예제 #1
gfxCoreTextShaper::SetGlyphsFromRun(gfxTextRun *aTextRun,
                                    CTRunRef aCTRun,
                                    PRInt32 aStringOffset, // offset in the string used to build the CTLine
                                    PRInt32 aRunStart,     // starting offset of this font run in the gfxTextRun
                                    PRInt32 aRunLength)    // length of this font run in characters
    // The textRun has been bidi-wrapped; aStringOffset is the number
    // of chars at the beginning of the CTLine that we should skip.
    // aRunStart and aRunLength define the range of characters
    // within the textRun that are "real" data we need to handle.
    // aCTRun is a glyph run from the CoreText layout process.

    bool isLTR = !aTextRun->IsRightToLeft();
    PRInt32 direction = isLTR ? 1 : -1;

    PRInt32 numGlyphs = ::CTRunGetGlyphCount(aCTRun);
    if (numGlyphs == 0) {
        return NS_OK;

    // character offsets get really confusing here, as we have to keep track of
    // (a) the text in the actual textRun we're constructing
    // (b) the "font run" being rendered with the current font, defined by aRunStart and aRunLength
    //     parameters to InitTextRun
    // (c) the string that was handed to CoreText, which contains the text of the font run
    //     plus directional-override padding
    // (d) the CTRun currently being processed, which may be a sub-run of the CoreText line
    //     (but may extend beyond the actual font run into the bidi wrapping text).
    //     aStringOffset tells us how many initial characters of the line to ignore.

    // get the source string range within the CTLine's text
    CFRange stringRange = ::CTRunGetStringRange(aCTRun);
    // skip the run if it is entirely outside the actual range of the font run
    if (stringRange.location - aStringOffset + stringRange.length <= 0 ||
        stringRange.location - aStringOffset >= aRunLength) {
        return NS_OK;

    // retrieve the laid-out glyph data from the CTRun
    nsAutoArrayPtr<CGGlyph> glyphsArray;
    nsAutoArrayPtr<CGPoint> positionsArray;
    nsAutoArrayPtr<CFIndex> glyphToCharArray;
    const CGGlyph* glyphs = NULL;
    const CGPoint* positions = NULL;
    const CFIndex* glyphToChar = NULL;

    // Testing indicates that CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (almost?) always succeeds,
    // and so allocating a new array and copying data with CTRunGetGlyphs
    // will be extremely rare.
    // If this were not the case, we could use an nsAutoTArray<> to
    // try and avoid the heap allocation for small runs.
    // It's possible that some future change to CoreText will mean that
    // CTRunGetGlyphsPtr fails more often; if this happens, nsAutoTArray<>
    // may become an attractive option.
    glyphs = ::CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(aCTRun);
    if (!glyphs) {
        glyphsArray = new (std::nothrow) CGGlyph[numGlyphs];
        if (!glyphsArray) {
            return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        ::CTRunGetGlyphs(aCTRun, ::CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphsArray.get());
        glyphs = glyphsArray.get();

    positions = ::CTRunGetPositionsPtr(aCTRun);
    if (!positions) {
        positionsArray = new (std::nothrow) CGPoint[numGlyphs];
        if (!positionsArray) {
            return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        ::CTRunGetPositions(aCTRun, ::CFRangeMake(0, 0), positionsArray.get());
        positions = positionsArray.get();

    // Remember that the glyphToChar indices relate to the CoreText line
    // not to the beginning of the textRun, the font run, or the stringRange of the glyph run
    glyphToChar = ::CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(aCTRun);
    if (!glyphToChar) {
        glyphToCharArray = new (std::nothrow) CFIndex[numGlyphs];
        if (!glyphToCharArray) {
            return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        ::CTRunGetStringIndices(aCTRun, ::CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphToCharArray.get());
        glyphToChar = glyphToCharArray.get();

    double runWidth = ::CTRunGetTypographicBounds(aCTRun, ::CFRangeMake(0, 0), NULL, NULL, NULL);

    nsAutoTArray<gfxTextRun::DetailedGlyph,1> detailedGlyphs;
    gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph g;
    const PRUint32 appUnitsPerDevUnit = aTextRun->GetAppUnitsPerDevUnit();

    // CoreText gives us the glyphindex-to-charindex mapping, which relates each glyph
    // to a source text character; we also need the charindex-to-glyphindex mapping to
    // find the glyph for a given char. Note that some chars may not map to any glyph
    // (ligature continuations), and some may map to several glyphs (eg Indic split vowels).
    // We set the glyph index to NO_GLYPH for chars that have no associated glyph, and we
    // record the last glyph index for cases where the char maps to several glyphs,
    // so that our clumping will include all the glyph fragments for the character.

    // The charToGlyph array is indexed by char position within the stringRange of the glyph run.

    static const PRInt32 NO_GLYPH = -1;
    nsAutoTArray<PRInt32,SMALL_GLYPH_RUN> charToGlyphArray;
    if (!charToGlyphArray.SetLength(stringRange.length)) {
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    PRInt32 *charToGlyph = charToGlyphArray.Elements();
    for (PRInt32 offset = 0; offset < stringRange.length; ++offset) {
        charToGlyph[offset] = NO_GLYPH;
    for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        PRInt32 loc = glyphToChar[i] - stringRange.location;
        if (loc >= 0 && loc < stringRange.length) {
            charToGlyph[loc] = i;

    // Find character and glyph clumps that correspond, allowing for ligatures,
    // indic reordering, split glyphs, etc.
    // The idea is that we'll find a character sequence starting at the first char of stringRange,
    // and extend it until it includes the character associated with the first glyph;
    // we also extend it as long as there are "holes" in the range of glyphs. So we
    // will eventually have a contiguous sequence of characters, starting at the beginning
    // of the range, that map to a contiguous sequence of glyphs, starting at the beginning
    // of the glyph array. That's a clump; then we update the starting positions and repeat.
    // NB: In the case of RTL layouts, we iterate over the stringRange in reverse.
    // This may find characters that fall outside the range aRunStart:aRunLength,
    // so we won't necessarily use everything we find here.

    PRInt32 glyphStart = 0; // looking for a clump that starts at this glyph index
    PRInt32 charStart = isLTR ?
        0 : stringRange.length-1; // and this char index (in the stringRange of the glyph run)

    while (glyphStart < numGlyphs) { // keep finding groups until all glyphs are accounted for

        bool inOrder = true;
        PRInt32 charEnd = glyphToChar[glyphStart] - stringRange.location;
        NS_ASSERTION(charEnd >= 0 && charEnd < stringRange.length,
                     "glyph-to-char mapping points outside string range");
        PRInt32 glyphEnd = glyphStart;
        PRInt32 charLimit = isLTR ? stringRange.length : -1;
        do {
            // This is normally executed once for each iteration of the outer loop,
            // but in unusual cases where the character/glyph association is complex,
            // the initial character range might correspond to a non-contiguous
            // glyph range with "holes" in it. If so, we will repeat this loop to
            // extend the character range until we have a contiguous glyph sequence.
            NS_ASSERTION((direction > 0 && charEnd < charLimit) ||
                         (direction < 0 && charEnd > charLimit),
                         "no characters left in range?");
            charEnd += direction;
            while (charEnd != charLimit && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH) {
                charEnd += direction;

            // find the maximum glyph index covered by the clump so far
            for (PRInt32 i = charStart; i != charEnd; i += direction) {
                if (charToGlyph[i] != NO_GLYPH) {
                    glyphEnd = NS_MAX(glyphEnd, charToGlyph[i] + 1); // update extent of glyph range

            if (glyphEnd == glyphStart + 1) {
                // for the common case of a single-glyph clump, we can skip the following checks

            if (glyphEnd == glyphStart) {
                // no glyphs, try to extend the clump

            // check whether all glyphs in the range are associated with the characters
            // in our clump; if not, we have a discontinuous range, and should extend it
            // unless we've reached the end of the text
            bool allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = true;
            PRInt32 prevGlyphCharIndex = charStart;
            for (PRInt32 i = glyphStart; i < glyphEnd; ++i) {
                PRInt32 glyphCharIndex = glyphToChar[i] - stringRange.location;
                if (isLTR) {
                    if (glyphCharIndex < charStart || glyphCharIndex >= charEnd) {
                        allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = PR_FALSE;
                    if (glyphCharIndex < prevGlyphCharIndex) {
                        inOrder = PR_FALSE;
                    prevGlyphCharIndex = glyphCharIndex;
                } else {
                    if (glyphCharIndex > charStart || glyphCharIndex <= charEnd) {
                        allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = PR_FALSE;
                    if (glyphCharIndex > prevGlyphCharIndex) {
                        inOrder = PR_FALSE;
                    prevGlyphCharIndex = glyphCharIndex;
            if (allGlyphsAreWithinCluster) {
        } while (charEnd != charLimit);

        NS_ASSERTION(glyphStart < glyphEnd, "character/glyph clump contains no glyphs!");
        NS_ASSERTION(charStart != charEnd, "character/glyph contains no characters!");

        // Now charStart..charEnd is a ligature clump, corresponding to glyphStart..glyphEnd;
        // Set baseCharIndex to the char we'll actually attach the glyphs to (1st of ligature),
        // and endCharIndex to the limit (position beyond the last char),
        // adjusting for the offset of the stringRange relative to the textRun.
        PRInt32 baseCharIndex, endCharIndex;
        if (isLTR) {
            while (charEnd < stringRange.length && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH) {
            baseCharIndex = charStart + stringRange.location - aStringOffset + aRunStart;
            endCharIndex = charEnd + stringRange.location - aStringOffset + aRunStart;
        } else {
            while (charEnd >= 0 && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH) {
            baseCharIndex = charEnd + stringRange.location - aStringOffset + aRunStart + 1;
            endCharIndex = charStart + stringRange.location - aStringOffset + aRunStart + 1;

        // Then we check if the clump falls outside our actual string range; if so, just go to the next.
        if (endCharIndex <= aRunStart || baseCharIndex >= aRunStart + aRunLength) {
            glyphStart = glyphEnd;
            charStart = charEnd;
        // Ensure we won't try to go beyond the valid length of the textRun's text
        baseCharIndex = NS_MAX(baseCharIndex, aRunStart);
        endCharIndex = NS_MIN(endCharIndex, aRunStart + aRunLength);

        // Now we're ready to set the glyph info in the textRun; measure the glyph width
        // of the first (perhaps only) glyph, to see if it is "Simple"
        double toNextGlyph;
        if (glyphStart < numGlyphs-1) {
            toNextGlyph = positions[glyphStart+1].x - positions[glyphStart].x;
        } else {
            toNextGlyph = positions[0].x + runWidth - positions[glyphStart].x;
        PRInt32 advance = PRInt32(toNextGlyph * appUnitsPerDevUnit);

        // Check if it's a simple one-to-one mapping
        PRInt32 glyphsInClump = glyphEnd - glyphStart;
        if (glyphsInClump == 1 &&
            gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph::IsSimpleGlyphID(glyphs[glyphStart]) &&
            gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph::IsSimpleAdvance(advance) &&
            aTextRun->IsClusterStart(baseCharIndex) &&
            positions[glyphStart].y == 0.0)
                                     g.SetSimpleGlyph(advance, glyphs[glyphStart]));
        } else {
            // collect all glyphs in a list to be assigned to the first char;
            // there must be at least one in the clump, and we already measured its advance,
            // hence the placement of the loop-exit test and the measurement of the next glyph
            while (1) {
                gfxTextRun::DetailedGlyph *details = detailedGlyphs.AppendElement();
                details->mGlyphID = glyphs[glyphStart];
                details->mXOffset = 0;
                details->mYOffset = -positions[glyphStart].y * appUnitsPerDevUnit;
                details->mAdvance = advance;
                if (++glyphStart >= glyphEnd) {
                if (glyphStart < numGlyphs-1) {
                    toNextGlyph = positions[glyphStart+1].x - positions[glyphStart].x;
                } else {
                    toNextGlyph = positions[0].x + runWidth - positions[glyphStart].x;
                advance = PRInt32(toNextGlyph * appUnitsPerDevUnit);

            gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph g;
                         PR_TRUE, detailedGlyphs.Length());
            aTextRun->SetGlyphs(baseCharIndex, g, detailedGlyphs.Elements());


        // the rest of the chars in the group are ligature continuations, no associated glyphs
        while (++baseCharIndex != endCharIndex && baseCharIndex < aRunStart + aRunLength) {
            g.SetComplex(inOrder && aTextRun->IsClusterStart(baseCharIndex),
                         PR_FALSE, 0);
            aTextRun->SetGlyphs(baseCharIndex, g, nsnull);

        glyphStart = glyphEnd;
        charStart = charEnd;

    return NS_OK;
예제 #2
nsIconDecoder::WriteInternal(const char *aBuffer, PRUint32 aCount)
  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!HasError(), "Shouldn't call WriteInternal after error!");

  // We put this here to avoid errors about crossing initialization with case
  // jumps on linux.
  PRUint32 bytesToRead = 0;
  nsresult rv;

  // Performance isn't critical here, so our update rectangle is 
  // always the full icon
  nsIntRect r(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);

  // Loop until the input data is gone
  while (aCount > 0) {
    switch (mState) {
      case iconStateStart:

        // Grab the width
        mWidth = (PRUint8)*aBuffer;

