/****f* LCD.SDK/Initialize(LPCTSTR.friendlyName,AppletSupportType.supportType,BOOL.isAutoStartable,BOOL.isPersistent,lgLcdConfigureContext*configContext,lgLcdSoftbuttonsChangedContext*softbuttonChangedContext)
*  HRESULT Initialize(LPCTSTR friendlyName,
*  AppletSupportType supportType,
*  BOOL isAutoStartable = FALSE,
*  BOOL isPersistent = FALSE,
*  lgLcdConfigureContext* configContext = NULL,
*  lgLcdNotificationContext* notificationContext = NULL,
*  lgLcdSoftbuttonsChangedContext* softbuttonChangedContext = NULL)
*  Does necessary initialization. This method SHOULD ONLY be called if
*  the empty constructor is used: CEzLcd().
*  friendlyName     - friendly name of the applet/game. This name will be
*                     displayed in the Logitech G-series LCD Manager.
*  supportType      - What type of displays the applet supports. Options
*                     are:
*                       - LG_MONOCHROME_MODE_ONLY
*                       - LG_COLOR_MODE_ONLY
*                       - LG_DUAL_MODE
*  IsAutoStartable  - Determines if the applet is to be started
*                     automatically every time by the LCD manager software
*                     (Part of G15 software package).
*  IsPersistent     - Determines if the applet's friendlyName will remain
*                     in the list of applets seen by the LCD manager
*                     software after the applet terminates.
*  configContext    - Pointer to the lgLcdConfigContext structure used
*                     during callback into the applet.
*  softbuttonChangedContext - softbutton callback (if the user does
*                             not want to use LCD SDK's native handler).
*  S_OK if it can connect to the LCD Manager.
*  E_FAIL otherwise.
HRESULT CEzLcd::Initialize(LPCTSTR friendlyName,
        AppletSupportType supportType,
        BOOL isAutoStartable,
        BOOL isPersistent,
        lgLcdConfigureContext* configContext,
        lgLcdSoftbuttonsChangedContext* softbuttonChangedContext)
    if ( (m_pageCountMono != 0) || (m_pageCountColor != 0) )
        // Maybe the user is calling the old constructor and calling InitYourself as well.
        // Alert him of the problem. If the old constructor is called, then InitYourself should
        // not be called. InitYourself should be called, when the empty parameter constructor is
        // called, CEzLcd()
        return E_FAIL;

    LCDUI_tcscpy(m_friendlyName, friendlyName);

    m_initNeeded = TRUE;
    m_initSucceeded = FALSE;
    m_currentDeviceFamily = LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_OTHER;
    m_preferredDeviceFamily = LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_OTHER;

    m_configContext = configContext;		// Keep the context structure pointer
    m_isPersistent = isPersistent;
    m_isAutoStartable = isAutoStartable;

    // No active page to start with
    m_activePageMono = m_activePageColor = NULL;
    m_currentPageNumberShownMono = m_currentPageNumberShownColor = 0;

    // Will now connect to the real library and see it the lgLcdInit() succeeds
    lgLcdConnectContextEx   lgdConnectContextEx_;
    lgLcdConfigureContext   lgdConfigureContext_;

    if (m_configContext != NULL)
        lgdConfigureContext_.configCallback = m_configContext->configCallback;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configContext = m_configContext->configContext;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configCallback = NULL;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configContext = NULL;

    lgdConnectContextEx_.appFriendlyName = m_friendlyName;
    lgdConnectContextEx_.isPersistent = m_isPersistent;
    lgdConnectContextEx_.isAutostartable = m_isAutoStartable;
    lgdConnectContextEx_.onConfigure = lgdConfigureContext_;

        lgdConnectContextEx_.dwAppletCapabilitiesSupported = LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_BW;
        lgdConnectContextEx_.dwAppletCapabilitiesSupported = LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_QVGA;
    case LG_DUAL_MODE:
        lgdConnectContextEx_.dwAppletCapabilitiesSupported = LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_BW|LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_QVGA;

    m_SupportType = supportType;

    lgdConnectContextEx_.dwReserved1 = NULL;
    lgdConnectContextEx_.onNotify.notificationCallback = NULL;
    lgdConnectContextEx_.onNotify.notifyContext = NULL;

    if( NULL == softbuttonChangedContext )
        m_SBContext.softbuttonsChangedCallback = OnButtonCB;
        m_SBContext.softbuttonsChangedContext = this;
        m_SBContext.softbuttonsChangedCallback = softbuttonChangedContext->softbuttonsChangedCallback;
        m_SBContext.softbuttonsChangedContext = softbuttonChangedContext->softbuttonsChangedContext;

    if (FALSE == m_connection.Initialize(lgdConnectContextEx_, &m_SBContext))
        // This means the LCD SDK's lgLcdInit failed, and therefore
        // we will not be able to ever connect to the LCD, even if
        // a G-series keyboard is actually connected.
        LCDUITRACE(_T("ERROR: LCD SDK initialization failed\n"));
        m_initSucceeded = FALSE;
        return E_FAIL;
        m_initSucceeded = TRUE;

