int ompi_coll_libnbc_ibarrier_inter(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, res, rsize, peer; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=(void*)malloc(2*sizeof(char)); schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (0 == rank) { for (peer = 1 ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) { res = NBC_Sched_recv (0, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } /* synchronize with the remote root */ res = NBC_Sched_recv (0, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_send (0, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (0 == rank) { /* wait for the remote root */ res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* inform remote peers that all local peers have entered the barrier */ for (peer = 0 ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) { res = NBC_Sched_send (0, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear Alltoallv */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_ialltoallv_inter (void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *sdispls, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *rdispls, MPI_Datatype recvtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, res, i, rsize; MPI_Aint sndext, rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf, *sbuf; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } MPI_Comm_remote_size (comm, &rsize); schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } for (i = 0; i < rsize; i++) { /* post all sends */ if(sendcounts[i] != 0) { sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + (sdispls[i] * sndext); res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcounts[i], sendtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* post all receives */ if(recvcounts[i] != 0) { rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + (rdispls[i] * rcvext); res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[i], recvtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_igatherv_inter (void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, i, rsize; MPI_Aint rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_remote_size (comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (MPI_ROOT == root) { res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } handle->tmpbuf = NULL; schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* send to root */ if (MPI_ROOT != root && MPI_PROC_NULL != root) { /* send msg to root */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, sendcount, sendtype, root, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } else if (MPI_ROOT == root) { for (i = 0 ; i < rsize ; ++i) { rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (displs[i]*rcvext); /* root receives message to the right buffer */ res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[i], recvtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallgatherv_inter(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, res, r, rsize; MPI_Aint rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* do rsize rounds */ for (r = 0 ; r < rsize ; ++r) { char *rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (displs[r]*rcvext); if (recvcounts[r]) { res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[r], recvtype, r, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } if (sendcount) { for (r = 0 ; r < rsize ; ++r) { res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, sendcount, sendtype, r, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ibcast_inter(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, size, peer; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, res = %i\n", res); return res; } if(root != MPI_PROC_NULL) { /* send to all others */ if(root == MPI_ROOT) { int remsize; res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &remsize); if(MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI_Comm_remote_size() failed\n"); return res; } for (peer=0;peer<remsize;peer++) { /* send msg to peer */ res = NBC_Sched_send(buffer, false, count, datatype, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } else { /* recv msg from root */ res = NBC_Sched_recv(buffer, false, count, datatype, root, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallreduce_inter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, res, size, rsize; MPI_Aint ext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count); if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return NBC_OOR; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = allred_sched_linear(rank, rsize, sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, ext, size, schedule, handle); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in Schedule creation() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */ return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ineighbor_allgatherv(void *sbuf, int scount, MPI_Datatype stype, void *rbuf, int *rcounts, int *displs, MPI_Datatype rtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, size, res, worldsize; MPI_Aint sndext, rcvext; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); handle = *coll_req; if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &worldsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(stype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(rtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } char inplace; NBC_Schedule *schedule; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Ineighbor_allgatherv_args *args, *found, search; #endif