        // Book Keeping
        mState = iconStateHaveHeight;

      case iconStateHaveHeight:

        // Grab the Height
        mHeight = (PRUint8)*aBuffer;

        // Post our size to the superclass
        PostSize(mWidth, mHeight);
        if (HasError()) {
          // Setting the size led to an error.
          mState = iconStateFinished;

        // If We're doing a size decode, we're done
        if (IsSizeDecode()) {
          mState = iconStateFinished;

        // Add the frame and signal
        rv = mImage.EnsureFrame(0, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight,
                                &mImageData, &mPixBytesTotal);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {

        // Tell the superclass we're starting a frame

        // Book Keeping
        mState = iconStateReadPixels;

      case iconStateReadPixels:

        // How many bytes are we reading?
        bytesToRead = NS_MIN(aCount, mPixBytesTotal - mPixBytesRead);

        // Copy the bytes
        memcpy(mImageData + mPixBytesRead, aBuffer, bytesToRead);

        // Invalidate

        // Book Keeping
        aBuffer += bytesToRead;
        aCount -= bytesToRead;
        mPixBytesRead += bytesToRead;

        // If we've got all the pixel bytes, we're finished
        if (mPixBytesRead == mPixBytesTotal) {
          mState = iconStateFinished;

      case iconStateFinished:

        // Consume all excess data silently
        aCount = 0;

예제 #3
nsAbsoluteContainingBlock::ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIFrame*                aDelegatingFrame,
                                               nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                               nscoord                  aContainingBlockWidth,
                                               nscoord                  aContainingBlockHeight,
                                               PRBool                   aConstrainHeight,
                                               nsIFrame*                aKidFrame,
                                               nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                               nsOverflowAreas*         aOverflowAreas)
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    printf("abs pos ");
    if (aKidFrame) {
      nsAutoString name;
      printf("%s ", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(name).get());

    char width[16];
    char height[16];
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.availableWidth, width);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.availableHeight, height);
    printf(" a=%s,%s ", width, height);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), width);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.ComputedHeight(), height);
    printf("c=%s,%s \n", width, height);
  AutoNoisyIndenter indent(nsBlockFrame::gNoisy);
#endif // DEBUG

  // Store position and overflow rect so taht we can invalidate the correct
  // area if the position changes
  nsRect oldOverflowRect(aKidFrame->GetVisualOverflowRect() +
  nsRect oldRect = aKidFrame->GetRect();

  nsresult  rv;
  // Get the border values
  const nsMargin& border = aReflowState.mStyleBorder->GetActualBorder();

  nscoord availWidth = aContainingBlockWidth;
  if (availWidth == -1) {
    NS_ASSERTION(aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                 "Must have a useful width _somewhere_");
    availWidth =
      aReflowState.ComputedWidth() + aReflowState.mComputedPadding.LeftRight();
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
  nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aKidFrame,
                                   nsSize(availWidth, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE),

  // Send the WillReflow() notification and position the frame

  PRBool constrainHeight = (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE)
    && aConstrainHeight
       // Don't split if told not to (e.g. for fixed frames)
    && (aDelegatingFrame->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame)
       //XXX we don't handle splitting frames for inline absolute containing blocks yet
    && (aKidFrame->GetRect().y <= aReflowState.availableHeight);
       // Don't split things below the fold. (Ideally we shouldn't *have*
       // anything totally below the fold, but we can't position frames
       // across next-in-flow breaks yet.
  if (constrainHeight) {
    kidReflowState.availableHeight = aReflowState.availableHeight - border.top
                                     - kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.top;
    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET != kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top)
      kidReflowState.availableHeight -= kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top;

  // Do the reflow
  rv = aKidFrame->Reflow(aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);

  // If we're solving for 'left' or 'top', then compute it now that we know the
  // width/height
  if ((NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left) ||
      (NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top)) {
    if (-1 == aContainingBlockWidth) {
      // Get the containing block width/height

    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left) {
      NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOOFFSET != kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.right,
                   "Can't solve for both left and right");
      kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left = aContainingBlockWidth -
                                             kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.right -
                                             kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.right -
                                             kidDesiredSize.width -
    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top) {
      kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top = aContainingBlockHeight -
                                            kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.bottom -
                                            kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.bottom -
                                            kidDesiredSize.height -

  // Position the child relative to our padding edge
  nsRect  rect(border.left + kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.left,
               border.top + kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.top + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.top,
               kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);

  nsIView* view = aKidFrame->GetView();
  if (view) {
    // Size and position the view and set its opacity, visibility, content
    // transparency, and clip
    nsContainerFrame::SyncFrameViewAfterReflow(aPresContext, aKidFrame, view,
  } else {

  if (oldRect.TopLeft() != rect.TopLeft() || 
      (aDelegatingFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    // The frame moved
  } else if (oldRect.Size() != rect.Size()) {
    // Invalidate the area where the frame changed size.
    nscoord innerWidth = NS_MIN(oldRect.width, rect.width);
    nscoord innerHeight = NS_MIN(oldRect.height, rect.height);
    nscoord outerWidth = NS_MAX(oldRect.width, rect.width);
    nscoord outerHeight = NS_MAX(oldRect.height, rect.height);
        nsRect(rect.x + innerWidth, rect.y, outerWidth - innerWidth, outerHeight));
    // Invalidate the horizontal strip
        nsRect(rect.x, rect.y + innerHeight, outerWidth, outerHeight - innerHeight));
  aKidFrame->DidReflow(aPresContext, &kidReflowState, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout,nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent - 1);
    printf("abs pos ");
    if (aKidFrame) {
      nsAutoString name;
      printf("%s ", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(name).get());
    printf("%p rect=%d,%d,%d,%d\n", static_cast<void*>(aKidFrame),
           rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

  if (aOverflowAreas) {
    aOverflowAreas->UnionWith(kidDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas + rect.TopLeft());

  return rv;
예제 #4
 * Box blur involves looking at one pixel, and setting its value to the average
 * of its neighbouring pixels.
 * @param aInput The input buffer.
 * @param aOutput The output buffer.
 * @param aLeftLobe The number of pixels to blend on the left.
 * @param aRightLobe The number of pixels to blend on the right.
 * @param aWidth The number of columns in the buffers.
 * @param aRows The number of rows in the buffers.
 * @param aSkipRect An area to skip blurring in.
 * XXX shouldn't we pass stride in separately here?
static void
BoxBlurHorizontal(unsigned char* aInput,
                  unsigned char* aOutput,
                  PRInt32 aLeftLobe,
                  PRInt32 aRightLobe,
                  PRInt32 aWidth,
                  PRInt32 aRows,
                  const nsIntRect& aSkipRect)
    PRInt32 boxSize = aLeftLobe + aRightLobe + 1;
    PRBool skipRectCoversWholeRow = 0 >= aSkipRect.x &&
                                    aWidth <= aSkipRect.XMost();

    for (PRInt32 y = 0; y < aRows; y++) {
        // Check whether the skip rect intersects this row. If the skip
        // rect covers the whole surface in this row, we can avoid
        // this row entirely (and any others along the skip rect).
        PRBool inSkipRectY = y >= aSkipRect.y &&
                             y < aSkipRect.YMost();
        if (inSkipRectY && skipRectCoversWholeRow) {
            y = aSkipRect.YMost() - 1;

        PRInt32 alphaSum = 0;
        for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
            PRInt32 pos = i - aLeftLobe;
            pos = NS_MAX(pos, 0);
            pos = NS_MIN(pos, aWidth - 1);
            alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
        for (PRInt32 x = 0; x < aWidth; x++) {
            // Check whether we are within the skip rect. If so, go
            // to the next point outside the skip rect.
            if (inSkipRectY && x >= aSkipRect.x &&
                x < aSkipRect.XMost()) {
                x = aSkipRect.XMost();
                if (x >= aWidth)

                // Recalculate the neighbouring alpha values for
                // our new point on the surface.
                alphaSum = 0;
                for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
                    PRInt32 pos = x + i - aLeftLobe;
                    pos = NS_MAX(pos, 0);
                    pos = NS_MIN(pos, aWidth - 1);
                    alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
            PRInt32 tmp = x - aLeftLobe;
            PRInt32 last = NS_MAX(tmp, 0);
            PRInt32 next = NS_MIN(tmp + boxSize, aWidth - 1);

            aOutput[aWidth * y + x] = alphaSum/boxSize;

            alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + next] -
                        aInput[aWidth * y + last];
예제 #5
nsFeedSniffer::GetMIMETypeFromContent(nsIRequest* request,
                                      const uint8_t* data,
                                      uint32_t length,
                                      nsACString& sniffedType)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> channel(do_QueryInterface(request));
    if (!channel)
        return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;

    // Check that this is a GET request, since you can't subscribe to a POST...
    nsAutoCString method;
    if (!method.Equals("GET")) {
        return NS_OK;

    // We need to find out if this is a load of a view-source document. In this
    // case we do not want to override the content type, since the source display
    // does not need to be converted from feed format to XUL. More importantly,
    // we don't want to change the content type from something
    // nsContentDLF::CreateInstance knows about (e.g. application/xml, text/html
    // etc) to something that only the application fe knows about (maybe.feed)
    // thus deactivating syntax highlighting.
    nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> originalURI;

    nsAutoCString scheme;
    if (scheme.EqualsLiteral("view-source")) {
        return NS_OK;

    // Check the Content-Type to see if it is set correctly. If it is set to
    // something specific that we think is a reliable indication of a feed, don't
    // bother sniffing since we assume the site maintainer knows what they're
    // doing.
    nsAutoCString contentType;
    bool noSniff = contentType.EqualsLiteral(TYPE_RSS) ||

    // Check to see if this was a feed request from the location bar or from
    // the feed: protocol. This is also a reliable indication.
    // The value of the header doesn't matter.
    if (!noSniff) {
        nsAutoCString sniffHeader;
        nsresult foundHeader =
        noSniff = NS_SUCCEEDED(foundHeader);

    if (noSniff) {
        // check for an attachment after we have a likely feed.
        if(HasAttachmentDisposition(channel)) {
            return NS_OK;

        // set the feed header as a response header, since we have good metadata
        // telling us that the feed is supposed to be RSS or Atom
                                   NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("1"), false);
        return NS_OK;

    // Don't sniff arbitrary types.  Limit sniffing to situations that
    // we think can reasonably arise.
    if (!contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_HTML) &&
            !contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) &&
            // Same criterion as XMLHttpRequest.  Should we be checking for "+xml"
            // and check for text/xml and application/xml by hand instead?
            contentType.Find("xml") == -1) {
        return NS_OK;

    // Now we need to potentially decompress data served with
    // Content-Encoding: gzip
    nsresult rv = ConvertEncodedData(request, data, length);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // We cap the number of bytes to scan at MAX_BYTES to prevent picking up
    // false positives by accidentally reading document content, e.g. a "how to
    // make a feed" page.
    const char* testData;
    if (mDecodedData.IsEmpty()) {
        testData = (const char*)data;
        length = NS_MIN(length, MAX_BYTES);
    } else {
        testData = mDecodedData.get();
        length = NS_MIN(mDecodedData.Length(), MAX_BYTES);

    // The strategy here is based on that described in:
    // http://blogs.msdn.com/rssteam/articles/PublishersGuide.aspx
    // for interoperarbility purposes.

    // Thus begins the actual sniffing.
    nsDependentCSubstring dataString((const char*)testData, length);

    bool isFeed = false;

    // RSS 0.91/0.92/2.0
    isFeed = ContainsTopLevelSubstring(dataString, "<rss");

    // Atom 1.0
    if (!isFeed)
        isFeed = ContainsTopLevelSubstring(dataString, "<feed");

    // RSS 1.0
    if (!isFeed) {
        isFeed = ContainsTopLevelSubstring(dataString, "<rdf:RDF") &&
                 dataString.Find(NS_RDF) != -1 &&
                 dataString.Find(NS_RSS) != -1;

    // If we sniffed a feed, coerce our internal type
    if (isFeed && !HasAttachmentDisposition(channel))
    return NS_OK;
예제 #6
   * this function is called to prepare mData for writing.  the given capacity
   * indicates the required minimum storage size for mData, in sizeof(char_type)
   * increments.  this function returns true if the operation succeeds.  it also
   * returns the old data and old flags members if mData is newly allocated.
   * the old data must be released by the caller.
nsTSubstring_CharT::MutatePrep( size_type capacity, char_type** oldData, PRUint32* oldFlags )
    // initialize to no old data
    *oldData = nsnull;
    *oldFlags = 0;

    size_type curCapacity = Capacity();

    // If |capacity > kMaxCapacity|, then our doubling algorithm may not be
    // able to allocate it.  Just bail out in cases like that.  We don't want
    // to be allocating 2GB+ strings anyway.
    PR_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(nsStringBuffer) & 0x1) == 0);
    const size_type kMaxCapacity =
      (size_type(-1)/2 - sizeof(nsStringBuffer)) / sizeof(char_type) - 2;
    if (capacity > kMaxCapacity) {
      // Also assert for |capacity| equal to |size_type(-1)|, since we used to
      // use that value to flag immutability.
      NS_ASSERTION(capacity != size_type(-1), "Bogus capacity");
      return false;

    // |curCapacity == 0| means that the buffer is immutable or 0-sized, so we
    // need to allocate a new buffer. We cannot use the existing buffer even
    // though it might be large enough.