    // Add the first page(s) for backwards compatibility
    if( m_SupportType == LG_COLOR_MODE_ONLY || m_SupportType == LG_DUAL_MODE )

    if( m_SupportType == LG_MONOCHROME_MODE_ONLY || m_SupportType == LG_DUAL_MODE )

    m_initNeeded = FALSE;

    // Default mode is Monochrome

    return S_OK;
예제 #2
/****f* EZ.LCD.Wrapper/CEzLcd::InitYourself
 *  HRESULT CEzLcd::InitYourself(pFriendlyName, BOOL IsAutoStartable, 
 *      BOOL IsPersistent, lgLcdOnConfigureCB callbackFunction ,width , 
 *      height)
 *  Does necessary initialization. This method SHOULD ONLY be called if
 *  the empty constructor is used: CEzLcd::CEzLcd()
 *  pFriendlyName   - friendly name of the applet/game. This name will be 
 *                    displayed in the Logitech G-series LCD Manager.
 *  IsAutoStartable - Determines if the applet is to be started 
 *                    automatically every time by the LCD manager software 
 *                    (Part of G15 software package)
 *  IsPersistent    - Determines if the applet's friendlyName will remain 
 *                    in the list of applets seen by the LCD manager 
 *                    software after the applet terminates
 *  pConfigContext  - Pointer to the lgLcdConfigContext structure used 
 *                    during callback into the applet
 *  width           - width in pixels of the LCD.
 *  height          - height in pixels of the LCD.
 *  The method returns the S_OK if it can connect to the LCD Manager 
 *  library, or returns E_FAIL if it can not.
HRESULT CEzLcd::InitYourself(LPCTSTR pFriendlyName, BOOL bIsAutoStartable, BOOL bIsPersistent, 
                             lgLcdConfigureContext * pConfigContext, INT iWidth, INT iHeight)
    if (m_iPageCount != 0)
        // Maybe the user is calling the old constructor and calling InitYourself as well.
        // Alert him of the problem. If the old constructor is called, then InitYourself should
        // not be called. InitYourself should be called, when the empty parameter constructor is
        // called, CEzLcd::CEzLcd()
        return E_FAIL; 

    m_iLcdWidth = iWidth;
    m_iLcdHeight = iHeight;
    _tcscpy(m_chFriendlyName, pFriendlyName);

    m_bInitNeeded = TRUE;
    m_bInitSucceeded = FALSE;

    for (INT ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_SOFT_BUTTONS; ii++)
        m_bButtonIsPressed[ii] = FALSE;
        m_bButtonWasPressed[ii] = FALSE;

    m_pConfigContext = pConfigContext;		// Keep the context structure pointer
	m_bIsPersistent = bIsPersistent;
	m_bIsAutoStartable = bIsAutoStartable;	

	// No active page to start with
	m_pActivePage = NULL;

	// Add the first page for backwards compatibility

    // Will now connect to the real library and see it the lgLcdInit() succeeds
    lgLcdConnectContext     lgdConnectContext_;
    lgLcdConfigureContext   lgdConfigureContext_;

	if (m_pConfigContext != NULL)
        lgdConfigureContext_.configCallback = m_pConfigContext->configCallback;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configContext = m_pConfigContext->configContext;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configCallback = NULL;
        lgdConfigureContext_.configContext = NULL;

    lgdConnectContext_.appFriendlyName = m_chFriendlyName;
    lgdConnectContext_.isPersistent = m_bIsPersistent;
    lgdConnectContext_.isAutostartable = m_bIsAutoStartable;
    lgdConnectContext_.onConfigure = lgdConfigureContext_;

    if (FAILED(m_output.Initialize(&lgdConnectContext_, FALSE)))
        // This means the LCD SDK's lgLcdInit failed, and therefore
        // we will not be able to ever connect to the LCD, even if
        // a G-series keyboard is actually connected.
        m_bInitSucceeded = FALSE;
        return E_FAIL;

	return S_OK;