예제 #1
int buffer_ensure(buffer *b, size_t minsize) {
    if (b->size < minsize) {
        size_t nsize = NMAX(b->size + b->growby, minsize);
        void *nbuf = malloc(nsize);
        if (!nbuf) {
            return ERR_Not_Enough_Memory;
        if (b->buf) {
            memcpy(nbuf, b->buf, b->used);
        b->buf = nbuf;
        b->size = nsize;

    return ERR_None;
예제 #2
int buffer_ensure( buffer * b, size_t minsize ) {
    if ( b->size < minsize ) {
        size_t nsize = NMAX( b->size + b->growby, minsize );
        /* Could realloc here but malloc() / free() works better
           with our debug memory manager. */
        void *nbuf = malloc( nsize );
        if ( !nbuf ) {
            return ERR_Not_Enough_Memory;
        if ( b->buf ) {
            memcpy( nbuf, b->buf, b->used );
            free( b->buf );
        b->buf = nbuf;
        b->size = nsize;

    return ERR_None;
예제 #3
 * A recursive break contig function.
 * bin_num	The current bin being moved or split.
 * pos		The contig break point.
 * offset	The absolute positional offset of this bin in original contig
 * pleft	The parent bin/contig record num in the left new contig
 * pright	The parent bin/contig record num in the right new contig
 * child_no     0 or 1 - whether this bin is the left/right child of its parent
static int break_contig_recurse(GapIO *io, HacheTable *h,
				contig_t *cl, contig_t *cr,
				tg_rec bin_num, int pos, int offset,
				int level, tg_rec pleft, tg_rec pright,
				int child_no, int complement) {
    int i, j, f_a, f_b;
    tg_rec rbin;
    bin_index_t *bin = get_bin(io, bin_num), *bin_dup ;
    //int bin_min, bin_max;
    int nseqs;
    tg_rec opright; /* old pright, needed if we revert back */

    cache_incr(io, bin);

    if (bin->flags & BIN_COMPLEMENTED) {
	complement ^= 1;

    if (complement) {
	f_a = -1;
	f_b = offset + bin->size-1;
    } else {
	f_a = +1;
	f_b = offset;

    printf("%*sBreak offset %d pos %d => test bin %"PRIrec": %d..%d\n",
	   level*4, "",
	   offset, pos, bin->rec,
	   NMIN(bin->start_used, bin->end_used),
	   NMAX(bin->start_used, bin->end_used));

    bin = cache_rw(io, bin);
    nseqs = bin->nseqs;
    bin->nseqs = 0;

    /* Invalidate any cached data */
    bin_invalidate_track(io, bin, TRACK_ALL);
    if (bin->flags & BIN_CONS_VALID) {
	bin->flags |= BIN_BIN_UPDATED;
	bin->flags &= ~BIN_CONS_VALID;

    //bin_min = bin->rng ? NMIN(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) : offset;
    //bin_max = bin->rng ? NMAX(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) : offset;

     * Add to right parent if this bin is to the right of pos,
     * or if the used portion is to the right and we have no left child.
     * FIXME: Not a valid assumption!
     * The used portion of a bin is not a placeholder for the used portion
     * of all the the children beneath it. Therefore if the used portion of
     * this bin is > pos (and we have no left child) it still doesn't mean
     * that the absolute positions of the used portion of the right child
     * won't be < pos.
    if (offset >= pos /*|| (bin_min >= pos && !bin->child[0])*/) {
	printf("%*sADD_TO_RIGHT pl=%"PRIrec" pr=%"PRIrec"\n",
	       level*4, "", pleft, pright);
	if (0 != break_contig_move_bin(io, bin,
				       cl, pleft, cr, pright, 
	    return -1;

	bin_incr_nseq(io, bin, nseqs);
	cache_decr(io, bin);

	return 0;

     * Add to left parent if this bin is entirely to the left of pos,
     * or if the used portion is to the left and we have no right child.
    if (offset + bin->size < pos /*|| (bin_max < pos && !bin->child[1])*/) {
	printf("%*sADD_TO_LEFT\n", level*4, "");

	//if (0 != break_contig_move_bin(io, bin, cr, pright, cl, pleft, child_no))
	//return -1;

	bin_incr_nseq(io, bin, nseqs);
	cache_decr(io, bin);
	return 0;

     * Nominally the bin overlaps both left and right and so needs duplicating.
     * There are cases though at the roots of our trees where duplicating is
     * unnecessary as it leads to empty bins at the root. In this case
     * we skip creating a duplicate for the right, or alternatively steal
     * the left root bin and use that instead.
     * Similarly the range_t array will either be left where it is, moved to
     * the right contig, or split in half (creating a new one for the right).
     * FIXED: always need this. Eg:
     * |-------------empty--------------|
     * |----------------|---------------|
     * |--------|-------|--------|------|
     *             ^
     *             |
     *             break here
     * In this case we need to duplicate the parent as it overlaps the left
     * bin, which may (or may not) have data that needs to end up in the right
     * hand contig. Just duplicate for now and free later on if needed.
    if (1 /* always! */ || pright != cr->rec ||
	(bin->rng && NMAX(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) >= pos)) {
	//printf("NMAX=%d >= %d\n", NMAX(bin->start_used, bin->end_used), pos);

	rbin = 0;