NBC_IN_PLACE(sbuf, rbuf, inplace); handle->tmpbuf=NULL; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sbuf=sbuf; search.scount=scount; search.stype=stype; search.rbuf=rbuf; search.rcount=rcount; search.rtype=rtype; found = (NBC_Ineighbor_allgatherv_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHERV], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, res = %i\n", res); return res; } { int indegree, outdegree, weighted, *srcs, *dsts, i; res = NBC_Comm_neighbors_count(comm, &indegree, &outdegree, &weighted); if(res != NBC_OK) return res; srcs = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*indegree); dsts = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*outdegree); res = NBC_Comm_neighbors(comm, indegree, srcs, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, outdegree, dsts, MPI_UNWEIGHTED); if(res != NBC_OK) return res; if(inplace) { /* we need an extra buffer to be deadlock-free */ int sumrcounts=0; int offset=0; for(i=0; i<indegree; ++i) sumrcounts += rcounts[i]; handle->tmpbuf = malloc(rcvext*sumrcounts); for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { if(srcs[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((char*)0+offset, true, rcounts[i], rtype, srcs[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } offset += rcounts[i]*rcvext; } for(i = 0; i < outdegree; i++) { if(dsts[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) { res = NBC_Sched_send((char*)sbuf, false, scount, stype, dsts[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } /* unpack from buffer */ offset=0; for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { if(srcs[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) { res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_copy((char*)0+offset, true, rcounts[i], rtype, (char*)rbuf+displs[i]*rcvext, false, rcounts[i], rtype, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } offset += rcounts[i]*rcvext; } } else { /* non INPLACE case */ /* simply loop over neighbors and post send/recv operations */ for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { if(srcs[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((char*)rbuf+displs[i]*rcvext, false, rcounts[i], rtype, srcs[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } for(i = 0; i < outdegree; i++) { if(dsts[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) { res = NBC_Sched_send((char*)sbuf, false, scount, stype, dsts[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Ineighbor_allgatherv_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Ineighbor_allgatherv_args)); args->sbuf=sbuf; args->scount=scount; args->stype=stype; args->rbuf=rbuf; args->rcount=rcount; args->rtype=rtype; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHERV], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHERV] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHERV], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHERV]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* the non-blocking reduce */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_ireduce(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, segsize, size; MPI_Aint ext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *redbuf=NULL, inplace; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Reduce_args *args, *found, search; #endif enum { NBC_RED_BINOMIAL, NBC_RED_CHAIN } alg; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* only one node -> copy data */ if((p == 1) && !inplace) { res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, count, datatype, recvbuf, count, datatype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* algorithm selection */ if(p > 4 || size*count < 65536) { alg = NBC_RED_BINOMIAL; if(rank == root) { /* root reduces in receivebuffer */ handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count); } else { /* recvbuf may not be valid on non-root nodes */ handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count*2); redbuf = ((char*)handle->tmpbuf)+(ext*count); } } else { handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count); alg = NBC_RED_CHAIN; segsize = 16384/2; } if (NULL == handle->tmpbuf) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sendbuf=sendbuf; search.recvbuf=recvbuf; search.count=count; search.datatype=datatype; search.op=op; search.root=root; found = (NBC_Reduce_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_REDUCE], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } switch(alg) { case NBC_RED_BINOMIAL: res = red_sched_binomial(rank, p, root, sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, redbuf, schedule, handle); break; case NBC_RED_CHAIN: res = red_sched_chain(rank, p, root, sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, ext, size, schedule, handle, segsize); break; } if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in Schedule creation() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Reduce_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Alltoall_args)); args->sendbuf=sendbuf; args->recvbuf=recvbuf; args->count=count; args->datatype=datatype; args->op=op; args->root=root; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_REDUCE], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for Reduce */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_REDUCE] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_REDUCE], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_REDUCE]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */ return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear MPI_Ialltoall the (simple) algorithm just sends to all nodes */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_ialltoall(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, a2asize, sndsize, datasize; NBC_Schedule *schedule; MPI_Aint rcvext, sndext; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Alltoall_args *args, *found, search; #endif char *rbuf, *sbuf, inplace; enum {NBC_A2A_LINEAR, NBC_A2A_PAIRWISE, NBC_A2A_DISS} alg; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_size(sendtype, &sndsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* algorithm selection */ a2asize = sndsize*sendcount*p; /* this number is optimized for TCP on */ if((p <= 8) && ((a2asize < 1<<17) || (sndsize*sendcount < 1<<12))) { /* just send as fast as we can if we have less than 8 peers, if the * total communicated size is smaller than 1<<17 *and* if we don't * have eager messages (msgsize < 1<<13) */ alg = NBC_A2A_LINEAR; } else if(a2asize < (1<<12)*p) { /*alg = NBC_A2A_DISS;*/ alg = NBC_A2A_LINEAR; } else alg = NBC_A2A_LINEAR; /*NBC_A2A_PAIRWISE;*/ if(!inplace) { /* copy my data to receive buffer */ rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (rank*recvcount*rcvext); sbuf = ((char *)sendbuf) + (rank*sendcount*sndext); res = NBC_Copy(sbuf, sendcount, sendtype, rbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* allocate temp buffer if we need one */ if(alg == NBC_A2A_DISS) { /* only A2A_DISS needs buffers */ if(NBC_Type_intrinsic(sendtype)) { datasize = sndext*sendcount; } else { res = MPI_Pack_size(sendcount, sendtype, comm, &datasize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Pack_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* allocate temporary buffers */ if(p % 2 == 0) { handle->tmpbuf=malloc(datasize*p*2); } else { /* we cannot divide p by two, so alloc more to be safe ... */ handle->tmpbuf=malloc(datasize*(p/2+1)*2*2); } /* phase 1 - rotate n data blocks upwards into the tmpbuffer */ #if OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT if(NBC_Type_intrinsic(sendtype) && !(opal_cuda_check_bufs((char *)sendbuf, (char *)recvbuf))) { #else if(NBC_Type_intrinsic(sendtype)) { #endif /* OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT */ /* contiguous - just copy (1st copy) */ memcpy(handle->tmpbuf, (char*)sendbuf+datasize*rank, datasize*(p-rank)); if(rank != 0) memcpy((char*)handle->tmpbuf+datasize*(p-rank), sendbuf, datasize*(rank)); } else { int pos=0; /* non-contiguous - pack */ res = MPI_Pack((char*)sendbuf+rank*sendcount*sndext, (p-rank)*sendcount, sendtype, handle->tmpbuf, (p-rank)*datasize, &pos, comm); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Pack() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if(rank != 0) { pos = 0; MPI_Pack(sendbuf, rank*sendcount, sendtype, (char*)handle->tmpbuf+datasize*(p-rank), rank*datasize, &pos, comm); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Pack() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } } else { handle->tmpbuf=NULL; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sendbuf=sendbuf; search.sendcount=sendcount; search.sendtype=sendtype; search.recvbuf=recvbuf; search.recvcount=recvcount; search.recvtype=recvtype; found = (NBC_Alltoall_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLTOALL], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif /* not found - generate new schedule */ schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } switch(alg) { case NBC_A2A_LINEAR: res = a2a_sched_linear(rank, p, sndext, rcvext, schedule, sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); break; case NBC_A2A_DISS: res = a2a_sched_diss(rank, p, sndext, rcvext, schedule, sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm, handle); break; case NBC_A2A_PAIRWISE: res = a2a_sched_pairwise(rank, p, sndext, rcvext, schedule, sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); break; } if (NBC_OK != res) { return res; } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Alltoall_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Alltoall_args)); args->sendbuf=sendbuf; args->sendcount=sendcount; args->sendtype=sendtype; args->recvbuf=recvbuf; args->recvcount=recvcount; args->recvtype=recvtype; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLTOALL], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLTOALL] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLTOALL], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLTOALL]); /*if(!rank) printf("[%i] removing %i elements - new size: %i \n", rank, SCHED_DICT_UPPER-SCHED_DICT_LOWER, handle->comminfo->NBC_Alltoall_size);*/ } /*if(!rank) printf("[%i] added new schedule to tree - number %i\n", rank, handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLTOALL]);*/ } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; } int ompi_coll_libnbc_ialltoall_inter (void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, res, i, rsize; MPI_Aint sndext, rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf, *sbuf; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_remote_size (comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } for (i = 0; i < rsize; i++) { /* post all sends */ sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + (i * sendcount * sndext); res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcount, sendtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* post all receives */ rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + (i * recvcount * rcvext); res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcount, recvtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallreduce(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res; OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE ext, lb; NBC_Schedule *schedule; size_t size; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Allreduce_args *args, *found, search; #endif enum { NBC_ARED_BINOMIAL, NBC_ARED_RING } alg; char inplace; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm); p = ompi_comm_size (comm); res = ompi_datatype_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &ext); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = ompi_datatype_type_size (datatype, &size); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count); if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return NBC_OOR; } if((p == 1) && !inplace) { /* for a single node - copy data to receivebuf */ res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, count, datatype, recvbuf, count, datatype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* algorithm selection */ if(p < 4 || size*count < 65536 || inplace) { alg = NBC_ARED_BINOMIAL; } else { alg = NBC_ARED_RING; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sendbuf=sendbuf; search.recvbuf=recvbuf; search.count=count; search.datatype=datatype; search.op=op; found = (NBC_Allreduce_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLREDUCE], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } switch(alg) { case NBC_ARED_BINOMIAL: res = allred_sched_diss(rank, p, count, datatype, sendbuf, recvbuf, op, schedule, handle); break; case NBC_ARED_RING: res = allred_sched_ring(rank, p, count, datatype, sendbuf, recvbuf, op, size, ext, schedule, handle); break; } if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in Schedule creation() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Allreduce_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Allreduce_args)); args->sendbuf=sendbuf; args->recvbuf=recvbuf; args->count=count; args->datatype=datatype; args->op=op; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLREDUCE], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLREDUCE] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLREDUCE], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLREDUCE]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */ return NBC_OK; }
int NBC_Ineighbor_alltoallw(void *sbuf, int *scounts, MPI_Datatype *stypes, void *rbuf, int *rcounts, MPI_Datatype *rtypes, MPI_Comm comm, NBC_Handle* handle) { int rank, size, res, worldsize, i; MPI_Aint *sndexts, *rcvexts; double t[10]; t[0] = PMPI_Wtime(); res = NBC_Init_handle(handle, comm); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &worldsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } t[1] = PMPI_Wtime(); char inplace; NBC_Schedule *schedule; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Ineighbor_alltoallw_args *args, *found, search; #endif NBC_IN_PLACE(sbuf, rbuf, inplace); handle->tmpbuf=NULL; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sbuf=sbuf; search.scount=scount; search.stype=stype; search.rbuf=rbuf; search.rcount=rcount; search.rtype=rtype; found = (NBC_Ineighbor_alltoallw_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALLW], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, res = %i\n", res); return res; } { int indegree, outdegree, weighted, *srcs, *dsts, i; res = NBC_Comm_neighbors_count(comm, &indegree, &outdegree, &weighted); if(res != NBC_OK) return res; srcs = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*indegree); dsts = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*outdegree); sndexts = (MPI_Aint*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Aint)*outdegree); for(i=0; i<outdegree; ++i) { res = MPI_Type_extent(stypes[i], &sndexts[i]); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } rcvexts = (MPI_Aint*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Aint)*indegree); for(i=0; i<indegree; ++i) { res = MPI_Type_extent(rtypes[i], &rcvexts[i]); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } res = NBC_Comm_neighbors(comm, indegree, srcs, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, outdegree, dsts, MPI_UNWEIGHTED); if(res != NBC_OK) return res; if(inplace) { /* we need an extra buffer to be deadlock-free */ int sumrbytes=0; int offset=0; for(i=0; i<indegree; ++i) sumrbytes += rcounts[i]*rcvexts[i]; handle->tmpbuf = malloc(sumrbytes); for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((char*)0+offset, true, rcounts[i], rtypes[i], srcs[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += rcounts[i]*rcvexts[i]; } offset=0; for(i = 0; i < outdegree; i++) { res = NBC_Sched_send((char*)sbuf+offset, false, scounts[i], stypes[i], dsts[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += scounts[i]*sndexts[i]; } /* unpack from buffer */ offset=0; for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_copy((char*)0+offset, true, rcounts[i], rtypes[i], (char*)rbuf+offset, false, rcounts[i], rtypes[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += rcounts[i]*rcvexts[i]; } } else { /* non INPLACE case */ /* simply loop over neighbors and post send/recv operations */ int offset=0; for(i = 0; i < indegree; i++) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((char*)rbuf+offset, false, rcounts[i], rtypes[i], srcs[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += rcounts[i]*rcvexts[i]; } offset = 0; for(i = 0; i < outdegree; i++) { res = NBC_Sched_send((char*)sbuf+offset, false, scounts[i], stypes[i], dsts[i], schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += scounts[i]*sndexts[i]; } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Ineighbor_alltoallw_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Ineighbor_alltoallw_args)); args->sbuf=sbuf; args->scount=scount; args->stype=stype; args->rbuf=rbuf; args->rcount=rcount; args->rtype=rtype; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALLW], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALLW] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALLW], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALLW]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ireduce_scatter_inter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int