    if (curCapacity != 0)
        if (capacity <= curCapacity) {
          mFlags &= ~F_VOIDED;  // mutation clears voided flag
          return true;

        // Use doubling algorithm when forced to increase available capacity.
        size_type temp = curCapacity;
        while (temp < capacity)
          temp <<= 1;
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_MIN(temp, kMaxCapacity) >= capacity,
                     "should have hit the early return at the top");
        capacity = NS_MIN(temp, kMaxCapacity);

    // several cases:
    //  (1) we have a shared buffer (mFlags & F_SHARED)
    //  (2) we have an owned buffer (mFlags & F_OWNED)
    //  (3) we have a fixed buffer (mFlags & F_FIXED)
    //  (4) we have a readonly buffer
    // requiring that we in some cases preserve the data before creating
    // a new buffer complicates things just a bit ;-)

    size_type storageSize = (capacity + 1) * sizeof(char_type);

    // case #1
    if (mFlags & F_SHARED)
        nsStringBuffer* hdr = nsStringBuffer::FromData(mData);
        if (!hdr->IsReadonly())
            nsStringBuffer *newHdr = nsStringBuffer::Realloc(hdr, storageSize);
            if (!newHdr)
              return false; // out-of-memory (original header left intact)

            hdr = newHdr;
            mData = (char_type*) hdr->Data();
            mFlags &= ~F_VOIDED;  // mutation clears voided flag
            return true;

    char_type* newData;
    PRUint32 newDataFlags;

      // if we have a fixed buffer of sufficient size, then use it.  this helps
      // avoid heap allocations.
    if ((mFlags & F_CLASS_FIXED) && (capacity < AsFixedString(this)->mFixedCapacity))
        newData = AsFixedString(this)->mFixedBuf;
        newDataFlags = F_TERMINATED | F_FIXED;
        // if we reach here then, we must allocate a new buffer.  we cannot
        // make use of our F_OWNED or F_FIXED buffers because they are not
        // large enough.

        nsStringBuffer* newHdr = nsStringBuffer::Alloc(storageSize);
        if (!newHdr)
          return false; // we are still in a consistent state

        newData = (char_type*) newHdr->Data();
        newDataFlags = F_TERMINATED | F_SHARED;

    // save old data and flags
    *oldData = mData;
    *oldFlags = mFlags;

    mData = newData;

    // mLength does not change

    // though we are not necessarily terminated at the moment, now is probably
    // still the best time to set F_TERMINATED.

    return true;
예제 #7
// NOTE: aDesiredStretchSize is an IN/OUT parameter
//       On input  - it contains our current size
//       On output - the same size or the new size that we want
nsMathMLmoFrame::Stretch(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                         nsStretchDirection   aStretchDirection,
                         nsBoundingMetrics&   aContainerSize,
                         nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredStretchSize)
  if (NS_MATHML_STRETCH_WAS_DONE(mPresentationData.flags)) {
    NS_WARNING("it is wrong to fire stretch more than once on a frame");
    return NS_OK;
  mPresentationData.flags |= NS_MATHML_STRETCH_DONE;

  nsIFrame* firstChild = mFrames.FirstChild();

  // get the axis height;
  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));
  nscoord axisHeight, height;
  GetAxisHeight(aRenderingContext, fm, axisHeight);

  // get the leading to be left at the top and the bottom of the stretched char
  // this seems more reliable than using fm->GetLeading() on suspicious fonts
  nscoord em;
  GetEmHeight(fm, em);
  nscoord leading = NSToCoordRound(0.2f * em);

  // Operators that are stretchy, or those that are to be centered
  // to cater for fonts that are not math-aware, are handled by the MathMLChar
  // ('form' is reset if stretch fails -- i.e., we don't bother to stretch next time)
  PRBool useMathMLChar = UseMathMLChar();

  nsBoundingMetrics charSize;
  nsBoundingMetrics container = aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics;
  PRBool isVertical = PR_FALSE;

  if (((aStretchDirection == NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL) ||
       (aStretchDirection == NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_DEFAULT))  &&
      (mEmbellishData.direction == NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL)) {
    isVertical = PR_TRUE;

  PRUint32 stretchHint =
    GetStretchHint(mFlags, mPresentationData, isVertical);

  if (useMathMLChar) {
    nsBoundingMetrics initialSize = aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics;

    if (stretchHint != NS_STRETCH_NONE) {

      container = aContainerSize;

      // some adjustments if the operator is symmetric and vertical

      if (isVertical && NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_SYMMETRIC(mFlags)) {
        // we need to center about the axis
        nscoord delta = NS_MAX(container.ascent - axisHeight,
                               container.descent + axisHeight);
        container.ascent = delta + axisHeight;
        container.descent = delta - axisHeight;

        // get ready in case we encounter user-desired min-max size
        delta = NS_MAX(initialSize.ascent - axisHeight,
                       initialSize.descent + axisHeight);
        initialSize.ascent = delta + axisHeight;
        initialSize.descent = delta - axisHeight;

      // check for user-desired min-max size

      if (mMaxSize != NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_SIZE_INFINITY && mMaxSize > 0.0f) {
        // if we are here, there is a user defined maxsize ...
        //XXX Set stretchHint = NS_STRETCH_NORMAL? to honor the maxsize as close as possible?
          // there is an explicit value like maxsize="20pt"
          // try to maintain the aspect ratio of the char
          float aspect = mMaxSize / float(initialSize.ascent + initialSize.descent);
          container.ascent =
            NS_MIN(container.ascent, nscoord(initialSize.ascent * aspect));
          container.descent =
            NS_MIN(container.descent, nscoord(initialSize.descent * aspect));
          // below we use a type cast instead of a conversion to avoid a VC++ bug
          // see http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q115/7/05.ASP
          container.width =
            NS_MIN(container.width, (nscoord)mMaxSize);
        else { // multiplicative value
          container.ascent =
            NS_MIN(container.ascent, nscoord(initialSize.ascent * mMaxSize));
          container.descent =
            NS_MIN(container.descent, nscoord(initialSize.descent * mMaxSize));
          container.width =
            NS_MIN(container.width, nscoord(initialSize.width * mMaxSize));

        if (isVertical && !NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_SYMMETRIC(mFlags)) {
          // re-adjust to align the char with the bottom of the initial container
          height = container.ascent + container.descent;
          container.descent = aContainerSize.descent;
          container.ascent = height - container.descent;

      if (mMinSize > 0.0f) {
        // if we are here, there is a user defined minsize ...
        // always allow the char to stretch in its natural direction,
        // even if it is different from the caller's direction 
        if (aStretchDirection != NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_DEFAULT &&
            aStretchDirection != mEmbellishData.direction) {
          aStretchDirection = NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_DEFAULT;
          // but when we are not honoring the requested direction
          // we should not use the caller's container size either
          container = initialSize;
          // there is an explicit value like minsize="20pt"
          // try to maintain the aspect ratio of the char
          float aspect = mMinSize / float(initialSize.ascent + initialSize.descent);
          container.ascent =
            NS_MAX(container.ascent, nscoord(initialSize.ascent * aspect));
          container.descent =
            NS_MAX(container.descent, nscoord(initialSize.descent * aspect));
          container.width =
            NS_MAX(container.width, (nscoord)mMinSize);
        else { // multiplicative value
          container.ascent =
            NS_MAX(container.ascent, nscoord(initialSize.ascent * mMinSize));
          container.descent =
            NS_MAX(container.descent, nscoord(initialSize.descent * mMinSize));
          container.width =
            NS_MAX(container.width, nscoord(initialSize.width * mMinSize));

        if (isVertical && !NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_SYMMETRIC(mFlags)) {
          // re-adjust to align the char with the bottom of the initial container
          height = container.ascent + container.descent;
          container.descent = aContainerSize.descent;
          container.ascent = height - container.descent;

    // let the MathMLChar stretch itself...
    nsresult res = mMathMLChar.Stretch(PresContext(), aRenderingContext,
                                       aStretchDirection, container, charSize, stretchHint);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) {
      // gracefully handle cases where stretching the char failed (i.e., GetBoundingMetrics failed)
      // clear our 'form' to behave as if the operator wasn't in the dictionary
      useMathMLChar = PR_FALSE;

  // Child frames of invisble operators are not reflowed
    // Place our children using the default method
    // This will allow our child text frame to get its DidReflow()
    nsresult rv = Place(aRenderingContext, PR_TRUE, aDesiredStretchSize);
    if (NS_MATHML_HAS_ERROR(mPresentationData.flags) || NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Make sure the child frames get their DidReflow() calls.

  if (useMathMLChar) {
    // update our bounding metrics... it becomes that of our MathML char
    mBoundingMetrics = charSize;

    // if the returned direction is 'unsupported', the char didn't actually change. 
    // So we do the centering only if necessary
    if (mMathMLChar.GetStretchDirection() != NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_UNSUPPORTED ||

      PRBool largeopOnly =
        (NS_STRETCH_LARGEOP & stretchHint) != 0 &&
        (NS_STRETCH_VARIABLE_MASK & stretchHint) == 0;

      if (isVertical || NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_CENTERED(mFlags)) {
        // the desired size returned by mMathMLChar maybe different
        // from the size of the container.
        // the mMathMLChar.mRect.y calculation is subtle, watch out!!!

        height = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent;
          // For symmetric and vertical operators, or for operators that are always
          // centered ('+', '*', etc) we want to center about the axis of the container
          mBoundingMetrics.descent = height/2 - axisHeight;
        } else if (!largeopOnly) {
          // Align the center of the char with the center of the container
          mBoundingMetrics.descent = height/2 +
            (container.ascent + container.descent)/2 - container.ascent;
        } // else align the baselines
        mBoundingMetrics.ascent = height - mBoundingMetrics.descent;

  // Fixup for the final height.
  // On one hand, our stretchy height can sometimes be shorter than surrounding
  // ASCII chars, e.g., arrow symbols have |mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading|
  // that is smaller than the ASCII's ascent, hence when painting the background
  // later, it won't look uniform along the line.
  // On the other hand, sometimes we may leave too much gap when our glyph happens
  // to come from a font with tall glyphs. For example, since CMEX10 has very tall
  // glyphs, its natural font metrics are large, even if we pick a small glyph
  // whose size is comparable to the size of a normal ASCII glyph.
  // So to avoid uneven spacing in either of these two cases, we use the height
  // of the ASCII font as a reference and try to match it if possible.

  // special case for accents... keep them short to improve mouse operations...
  // an accent can only be the non-first child of <mover>, <munder>, <munderover>
  PRBool isAccent =
  if (isAccent) {
    nsEmbellishData parentData;
    GetEmbellishDataFrom(mParent, parentData);
    isAccent =
       (NS_MATHML_EMBELLISH_IS_ACCENTOVER(parentData.flags) ||
        NS_MATHML_EMBELLISH_IS_ACCENTUNDER(parentData.flags)) &&
       parentData.coreFrame != this;
  if (isAccent && firstChild) {
    // see bug 188467 for what is going on here
    nscoord dy = aDesiredStretchSize.ascent - (mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading);
    aDesiredStretchSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading;
    aDesiredStretchSize.height = aDesiredStretchSize.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent;

    firstChild->SetPosition(firstChild->GetPosition() - nsPoint(0, dy));
  else if (useMathMLChar) {
    nscoord ascent = fm->MaxAscent();
    nscoord descent = fm->MaxDescent();
    aDesiredStretchSize.ascent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading, ascent);
    aDesiredStretchSize.height = aDesiredStretchSize.ascent +
                                 NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.descent + leading, descent);
  aDesiredStretchSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;
  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredStretchSize.ascent;
  // Place our mMathMLChar, its origin is in our coordinate system
  if (useMathMLChar) {
    nscoord dy = aDesiredStretchSize.ascent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent;
    mMathMLChar.SetRect(nsRect(0, dy, charSize.width, charSize.ascent + charSize.descent));

  // Before we leave... there is a last item in the check-list:
  // If our parent is not embellished, it means we are the outermost embellished
  // container and so we put the spacing, otherwise we don't include the spacing,
  // the outermost embellished container will take care of it.


