예제 #1
파일: Mtftp4Wrq.c 프로젝트: kraxel/edk2
  Function to handle received ACK packet. 
  If the ACK number matches the expected block number, and there are more 
  data pending, send the next block. Otherwise tell the caller that we are done.

  @param  Instance              The MTFTP upload session
  @param  Packet                The MTFTP packet received
  @param  Len                   The packet length
  @param  Completed             Return whether the upload has finished.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The ACK is successfully processed.
  @retval EFI_TFTP_ERROR        The block number loops back.
  @retval Others                Failed to transmit the next data packet.

Mtftp4WrqHandleAck (
  IN     MTFTP4_PROTOCOL       *Instance,
  IN     EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET     *Packet,
  IN     UINT32                Len,
     OUT BOOLEAN               *Completed
  UINT16                    AckNum;
  INTN                      Expected;
  UINT64                    TotalBlock;
  *Completed  = FALSE;
  AckNum      = NTOHS (Packet->Ack.Block[0]);
  Expected    = Mtftp4GetNextBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks);

  ASSERT (Expected >= 0);

  // Get an unwanted ACK, return EFI_SUCCESS to let Mtftp4WrqInput
  // restart receive.
  if (Expected != AckNum) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;

  // Remove the acked block number, if this is the last block number,
  // tell the Mtftp4WrqInput to finish the transfer. This is the last
  // block number if the block range are empty..
  Mtftp4RemoveBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, AckNum, *Completed,&TotalBlock);

  Expected = Mtftp4GetNextBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks);

  if (Expected < 0) {
    // The block range is empty. It may either because the the last
    // block has been ACKed, or the sequence number just looped back,
    // that is, there is more than 0xffff blocks.
    if (Instance->LastBlock == AckNum) {
      ASSERT (Instance->LastBlock >= 1);
      *Completed = TRUE;
      return EFI_SUCCESS;

    } else {
      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "Block number rolls back, not supported, try blksize option"

      return EFI_TFTP_ERROR;

  return Mtftp4WrqSendBlock (Instance, (UINT16) Expected);
예제 #2
파일: Mtftp4Wrq.c 프로젝트: kraxel/edk2
  The input process routine for MTFTP upload.

  @param  UdpPacket             The received MTFTP packet.
  @param  EndPoint              The local/remote access point
  @param  IoStatus              The result of the packet receiving
  @param  Context               Opaque parameter for the callback, which is the
                                MTFTP session.
Mtftp4WrqInput (
  IN NET_BUF                *UdpPacket,
  IN UDP_END_POINT          *EndPoint,
  IN EFI_STATUS             IoStatus,
  IN VOID                   *Context
  MTFTP4_PROTOCOL           *Instance;
  EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET         *Packet;
  BOOLEAN                   Completed;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT32                    Len;
  UINT16                    Opcode;

  Instance = (MTFTP4_PROTOCOL *) Context;

  Completed = FALSE;
  Packet    = NULL;
  Status    = EFI_SUCCESS;

  if (EFI_ERROR (IoStatus)) {
    Status = IoStatus;
    goto ON_EXIT;

  ASSERT (UdpPacket != NULL);

  if (UdpPacket->TotalSize < MTFTP4_OPCODE_LEN) {
    goto ON_EXIT;

  // Client send initial request to server's listening port. Server
  // will select a UDP port to communicate with the client.
  if (EndPoint->RemotePort != Instance->ConnectedPort) {
    if (Instance->ConnectedPort != 0) {
      goto ON_EXIT;
    } else {
      Instance->ConnectedPort = EndPoint->RemotePort;

  // Copy the MTFTP packet to a continuous buffer if it isn't already so.
  Len = UdpPacket->TotalSize;

  if (UdpPacket->BlockOpNum > 1) {
    Packet = AllocatePool (Len);

    if (Packet == NULL) {
      Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
      goto ON_EXIT;

    NetbufCopy (UdpPacket, 0, Len, (UINT8 *) Packet);

  } else {
    Packet = (EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET *) NetbufGetByte (UdpPacket, 0, NULL);
    ASSERT (Packet != NULL);

