예제 #1
MiFreePoolPages(IN PVOID StartingVa)
    PMMPTE PointerPte, StartPte;
    PMMPFN Pfn1, StartPfn;
    PFN_NUMBER FreePages, NumberOfPages;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    PMMFREE_POOL_ENTRY FreeEntry, NextEntry, LastEntry;
    ULONG i, End;

    // Handle paged pool
    if ((StartingVa >= MmPagedPoolStart) && (StartingVa <= MmPagedPoolEnd))
        // Calculate the offset from the beginning of paged pool, and convert it
        // into pages
        i = ((ULONG_PTR)StartingVa - (ULONG_PTR)MmPagedPoolStart) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
        End = i;

        // Now use the end bitmap to scan until we find a set bit, meaning that
        // this allocation finishes here
        while (!RtlTestBit(MmPagedPoolInfo.EndOfPagedPoolBitmap, End)) End++;

        // Now calculate the total number of pages this allocation spans
        NumberOfPages = End - i + 1;

        /* Delete the actual pages */
        PointerPte = MmPagedPoolInfo.FirstPteForPagedPool + i;
        FreePages = MiDeleteSystemPageableVm(PointerPte, NumberOfPages, 0, NULL);
        ASSERT(FreePages == NumberOfPages);

        // Acquire the paged pool lock

        // Clear the allocation and free bits
        RtlClearBit(MmPagedPoolInfo.EndOfPagedPoolBitmap, End);
        RtlClearBits(MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolAllocationMap, i, NumberOfPages);

        // Update the hint if we need to
        if (i < MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolHint) MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolHint = i;

        // Release the lock protecting the bitmaps

        // And finally return the number of pages freed
        return NumberOfPages;
예제 #2
MiFreePoolPages(IN PVOID StartingVa)
    PMMPTE PointerPte, StartPte;
    PMMPFN Pfn1, StartPfn;
    PFN_COUNT FreePages, NumberOfPages;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    PMMFREE_POOL_ENTRY FreeEntry, NextEntry, LastEntry;
    ULONG i, End;
    ULONG_PTR Offset;

    // Handle paged pool
    if ((StartingVa >= MmPagedPoolStart) && (StartingVa <= MmPagedPoolEnd))
        // Calculate the offset from the beginning of paged pool, and convert it
        // into pages
        Offset = (ULONG_PTR)StartingVa - (ULONG_PTR)MmPagedPoolStart;
        i = (ULONG)(Offset >> PAGE_SHIFT);
        End = i;

        // Now use the end bitmap to scan until we find a set bit, meaning that
        // this allocation finishes here
        while (!RtlTestBit(MmPagedPoolInfo.EndOfPagedPoolBitmap, End)) End++;

        // Now calculate the total number of pages this allocation spans. If it's
        // only one page, add it to the S-LIST instead of freeing it
        NumberOfPages = End - i + 1;
        if ((NumberOfPages == 1) &&
                (ExQueryDepthSList(&MiPagedPoolSListHead) < MiPagedPoolSListMaximum))
            InterlockedPushEntrySList(&MiPagedPoolSListHead, StartingVa);
            return 1;

        /* Delete the actual pages */
        PointerPte = MmPagedPoolInfo.FirstPteForPagedPool + i;
        FreePages = MiDeleteSystemPageableVm(PointerPte, NumberOfPages, 0, NULL);
        ASSERT(FreePages == NumberOfPages);

        // Acquire the paged pool lock

        // Clear the allocation and free bits
        RtlClearBit(MmPagedPoolInfo.EndOfPagedPoolBitmap, End);
        RtlClearBits(MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolAllocationMap, i, NumberOfPages);

        // Update the hint if we need to
        if (i < MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolHint) MmPagedPoolInfo.PagedPoolHint = i;

        // Release the lock protecting the bitmaps

        // And finally return the number of pages freed
        return NumberOfPages;
예제 #3
MmFreeSpecialPool(PVOID P)
    PMMPTE PointerPte;
    PPOOL_HEADER Header;
    BOOLEAN Overruns = FALSE;
    KIRQL Irql = KeGetCurrentIrql();
    POOL_TYPE PoolType;
    ULONG BytesRequested, BytesReal = 0;
    ULONG PtrOffset;
    PUCHAR b;
    LARGE_INTEGER TickCount;
    PMMPFN Pfn;

    DPRINT1("MmFreeSpecialPool(%p)\n", P);

    /* Get the PTE */
    PointerPte = MiAddressToPte(P);

