예제 #1
void MercatorProjectionTest::screenCoordinatesOfCenter_data()
    QTest::addColumn<qreal>( "lon" );
    QTest::addColumn<qreal>( "lat" );

    addRow() << 0.0 << 0.0;

    addRow() << -180.0 << 0.0;
    addRow() <<  180.0 << 0.0;

    addRow() << -360.0 << 0.0;
    addRow() <<  360.0 << 0.0;

    addRow() << -540.0 << 0.0;
    addRow() <<  540.0 << 0.0;

    addRow() << 0.0 << MercatorProjection().minValidLat() * RAD2DEG;
    addRow() << 0.0 << MercatorProjection().maxValidLat() * RAD2DEG;

    addRow() << -180.0 << MercatorProjection().minValidLat() * RAD2DEG;
    addRow() << -180.0 << MercatorProjection().maxValidLat() * RAD2DEG;

    addRow() <<  180.0 << MercatorProjection().minValidLat() * RAD2DEG;
    addRow() <<  180.0 << MercatorProjection().maxValidLat() * RAD2DEG;

    // FIXME: the following tests should succeed
#if 0
    addRow() << -541.0 << 0.0;
    addRow() <<  541.0 << 0.0;

    addRow() << -1000000.0 << 0.0;
    addRow() <<  1000000.0 << 0.0;
예제 #2
#include "catch.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "glm/glm.hpp"
#include "mapProjection.h"

#include <stdio.h>

TEST_CASE( "Testing some functionality for mercator projection", "[MERCATOR][PROJECTION]" ) {
    MercatorProjection mercProjection = MercatorProjection();
    glm::dvec2 lonLat = glm::dvec2(0.0,0.0);
    glm::dvec2 worldCoord = glm::dvec2(0.0, 0.0);
    glm::ivec3 tileCoord = glm::ivec3(2, 2, 3);
    double epsilon = 0.000000000000000001;
    //check if all the test tileCoordinates are loaded
    /*REQUIRE(dataSource.JsonRootSize() == 3);
    //check if all the test tiles have data in the jsonRoots data structure
    REQUIRE(dataSource.CheckDataExists("14_19293_24641") == true);
    REQUIRE(dataSource.CheckDataExists("16_19293_24641") == true);
    REQUIRE(dataSource.CheckDataExists("0_0_0") == true);
    REQUIRE(dataSource.CheckDataExists("0_1_0") == false);*/
    glm::dvec2 testMeters = mercProjection.LonLatToMeters(lonLat);
    glm::dvec2 testLonLat = mercProjection.MetersToLonLat(worldCoord);
    REQUIRE( (testMeters.x - worldCoord.x) < epsilon);
    REQUIRE( (testMeters.y - worldCoord.y) < epsilon);
    REQUIRE( (testLonLat.x - lonLat.x) < epsilon);
    REQUIRE( (testLonLat.y - lonLat.y) < epsilon);