    // Account the spacing if we are not an accent with explicit attributes
    nscoord leftSpace = mEmbellishData.leftSpace;
    if (isAccent && !NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_HAS_LEFTSPACE_ATTR(mFlags)) {
      leftSpace = 0;
    nscoord rightSpace = mEmbellishData.rightSpace;
    if (isAccent && !NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_HAS_RIGHTSPACE_ATTR(mFlags)) {
      rightSpace = 0;

    mBoundingMetrics.width += leftSpace + rightSpace;
    aDesiredStretchSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
    aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;

    if (leftSpace) {
      // adjust the offsets
      mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing += leftSpace;
      mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing += leftSpace;
      aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing += leftSpace;
      aDesiredStretchSize.mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing += leftSpace;

      if (useMathMLChar) {
        nsRect rect;
        mMathMLChar.SetRect(nsRect(rect.x + leftSpace, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height));
      else {
        nsIFrame* childFrame = firstChild;
        while (childFrame) {
				  + nsPoint(leftSpace, 0));
          childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

  // Finished with these:
  // Set our overflow area

  // There used to be code here to change the height of the child frame to
  // change the caret height, but the text frame that manages the caret is now
  // not a direct child but wrapped in a block frame.  See also bug 412033.

  return NS_OK;
예제 #8
nsBlockReflowState::FlowAndPlaceFloat(nsFloatCache*   aFloatCache,
                                      PRBool*         aIsLeftFloat,
                                      nsReflowStatus& aReflowStatus,
                                      PRBool          aForceFit)
  aReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  // Save away the Y coordinate before placing the float. We will
  // restore mY at the end after placing the float. This is
  // necessary because any adjustments to mY during the float
  // placement are for the float only, not for any non-floating
  // content.
  nscoord saveY = mY;

  nsPlaceholderFrame* placeholder = aFloatCache->mPlaceholder;
  nsIFrame*           floatFrame = placeholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame();

  // Grab the float's display information
  const nsStyleDisplay* floatDisplay = floatFrame->GetStyleDisplay();

  // The float's old region, so we can propagate damage.
  nsRect oldRegion = aFloatCache->mRegion;

  // Enforce CSS2 9.5.1 rule [2], i.e., make sure that a float isn't
  // ``above'' another float that preceded it in the flow.
  mY = NS_MAX(mSpaceManager->GetLowestRegionTop() + BorderPadding().top, mY);

  // See if the float should clear any preceding floats...
  // XXX We need to mark this float somehow so that it gets reflowed
  // when floats are inserted before it.
  if (NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE != floatDisplay->mBreakType) {
    // XXXldb Does this handle vertical margins correctly?
    mY = ClearFloats(mY, floatDisplay->mBreakType);
    // Get the band of available space
  GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);

  NS_ASSERTION(floatFrame->GetParent() == mBlock,
               "Float frame has wrong parent");

  // Reflow the float
  nsMargin floatMargin;
  mBlock->ReflowFloat(*this, placeholder, floatMargin, aReflowStatus);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsRect region = floatFrame->GetRect();
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("flowed float: ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
    printf(" (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
	   region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height);

  nsSize floatSize = floatFrame->GetSize() +
                     nsSize(floatMargin.LeftRight(), floatMargin.TopBottom());

  // Find a place to place the float. The CSS2 spec doesn't want
  // floats overlapping each other or sticking out of the containing
  // block if possible (CSS2 spec section 9.5.1, see the rule list).
  NS_ASSERTION((NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT == floatDisplay->mFloats) ||
	       (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_RIGHT == floatDisplay->mFloats),
	       "invalid float type");

  // Can the float fit here?
  PRBool keepFloatOnSameLine = PR_FALSE;

  while (!CanPlaceFloat(floatSize, floatDisplay->mFloats, aForceFit)) {
    if (mAvailSpaceRect.height <= 0) {
      // No space, nowhere to put anything.
      mY = saveY;
      return PR_FALSE;

    // Nope. try to advance to the next band.
    if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE != floatDisplay->mDisplay ||
          eCompatibility_NavQuirks != mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() ) {

      mY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);
    } else {
      // This quirk matches the one in nsBlockFrame::ReflowFloat
      // IE handles float tables in a very special way

      // see if the previous float is also a table and has "align"
      nsFloatCache* fc = mCurrentLineFloats.Head();
      nsIFrame* prevFrame = nsnull;
      while (fc) {
        if (fc->mPlaceholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame() == floatFrame) {
        prevFrame = fc->mPlaceholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame();
        fc = fc->Next();
      if(prevFrame) {
        //get the frame type
        if (nsGkAtoms::tableOuterFrame == prevFrame->GetType()) {
          //see if it has "align="
          // IE makes a difference between align and he float property
          nsIContent* content = prevFrame->GetContent();
          if (content) {
            // we're interested only if previous frame is align=left
            // IE messes things up when "right" (overlapping frames) 
            if (content->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::align,
                                     NS_LITERAL_STRING("left"), eIgnoreCase)) {
              keepFloatOnSameLine = PR_TRUE;
              // don't advance to next line (IE quirkie behaviour)
              // it breaks rule CSS2/9.5.1/1, but what the hell
              // since we cannot evangelize the world

      // the table does not fit anymore in this line so advance to next band 
      mY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);
      // reflow the float again now since we have more space
      // XXXldb We really don't need to Reflow in a loop, we just need
      // to ComputeSize in a loop (once ComputeSize depends on
      // availableWidth, which should make this work again).
      mBlock->ReflowFloat(*this, placeholder, floatMargin, aReflowStatus);
      // Get the floats bounding box and margin information
      floatSize = floatFrame->GetSize() +
                     nsSize(floatMargin.LeftRight(), floatMargin.TopBottom());
  // If the float is continued, it will get the same absolute x value as its prev-in-flow

  // We don't worry about the geometry of the prev in flow, let the continuation
  // place and size itself as required.

  // Assign an x and y coordinate to the float. Note that the x,y
  // coordinates are computed <b>relative to the translation in the
  // spacemanager</b> which means that the impacted region will be
  // <b>inside</b> the border/padding area.
  PRBool isLeftFloat;
  nscoord floatX, floatY;
  if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT == floatDisplay->mFloats) {
    isLeftFloat = PR_TRUE;
    floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
  else {
    isLeftFloat = PR_FALSE;
    if (!keepFloatOnSameLine) {
      floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.XMost() - floatSize.width;
    else {
      // this is the IE quirk (see few lines above)
      // the table is kept in the same line: don't let it overlap the
      // previous float 
      floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
  *aIsLeftFloat = isLeftFloat;
  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();
  floatY = mY - borderPadding.top;
  if (floatY < 0) {
    // CSS2 spec, 9.5.1 rule [4]: "A floating box's outer top may not
    // be higher than the top of its containing block."  (Since the
    // containing block is the content edge of the block box, this
    // means the margin edge of the float can't be higher than the
    // content edge of the block that contains it.)
    floatY = 0;

  // Place the float in the space manager
  // if the float split, then take up all of the vertical height 
  if (NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aReflowStatus) && 
      (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != mContentArea.height)) {
    floatSize.height = PR_MAX(floatSize.height, mContentArea.height - floatY);

  nsRect region(floatX, floatY, floatSize.width, floatSize.height);
  // Don't send rectangles with negative margin-box width or height to
  // the space manager; it can't deal with them.
  if (region.width < 0) {
    // Preserve the right margin-edge for left floats and the left
    // margin-edge for right floats
    if (isLeftFloat) {
      region.x = region.XMost();
    region.width = 0;
  if (region.height < 0) {
    region.height = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
  nsresult rv =
  mSpaceManager->AddRectRegion(floatFrame, region);
  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "bad float placement");

  // Save away the floats region in the spacemanager, after making
  // it relative to the containing block's frame instead of relative
  // to the spacemanager translation (which is inset by the
  // border+padding).
  // XXX Maybe RecoverFloats should calc/add in the borderPadding itself?
  // It's kind of confusing to have the spacemanager translation be different
  // depending on what stage of reflow we're in.
  aFloatCache->mRegion = region +
                         nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);

  // If the float's dimensions have changed, note the damage in the
  // space manager.
  if (aFloatCache->mRegion != oldRegion) {
    // XXXwaterson conservative: we could probably get away with noting
    // less damage; e.g., if only height has changed, then only note the
    // area into which the float has grown or from which the float has
    // shrunk.
    nscoord top = NS_MIN(region.y, oldRegion.y);
    nscoord bottom = NS_MAX(region.YMost(), oldRegion.YMost());
    mSpaceManager->IncludeInDamage(top, bottom);

  nscoord tx, ty;
  mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(tx, ty);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlock);
  printf(": FlowAndPlaceFloat: AddRectRegion: txy=%d,%d (%d,%d) {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n",
         tx, ty, mSpaceManagerX, mSpaceManagerY,
         aFloatCache->mRegion.x, aFloatCache->mRegion.y,
         aFloatCache->mRegion.width, aFloatCache->mRegion.height);

  // Calculate the actual origin of the float frame's border rect
  // relative to the parent block; floatX/Y must be converted from space-manager
  // coordinates to parent coordinates, and the margin must be added in
  // to get the border rect
  nsPoint origin(borderPadding.left + floatMargin.left + floatX,
                 borderPadding.top + floatMargin.top + floatY);

  // If float is relatively positioned, factor that in as well
  origin += floatFrame->GetRelativeOffset(floatDisplay);

  // Position the float and make sure and views are properly
  // positioned. We need to explicitly position its child views as
  // well, since we're moving the float after flowing it.

  // Update the float combined area state
  nsRect combinedArea = floatFrame->GetOverflowRect() + origin;

  // XXX Floats should really just get invalidated here if necessary
  mFloatCombinedArea.UnionRect(combinedArea, mFloatCombinedArea);

  // Now restore mY
  mY = saveY;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsRect r = floatFrame->GetRect();
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("placed float: ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
    printf(" %d,%d,%d,%d\n", r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

  return PR_TRUE;
nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                               nsIFrame* aFirstKid,
                                               nsMargin aFocusPadding,
                                               nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
  nsSize availSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_INTRINSICSIZE);

  // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
  // from the regular border.
  availSize.width -= aFocusPadding.LeftRight();
  // See whether out availSize's width is big enough.  If it's smaller than our
  // intrinsic min width, that means that the kid wouldn't really fit; for a
  // better look in such cases we adjust the available width and our left
  // offset to allow the kid to spill left into our padding.
  nscoord xoffset = aFocusPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left;
  nscoord extrawidth = GetMinWidth(aReflowState.rendContext) -
  if (extrawidth > 0) {
    nscoord extraleft = extrawidth / 2;
    nscoord extraright = extrawidth - extraleft;
    NS_ASSERTION(extraright >=0, "How'd that happen?");
    // Do not allow the extras to be bigger than the relevant padding
    extraleft = NS_MIN(extraleft, aReflowState.mComputedPadding.left);
    extraright = NS_MIN(extraright, aReflowState.mComputedPadding.right);
    xoffset -= extraleft;
    availSize.width += extraleft + extraright;
  availSize.width = NS_MAX(availSize.width,0);
  nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aFirstKid,

  ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, reflowState,
              aFocusPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top,
              0, aStatus);
  // calculate the min internal height so the contents gets centered correctly.
  // XXXbz this assumes border-box sizing.
  nscoord minInternalHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight -
  minInternalHeight = NS_MAX(minInternalHeight, 0);

  // center child vertically
  nscoord yoff = 0;
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    yoff = (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() - aDesiredSize.height)/2;
    if (yoff < 0) {
      yoff = 0;
  } else if (aDesiredSize.height < minInternalHeight) {
    yoff = (minInternalHeight - aDesiredSize.height) / 2;

  // Place the child
  FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext, &reflowState, aDesiredSize,
                    yoff + aFocusPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top, 0);

  if (aDesiredSize.ascent == nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE)
    aDesiredSize.ascent = aFirstKid->GetBaseline();

  // Adjust the baseline by our offset (since we moved the child's
  // baseline by that much).
  aDesiredSize.ascent += yoff;
예제 #10
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSecure::MimeCryptoWriteBlock (const char *buf, PRInt32 size)
  int status = 0;
  nsresult rv;

  /* If this is a From line, mangle it before signing it.  You just know
   that something somewhere is going to mangle it later, and that's
   going to cause the signature check to fail.

   (This assumes that, in the cases where From-mangling must happen,
   this function is called a line at a time.  That happens to be the
  if (size >= 5 && buf[0] == 'F' && !strncmp(buf, "From ", 5)) {
    char mangle[] = ">";
    status = MimeCryptoWriteBlock (mangle, 1);
    if (status < 0)
    return status;

  /* If we're signing, or signing-and-encrypting, feed this data into
   the computation of the hash. */
  if (mDataHash) {
    mDataHash->Update((const PRUint8*) buf, size);
	  status = PR_GetError();
	  if (status < 0) goto FAIL;

  if (mEncryptionContext) {
	  /* If we're encrypting, or signing-and-encrypting, write this data
		 by filtering it through the crypto library. */

    /* We want to create equally sized encryption strings */
    const char *inputBytesIterator = buf;
    PRUint32 inputBytesLeft = size;

    while (inputBytesLeft) {
      const PRUint32 spaceLeftInBuffer = eBufferSize - mBufferedBytes;
      const PRUint32 bytesToAppend = NS_MIN(inputBytesLeft, spaceLeftInBuffer);

      memcpy(mBuffer+mBufferedBytes, inputBytesIterator, bytesToAppend);
      mBufferedBytes += bytesToAppend;
      inputBytesIterator += bytesToAppend;
      inputBytesLeft -= bytesToAppend;

      if (eBufferSize == mBufferedBytes) {
        rv = mEncryptionContext->Update(mBuffer, mBufferedBytes);
        mBufferedBytes = 0;
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
          status = PR_GetError();
          PR_ASSERT(status < 0);
          if (status >= 0) status = -1;
          goto FAIL;
  } else {
	  /* If we're not encrypting (presumably just signing) then write this
		 data directly to the file. */

    PRUint32 n;
    rv = mStream->Write(buf, size, &n);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv) || n < size) {
  return status;
/* virtual */ nsresult
nsMathMLmencloseFrame::PlaceInternal(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                                     bool                 aPlaceOrigin,
                                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                     bool                 aWidthOnly)
  // Measure the size of our content using the base class to format like an
  // inferred mrow.
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsresult rv =
    nsMathMLContainerFrame::Place(aRenderingContext, false, baseSize);

  if (NS_MATHML_HAS_ERROR(mPresentationData.flags) || NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      return rv;

  nsBoundingMetrics bmBase = baseSize.mBoundingMetrics;
  nscoord dx_left = 0, dx_right = 0;
  nsBoundingMetrics bmLongdivChar, bmRadicalChar;
  nscoord radicalAscent = 0, radicalDescent = 0;
  nscoord longdivAscent = 0, longdivDescent = 0;
  nscoord psi = 0;

  // Thickness of bars and font metrics
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);

  nscoord mEmHeight;
  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));
  GetRuleThickness(aRenderingContext, fm, mRuleThickness);
  GetEmHeight(fm, mEmHeight);

  PRUnichar one = '1';
  nsBoundingMetrics bmOne = aRenderingContext.GetBoundingMetrics(&one, 1);

  // General rules: the menclose element takes the size of the enclosed content.
  // We add a padding when needed.