  Opcode = NTOHS (Packet->OpCode);

  // Call the user's CheckPacket if provided. Abort the transmission
  // if CheckPacket returns an EFI_ERROR code.
  if ((Instance->Token->CheckPacket != NULL) &&
      ((Opcode == EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_OACK) || (Opcode == EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_ERROR))) {

    Status = Instance->Token->CheckPacket (
                                (UINT16) Len,

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      // Send an error message to the server to inform it
      if (Opcode != EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_ERROR) {
        Mtftp4SendError (
          (UINT8 *) "User aborted the transfer"

      Status = EFI_ABORTED;
      goto ON_EXIT;

  switch (Opcode) {
      goto ON_EXIT;

    Status = Mtftp4WrqHandleAck (Instance, Packet, Len, &Completed);

    if (Len <= MTFTP4_OPCODE_LEN) {
      goto ON_EXIT;

    Status = Mtftp4WrqHandleOack (Instance, Packet, Len, &Completed);

    Status = EFI_TFTP_ERROR;

  // Free the resources, then if !EFI_ERROR (Status) and not completed,
  // restart the receive, otherwise end the session.
  if ((Packet != NULL) && (UdpPacket->BlockOpNum > 1)) {
    FreePool (Packet);

  if (UdpPacket != NULL) {
    NetbufFree (UdpPacket);

  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && !Completed) {
    Status = UdpIoRecvDatagram (Instance->UnicastPort, Mtftp4WrqInput, Instance, 0);

  // Status may have been updated by UdpIoRecvDatagram
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || Completed) {
    Mtftp4CleanOperation (Instance, Status);
예제 #3
파일: Mtftp4Wrq.c 프로젝트: kraxel/edk2
  Build then send a MTFTP data packet for the MTFTP upload session.

  @param  Instance              The MTFTP upload session.
  @param  BlockNum              The block number to send.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to build the packet.
  @retval EFI_ABORTED           The consumer of this child directs to abort the
                                transmission by return an error through PacketNeeded.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data is sent.

Mtftp4WrqSendBlock (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL        *Instance,
  IN     UINT16                 BlockNum
  EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET         *Packet;
  EFI_MTFTP4_TOKEN          *Token;
  NET_BUF                   *UdpPacket;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT16                    DataLen;
  UINT8                     *DataBuf;
  UINT64                    Start;

  // Allocate a buffer to hold the user data
  UdpPacket = NetbufAlloc (Instance->BlkSize + MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN);

  if (UdpPacket == NULL) {

  Packet = (EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET *) NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN, FALSE);
  ASSERT (Packet != NULL);

  Packet->Data.OpCode = HTONS (EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_DATA);
  Packet->Data.Block  = HTONS (BlockNum);

  // Read the block from either the buffer or PacketNeeded callback
  Token   = Instance->Token;
  DataLen = Instance->BlkSize;

  if (Token->Buffer != NULL) {
    Start = MultU64x32 (BlockNum - 1, Instance->BlkSize);

    if (Token->BufferSize < Start + Instance->BlkSize) {
      DataLen             = (UINT16) (Token->BufferSize - Start);
      Instance->LastBlock = BlockNum;
      Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, BlockNum);

    if (DataLen > 0) {
      NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, DataLen, FALSE);
      CopyMem (Packet->Data.Data, (UINT8 *) Token->Buffer + Start, DataLen);

  } else {
    // Get data from PacketNeeded
    DataBuf = NULL;
    Status  = Token->PacketNeeded (
                       (VOID **) &DataBuf

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (DataLen > Instance->BlkSize)) {
      if (DataBuf != NULL) {
        FreePool (DataBuf);

      if (UdpPacket != NULL) {
        NetbufFree (UdpPacket);

      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User aborted the transfer"

      return EFI_ABORTED;

    if (DataLen < Instance->BlkSize) {
      Instance->LastBlock = BlockNum;
      Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, BlockNum);

    if (DataLen > 0) {
      NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, DataLen, FALSE);
      CopyMem (Packet->Data.Data, DataBuf, DataLen);
      FreePool (DataBuf);

  return Mtftp4SendPacket (Instance, UdpPacket);
예제 #4
파일: Mtftp4Wrq.c 프로젝트: kraxel/edk2
  Function to handle the MTFTP OACK packet. 
  It parses the packet's options, and update the internal states of the session.

