecar */ Outline_box(top, bottom, left, right); /* print messages above the files */ dotext(msg, topx, topx + height, leftx, rightx, 1); dotext("Double click here to cancel", topx + height, bottomx, leftx, rightx, 1); = topx; cancel.bottom = bottomx; cancel.left = leftx; cancel.right = rightx; /* start the mouse in the cancel box */ Set_mouse_xy((leftx + rightx) / 2, (topx + bottomx) / 2); dobox(&less, "", WHITE, top, right, right + height, 0); dobox(&more, "", WHITE, bottom - height, right, right + height, 0); /* as we read the file of names, keep track of pages so we can * page backward */ page = 0; page_offset = (long *)G_calloc(npages = 1, sizeof(long)); *page_offset = ftell(fd); nlist = sizeof(list) / sizeof(list[0]); for (stat = -1; stat < 0;) { line = 0; count = 0; *cur_mapset = 0; col = 0; while (1) { /* offset = ftell (fd); if (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, fd) == NULL || sscanf (buf, "%s %s", name, mapset) != 2) break; if(new_mapset = (strcmp (cur_mapset,mapset) != 0)) { if(line) line++; if (col) line++; col = 0; } if (count >= nlist || line+new_mapset >= NLINES) { if (page+1 == npages) { npages++; page_offset = (long *) G_realloc (page_offset, npages * sizeof (long)); page_offset[npages-1] = offset; } break; } if (new_mapset) { struct box dummy; char label[100]; strcpy (cur_mapset, mapset); sprintf (label, "Mapset %s", mapset); dobox (&dummy, label, WHITE, top+line*height, left, right, 0); line++; } if (col) { dobox (&list[count].box, name, GREY, top+line*height, left+width/2, right, 0); line++; col = 0; } else { dobox (&list[count].box, name, GREY, top+line*height, left, left+width/2, 0); col = 1; } strcpy (list[count].name, name); strcpy (list[count].mapset, mapset); count++; } downarrow (&more, page+1 < npages ? BLACK : WHITE); uparrow (&less, page > 0 ? BLACK : WHITE); which = -1; switch(Input_pointer(objects)) { case -1: /* more or less */ break; case -2: /* cancel */ stat = 0; continue; default: /* file picked */ strcpy(xname, list[which].name); stat = 1; continue; } fseek(fd, page_offset[page], 0); R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left + 1, top + 1, right - 1, bottom - 1); } /* all done. restore what was under the window */ right += height; /* move it back over the sidecar */ R_standard_color(WHITE); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_panel_restore(tempfile1); R_panel_restore(tempfile2); R_panel_delete(tempfile1); R_panel_delete(tempfile2); R_flush(); G_free(page_offset); return stat; }
int analyze(void) { static int use = 1; static Objects objects[] = { MENU("DONE", done, &use), MENU("PRINT", to_printer, &use), MENU("FILE", to_file, &use), MENU("OVERLAY", do_warp, &use), MENU(delete_msg, delete_mark, &use), INFO("Transform->", &use), MENU(order_msg, get_order, &use), INFO(pick_msg, &use), OTHER(pick, &use), {0} }; int color; int tsize; int cury; int len; int line; int top, bottom, left, right, width, middle, nums; /* to give user a response of some sort */ Menu_msg("Preparing analysis ..."); /* * build a popup window at center of the screen. * 35% the height and wide enough to hold the report * */ /* height of 1 line, based on NLINES taking up 35% vertical space */ height = (.35 * (SCREEN_BOTTOM - SCREEN_TOP)) / NLINES + 1; /* size of text, 80% of line height */ tsize = .8 * height; size = tsize - 2; /* fudge for computing pixels width of text */ /* indent for the text */ edge = .1 * height + 1; /* determine the length, in chars, of printed line */ FMT0(buf, 0); nums = strlen(buf) * size; FMT1(buf, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); len = strlen(buf); middle = len * size; FMT2(buf, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); len += strlen(buf); /* width is for max chars plus sidecar for more/less */ width = len * size + nums + 2 * height; if ((SCREEN_RIGHT - SCREEN_LEFT) < width) width = SCREEN_RIGHT - SCREEN_LEFT; /* define the window */ bottom = VIEW_MENU->top - 1; top = bottom - height * NLINES; left = SCREEN_LEFT; right = left + width; middle += left + nums; nums += left; /* save what is under this area, so it can be restored */ R_panel_save(tempfile1, top, bottom + 1, left, right + 1); /* fill it with white */ R_standard_color(BACKGROUND); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); right -= 2 * height; /* reduce it to exclude sidecar */ /* print messages in message area */ R_text_size(tsize, tsize); /* setup the more/less boxes in the sidecar */ R_standard_color(BLACK); = top; less.bottom = top + 2 * height; less.left = right; less.right = right + 2 * height; Outline_box(, less.bottom, less.left, less.right); = bottom - 2 * height; more.bottom = bottom; more.left = right; more.right = right + 2 * height; Outline_box(, more.bottom, more.left, more.right); /* * top two lines are for column labels * last two line is for overall rms error. */ nlines = NLINES - 3; first_point = 0; /* allocate predicted values */ xres = (double *)G_calloc(group.points.count, sizeof(double)); yres = (double *)G_calloc(group.points.count, sizeof(double)); gnd = (double *)G_calloc(group.points.count, sizeof(double)); /* compute transformation for the first time */ compute_transformation(); /* put head on the report */ cury = top; dotext(LHEAD1, cury, cury + height, left, middle, 0, BLACK); dotext(RHEAD1, cury, cury + height, middle, right - 1, 0, BLACK); cury += height; dotext(LHEAD2, cury, cury + height, left, middle, 0, BLACK); dotext(RHEAD2, cury, cury + height, middle, right - 1, 0, BLACK); cury += height; R_move_abs(left, cury - 1); R_cont_abs(right, cury - 1); /* isolate the sidecar */ R_move_abs(right, top); R_cont_abs(right, bottom); /* define report box */ = cury; report.left = left; report.right = right; /* lets do it */ pager = 1; while (1) { R_text_size(tsize, tsize); line = 0; curp = first_point; cury = top + 2 * height; while (1) { if (line >= nlines || curp >= group.points.count) break; line++; if (!delete_mode) color = BLACK; else color = BLUE; if (group.equation_stat > 0 && group.points.status[curp] > 0) { /* color = BLACK; */ FMT1(buf, xres[curp], yres[curp], gnd[curp]); if (curp == xmax || curp == ymax || curp == gmax) color = RED; dotext(buf, cury, cury + height, nums, middle, 0, color); } else if (group.points.status[curp] > 0) dotext("?", cury, cury + height, nums, middle, 1, color); else dotext("not used", cury, cury + height, nums, middle, 1, color); if (pager) { FMT0(buf, curp + 1); dotext(buf, cury, cury + height, left, nums, 0, color); FMT2(buf, group.points.e1[curp], group.points.n1[curp], group.points.e2[curp], group.points.n2[curp]); dotext(buf, cury, cury + height, middle, right - 1, 0, color); } cury += height; curp++; } report.bottom = cury; downarrow(&more, curp < group.points.count ? color : BACKGROUND); uparrow(&less, first_point > 0 ? color : BACKGROUND); R_standard_color(BACKGROUND); R_box_abs(left, cury, right - 1, bottom); if (group.equation_stat < 0) { if (group.equation_stat == -1) { color = RED; strcpy(buf, "Poorly placed control points"); } else { if (group.equation_stat == -2) G_fatal_error("NOT ENOUGH MEMORY"); else G_fatal_error("PARAMETER ERROR"); } } else if (group.equation_stat == 0) { color = RED; strcpy(buf, "No active control points"); } else { color = BLACK; sprintf(buf, "Overall rms error: %.2f", rms); } dotext(buf, bottom - height, bottom, left, right - 1, 0, color); R_standard_color(BLACK); R_move_abs(left, bottom - height); R_cont_abs(right - 1, bottom - height); pager = 0; which = -1; if (Input_pointer(objects) < 0) break; display_points(1); } /* all done. restore what was under the window */ right += 2 * height; /* move it back over the sidecar */ R_standard_color(BACKGROUND); R_box_abs(left, top, right, bottom); R_panel_restore(tempfile1); R_panel_delete(tempfile1); R_flush(); G_free(xres); G_free(yres); G_free(gnd); I_put_control_points(, &group.points); display_points(1); return 0; /* return but don't QUIT */ }