  // determine padding & psi
  nscoord padding = 3 * mRuleThickness;
  nscoord delta = padding % onePixel;
  if (delta)
    padding += onePixel - delta; // round up

      nscoord phi;
      // Rule 11, App. G, TeXbook
      // psi = clearance between rule and content
      if (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags))
        phi = fm->XHeight();
        phi = mRuleThickness;
      psi = mRuleThickness + phi / 4;

      delta = psi % onePixel;
      if (delta)
        psi += onePixel - delta; // round up

  if (mRuleThickness < onePixel)
    mRuleThickness = onePixel;
  // Set horizontal parameters
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_TOP) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_BOTTOM) ||
    dx_left = padding;

      IsToDraw(NOTATION_TOP) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_BOTTOM) ||
    dx_right = padding;

  // Set vertical parameters
  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE) ||
      // set a minimal value for the base height
      bmBase.ascent = NS_MAX(bmOne.ascent, bmBase.ascent);
      bmBase.descent = NS_MAX(0, bmBase.descent);

  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = bmBase.ascent;
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = bmBase.descent;
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_TOP) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent += padding;
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_BOTTOM) ||
    mBoundingMetrics.descent += padding;

  // circle notation: we don't want the ellipse to overlap the enclosed
  // content. Hence, we need to increase the size of the bounding box by a
  // factor of at least sqrt(2).
  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE)) {
    double ratio = (sqrt(2.0) - 1.0) / 2.0;
    nscoord padding2;

    // Update horizontal parameters
    padding2 = ratio * bmBase.width;

    dx_left = NS_MAX(dx_left, padding2);
    dx_right = NS_MAX(dx_right, padding2);

    // Update vertical parameters
    padding2 = ratio * (bmBase.ascent + bmBase.descent);

    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent,
                                     bmBase.ascent + padding2);
    mBoundingMetrics.descent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.descent,
                                      bmBase.descent + padding2);

  // longdiv notation:
    if (aWidthOnly) {
        nscoord longdiv_width = mMathMLChar[mLongDivCharIndex].
          GetMaxWidth(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);

        // Update horizontal parameters
        dx_left = NS_MAX(dx_left, longdiv_width);
    } else {
      // Stretch the parenthesis to the appropriate height if it is not
      // big enough.
      nsBoundingMetrics contSize = bmBase;
      contSize.ascent = mRuleThickness;
      contSize.descent = bmBase.ascent + bmBase.descent + psi;

      // height(longdiv) should be >= height(base) + psi + mRuleThickness
      mMathMLChar[mLongDivCharIndex].Stretch(PresContext(), aRenderingContext,
                                             contSize, bmLongdivChar,
                                             NS_STRETCH_LARGER, false);

      // Update horizontal parameters
      dx_left = NS_MAX(dx_left, bmLongdivChar.width);

      // Update vertical parameters
      longdivAscent = bmBase.ascent + psi + mRuleThickness;
      longdivDescent = NS_MAX(bmBase.descent,
                              (bmLongdivChar.ascent + bmLongdivChar.descent -

      mBoundingMetrics.ascent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent,
      mBoundingMetrics.descent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.descent,

  // radical notation:
    nscoord *dx_leading =
      NS_MATHML_IS_RTL(mPresentationData.flags) ? &dx_right : &dx_left;
    if (aWidthOnly) {
      nscoord radical_width = mMathMLChar[mRadicalCharIndex].
        GetMaxWidth(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);
      // Update horizontal parameters
      *dx_leading = NS_MAX(*dx_leading, radical_width);
    } else {
      // Stretch the radical symbol to the appropriate height if it is not
      // big enough.
      nsBoundingMetrics contSize = bmBase;
      contSize.ascent = mRuleThickness;
      contSize.descent = bmBase.ascent + bmBase.descent + psi;

      // height(radical) should be >= height(base) + psi + mRuleThickness
      mMathMLChar[mRadicalCharIndex].Stretch(PresContext(), aRenderingContext,
                                             contSize, bmRadicalChar,

      // Update horizontal parameters
      *dx_leading = NS_MAX(*dx_leading, bmRadicalChar.width);

      // Update vertical parameters
      radicalAscent = bmBase.ascent + psi + mRuleThickness;
      radicalDescent = NS_MAX(bmBase.descent,
                              (bmRadicalChar.ascent + bmRadicalChar.descent -

      mBoundingMetrics.ascent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent,
      mBoundingMetrics.descent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.descent,

  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE) ||
      (IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) && IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT))) {
    // center the menclose around the content (horizontally)
    dx_left = dx_right = NS_MAX(dx_left, dx_right);

  // The maximum size is now computed: set the remaining parameters
  mBoundingMetrics.width = dx_left + bmBase.width + dx_right;

  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = NS_MIN(0, dx_left + bmBase.leftBearing);
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing =
    NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.width, dx_left + bmBase.rightBearing);
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;

  aDesiredSize.ascent = NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent, baseSize.ascent);
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.descent, baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent);

    // get the leading to be left at the top of the resulting frame
    // this seems more reliable than using fm->GetLeading() on suspicious
    // fonts
    nscoord leading = nscoord(0.2f * mEmHeight);
    nscoord desiredSizeAscent = aDesiredSize.ascent;
    nscoord desiredSizeDescent = aDesiredSize.height - aDesiredSize.ascent;
    if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_LONGDIV)) {
      desiredSizeAscent = NS_MAX(desiredSizeAscent,
                                 longdivAscent + leading);
      desiredSizeDescent = NS_MAX(desiredSizeDescent,
                                  longdivDescent + mRuleThickness);
    if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_RADICAL)) {
      desiredSizeAscent = NS_MAX(desiredSizeAscent,
                                 radicalAscent + leading);
      desiredSizeDescent = NS_MAX(desiredSizeDescent,
                                  radicalDescent + mRuleThickness);

    aDesiredSize.ascent = desiredSizeAscent;
    aDesiredSize.height = desiredSizeAscent + desiredSizeDescent;
  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE) ||
      (IsToDraw(NOTATION_TOP) && IsToDraw(NOTATION_BOTTOM))) {
    // center the menclose around the content (vertically)
    nscoord dy = NS_MAX(aDesiredSize.ascent - bmBase.ascent,
                        aDesiredSize.height - aDesiredSize.ascent -

    aDesiredSize.ascent = bmBase.ascent + dy;
    aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent + bmBase.descent + dy;

  // Update mBoundingMetrics ascent/descent
  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_TOP) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE) ||
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = aDesiredSize.ascent;
  if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_BOTTOM) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_RIGHT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_LEFT) ||
      IsToDraw(NOTATION_CIRCLE) ||
    mBoundingMetrics.descent = aDesiredSize.height - aDesiredSize.ascent;

  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;
  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    // Set position and size of MathMLChars
      mMathMLChar[mLongDivCharIndex].SetRect(nsRect(dx_left -
                                                    aDesiredSize.ascent -
                                                    bmLongdivChar.ascent +

    if (IsToDraw(NOTATION_RADICAL)) {
      nscoord dx = NS_MATHML_IS_RTL(mPresentationData.flags) ?
        dx_left + bmBase.width : dx_left - bmRadicalChar.width;

                                                    aDesiredSize.ascent -
                                                    bmRadicalChar.ascent +

    mContentWidth = bmBase.width;

    // Finish reflowing child frames
    PositionRowChildFrames(dx_left, aDesiredSize.ascent);

  return NS_OK;
예제 #12
nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                         nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                         const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                         nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  // Don't support interruption in columns
  nsPresContext::InterruptPreventer noInterrupts(aPresContext);

  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  // Initialize OUT parameter

  // Our children depend on our height if we have a fixed height.
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
    NS_ASSERTION(aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE,
                 "Unexpected mComputedHeight");
  else {

  //------------ Handle Incremental Reflow -----------------

  ReflowConfig config = ChooseColumnStrategy(aReflowState);
  bool isBalancing = config.mBalanceColCount < PR_INT32_MAX;
  // If balancing, then we allow the last column to grow to unbounded
  // height during the first reflow. This gives us a way to estimate
  // what the average column height should be, because we can measure
  // the heights of all the columns and sum them up. But don't do this
  // if we have a next in flow because we don't want to suck all its
  // content back here and then have to push it out again!
  nsIFrame* nextInFlow = GetNextInFlow();
  bool unboundedLastColumn = isBalancing && !nextInFlow;
  nsCollapsingMargin carriedOutBottomMargin;
  ColumnBalanceData colData;
  bool feasible = ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState,
    aStatus, config, unboundedLastColumn, &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

  if (isBalancing && !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
    nscoord availableContentHeight = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
    // Termination of the algorithm below is guaranteed because
    // knownFeasibleHeight - knownInfeasibleHeight decreases in every
    // iteration.
    nscoord knownFeasibleHeight = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;
    nscoord knownInfeasibleHeight = 0;
    // We set this flag when we detect that we may contain a frame
    // that can break anywhere (thus foiling the linear decrease-by-one
    // search)
    bool maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = false;

    while (!aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      nscoord lastKnownFeasibleHeight = knownFeasibleHeight;

      // Record what we learned from the last reflow
      if (feasible) {
        // maxHeight is feasible. Also, mLastBalanceHeight is feasible.
        knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight, colData.mMaxHeight);
        knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight, mLastBalanceHeight);

        // Furthermore, no height less than the height of the last
        // column can ever be feasible. (We might be able to reduce the
        // height of a non-last column by moving content to a later column,
        // but we can't do that with the last column.)
        if (mFrames.GetLength() == config.mBalanceColCount) {
          knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight,
                                         colData.mLastHeight - 1);
      } else {
        knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight, mLastBalanceHeight);
        // If a column didn't fit in its available height, then its current
        // height must be the minimum height for unbreakable content in
        // the column, and therefore no smaller height can be feasible.
        knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight,
                                       colData.mMaxOverflowingHeight - 1);

        if (unboundedLastColumn) {
          // The last column is unbounded, so all content got reflowed, so the
          // mColMaxHeight is feasible.
          knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight,

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing knownInfeasible=%d knownFeasible=%d\n",
             knownInfeasibleHeight, knownFeasibleHeight);

      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= knownFeasibleHeight - 1) {
        // knownFeasibleHeight is where we want to be

      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= availableContentHeight) {

      if (lastKnownFeasibleHeight - knownFeasibleHeight == 1) {
        // We decreased the feasible height by one twip only. This could
        // indicate that there is a continuously breakable child frame
        // that we are crawling through.
        maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = PR_TRUE;

      nscoord nextGuess = (knownFeasibleHeight + knownInfeasibleHeight)/2;
      // The constant of 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
      if (knownFeasibleHeight - nextGuess < 600 &&
          !maybeContinuousBreakingDetected) {
        // We're close to our target, so just try shrinking just the
        // minimum amount that will cause one of our columns to break
        // differently.
        nextGuess = knownFeasibleHeight - 1;
      } else if (unboundedLastColumn) {
        // Make a guess by dividing that into N columns. Add some slop
        // to try to make it on the feasible side.  The constant of
        // 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
        nextGuess = colData.mSumHeight/config.mBalanceColCount + 600;
        // Sanitize it
        nextGuess = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(nextGuess, knownInfeasibleHeight + 1),
                           knownFeasibleHeight - 1);
      } else if (knownFeasibleHeight == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        // This can happen when we had a next-in-flow so we didn't
        // want to do an unbounded height measuring step. Let's just increase
        // from the infeasible height by some reasonable amount.
        nextGuess = knownInfeasibleHeight*2 + 600;
      // Don't bother guessing more than our height constraint.
      nextGuess = NS_MIN(availableContentHeight, nextGuess);

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing choosing next guess=%d\n", nextGuess);

      config.mColMaxHeight = nextGuess;
      unboundedLastColumn = PR_FALSE;
      feasible = ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState,
                                aStatus, config, PR_FALSE, 
                                &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

    if (!feasible && !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      // We may need to reflow one more time at the feasible height to
      // get a valid layout.
      bool skip = false;
      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= availableContentHeight) {
        config.mColMaxHeight = availableContentHeight;
        if (mLastBalanceHeight == availableContentHeight) {
          skip = PR_TRUE;
      } else {
        config.mColMaxHeight = knownFeasibleHeight;
      if (!skip) {
        // If our height is unconstrained, make sure that the last column is
        // allowed to have arbitrary height here, even though we were balancing.
        // Otherwise we'd have to split, and it's not clear what we'd do with
        // that.
        ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, config,
                       availableContentHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                       &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

  if (aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt() &&
      aReflowState.availableHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
    // In this situation, we might be lying about our reflow status, because
    // our last kid (the one that got interrupted) was incomplete.  Fix that.
    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
  aDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBottomMargin = carriedOutBottomMargin;

