예제 #1
void EV_LightTurnOn(Line *line, float max)
    iterlist_t *list = P_GetSectorIterListForTag(P_ToXLine(line)->tag, false);
    if(!list) return;

    float lightLevel = 0;
        lightLevel = max;

    IterList_SetIteratorDirection(list, ITERLIST_FORWARD);

    Sector *sec;
    while((sec = (Sector *)IterList_MoveIterator(list)))
        // If Max = 0 means to search for the highest light level in the
        // surrounding sector.
            lightLevel = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL);
            float otherLevel = DDMINFLOAT;
            P_FindSectorSurroundingHighestLight(sec, &otherLevel);
            if(otherLevel > lightLevel)
                lightLevel = otherLevel;

        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL, lightLevel);
예제 #2
void SV_WriteSector(Sector *sec, MapStateWriter *msw)
    Writer1 *writer = msw->writer();

    int i, type;
    float flooroffx           = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X);
    float flooroffy           = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y);
    float ceiloffx            = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X);
    float ceiloffy            = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y);
    byte lightlevel           = (byte) (255.f * P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL));
    short floorheight         = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT);
    short ceilingheight       = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT);
    short floorFlags          = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_FLAGS);
    short ceilingFlags        = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_FLAGS);
    world_Material *floorMaterial   = (world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL);
    world_Material *ceilingMaterial = (world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL);

    xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector(sec);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // Determine type.
        type = sc_xg1;
        if(NON_ZERO(flooroffx) || NON_ZERO(flooroffy) || NON_ZERO(ceiloffx) || NON_ZERO(ceiloffy))
        type = sc_ploff;
        type = sc_normal;

    // Type byte.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, type);

    // Version.
    // 2: Surface colors.
    // 3: Surface flags.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, 3); // write a version byte.

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, floorheight);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, ceilingheight);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(floorMaterial));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(ceilingMaterial));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, floorFlags);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, ceilingFlags);
#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, (short) lightlevel);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, lightlevel);

    float rgb[3];
    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_FLOOR_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_CEILING_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->special);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->tag);

#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->seqType);

    if(type == sc_ploff
#if !__JHEXEN__
       || type == sc_xg1
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, flooroffx);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, flooroffy);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, ceiloffx);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, ceiloffy);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(xsec->xg) // Extended General?
        SV_WriteXGSector(sec, writer);