FString UGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet::RemoveStringFromTextMacro(const FString& TextMacro, const FString& IdentForLogging, bool& Error)
	FString Text;
	Error = true;

	// need to strip text literal out of TextMacro ( format should be TEXT("stringvalue") ) 
	if (!TextMacro.StartsWith(FMacroDescriptor::TextMacroString))
		Error = false;
		//UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Missing TEXT macro in %s"), *IdentForLogging);
		return TextMacro.TrimQuotes();
		int32 OpenQuoteIdx = TextMacro.Find(TEXT("\""), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
		if (0 > OpenQuoteIdx || TextMacro.Len() - 1 == OpenQuoteIdx)
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Missing quotes in %s"), *MungeLogOutput(IdentForLogging));
			int32 CloseQuoteIdx = TextMacro.Find(TEXT("\""), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart, OpenQuoteIdx+1);
			if (0 > CloseQuoteIdx)
				UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Missing quotes in %s"), *MungeLogOutput(IdentForLogging));
				Text = TextMacro.Mid(OpenQuoteIdx + 1, CloseQuoteIdx - OpenQuoteIdx - 1);
				Error = false;
	return Text;
예제 #2
void UGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet::FStringMacroDescriptor::TryParse(const FString& Text, FSourceFileParseContext& Context) const
    // Attempt to parse something of the format
    // MACRONAME(param0, param1, param2)

    if (!Context.ExcludedRegion && (Context.Filename.EndsWith(TEXT(".inl")) || (!Context.WithinBlockComment && !Context.WithinLineComment && !Context.WithinStringLiteral)) )
        TArray<FString> ArgArray;
        if (ParseArgsFromMacro(Text, ArgArray, Context))
            int32 NumArgs = ArgArray.Num();

            if (NumArgs != Arguments.Num())
                UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Too many arguments in %s macro in %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *MungeLogOutput(Context.LineText));
                FString Identifier;
                FString Namespace = Context.Namespace;
                FString SourceLocation = FString( Context.Filename + TEXT(" - line ") + FString::FromInt(Context.LineNumber) );
                FString SourceText;

                bool ArgParseError = false;
                for (int32 ArgIdx=0; ArgIdx<Arguments.Num(); ArgIdx++)
                    FMacroArg Arg = Arguments[ArgIdx];
                    FString ArgText = ArgArray[ArgIdx].Trim();

                    bool HasQuotes;
                    FString MacroDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("argument %d of %d in localization macro %s %s(%d):%s"), ArgIdx+1, Arguments.Num(), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *MungeLogOutput(Context.LineText));
                    if (!PrepareArgument(ArgText, Arg.IsAutoText, MacroDesc, HasQuotes))
                        ArgParseError = true;

                    switch (Arg.Semantic)
                    case MAS_Namespace:
                        Namespace = ArgText;
                    case MAS_Identifier:
                        Identifier = ArgText;
                    case MAS_SourceText:
                        SourceText = ArgText;

                if ( Identifier.IsEmpty() )
                    //The command doesn't have an identifier so we can't gather it
                    UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Macro doesn't have unique identifier. %s"), *SourceLocation );

                if (!ArgParseError && !Identifier.IsEmpty() && !SourceText.IsEmpty())
                    FContext MacroContext;
                    MacroContext.Key = Identifier;
                    MacroContext.SourceLocation = SourceLocation;

                    Context.AddManifestText( GetToken(), Namespace, SourceText, MacroContext );
예제 #3
void UGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet::FCommandMacroDescriptor::TryParse(const FString& Text, FSourceFileParseContext& Context) const
    // Attempt to parse something of the format
    // UI_COMMAND(LocKey, DefaultLangString, DefaultLangTooltipString, <IgnoredParam>, <IgnoredParam>)

    if (!Context.ExcludedRegion && (Context.Filename.EndsWith(TEXT(".inl")) || (!Context.WithinBlockComment && !Context.WithinLineComment && !Context.WithinStringLiteral)) )
        TArray<FString> Arguments;
        if (ParseArgsFromMacro(Text, Arguments, Context))
            if (Arguments.Num() != 5)
                UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Too many arguments in command %s macro in %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *MungeLogOutput(Context.LineText));
                FString Identifier = Arguments[0].Trim();
                const FString UICommandRootNamespace = TEXT("UICommands");
                FString Namespace = Context.WithinNamespaceDefine && !Context.Namespace.IsEmpty() ? FString::Printf( TEXT("%s.%s"), *UICommandRootNamespace, *Context.Namespace) : UICommandRootNamespace;
                FString SourceLocation = FString( Context.Filename + TEXT(" - line ") + FString::FromInt(Context.LineNumber) );
                FString SourceText = Arguments[1].Trim();

                if ( Identifier.IsEmpty() )
                    //The command doesn't have an identifier so we can't gather it
                    UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("UICOMMAND macro doesn't have unique identifier. %s"), *SourceLocation );