static int compute_transformation(void) { /* returns 0 on success, 1 on fail */ int n, count; double d, d1, d2, sum; double e1, e2, n1, n2; double xval, yval, gval; static int order_pnts[3] = { 3, 6, 10 }; char msg[40]; xmax = ymax = gmax = 0; xval = yval = gval = 0.0; CRS_Compute_equation(trans_order); if (group.equation_stat <= 0) { if (group.equation_stat == 0) { sprintf(msg, "Not Enough Points -- %d are required.", order_pnts[trans_order - 1]); Menu_msg(msg); G_sleep(2); } return 1; } /* compute the row,col error plus ground error * keep track of largest and second largest error */ sum = 0.0; rms = 0.0; count = 0; for (n = 0; n < group.points.count; n++) { if (group.points.status[n] <= 0) continue; count++; CRS_georef(group.points.e2[n], group.points.n2[n], &e1, &n1, group.E21, group.N21, trans_order); CRS_georef(group.points.e1[n], group.points.n1[n], &e2, &n2, group.E12, group.N12, trans_order); if ((d = xres[n] = e1 - group.points.e1[n]) < 0) d = -d; if (d > xval) { xmax = n; xval = d; } if ((d = yres[n] = n1 - group.points.n1[n]) < 0) d = -d; if (d > yval) { ymax = n; yval = d; } /* compute ground error (ie along diagonal) */ d1 = e2 - group.points.e2[n]; d2 = n2 - group.points.n2[n]; d = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2; sum += d; /* add it to rms sum, before taking sqrt */ d = sqrt(d); gnd[n] = d; if (d > gval) { /* is this one the max? */ gmax = n; gval = d; } } /* compute overall rms error */ if (count) rms = sqrt(sum / count); return 0; }
static int zoom2(int x, int y) { int top, bottom, left, right; int row, col; struct Cell_head cellhd; x2 = x; y2 = y; /* * user has completed the zoom window. * must be in same view as first corner */ if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) return 0; /* ignore event */ if (!In_view(pick_view, x2, y2)) return 0; /* * ok, erase menu messages */ Menu_msg(""); /* * assign window coordinates to top,bottom,left,right */ if (x1 < x2) { left = x1; right = x2; } else { left = x2; right = x1; } if (y1 < y2) { top = y1; bottom = y2; } else { top = y2; bottom = y1; } /* * Determine the the zoom window (ie, cellhd) * must copy the current view cellhd first, to preserve header info * (such as projection, zone, and other items.) * compute zoom window northings,eastings, rows, cols, and resolution */ G_copy(&cellhd, &pick_view->cell.head, sizeof(cellhd)); /* convert top to northing at top edge of cell * left to easting at left edge */ col = view_to_col(pick_view, left); row = view_to_row(pick_view, top); cellhd.north = row_to_northing(&pick_view->cell.head, row, 0.0); cellhd.west = col_to_easting(&pick_view->cell.head, col, 0.0); /* convert bottom to northing at bottom edge of cell * right to easting at right edge */ col = view_to_col(pick_view, right); row = view_to_row(pick_view, bottom); cellhd.south = row_to_northing(&pick_view->cell.head, row, 1.0); cellhd.east = col_to_easting(&pick_view->cell.head, col, 1.0); cellhd.rows = bottom - top + 1; cellhd.cols = right - left + 1; cellhd.ns_res = (cellhd.north - cellhd.south) / cellhd.rows; cellhd.ew_res = (cellhd.east - cellhd.west) / cellhd.cols; /* * Outline the zoom window on the main map * Turn previous one to grey. */ if (zoom_view->cell.configured) { R_standard_color(GREY); Outline_cellhd(main_view, &zoom_view->cell.head); } R_standard_color(RED); Outline_cellhd(main_view, &cellhd); /* * zoom */ if (target_flag) select_target_env(); G_adjust_window_to_box(&cellhd, &zoom_view->cell.head, zoom_view->nrows, zoom_view->ncols); Configure_view(zoom_view, pick_view->, pick_view->cell.mapset, pick_view->cell.ns_res, pick_view->cell.ew_res); drawcell(zoom_view); select_current_env(); display_ref_points(1); return 1; /* pop back */ }