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);

               aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
               "Column set should be complete if the available height is unconstrained");

  return NS_OK;
예제 #13
nsColumnSetFrame::ReflowChildren(nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                 const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                 nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                 const ReflowConfig&      aConfig,
                                 bool                     aUnboundedLastColumn,
                                 nsCollapsingMargin*      aBottomMarginCarriedOut,
                                 ColumnBalanceData&       aColData)
  bool allFit = true;
  bool RTL = GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL;
  bool shrinkingHeightOnly = !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(this) &&
    mLastBalanceHeight > aConfig.mColMaxHeight;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** Doing column reflow pass: mLastBalanceHeight=%d, mColMaxHeight=%d, RTL=%d\n, mBalanceColCount=%d, mColWidth=%d, mColGap=%d\n",
         mLastBalanceHeight, aConfig.mColMaxHeight, RTL, aConfig.mBalanceColCount,
         aConfig.mColWidth, aConfig.mColGap);

  if (mLastBalanceHeight != aConfig.mColMaxHeight) {
    mLastBalanceHeight = aConfig.mColMaxHeight;
    // XXX Seems like this could fire if incremental reflow pushed the column set
    // down so we reflow incrementally with a different available height.
    // We need a way to do an incremental reflow and be sure availableHeight
    // changes are taken account of! Right now I think block frames with absolute
    // children might exit early.
    //NS_ASSERTION(aKidReason != eReflowReason_Incremental,
    //             "incremental reflow should not have changed the balance height");

  // get our border and padding
  const nsMargin &borderPadding = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;
  nsRect contentRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
  nsOverflowAreas overflowRects;

  nsIFrame* child = mFrames.FirstChild();
  nsPoint childOrigin = nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
  // For RTL, figure out where the last column's left edge should be. Since the
  // columns might not fill the frame exactly, we need to account for the
  // slop. Otherwise we'll waste time moving the columns by some tiny
  // amount unnecessarily.
  nscoord targetX = borderPadding.left;
  if (RTL) {
    nscoord availWidth = aReflowState.availableWidth;
    if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      availWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
    if (availWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      childOrigin.x += availWidth - aConfig.mColWidth;
      targetX += aConfig.mExpectedWidthLeftOver;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** childOrigin.x = %d\n", childOrigin.x);
  int columnCount = 0;
  int contentBottom = 0;
  bool reflowNext = false;

  while (child) {
    // Try to skip reflowing the child. We can't skip if the child is dirty. We also can't
    // skip if the next column is dirty, because the next column's first line(s)
    // might be pullable back to this column. We can't skip if it's the last child
    // because we need to obtain the bottom margin. We can't skip
    // if this is the last column and we're supposed to assign unbounded
    // height to it, because that could change the available height from
    // the last time we reflowed it and we should try to pull all the
    // content from its next sibling. (Note that it might be the last
    // column, but not be the last child because the desired number of columns
    // has changed.)
    bool skipIncremental = !aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids()
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child)
      && child->GetNextSibling()
      && !(aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1)
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child->GetNextSibling());
    // If we need to pull up content from the prev-in-flow then this is not just
    // a height shrink. The prev in flow will have set the dirty bit.
    // Check the overflow rect YMost instead of just the child's content height. The child
    // may have overflowing content that cares about the available height boundary.
    // (It may also have overflowing content that doesn't care about the available height
    // boundary, but if so, too bad, this optimization is defeated.)
    // We want scrollable overflow here since this is a calculation that
    // affects layout.
    bool skipResizeHeightShrink = shrinkingHeightOnly
      && child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().YMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxHeight;

    nscoord childContentBottom = 0;
    if (!reflowNext && (skipIncremental || skipResizeHeightShrink)) {
      // This child does not need to be reflowed, but we may need to move it
      MoveChildTo(this, child, childOrigin);
      // If this is the last frame then make sure we get the right status
      nsIFrame* kidNext = child->GetNextSibling();
      if (kidNext) {
        aStatus = (kidNext->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)
                  : NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
      } else {
        aStatus = mLastFrameStatus;
      childContentBottom = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBottom(child);
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Skipping child #%d %p (incremental %d, resize height shrink %d): status = %d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, skipIncremental, skipResizeHeightShrink, aStatus);
    } else {
      nsSize availSize(aConfig.mColWidth, aConfig.mColMaxHeight);
      if (aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1) {
        availSize.height = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
      if (reflowNext)

      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(PresContext(), aReflowState, child,
                                       availSize, availSize.width,
      kidReflowState.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = PR_TRUE;
      kidReflowState.mFlags.mTableIsSplittable = PR_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowing child #%d %p: availHeight=%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child,availSize.height);

      // Note if the column's next in flow is not being changed by this incremental reflow.
      // This may allow the current column to avoid trying to pull lines from the next column.
      if (child->GetNextSibling() &&
          !(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) &&
        !(child->GetNextSibling()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
        kidReflowState.mFlags.mNextInFlowUntouched = PR_TRUE;
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(aDesiredSize.mFlags);

      // XXX it would be cool to consult the float manager for the
      // previous block to figure out the region of floats from the
      // previous column that extend into this column, and subtract
      // that region from the new float manager.  So you could stick a
      // really big float in the first column and text in following
      // columns would flow around it.

      // Reflow the frame
      ReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  childOrigin.x + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.left,
                  childOrigin.y + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.top,
                  0, aStatus);

      reflowNext = (aStatus & NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW) != 0;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowed child #%d %p: status = %d, desiredSize=%d,%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, aStatus, kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);

      NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("Column::Reflow", aStatus);

      *aBottomMarginCarriedOut = kidDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBottomMargin;
      FinishReflowChild(child, PresContext(), &kidReflowState, 
                        kidDesiredSize, childOrigin.x, childOrigin.y, 0);

      childContentBottom = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBottom(child);
      if (childContentBottom > aConfig.mColMaxHeight) {
        allFit = PR_FALSE;
      if (childContentBottom > availSize.height) {
        aColData.mMaxOverflowingHeight = NS_MAX(childContentBottom,

    contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());

    ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
    contentBottom = NS_MAX(contentBottom, childContentBottom);
    aColData.mLastHeight = childContentBottom;
    aColData.mSumHeight += childContentBottom;

    // Build a continuation column if necessary
    nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();

      NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "next in flow should have been deleted");
      child = nsnull;
    } else {
      // Make sure that the column has a next-in-flow. If not, we must
      // create one to hold the overflowing stuff, even if we're just
      // going to put it on our overflow list and let *our*
      // next in flow handle it.
      if (!kidNextInFlow) {
                     "We have to create a continuation, but the block doesn't want us to reflow it?");

        // We need to create a continuing column
        nsresult rv = CreateNextInFlow(PresContext(), child, kidNextInFlow);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
          NS_NOTREACHED("Couldn't create continuation");
          child = nsnull;

      // Make sure we reflow a next-in-flow when it switches between being
      // normal or overflow container
        if (!(kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)) {
          aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
          reflowNext = PR_TRUE;
      else if (kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER) {
        reflowNext = PR_TRUE;
      if (columnCount >= aConfig.mBalanceColCount) {
        // No more columns allowed here. Stop.
        // Move any of our leftover columns to our overflow list. Our
        // next-in-flow will eventually pick them up.
        const nsFrameList& continuationColumns = mFrames.RemoveFramesAfter(child);
        if (continuationColumns.NotEmpty()) {
          SetOverflowFrames(PresContext(), continuationColumns);
        child = nsnull;

    if (PresContext()->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      // Stop the loop now while |child| still points to the frame that bailed
      // out.  We could keep going here and condition a bunch of the code in
      // this loop on whether there's an interrupt, or even just keep going and
      // trying to reflow the blocks (even though we know they'll interrupt
      // right after their first line), but stopping now is conceptually the
      // simplest (and probably fastest) thing.

    // Advance to the next column
    child = child->GetNextSibling();

    if (child) {
      if (!RTL) {
        childOrigin.x += aConfig.mColWidth + aConfig.mColGap;
      } else {
        childOrigin.x -= aConfig.mColWidth + aConfig.mColGap;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** NEXT CHILD ORIGIN.x = %d\n", childOrigin.x);

  if (PresContext()->CheckForInterrupt(this) &&
      (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
    // Mark all our kids starting with |child| dirty

    // Note that this is a CheckForInterrupt call, not a HasPendingInterrupt,
    // because we might have interrupted while reflowing |child|, and since
    // we're about to add a dirty bit to |child| we need to make sure that
    // |this| is scheduled to have dirty bits marked on it and its ancestors.
    // Otherwise, when we go to mark dirty bits on |child|'s ancestors we'll
    // bail out immediately, since it'll already have a dirty bit.
    for (; child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
  // If we're doing RTL, we need to make sure our last column is at the left-hand side of the frame.
  if (RTL && childOrigin.x != targetX) {
    contentRect = nsRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    PRInt32 deltaX = targetX - childOrigin.x;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
    printf("*** CHILDORIGIN.x = %d, targetX = %d, DELTAX = %d\n", childOrigin.x, targetX, deltaX);
    for (child = mFrames.FirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
      MoveChildTo(this, child, child->GetPosition() + nsPoint(deltaX, 0));
      ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
      contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());
  aColData.mMaxHeight = contentBottom;
  contentRect.height = NS_MAX(contentRect.height, contentBottom);
  mLastFrameStatus = aStatus;
  // contentRect included the borderPadding.left,borderPadding.top of the child rects
  contentRect -= nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
  nsSize contentSize = nsSize(contentRect.XMost(), contentRect.YMost());

  // Apply computed and min/max values
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    contentSize.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();
  } else {
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight) {
      contentSize.height = NS_MIN(aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight, contentSize.height);
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight) {
      contentSize.height = NS_MAX(aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight, contentSize.height);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    contentSize.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  } else {
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth) {
      contentSize.width = NS_MIN(aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth, contentSize.width);
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth) {
      contentSize.width = NS_MAX(aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth, contentSize.width);
  aDesiredSize.height = borderPadding.top + contentSize.height +
  aDesiredSize.width = contentSize.width + borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right;
  aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas = overflowRects;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** DONE PASS feasible=%d\n", allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
         && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus));
  return allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
    && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus);
예제 #14
nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
  const nsStyleColumn* colStyle = GetStyleColumn();
  nscoord availContentWidth = GetAvailableContentWidth(aReflowState);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    availContentWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  nscoord colHeight = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    colHeight = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();

  nscoord colGap = GetColumnGap(this, colStyle);
  PRInt32 numColumns = colStyle->mColumnCount;

  nscoord colWidth;
  if (colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord) {
    colWidth = colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetCoordValue();
    NS_ASSERTION(colWidth >= 0, "negative column width");
    // Reduce column count if necessary to make columns fit in the
    // available width. Compute max number of columns that fit in
    // availContentWidth, satisfying colGap*(maxColumns - 1) +
    // colWidth*maxColumns <= availContentWidth
    if (availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && colGap + colWidth > 0
        && numColumns > 0) {
      // This expression uses truncated rounding, which is what we
      // want
      PRInt32 maxColumns = (availContentWidth + colGap)/(colGap + colWidth);
      numColumns = NS_MAX(1, NS_MIN(numColumns, maxColumns));
  } else if (numColumns > 0 && availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    nscoord widthMinusGaps = availContentWidth - colGap*(numColumns - 1);
    colWidth = widthMinusGaps/numColumns;
  } else {
    colWidth = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;
  // Take care of the situation where there's only one column but it's
  // still too wide
  colWidth = NS_MAX(1, NS_MIN(colWidth, availContentWidth));

  nscoord expectedWidthLeftOver = 0;

  if (colWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // distribute leftover space

    // First, determine how many columns will be showing if the column
    // count is auto
    if (numColumns <= 0) {
      // choose so that colGap*(nominalColumnCount - 1) +
      // colWidth*nominalColumnCount is nearly availContentWidth
      // make sure to round down
      if (colGap + colWidth > 0) {
        numColumns = (availContentWidth + colGap)/(colGap + colWidth);
      if (numColumns <= 0) {
        numColumns = 1;

    // Compute extra space and divide it among the columns
    nscoord extraSpace =
      NS_MAX(0, availContentWidth - (colWidth*numColumns + colGap*(numColumns - 1)));
    nscoord extraToColumns = extraSpace/numColumns;
    colWidth += extraToColumns;
    expectedWidthLeftOver = extraSpace - (extraToColumns*numColumns);