    /* Check if it's valid */
    if (PointerPte->u.Hard.Valid == 0)
        /* Bugcheck if it has NOACCESS or 0 set as protection */
        if (PointerPte->u.Soft.Protection == MM_NOACCESS ||
            KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, (ULONG_PTR)P, (ULONG_PTR)PointerPte, 0, 0x20);

    /* Determine if it's a underruns or overruns pool pointer */
    PtrOffset = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)P & (PAGE_SIZE - 1));
    if (PtrOffset)
        /* Pool catches overruns */
        Header = PAGE_ALIGN(P);
        Overruns = TRUE;
        /* Pool catches underruns */

    /* Check if it's non paged pool */
    if ((Header->Ulong1 & SPECIAL_POOL_PAGED) == 0)
        /* Non-paged allocation, ensure that IRQ is not higher that DISPATCH */
        ASSERT((PointerPte + 1)->u.Soft.PageFileHigh == SPECIAL_POOL_NONPAGED_PTE);
        if (Irql > DISPATCH_LEVEL)
            KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, Irql, (ULONG_PTR)P, 0, 0x31);

        PoolType = NonPagedPool;
        /* Paged allocation, ensure */
        ASSERT((PointerPte + 1)->u.Soft.PageFileHigh == SPECIAL_POOL_PAGED_PTE);
        if (Irql > DISPATCH_LEVEL)
            KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, Irql, (ULONG_PTR)P, 1, 0x31);

        PoolType = PagedPool;

    /* Get amount of bytes user requested to be allocated by clearing out the paged mask */
    BytesRequested = (Header->Ulong1 & ~SPECIAL_POOL_PAGED) & 0xFFFF;

    /* Check memory before the allocated user buffer in case of overruns detection */
    if (Overruns)
        /* Calculate the real placement of the buffer */
        BytesReal = PAGE_SIZE - PtrOffset;

        /* If they mismatch, it's unrecoverable */
        if (BytesRequested > BytesReal)
            KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, (ULONG_PTR)P, BytesRequested, BytesReal, 0x21);

        if (BytesRequested + sizeof(POOL_HEADER) < BytesReal)
            KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, (ULONG_PTR)P, BytesRequested, BytesReal, 0x22);

        /* Actually check the memory pattern */
        for (b = (PUCHAR)(Header + 1); b < (PUCHAR)P; b++)
            if (Header->BlockSize != b[0])
                /* Bytes mismatch */
                KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_HEADER, (ULONG_PTR)P, (ULONG_PTR)b, Header->BlockSize, 0x23);

    /* Check the memory pattern after the user buffer */
    MiSpecialPoolCheckPattern(P, Header);

    /* Fill the freed header */
    FreedHeader->Signature = 0x98764321;
    FreedHeader->TickCount = TickCount.LowPart;
    FreedHeader->NumberOfBytesRequested = BytesRequested;
    FreedHeader->Pagable = PoolType;
    FreedHeader->VirtualAddress = P;
    FreedHeader->Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
    /* TODO: Fill StackPointer and StackBytes */
    FreedHeader->StackPointer = NULL;
    FreedHeader->StackBytes = 0;

    if (PoolType == NonPagedPool)
        /* Non pagable. Get PFN element corresponding to the PTE */
        Pfn = MI_PFN_ELEMENT(PointerPte->u.Hard.PageFrameNumber);

        /* Lock PFN database */
        ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL);
        Irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueuePfnLock);

        /* Delete this PFN */

        /* Decrement share count of this PFN */
        MiDecrementShareCount(Pfn, PointerPte->u.Hard.PageFrameNumber);

        /* Flush the TLB */
        //FIXME: Use KeFlushSingleTb() instead
        KeFlushEntireTb(TRUE, TRUE);
        /* Pagable. Delete that virtual address */
        MiDeleteSystemPageableVm(PointerPte, 1, 0, NULL);

        /* Lock PFN database */
        ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL);
        Irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueuePfnLock);

    /* Mark next PTE as invalid */
    PointerPte[1].u.Long = 0; //|= 8000;

    /* Make sure that the last entry is really the last one */
    ASSERT(MiSpecialPoolLastPte->u.List.NextEntry == MM_EMPTY_PTE_LIST);

    /* Update the current last PTE next pointer */
    MiSpecialPoolLastPte->u.List.NextEntry = PointerPte - MmSystemPteBase;

    /* PointerPte becomes the new last PTE */
    PointerPte->u.List.NextEntry = MM_EMPTY_PTE_LIST;
    MiSpecialPoolLastPte = PointerPte;

    /* Release the PFN database lock */
    KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueuePfnLock, Irql);