예제 #1
LONG RenameKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpNewName)
    LPCTSTR s;
    LPTSTR lpNewSubKey = NULL;
    LONG Ret = 0;

    if (!lpSubKey)
        return Ret;

    s = _tcsrchr(lpSubKey, _T('\\'));
    if (s)
        lpNewSubKey = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (s - lpSubKey + _tcslen(lpNewName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
        if (lpNewSubKey != NULL)
            memcpy(lpNewSubKey, lpSubKey, (s - lpSubKey) * sizeof(TCHAR));
            lstrcpy(lpNewSubKey + (s - lpSubKey), lpNewName);
            lpNewName = lpNewSubKey;
            return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    Ret = MoveKey(hKey, lpNewName, hKey, lpSubKey);

    if (lpNewSubKey)
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpNewSubKey);
    return Ret;
예제 #2
void CLAItem::Resize(int new_len)
	if (new_len!=iFrameCount){
    	if (new_len>iFrameCount){
        	int old_len=iFrameCount;
			iFrameCount = new_len;
			KeyPairIt I = Keys.upper_bound(new_len-1);
            if (I!=Keys.end()) Keys.erase(I, Keys.end());
            iFrameCount = new_len;
예제 #3
// Move a key, it's subkeys and all values
bool RegKey::MoveKey(LPCTSTR pszSourceKey, LPCTSTR pszDestKey, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */)
	if (pszSourceKey == NULL || pszDestKey == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	HKEY hSource = NULL;
	HKEY hDest = NULL;

	// Open the source key
	LONG lRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszSourceKey, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSource);

	if (lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	// Open/Create the destination key
	DWORD dwDisp; // Disposition

	lRetValue = RegCreateKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszDestKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hDest, &dwDisp);
	if (lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	// We have opened and created all appropriate keys
	// Enumerate all values in hSource, and recreate in hDest
	TCHAR szValueName[_MAX_PATH];
	DWORD dwValueBuffer = _MAX_PATH;
	DWORD dwIndex = 0;
	DWORD dwValueType;
	DWORD dwValueLength = 0;
	bool bContinue = true;

	// Deal with the values first
	while (bContinue)
		dwValueBuffer = _MAX_PATH;
		dwValueLength = 1;

		if (RegEnumValue(hSource, dwIndex, szValueName, &dwValueBuffer, NULL, &dwValueType, NULL, &dwValueLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			LPBYTE pValue = (LPBYTE) new TCHAR[dwValueLength + 1]; // Allocate memory for the data

			if (pValue)
				DWORD dwRealDataLen = dwValueLength + 1;

				if (RegQueryValueEx(hSource, szValueName, NULL, NULL, pValue, &dwRealDataLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
					if (RegSetValueEx(hDest, szValueName, NULL, dwValueType, pValue, dwValueLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
						delete[] pValue;
						pValue = NULL;

						iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
						return false;
					delete[] pValue;
					pValue = NULL;

					iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
					return false;

				delete[] pValue;
				pValue = NULL;

			bContinue = false;

	// Enumerate all subkeys in hSource, and recreate in hDest
	bContinue = true;
	dwIndex = 0;

	while (bContinue)
		if (RegEnumKey(hSource, dwIndex, szValueName, _MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			TCHAR szSourceKey[_MAX_PATH] = { '\0' };
			TCHAR szDestKey[_MAX_PATH] = { '\0' };

			_tcscpy_s(szSourceKey, _MAX_PATH, pszSourceKey);
			_tcscpy_s(szDestKey, _MAX_PATH, pszDestKey);

			_tcscat_s(szSourceKey, _MAX_PATH, _T("\\"));
			_tcscat_s(szSourceKey, _MAX_PATH, szValueName);

			_tcscat_s(szDestKey, _MAX_PATH, _T("\\"));
			_tcscat_s(szDestKey, _MAX_PATH, szValueName);

			if (!MoveKey(szSourceKey, szDestKey, hBaseKey))
			bContinue = false;

	// Now delete the original key and it's values and subkeys
	QuickDeleteKey(pszSourceKey, hBaseKey);

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;