  // NOTE that the non-balancing behavior for non-auto computed height
  // is not in the CSS3 columns draft as of 18 January 2001
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Balancing!
    if (numColumns <= 0) {
      // Hmm, auto column count, column width or available width is unknown,
      // and balancing is required. Let's just use one column then.
      numColumns = 1;
    colHeight = NS_MIN(mLastBalanceHeight, GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState));
  } else {
    // No balancing, so don't limit the column count
    numColumns = PR_INT32_MAX;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy: numColumns=%d, colWidth=%d, expectedWidthLeftOver=%d, colHeight=%d, colGap=%d\n",
         numColumns, colWidth, expectedWidthLeftOver, colHeight, colGap);
  ReflowConfig config = { numColumns, colWidth, expectedWidthLeftOver, colGap, colHeight };
  return config;
 * Read content of file or create file list from directory
 * @param aBuf read destination buffer
 * @param aCount length of destination buffer
 * @param aCountRead number of read characters
 * @return NS_OK when read successfully, NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED when end of file,
 *         error code otherwise
nsGIOInputStream::DoRead(char *aBuf, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32 *aCountRead)
  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
  if (mStream) {
    // file read
    GError *error = NULL;    
    PRUint32 bytes_read = g_input_stream_read(G_INPUT_STREAM(mStream),
    if (error) {
      rv = MapGIOResult(error);
      *aCountRead = 0;
      g_warning("Cannot read from file: %s", error->message);
      return rv;
    *aCountRead = bytes_read;
    mBytesRemaining -= *aCountRead;
    return NS_OK;
  else if (mDirOpen) {
    // directory read
    while (aCount && rv != NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED)
      // Copy data out of our buffer
      PRUint32 bufLen = mDirBuf.Length() - mDirBufCursor;
      if (bufLen)
        PRUint32 n = NS_MIN(bufLen, aCount);
        memcpy(aBuf, mDirBuf.get() + mDirBufCursor, n);
        *aCountRead += n;
        aBuf += n;
        aCount -= n;
        mDirBufCursor += n;

      if (!mDirListPtr)    // Are we at the end of the directory list?
      else if (aCount)     // Do we need more data?
        GFileInfo *info = (GFileInfo *) mDirListPtr->data;

        // Prune '.' and '..' from directory listing.
        const char * fname = g_file_info_get_name(info);
        if (fname && fname[0] == '.' && 
            (fname[1] == '\0' || (fname[1] == '.' && fname[2] == '\0')))
          mDirListPtr = mDirListPtr->next;

        mDirBuf.Assign("201: ");

        // The "filename" field
        nsCString escName;
        nsCOMPtr<nsINetUtil> nu = do_GetService(NS_NETUTIL_CONTRACTID);
        if (nu && fname) {
                           nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_PATH, escName);

          mDirBuf.Append(' ');

        // The "content-length" field
        // XXX truncates size from 64-bit to 32-bit
        mDirBuf.Append(' ');

        // The "last-modified" field
        // NSPR promises: PRTime is compatible with time_t
        // we just need to convert from seconds to microseconds
        GTimeVal gtime;
        g_file_info_get_modification_time(info, &gtime);

        PRExplodedTime tm;
        PRTime pt = ((PRTime) gtime.tv_sec) * 1000000;
        PR_ExplodeTime(pt, PR_GMTParameters, &tm);
          char buf[64];
          PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(buf, sizeof(buf),
              "%a,%%20%d%%20%b%%20%Y%%20%H:%M:%S%%20GMT ", &tm);

        // The "file-type" field
        switch (g_file_info_get_file_type(info))
          case G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR:
            mDirBuf.Append("FILE ");
          case G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY:
            mDirBuf.Append("DIRECTORY ");
            mDirBuf.Append("SYMBOLIC-LINK ");

        mDirBufCursor = 0;
        mDirListPtr = mDirListPtr->next;
  return rv;
예제 #16
char *
nsHttpTransaction::LocateHttpStart(char *buf, PRUint32 len,
                                   PRBool aAllowPartialMatch)
    NS_ASSERTION(!aAllowPartialMatch || mLineBuf.IsEmpty(), "ouch");

    static const char HTTPHeader[] = "HTTP/1.";
    static const PRUint32 HTTPHeaderLen = sizeof(HTTPHeader) - 1;
    static const char HTTP2Header[] = "HTTP/2.0";
    static const PRUint32 HTTP2HeaderLen = sizeof(HTTP2Header) - 1;
    if (aAllowPartialMatch && (len < HTTPHeaderLen))
        return (PL_strncasecmp(buf, HTTPHeader, len) == 0) ? buf : nsnull;

    // mLineBuf can contain partial match from previous search
    if (!mLineBuf.IsEmpty()) {
        NS_ASSERTION(mLineBuf.Length() < HTTPHeaderLen, "ouch");
        PRInt32 checkChars = NS_MIN(len, HTTPHeaderLen - mLineBuf.Length());
        if (PL_strncasecmp(buf, HTTPHeader + mLineBuf.Length(),
                           checkChars) == 0) {
            mLineBuf.Append(buf, checkChars);
            if (mLineBuf.Length() == HTTPHeaderLen) {
                // We've found whole HTTPHeader sequence. Return pointer at the
                // end of matched sequence since it is stored in mLineBuf.
                return (buf + checkChars);
            // Response matches pattern but is still incomplete.
            return 0;
        // Previous partial match together with new data doesn't match the
        // pattern. Start the search again.

    PRBool firstByte = PR_TRUE;
    while (len > 0) {
        if (PL_strncasecmp(buf, HTTPHeader, NS_MIN<PRUint32>(len, HTTPHeaderLen)) == 0) {
            if (len < HTTPHeaderLen) {
                // partial HTTPHeader sequence found
                // save partial match to mLineBuf
                mLineBuf.Assign(buf, len);
                return 0;

            // whole HTTPHeader sequence found
            return buf;

        // At least "SmarterTools/2.0.3974.16813" generates nonsensical
        // HTTP/2.0 responses to our HTTP/1 requests. Treat the minimal case of
        // it as HTTP/1.1 to be compatible with old versions of ourselves and
        // other browsers

        if (firstByte && !mInvalidResponseBytesRead && len >= HTTP2HeaderLen &&
            (PL_strncasecmp(buf, HTTP2Header, HTTP2HeaderLen) == 0)) {
            LOG(("nsHttpTransaction:: Identified HTTP/2.0 treating as 1.x\n"));
            return buf;

        if (!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*buf))
            firstByte = PR_FALSE;
    return 0;
예제 #17
TextUpdater::DoUpdate(const nsAString& aNewText, const nsAString& aOldText,
                      PRUint32 aSkipStart)
  nsAccessible* parent = mTextLeaf->Parent();
  if (!parent)

  mHyperText = parent->AsHyperText();
  if (!mHyperText) {
    NS_ERROR("Text leaf parent is not hypertext!");

  // Get the text leaf accessible offset and invalidate cached offsets after it.
  mTextOffset = mHyperText->GetChildOffset(mTextLeaf, true);
  NS_ASSERTION(mTextOffset != -1,
               "Text leaf hasn't offset within hyper text!");

  PRUint32 oldLen = aOldText.Length(), newLen = aNewText.Length();
  PRUint32 minLen = NS_MIN(oldLen, newLen);

  // Trim coinciding substrings from the end.
  PRUint32 skipEnd = 0;
  while (minLen - skipEnd > aSkipStart &&
         aNewText[newLen - skipEnd - 1] == aOldText[oldLen - skipEnd - 1]) {

  PRUint32 strLen1 = oldLen - aSkipStart - skipEnd;
  PRUint32 strLen2 = newLen - aSkipStart - skipEnd;

  const nsAString& str1 = Substring(aOldText, aSkipStart, strLen1);
  const nsAString& str2 = Substring(aNewText, aSkipStart, strLen2);

  // Increase offset of the text leaf on skipped characters amount.
  mTextOffset += aSkipStart;

  // It could be single insertion or removal or the case of long strings. Do not
  // calculate the difference between long strings and prefer to fire pair of
  // insert/remove events as the old string was replaced on the new one.
  if (strLen1 == 0 || strLen2 == 0 ||
      strLen1 > kMaxStrLen || strLen2 > kMaxStrLen) {
    if (strLen1 > 0) {
      // Fire text change event for removal.
      nsRefPtr<AccEvent> textRemoveEvent =
        new AccTextChangeEvent(mHyperText, mTextOffset, str1, false);

    if (strLen2 > 0) {
      // Fire text change event for insertion.
      nsRefPtr<AccEvent> textInsertEvent =
        new AccTextChangeEvent(mHyperText, mTextOffset, str2, true);


    // Update the text.

  // Otherwise find the difference between strings and fire events.
  // Note: we can skip initial and final coinciding characters since they don't
  // affect the Levenshtein distance.

  // Compute the flat structured matrix need to compute the difference.
  PRUint32 len1 = strLen1 + 1, len2 = strLen2 + 1;
  PRUint32* entries = new PRUint32[len1 * len2];

  for (PRUint32 colIdx = 0; colIdx < len1; colIdx++)
    entries[colIdx] = colIdx;

  PRUint32* row = entries;
  for (PRUint32 rowIdx = 1; rowIdx < len2; rowIdx++) {
    PRUint32* prevRow = row;
    row += len1;
    row[0] = rowIdx;
    for (PRUint32 colIdx = 1; colIdx < len1; colIdx++) {
      if (str1[colIdx - 1] != str2[rowIdx - 1]) {
        PRUint32 left = row[colIdx - 1];
        PRUint32 up = prevRow[colIdx];
        PRUint32 upleft = prevRow[colIdx - 1];
        row[colIdx] = NS_MIN(upleft, NS_MIN(left, up)) + 1;
      } else {
        row[colIdx] = prevRow[colIdx - 1];

  // Compute events based on the difference.
  nsTArray<nsRefPtr<AccEvent> > events;
  ComputeTextChangeEvents(str1, str2, entries, events);

  delete [] entries;

  // Fire events.
  for (PRInt32 idx = events.Length() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)


  // Update the text.
예제 #18
nsIconChannel::Init(nsIURI* aURI)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIMozIconURI> iconURI = do_QueryInterface(aURI);
  NS_ASSERTION(iconURI, "URI is not an nsIMozIconURI");

  nsCAutoString stockIcon;
  if (stockIcon.IsEmpty()) {
    return InitWithGnome(iconURI);
    return InitWithGIO(iconURI);

  // Search for stockIcon
  nsCAutoString iconSizeString;

  nsCAutoString iconStateString;

  GtkIconSize icon_size = moz_gtk_icon_size(iconSizeString.get());
  GtkStateType state = iconStateString.EqualsLiteral("disabled") ?

  // First lookup the icon by stock id and text direction.
  GtkTextDirection direction = GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE;
  if (StringEndsWith(stockIcon, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("-ltr"))) {
    direction = GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR;
  } else if (StringEndsWith(stockIcon, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("-rtl"))) {
    direction = GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL;

  bool forceDirection = direction != GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE;
  nsCAutoString stockID;
  bool useIconName = false;
  if (!forceDirection) {
    direction = gtk_widget_get_default_direction();
    stockID = stockIcon;
  } else {
    // GTK versions < 2.22 use icon names from concatenating stock id with
    // -(rtl|ltr), which is how the moz-icon stock name is interpreted here.
    stockID = Substring(stockIcon, 0, stockIcon.Length() - 4);
    // However, if we lookup bidi icons by the stock name, then GTK versions
    // >= 2.22 will use a bidi lookup convention that most icon themes do not
    // yet follow.  Therefore, we first check to see if the theme supports the
    // old icon name as this will have bidi support (if found).
    GtkIconTheme *icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default();
    // Micking what gtk_icon_set_render_icon does with sizes, though it's not
    // critical as icons will be scaled to suit size.  It just means we follow
    // the same pathes and so share caches.
    gint width, height;
    if (gtk_icon_size_lookup(icon_size, &width, &height)) {
      gint size = NS_MIN(width, height);
      // We use gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon() without
      // GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN instead of gtk_icon_theme_has_icon() so
      // we don't pick up fallback icons added by distributions for backward
      // compatibility.
      GtkIconInfo *icon =
        gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon(icon_theme, stockIcon.get(),
                                   size, (GtkIconLookupFlags)0);
      if (icon) {
        useIconName = true;

  GtkStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_style(gStockImageWidget);
  GtkIconSet *icon_set = NULL;
  if (!useIconName) {
    icon_set = gtk_style_lookup_icon_set(style, stockID.get());

  if (!icon_set) {
    // Either we have choosen icon-name lookup for a bidi icon, or stockIcon is
    // not a stock id so we assume it is an icon name.
    useIconName = true;
    // Creating a GtkIconSet is a convenient way to allow the style to
    // render the icon, possibly with variations suitable for insensitive
    // states.
    icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new();
    GtkIconSource *icon_source = gtk_icon_source_new();
    gtk_icon_source_set_icon_name(icon_source, stockIcon.get());
    gtk_icon_set_add_source(icon_set, icon_source);

  GdkPixbuf *icon =
    gtk_icon_set_render_icon (icon_set, style, direction, state,
                              icon_size, gStockImageWidget, NULL);
  if (useIconName) {

  // According to documentation, gtk_icon_set_render_icon() never returns
  // NULL, but it does return NULL when we have the problem reported here:
  // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629878#c13
  if (!icon)
  nsresult rv = moz_gdk_pixbuf_to_channel(icon, iconURI,


  return rv;
예제 #19
nsGIFDecoder2::WriteInternal(const char *aBuffer, PRUint32 aCount)
    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!HasError(), "Shouldn't call WriteInternal after error!");

    // These variables changed names, and renaming would make a much bigger patch :(
    const PRUint8 *buf = (const PRUint8 *)aBuffer;
    PRUint32 len = aCount;

    const PRUint8 *q = buf;