  @param  Instance              The MTFTP session
  @param  Packet                The received OACK packet
  @param  Len                   The length of the packet
  @param  Completed             Whether the transmisson has completed. NOT used by
                                this function.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The OACK process is OK
  @retval EFI_TFTP_ERROR        Some error occured, and the session reset.

Mtftp4WrqHandleOack (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL       *Instance,
  IN     EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET     *Packet,
  IN     UINT32                Len,
     OUT BOOLEAN               *Completed
  MTFTP4_OPTION             Reply;
  EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET         Bogus;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  INTN                      Expected;

  *Completed = FALSE;

  // Ignore the OACK if already started the upload
  Expected = Mtftp4GetNextBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks);

  if (Expected != 0) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;

  // Parse and validate the options from server
  ZeroMem (&Reply, sizeof (MTFTP4_OPTION));
  Status = Mtftp4ParseOptionOack (Packet, Len, &Reply);

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || !Mtftp4WrqOackValid (&Reply, &Instance->RequestOption)) {
    // Don't send a MTFTP error packet when out of resource, it can
    // only make it worse.
    if (Status != EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) {
      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "Mal-formated OACK packet"

    return EFI_TFTP_ERROR;

  if (Reply.BlkSize != 0) {
    Instance->BlkSize = Reply.BlkSize;

  if (Reply.Timeout != 0) {
    Instance->Timeout = Reply.Timeout;

  // Build a bogus ACK0 packet then pass it to the Mtftp4WrqHandleAck,
  // which will start the transmission of the first data block.
  Bogus.Ack.OpCode    = HTONS (EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_ACK);
  Bogus.Ack.Block[0]  = 0;

  Status = Mtftp4WrqHandleAck (
             sizeof (EFI_MTFTP4_ACK_HEADER),

  return Status;
예제 #5
  Function to process the OACK. 
  It will first validate the OACK packet, then update the various negotiated parameters.

  @param  Instance              The download MTFTP session
  @param  Packet                The packet received
  @param  Len                   The packet length
  @param  Multicast             Whether this packet is received as a multicast
  @param  Completed             Returns whether the download has completed. NOT
                                used  by this function.

  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Failed to create/start a multicast UDP child
  @retval EFI_TFTP_ERROR        Some error happened during the process
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The OACK is successfully processed.

Mtftp4RrqHandleOack (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL       *Instance,
  IN     EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET     *Packet,
  IN     UINT32                Len,
  IN     BOOLEAN               Multicast,
     OUT BOOLEAN               *Completed
  MTFTP4_OPTION             Reply;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  INTN                      Expected;
  EFI_UDP4_PROTOCOL         *Udp4;

  *Completed = FALSE;

  // If already started the master download, don't change the
  // setting. Master download always succeeds.
  Expected = Mtftp4GetNextBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks);
  ASSERT (Expected != -1);

  if (Instance->Master && (Expected != 1)) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;

  // Parse and validate the options from server
  ZeroMem (&Reply, sizeof (MTFTP4_OPTION));

  Status = Mtftp4ParseOptionOack (Packet, Len, &Reply);

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status) ||
      !Mtftp4RrqOackValid (Instance, &Reply, &Instance->RequestOption)) {
    // Don't send an ERROR packet if the error is EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES.
    if (Status != EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) {
      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "Mal-formated OACK packet"

    return EFI_TFTP_ERROR;

  if ((Reply.Exist & MTFTP4_MCAST_EXIST) != 0) {

    // Save the multicast info. Always update the Master, only update the
    // multicast IP address, block size, timeoute at the first time. If IP
    // address is updated, create a UDP child to receive the multicast.
    Instance->Master = Reply.Master;

    if (Instance->McastIp == 0) {
      if ((Reply.McastIp == 0) || (Reply.McastPort == 0)) {
        Mtftp4SendError (
          (UINT8 *) "Illegal multicast setting"

        return EFI_TFTP_ERROR;