peer, rank, r, res, count, rsize, offset; MPI_Aint ext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } count = 0; for (r = 0 ; r < rsize ; ++r) count += recvcounts[r]; handle->tmpbuf = malloc(2 * ext * count); if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; } /* send my data to the remote root */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, count, datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (0 == rank) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *) 0, true, count, datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } for (peer = 1 ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) { res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *)(ext * count), true, count, datatype, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_op((void *) 0, true, (void *)(ext * count), true, (void *) 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* exchange data with remote root for scatter phase (we *could* use the local communicator to do the scatter) */ res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *)(ext * count), true, count, datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_send((void *) 0, true, count, datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* scatter */ for (peer = 0, offset = ext * count ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) { res = NBC_Sched_send((void *)(uintptr_t) offset, true, recvcounts[peer], datatype, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } offset += recvcounts[peer] * ext; } } /* receive my block */ res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcounts[rank], datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */ return NBC_OK; }
/* Dissemination implementation of MPI_Ibarrier */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_ibarrier(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int round, rank, p, maxround, res, recvpeer, sendpeer; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=(void*)malloc(2*sizeof(char)); #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* there only one argument set per communicator -> hang it directly at * the tree-position, NBC_Dict_size[...] is 0 for not initialized and * 1 for initialized. NBC_Dict[...] is a pointer to the schedule in * this case */ if(handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_BARRIER] == 0) { /* we did not init it yet */ #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } round = -1; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } maxround = (int)ceil((log((double)p)/LOG2)-1); do { round++; sendpeer = (rank + (1<<round)) % p; /* add p because modulo does not work with negative values */ recvpeer = ((rank - (1<<round))+p) % p; /* send msg to sendpeer */ res = NBC_Sched_send((void*)0, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, sendpeer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* recv msg from recvpeer */ res = NBC_Sched_recv((void*)1, true, 1, MPI_BYTE, recvpeer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* end communication round */ if(round < maxround){ res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } while (round < maxround); res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* add it */ handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_BARRIER] = (hb_tree*)schedule; handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_BARRIER] = 1; } else { /* we found it */ schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_BARRIER]; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear MPI_Iallgatherv * the algorithm uses p-1 rounds * first round: * each node sends to it's left node (rank+1)%p sendcount elements * each node begins with it's right node (rank-11)%p and receives from it recvcounts[(rank+1)%p] elements * second round: * each node sends to node (rank+2)%p sendcount elements * each node receives from node (rank-2)%p recvcounts[(rank+2)%p] elements */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallgatherv(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, r, speer, rpeer; MPI_Aint rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf, *sbuf, inplace; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (inplace) { sendtype = recvtype; sendcount = recvcounts[rank]; } else { /* copy my data to receive buffer */ rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (displs[rank]*rcvext); res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, rbuf, recvcounts[rank], recvtype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } sbuf = ((char*) recvbuf) + (displs[rank]*rcvext); /* do p-1 rounds */ for(r=1;r<p;r++) { speer = (rank+r)%p; rpeer = (rank-r+p)%p; rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (displs[rpeer]*rcvext); res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[rpeer], recvtype, rpeer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcount, sendtype, speer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear MPI_Iscatter */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_iscatter(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, i; MPI_Aint sndext = 0; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *sbuf, inplace; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Scatter_args *args, *found, search; #endif NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if (rank == root) { res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; if((rank == root) && (!inplace)) { sbuf = ((char *)sendbuf) + (rank*sendcount*sndext); /* if I am the root - just copy the message (not for MPI_IN_PLACE) */ res = NBC_Copy(sbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.sendbuf=sendbuf; search.sendcount=sendcount; search.sendtype=sendtype; search.recvbuf=recvbuf; search.recvcount=recvcount; search.recvtype=recvtype; search.root=root; found = (NBC_Scatter_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCATTER], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* receive from root */ if(rank != root) { /* recv msg from root */ res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcount, recvtype, root, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } else { for(i=0;i<p;i++) { sbuf = ((char *)sendbuf) + (i*sendcount*sndext); if(i != root) { /* root sends the right buffer to the right receiver */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcount, sendtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Scatter_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Scatter_args)); args->sendbuf=sendbuf; args->sendcount=sendcount; args->sendtype=sendtype; args->recvbuf=recvbuf; args->recvcount=recvcount; args->recvtype=recvtype; args->root=root; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCATTER], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_SCATTER] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCATTER], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_SCATTER]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear MPI_Iscatterv */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_iscatterv(void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *displs, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, i; MPI_Aint sndext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *sbuf, inplace; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* receive from root */ if(rank != root) { /* recv msg from root */ res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcount, recvtype, root, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } else { for(i=0;i<p;i++) { sbuf = ((char *)sendbuf) + (displs[i]*sndext); if(i == root) { if(!inplace) { /* if I am the root - just copy the message */ res = NBC_Copy(sbuf, sendcounts[i], sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } else { /* root sends the right buffer to the right receiver */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcounts[i], sendtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear Alltoallw */ int ompi_coll_libnbc_ialltoallw(void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *sdispls, MPI_Datatype sendtypes[], void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *rdispls, MPI_Datatype recvtypes[], struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, i; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf, *sbuf, inplace; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res= MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* copy data to receivbuffer */ if((sendcounts[rank] != 0) && !inplace) { rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + rdispls[rank]; sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + sdispls[rank]; res = NBC_Copy(sbuf, sendcounts[rank], sendtypes[rank], rbuf, recvcounts[rank], recvtypes[rank], comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { if (i == rank) { continue; } /* post all sends */ if(sendcounts[i] != 0) { sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + sdispls[i]; res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcounts[i], sendtypes[i], i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* post all receives */ if(recvcounts[i] != 0) { rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + rdispls[i]; res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[i], recvtypes[i], i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ibcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) { int rank, p, res, size, segsize; NBC_Schedule *schedule; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE NBC_Bcast_args *args, *found, search; #endif enum { NBC_BCAST_LINEAR, NBC_BCAST_BINOMIAL, NBC_BCAST_CHAIN } alg; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } segsize = 16384; /* algorithm selection */ if(p <= 4) { alg = NBC_BCAST_LINEAR; } else if(size*count < 65536) { alg = NBC_BCAST_BINOMIAL; } else if(size*count < 524288) { alg = NBC_BCAST_CHAIN; segsize = 16384/2; } else { alg = NBC_BCAST_CHAIN; segsize = 65536/2; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */ search.buffer=buffer; search.count=count; search.datatype=datatype; search.root=root; found = (NBC_Bcast_args*)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_BCAST], &search); if(found == NULL) { #endif schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, res = %i\n", res); return res; } switch(alg) { case NBC_BCAST_LINEAR: res = bcast_sched_linear(rank, p, root, schedule, buffer, count, datatype); break; case NBC_BCAST_BINOMIAL: res = bcast_sched_binomial(rank, p, root, schedule, buffer, count, datatype); break; case NBC_BCAST_CHAIN: res = bcast_sched_chain(rank, p, root, schedule, buffer, count, datatype, segsize, size); break; } if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in Schedule creation() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } #ifdef NBC_CACHE_SCHEDULE /* save schedule to tree */ args = (NBC_Bcast_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Bcast_args)); args->buffer=buffer; args->count=count; args->datatype=datatype; args->root=root; args->schedule=schedule; res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_BCAST], args, args, 0); if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res); /* increase number of elements for A2A */ if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_BCAST] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) { NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_BCAST], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_BCAST]); } } else { /* found schedule */ schedule=found->schedule; } #endif res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ireduce_scatter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) { int peer, rank, maxr, p, r, res, count, offset, firstred; MPI_Aint ext; char *redbuf, *sbuf, inplace; NBC_Schedule *schedule; NBC_Handle *handle; ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request; ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } handle = (*coll_req); res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; } res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } maxr = (int)ceil((log(p)/LOG2)); count = 0; for(r=0;r<p;r++) count += recvcounts[r]; handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count*2); if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; } redbuf = ((char*)handle->tmpbuf)+(ext*count); /* copy data to redbuf if we only have a single node */ if((p==1) && !inplace) { res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, count, datatype, redbuf, count, datatype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } firstred = 1; for(r=1; r<=maxr; r++) { if((rank % (1<<r)) == 0) { /* we have to receive this round */ peer = rank + (1<<(r-1)); if(peer<p) { res = NBC_Sched_recv(0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* we have to wait until we have the data */ res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } if(firstred) { /* take reduce data from the sendbuf in the first round -> save copy */ res = NBC_Sched_op(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule); firstred = 0; } else { /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */ res = NBC_Sched_op(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule); } if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( */ res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } else { /* we have to send this round */ peer = rank - (1<<(r-1)); if(firstred) { /* we have to send the senbuf */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, count, datatype, peer, schedule); } else { /* we send an already reduced value from redbuf */ res = NBC_Sched_send(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule); } if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* leave the game */ break; } } res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* rank 0 is root and sends - all others receive */ if(rank != 0) { res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcounts[rank], datatype, 0, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } if(rank == 0) { offset = 0; for(r=1;r<p;r++) { offset += recvcounts[r-1]; sbuf = ((char *)redbuf) + (offset*ext); /* root sends the right buffer to the right receiver */ res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, recvcounts[r], datatype, r, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } res = NBC_Sched_copy(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, recvcounts[0], datatype, recvbuf, false, recvcounts[0], datatype, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */ return NBC_OK; }
/* simple linear Alltoallv */ int NBC_Ialltoallv(void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *sdispls, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *rdispls, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, NBC_Handle* handle) { int rank, p, res, i; MPI_Aint sndext, rcvext; NBC_Schedule *schedule; char *rbuf, *sbuf, inplace; NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace); res = NBC_Init_handle(handle, comm); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res= MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext); if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; } schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule)); if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return res; } handle->tmpbuf=NULL; res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule); if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; } /* copy data to receivbuffer */ if((sendcounts[rank] != 0) && !inplace) { rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + (rdispls[rank] * rcvext); sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + (sdispls[rank] * sndext); res = NBC_Copy(sbuf, sendcounts[rank], sendtype, rbuf, recvcounts[rank], recvtype, comm); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { if (i == rank) { continue; } /* post all sends */ if(sendcounts[i] != 0) { sbuf = ((char *) sendbuf) + (sdispls[i] * sndext); res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, sendcounts[i], sendtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } /* post all receives */ if(recvcounts[i] != 0) { rbuf = ((char *) recvbuf) + (rdispls[i] * rcvext); res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcounts[i], recvtype, i, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; } } } /*NBC_PRINT_SCHED(*schedule);*/ res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; } res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule); if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; } return NBC_OK; }