	/* Possibly steal left contig's bin */
	if (pleft == cl->rec && NMIN(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) >= pos) {
#if 0
	    /* Currently this doesn't always work */
	    if (bin->child[1]) {
		bin_index_t *ch = get_bin(io, bin->child[1]);
		if (NMIN(ch->pos, ch->pos + ch->size-1) >= pos) {
		    rbin = cl->bin;
		    cl->bin = bin->child[0];
	    pleft = bin->rec;
	} else {
	    pleft = bin->rec;

	/* Create new bin, or use root of contig if it's unused so far */
	if (!rbin && pright == cr->rec) {
	    rbin = cr->bin;

	/* Otherwise we genuingly need a duplicate */
	if (!rbin)
	    rbin = bin_new(io, 0, 0, 0, GT_Bin);

	/* Initialise with duplicate values from left bin */
	bin_dup = get_bin(io, rbin);
	bin_dup = cache_rw(io, bin_dup);
	bin_dup->size = bin->size;
	bin_dup->pos = bin->pos;
	bin_dup->parent = pright;
	bin_dup->parent_type = (pright == cr->rec ? GT_Contig : GT_Bin);
	bin_dup->flags = bin->flags | BIN_BIN_UPDATED;
	bin_dup->start_used = bin->start_used;
	bin_dup->end_used = bin->end_used;

	 * Shift bin to offset if it's the contig root.
	 * It'll be shifted back by the correct amount later.
	if (pright == cr->rec) {
	    printf("moving root bin to offset=%d comp=%d\n", offset, complement);
	    bin_dup->pos = offset;

	printf("%*sCreated dup for right, rec %"PRIrec"\n",
	       level*4,"", bin_dup->rec);
	break_contig_move_bin(io, bin_dup, cl, 0, cr, pright, child_no);
	opright = pright;
	pright = bin_dup->rec;
    } else {
	bin_dup = NULL;
	pleft = bin->rec;

    if (!bin->rng) {
	/* Empty bin */
	printf("%*sEMPTY range\n", level*4, "");
	bin->start_used = bin->end_used = 0;
	bin->flags |= BIN_BIN_UPDATED;
	if (bin_dup) {
	    bin_dup->start_used = bin_dup->end_used = 0;
	    bin_dup->flags |= BIN_BIN_UPDATED;
    } else if (NMIN(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) >= pos) {
	/* Move range to right contig */
	printf("%*sDUP %"PRIrec", MOVE Array to right\n",
	       level*4, "", bin_dup->rec);

	bin_dup->rng = bin->rng;
	bin_dup->rng_rec = bin->rng_rec;
	bin_dup->rng_free = bin->rng_free;
	if (bin_dup->rng_rec)
	    bin_dup->flags |= BIN_RANGE_UPDATED;

	if (bin->rec != bin_dup->rec) {
	    bin->rng = NULL;
	    bin->rng_rec = 0;
	    bin->rng_free = -1;
	    bin->flags |= BIN_BIN_UPDATED;

	bin->start_used = bin->end_used = 0;
	break_contig_reparent_seqs(io, bin_dup);

	if (bin_dup->rng) {
	    int n = ArrayMax(bin_dup->rng);
	    for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) {
		range_t *r = arrp(range_t, bin_dup->rng, i), *r2;
		if (r->flags & GRANGE_FLAG_UNUSED)

		    HacheData hd; hd.i = 1;
		    HacheTableAdd(h, (char *)&r->rec, sizeof(r->rec), hd,NULL);
	    bin_incr_nseq(io, bin_dup, j);
    } else if (NMAX(bin->start_used, bin->end_used) < pos) {
	/* Range array already in left contig, so do nothing */
	printf("%*sMOVE Array to left\n", level*4, "");

	if (bin_dup)
	    bin_dup->start_used = bin_dup->end_used = 0;

	if (bin->rng) {
	    int n = ArrayMax(bin->rng);
	    for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) {
		range_t *r = arrp(range_t, bin->rng, i);
		if (r->flags & GRANGE_FLAG_UNUSED)

		    HacheData hd; hd.i = 0;
		    HacheTableAdd(h, (char *)&r->rec, sizeof(r->rec), hd,NULL);
	    bin_incr_nseq(io, bin, j);
    } else {
	/* Range array covers pos, so split in two */
	int n, nl = 0, nr = 0;
	int lmin = bin->size, lmax = 0, rmin = bin->size, rmax = 0;

	printf("%*sDUP %"PRIrec", SPLIT array\n", level*4, "", bin_dup->rec);

	bin->flags |= BIN_RANGE_UPDATED;
	bin_dup->flags |= BIN_RANGE_UPDATED;

	bin_dup->rng = ArrayCreate(sizeof(range_t), 0);
	bin_dup->rng_free = -1;