      // Create a UDP child then start receive the multicast from it.
      Instance->McastIp      = Reply.McastIp;
      Instance->McastPort    = Reply.McastPort;
      if (Instance->McastUdpPort == NULL) {
        Instance->McastUdpPort = UdpIoCreateIo (
        if (Instance->McastUdpPort != NULL) {
          Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
                          (VOID **) &Udp4,
          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            UdpIoFreeIo (Instance->McastUdpPort);
            Instance->McastUdpPort = NULL;
            return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

      if (Instance->McastUdpPort == NULL) {
        return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

      Status = UdpIoRecvDatagram (Instance->McastUdpPort, Mtftp4RrqInput, Instance, 0);

      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Mtftp4SendError (
          (UINT8 *) "Failed to create socket to receive multicast packet"

        return Status;
      // Update the parameters used.
      if (Reply.BlkSize != 0) {
        Instance->BlkSize = Reply.BlkSize;
      if (Reply.Timeout != 0) {
        Instance->Timeout = Reply.Timeout;
  } else {
    Instance->Master = TRUE;
    if (Reply.BlkSize != 0) {
      Instance->BlkSize = Reply.BlkSize;

    if (Reply.Timeout != 0) {
      Instance->Timeout = Reply.Timeout;
  // Send an ACK to (Expected - 1) which is 0 for unicast download,
  // or tell the server we want to receive the Expected block.
  return Mtftp4RrqSendAck (Instance, (UINT16) (Expected - 1));
예제 #6
  Deliver the received data block to the user, which can be saved
  in the user provide buffer or through the CheckPacket callback.

  @param  Instance              The Mtftp session
  @param  Packet                The received data packet
  @param  Len                   The packet length

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data is saved successfully
  @retval EFI_ABORTED           The user tells to abort by return an error  through
  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The user's buffer is too small and buffer length is
                                 updated to the actual buffer size needed.

Mtftp4RrqSaveBlock (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL        *Instance,
  IN     EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET      *Packet,
  IN     UINT32                 Len
  EFI_MTFTP4_TOKEN          *Token;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT16                    Block;
  UINT64                    Start;
  UINT32                    DataLen;
  UINT64                    TotalBlock;
  BOOLEAN                   Completed;

  Completed = FALSE;
  Token     = Instance->Token;
  Block     = NTOHS (Packet->Data.Block);
  DataLen   = Len - MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN;

  // This is the last block, save the block no
  if (DataLen < Instance->BlkSize) {
	Completed = TRUE;
    Instance->LastBlock = Block;
    Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, Block);

  // Remove this block number from the file hole. If Mtftp4RemoveBlockNum
  // returns EFI_NOT_FOUND, the block has been saved, don't save it again.
  // Note that : For bigger files, allowing the block counter to roll over
  // to accept transfers of unlimited size. So TotalBlock is memorised as 
  // continuous block counter.
  Status = Mtftp4RemoveBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, Block, Completed, &TotalBlock);

  if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
  } else if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  if (Token->CheckPacket != NULL) {
    Status = Token->CheckPacket (&Instance->Mtftp4, Token, (UINT16) Len, Packet);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User aborted download"

      return EFI_ABORTED;

  if (Token->Buffer != NULL) {
     Start = MultU64x32 (TotalBlock - 1, Instance->BlkSize);

    if (Start + DataLen <= Token->BufferSize) {
      CopyMem ((UINT8 *) Token->Buffer + Start, Packet->Data.Data, DataLen);

      // Update the file size when received the last block
      if ((Instance->LastBlock == Block) && Completed) {
        Token->BufferSize = Start + DataLen;

    } else if (Instance->LastBlock != 0) {
      // Don't save the data if the buffer is too small, return
      // EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if received the last packet. This
      // will give a accurate file length.
      Token->BufferSize = Start + DataLen;

      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User provided memory block is too small"

      return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;