                // parse DefaultLangString argument - this arg will be in quotes without TEXT macro
                bool HasQuotes;
                FString MacroDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"FriendlyName\" argument in %s macro %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *Context.LineText);
                if ( PrepareArgument(SourceText, true, MacroDesc, HasQuotes) )
                    if ( HasQuotes && !Identifier.IsEmpty() && !SourceText.IsEmpty() )
                        // First create the command entry
                        FContext CommandContext;
                        CommandContext.Key = Identifier;
                        CommandContext.SourceLocation = SourceLocation;

                        Context.AddManifestText( GetToken(), Namespace, SourceText, CommandContext );

                        // parse DefaultLangTooltipString argument - this arg will be in quotes without TEXT macro
                        FString TooltipSourceText = Arguments[2].Trim();
                        MacroDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"InDescription\" argument in %s macro %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *Context.LineText);
                        if (PrepareArgument(TooltipSourceText, true, MacroDesc, HasQuotes))
                            if (HasQuotes && !TooltipSourceText.IsEmpty())
                                // Create the tooltip entry
                                FContext CommandTooltipContext;
                                CommandTooltipContext.Key = Identifier + TEXT("_ToolTip");
                                CommandTooltipContext.SourceLocation = SourceLocation;

                                Context.AddManifestText( GetToken(), Namespace, TooltipSourceText, CommandTooltipContext );
예제 #4
bool UGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet::FMacroDescriptor::ParseArgsFromMacro(const FString& Text, TArray<FString>& Args, FSourceFileParseContext& Context) const
    // Attempt to parse something of the format
    // NAME(param0, param1, param2, etc)

    bool Success = false;

    FString RemainingText = Text.RightChop(GetToken().Len()).Trim();
    int32 OpenBracketIdx = RemainingText.Find(TEXT("("));
    if (0 > OpenBracketIdx)
        UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Missing bracket '(' in %s macro in %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *MungeLogOutput(Context.LineText));
        //Dont assume this is an error. It's more likely trying to parse something it shouldn't be.
        return false;

        bool bInDblQuotes = false;
        bool bInSglQuotes = false;
        int32 BracketStack = 1;
        bool bEscapeNextChar = false;

        const TCHAR* ArgStart = *RemainingText + OpenBracketIdx + 1;
        const TCHAR* Cursor = ArgStart;
        for (; 0 < BracketStack && '\0' != *Cursor; ++Cursor)
            if (bEscapeNextChar)
                bEscapeNextChar = false;
            else if ((bInDblQuotes || bInSglQuotes) && !bEscapeNextChar && '\\' == *Cursor)
                bEscapeNextChar = true;
            else if (bInDblQuotes)
                if ('\"' == *Cursor)
                    bInDblQuotes = false;
            else if (bInSglQuotes)
                if ('\'' == *Cursor)
                    bInSglQuotes = false;
            else if ('\"' == *Cursor)
                bInDblQuotes = true;
            else if ('\'' == *Cursor)
                bInSglQuotes = true;
            else if ('(' == *Cursor)
            else if (')' == *Cursor)

                if (0 > BracketStack)
                    UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromSourceCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Unexpected bracket ')' in %s macro in %s(%d):%s"), *GetToken(), *Context.Filename, Context.LineNumber, *MungeLogOutput(Context.LineText));
                    return false;
            else if (1 == BracketStack && ',' == *Cursor)
                // create argument from ArgStart to Cursor and set Start next char
                Args.Add(FString(Cursor - ArgStart, ArgStart));
                ArgStart = Cursor + 1;

        if (0 == BracketStack)
            Args.Add(FString(Cursor - ArgStart - 1, ArgStart));

        Success = 0 < Args.Num() ? true : false;

    return Success;