	/* Pass 1 - hash sequences */
	n = ArrayMax(bin->rng);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    range_t *r = arrp(range_t, bin->rng, i);
	    int cstart; /* clipped sequence positions */
	    seq_t *s;

	    if (r->flags & GRANGE_FLAG_UNUSED)


	    s = (seq_t *)cache_search(io, GT_Seq, r->rec);
	    if ((s->len < 0) ^ complement) {
		cstart = NMAX(r->start, r->end) - (s->right-1);
	    } else {
		cstart = NMIN(r->start, r->end) + s->left-1;
	    if (cstart >= pos)  {
		HacheData hd; hd.i = 1;
		HacheTableAdd(h, (char *)&r->rec, sizeof(r->rec), hd, NULL);
	    } else {
		HacheData hd; hd.i = 0;
		HacheTableAdd(h, (char *)&r->rec, sizeof(r->rec), hd, NULL);
	/* Pass 2 - do the moving of anno/seqs */
	n = ArrayMax(bin->rng);
	for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    range_t *r = arrp(range_t, bin->rng, i), *r2;
	    int cstart; /* clipped sequence positions */

	    if (r->flags & GRANGE_FLAG_UNUSED)

	    if ((r->flags & GRANGE_FLAG_ISMASK) == GRANGE_FLAG_ISANNO) {
		cstart = NMAX(r->start, r->end);
	    } else {
		seq_t *s = (seq_t *)cache_search(io, GT_Seq, r->rec);
		if ((s->len < 0) ^ complement) {
		    cstart = NMAX(r->start, r->end) - (s->right-1);
		} else {
		    cstart = NMIN(r->start, r->end) + s->left-1;
	    if (cstart >= pos &&
		anno_ele_t *a = (anno_ele_t *)cache_search(io,
		/* If it's an annotation on a sequence < pos then we
		 * still don't move.
		 * FIXME: we have no guarantee that the sequence being
		 * annotated is in the same bin as this annotation, as
		 * they may be different sizes and end up in different
		 * bins. (Should we enforce anno always in same bin as seq?
		 * If so, consensus annos fit anywhere?)
		if (a->obj_type == GT_Seq) {
		    HacheItem *hi = HacheTableSearch(h,
						     (char *)&r->pair_rec,

		    if (hi) {
			if (hi->data.i == 0)
			    cstart = pos-1;
		    } else {
			puts("FIXME: annotation for seq in unknown place - "
			     "work out correct location and move if needed.");

	    if (cstart >= pos) {
		r2 = (range_t *)ArrayRef(bin_dup->rng, ArrayMax(bin_dup->rng));
		*r2 = *r;
		if (rmin > r->start) rmin = r->start;
		if (rmin > r->end)   rmin = r->end;
		if (rmax < r->start) rmax = r->start;
		if (rmax < r->end)   rmax = r->end;
	    } else {
		if (lmin > r->start) lmin = r->start;
		if (lmin > r->end)   lmin = r->end;
		if (lmax < r->start) lmax = r->start;
		if (lmax < r->end)   lmax = r->end;

		if (j != i) {
		    r2 = arrp(range_t, bin->rng, j);
		    *r2 = *r;
	bin_incr_nseq(io, bin, nl);
	bin_incr_nseq(io, bin_dup, nr);

	ArrayMax(bin->rng) = j;

#if 0
	 * Right now this causes problems, but I'm not sure why. Try again
	 * after we've fixed the bin->nseqs issues and other deallocation
	 * woes.

	if (ArrayMax(bin_dup->rng) == 0 && bin_dup->parent_type == GT_Bin) {
	    /* We didn't need it afterall! Odd. */
	    bin_index_t *pb;

	    printf("Purging bin %d that we didn't need afterall\n",
	    cache_rec_deallocate(io, GT_Bin, bin_dup->rec);
	    pb = cache_search(io, GT_Bin, bin_dup->parent);
	    if (pb->child[0] == bin_dup->rec)
		pb->child[0] = 0;
	    if (pb->child[1] == bin_dup->rec)
		pb->child[1] = 0;
	    bin_dup = NULL;
	    pright = opright;

	if (bin_dup)
	    break_contig_reparent_seqs(io, bin_dup);

	if (lmin < lmax) {
	    bin->start_used     = lmin;
	    bin->end_used       = lmax;
	} else {
	    /* No data left in bin */
	    bin->start_used = 0;
	    bin->end_used = 0;

	printf("%*sLeft=>%d..%d right=>%d..%d\n", level*4, "",
	       lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax);

	if (bin_dup) {
	    if (rmin < rmax) {
		bin_dup->start_used = rmin;
		bin_dup->end_used   = rmax;
	    } else {
		/* No data moved in bin */
		bin_dup->start_used = 0;
		bin_dup->end_used   = 0;

    /* Recurse */
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	bin_index_t *ch;
	if (!bin->child[i])

	ch = get_bin(io, bin->child[i]);
	if (0 != break_contig_recurse(io, h, cl, cr, bin->child[i], pos,
				      NMIN(ch->pos, ch->pos + ch->size-1),
				      level+1, pleft, pright,
				      i, complement))
	    return -1;

    cache_decr(io, bin);
    //    if (bin_dup)
    //	cache_decr(io, bin_dup);

    return 0;