    // Add what we have sofar to the block
    // If previous call to me left something in the hold first complete current block
    // Or if we are filling the colormaps, first complete the colormap
    PRUint8* p = (mGIFStruct.state == gif_global_colormap) ? (PRUint8*)mGIFStruct.global_colormap :
                 (mGIFStruct.state == gif_image_colormap) ? (PRUint8*)mColormap :
                 (mGIFStruct.bytes_in_hold) ? mGIFStruct.hold : nsnull;
    if (p) {
        // Add what we have sofar to the block
        PRUint32 l = NS_MIN(len, mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume);
        memcpy(p+mGIFStruct.bytes_in_hold, buf, l);

        if (l < mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume) {
            // Not enough in 'buf' to complete current block, get more
            mGIFStruct.bytes_in_hold += l;
            mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume -= l;
        // Reset hold buffer count
        mGIFStruct.bytes_in_hold = 0;
        // Point 'q' to complete block in hold (or in colormap)
        q = p;

    // Invariant:
    //    'q' is start of current to be processed block (hold, colormap or buf)
    //    'bytes_to_consume' is number of bytes to consume from 'buf'
    //    'buf' points to the bytes to be consumed from the input buffer
    //    'len' is number of bytes left in input buffer from position 'buf'.
    //    At entrance of the for loop will 'buf' will be moved 'bytes_to_consume'
    //    to point to next buffer, 'len' is adjusted accordingly.
    //    So that next round in for loop, q gets pointed to the next buffer.

    for (; len >= mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume; q=buf) {
        // Eat the current block from the buffer, q keeps pointed at current block
        buf += mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume;
        len -= mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume;

        switch (mGIFStruct.state)
        case gif_lzw:
            if (!DoLzw(q)) {
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;
            GETN(1, gif_sub_block);

        case gif_lzw_start:
            // Make sure the transparent pixel is transparent in the colormap
            if (mGIFStruct.is_transparent) {
                // Save old value so we can restore it later
                if (mColormap == mGIFStruct.global_colormap)
                    mOldColor = mColormap[mGIFStruct.tpixel];
                mColormap[mGIFStruct.tpixel] = 0;

            /* Initialize LZW parser/decoder */
            mGIFStruct.datasize = *q;
            const int clear_code = ClearCode();
            if (mGIFStruct.datasize > MAX_LZW_BITS ||
                    clear_code >= MAX_BITS) {
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

            mGIFStruct.avail = clear_code + 2;
            mGIFStruct.oldcode = -1;
            mGIFStruct.codesize = mGIFStruct.datasize + 1;
            mGIFStruct.codemask = (1 << mGIFStruct.codesize) - 1;
            mGIFStruct.datum = mGIFStruct.bits = 0;

            /* init the tables */
            for (int i = 0; i < clear_code; i++)
                mGIFStruct.suffix[i] = i;

            mGIFStruct.stackp = mGIFStruct.stack;

            GETN(1, gif_sub_block);

        /* All GIF files begin with "GIF87a" or "GIF89a" */
        case gif_type:
            if (!strncmp((char*)q, "GIF89a", 6)) {
                mGIFStruct.version = 89;
            } else if (!strncmp((char*)q, "GIF87a", 6)) {
                mGIFStruct.version = 87;
            } else {
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;
            GETN(7, gif_global_header);

        case gif_global_header:
            /* This is the height and width of the "screen" or
             * frame into which images are rendered.  The
             * individual images can be smaller than the
             * screen size and located with an origin anywhere
             * within the screen.

            mGIFStruct.screen_width = GETINT16(q);
            mGIFStruct.screen_height = GETINT16(q + 2);
            mGIFStruct.global_colormap_depth = (q[4]&0x07) + 1;

            // screen_bgcolor is not used
            //mGIFStruct.screen_bgcolor = q[5];
            // q[6] = Pixel Aspect Ratio
            //   Not used
            //   float aspect = (float)((q[6] + 15) / 64.0);

            if (q[4] & 0x80) { /* global map */
                // Get the global colormap
                const PRUint32 size = (3 << mGIFStruct.global_colormap_depth);
                if (len < size) {
                    // Use 'hold' pattern to get the global colormap
                    GETN(size, gif_global_colormap);
                // Copy everything, go to colormap state to do CMS correction
                memcpy(mGIFStruct.global_colormap, buf, size);
                buf += size;
                len -= size;
                GETN(0, gif_global_colormap);

            GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        case gif_global_colormap:
            // Everything is already copied into global_colormap
            // Convert into Cairo colors including CMS transformation
            ConvertColormap(mGIFStruct.global_colormap, 1<<mGIFStruct.global_colormap_depth);
            GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        case gif_image_start:
            switch (*q) {
            case GIF_TRAILER:
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_done;

                GETN(2, gif_extension);

            case GIF_IMAGE_SEPARATOR:
                GETN(9, gif_image_header);

                /* If we get anything other than GIF_IMAGE_SEPARATOR,
                 * GIF_EXTENSION_INTRODUCER, or GIF_TRAILER, there is extraneous data
                 * between blocks. The GIF87a spec tells us to keep reading
                 * until we find an image separator, but GIF89a says such
                 * a file is corrupt. We follow GIF89a and bail out. */
                if (mGIFStruct.images_decoded > 0) {
                    /* The file is corrupt, but one or more images have
                     * been decoded correctly. In this case, we proceed
                     * as if the file were correctly terminated and set
                     * the state to gif_done, so the GIF will display.
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_done;
                } else {
                    /* No images decoded, there is nothing to display. */
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

        case gif_extension:
            mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume = q[1];
            if (mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume) {
                switch (*q) {
                case GIF_GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL:
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_control_extension;

                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_application_extension;

                case GIF_COMMENT_LABEL:
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_consume_comment;

                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_skip_block;
            } else {
                GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        case gif_consume_block:
            if (!*q)
                GETN(1, gif_image_start);
                GETN(*q, gif_skip_block);

        case gif_skip_block:
            GETN(1, gif_consume_block);

        case gif_control_extension:
            mGIFStruct.is_transparent = *q & 0x1;
            mGIFStruct.tpixel = q[3];
            mGIFStruct.disposal_method = ((*q) >> 2) & 0x7;
            // Some specs say 3rd bit (value 4), other specs say value 3
            // Let's choose 3 (the more popular)
            if (mGIFStruct.disposal_method == 4)
                mGIFStruct.disposal_method = 3;
            mGIFStruct.delay_time = GETINT16(q + 1) * 10;
            GETN(1, gif_consume_block);

        case gif_comment_extension:
            if (*q)
                GETN(*q, gif_consume_comment);
                GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        case gif_consume_comment:
            GETN(1, gif_comment_extension);

        case gif_application_extension:
            /* Check for netscape application extension */
            if (!strncmp((char*)q, "NETSCAPE2.0", 11) ||
                    !strncmp((char*)q, "ANIMEXTS1.0", 11))
                GETN(1, gif_netscape_extension_block);
                GETN(1, gif_consume_block);

        /* Netscape-specific GIF extension: animation looping */
        case gif_netscape_extension_block:
            if (*q)
                GETN(*q, gif_consume_netscape_extension);
                GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        /* Parse netscape-specific application extensions */
        case gif_consume_netscape_extension:
            switch (q[0] & 7) {
            case 1:
                /* Loop entire animation specified # of times.  Only read the
                   loop count during the first iteration. */
                mGIFStruct.loop_count = GETINT16(q + 1);
                GETN(1, gif_netscape_extension_block);

            case 2:
                /* Wait for specified # of bytes to enter buffer */
                // Don't do this, this extension doesn't exist (isn't used at all)
                // and doesn't do anything, as our streaming/buffering takes care of it all...
                // See: http://semmix.pl/color/exgraf/eeg24.htm
                GETN(1, gif_netscape_extension_block);

                // 0,3-7 are yet to be defined netscape extension codes
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

        case gif_image_header:
            /* Get image offsets, with respect to the screen origin */
            mGIFStruct.x_offset = GETINT16(q);
            mGIFStruct.y_offset = GETINT16(q + 2);

            /* Get image width and height. */
            mGIFStruct.width  = GETINT16(q + 4);
            mGIFStruct.height = GETINT16(q + 6);

            if (!mGIFStruct.images_decoded) {
                /* Work around broken GIF files where the logical screen
                 * size has weird width or height.  We assume that GIF87a
                 * files don't contain animations.
                if ((mGIFStruct.screen_height < mGIFStruct.height) ||
                        (mGIFStruct.screen_width < mGIFStruct.width) ||
                        (mGIFStruct.version == 87)) {
                    mGIFStruct.screen_height = mGIFStruct.height;
                    mGIFStruct.screen_width = mGIFStruct.width;
                    mGIFStruct.x_offset = 0;
                    mGIFStruct.y_offset = 0;
                // Create the image container with the right size.
                if (HasError()) {
                    // Setting the size lead to an error; this can happen when for example
                    // a multipart channel sends an image of a different size.
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

                // If we were doing a size decode, we're done
                if (IsSizeDecode())

            /* Work around more broken GIF files that have zero image
               width or height */
            if (!mGIFStruct.height || !mGIFStruct.width) {
                mGIFStruct.height = mGIFStruct.screen_height;
                mGIFStruct.width = mGIFStruct.screen_width;
                if (!mGIFStruct.height || !mGIFStruct.width) {
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

            /* Depth of colors is determined by colormap */
            /* (q[8] & 0x80) indicates local colormap */
            /* bits per pixel is (q[8]&0x07 + 1) when local colormap is set */
            PRUint32 depth = mGIFStruct.global_colormap_depth;
            if (q[8] & 0x80)
                depth = (q[8]&0x07) + 1;
            PRUint32 realDepth = depth;
            while (mGIFStruct.tpixel >= (1 << realDepth) && (realDepth < 8)) {
            // Mask to limit the color values within the colormap
            mColorMask = 0xFF >> (8 - realDepth);
            nsresult rv = BeginImageFrame(realDepth);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !mImageData) {
                mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;

            if (q[8] & 0x40) {
                mGIFStruct.interlaced = PR_TRUE;
                mGIFStruct.ipass = 1;
            } else {
                mGIFStruct.interlaced = PR_FALSE;
                mGIFStruct.ipass = 0;

            /* Only apply the Haeberli display hack on the first frame */
            mGIFStruct.progressive_display = (mGIFStruct.images_decoded == 0);

            /* Clear state from last image */
            mGIFStruct.irow = 0;
            mGIFStruct.rows_remaining = mGIFStruct.height;
            mGIFStruct.rowp = mImageData;

            /* bits per pixel is q[8]&0x07 */

            if (q[8] & 0x80) /* has a local colormap? */
                mGIFStruct.local_colormap_size = 1 << depth;
                if (!mGIFStruct.images_decoded) {
                    // First frame has local colormap, allocate space for it
                    // as the image frame doesn't have its own palette
                    mColormapSize = sizeof(PRUint32) << realDepth;
                    if (!mGIFStruct.local_colormap) {
                        mGIFStruct.local_colormap = (PRUint32*)moz_xmalloc(mColormapSize);
                    mColormap = mGIFStruct.local_colormap;
                const PRUint32 size = 3 << depth;
                if (mColormapSize > size) {
                    // Clear the notfilled part of the colormap
                    memset(((PRUint8*)mColormap) + size, 0, mColormapSize - size);
                if (len < size) {
                    // Use 'hold' pattern to get the image colormap
                    GETN(size, gif_image_colormap);
                // Copy everything, go to colormap state to do CMS correction
                memcpy(mColormap, buf, size);
                buf += size;
                len -= size;
                GETN(0, gif_image_colormap);
            } else {
                /* Switch back to the global palette */
                if (mGIFStruct.images_decoded) {
                    // Copy global colormap into the palette of current frame
                    memcpy(mColormap, mGIFStruct.global_colormap, mColormapSize);
                } else {
                    mColormap = mGIFStruct.global_colormap;
            GETN(1, gif_lzw_start);

        case gif_image_colormap:
            // Everything is already copied into local_colormap
            // Convert into Cairo colors including CMS transformation
            ConvertColormap(mColormap, mGIFStruct.local_colormap_size);
            GETN(1, gif_lzw_start);

        case gif_sub_block:
            mGIFStruct.count = *q;
            if (mGIFStruct.count) {
                /* Still working on the same image: Process next LZW data block */
                /* Make sure there are still rows left. If the GIF data */
                /* is corrupt, we may not get an explicit terminator.   */
                if (!mGIFStruct.rows_remaining) {
                    mGIFStruct.state = gif_error;
                    /* This is an illegal GIF, but we remain tolerant. */
                    GETN(1, gif_sub_block);
                    if (mGIFStruct.count == GIF_TRAILER) {
                        /* Found a terminator anyway, so consider the image done */
                        GETN(1, gif_done);
                GETN(mGIFStruct.count, gif_lzw);
            } else {
                /* See if there are any more images in this sequence. */
                GETN(1, gif_image_start);

        case gif_done:
            mGIFOpen = PR_FALSE;
            goto done;

        case gif_error:

        // We shouldn't ever get here.

    // if an error state is set but no data remains, code flow reaches here
    if (mGIFStruct.state == gif_error) {

    // Copy the leftover into mGIFStruct.hold
    mGIFStruct.bytes_in_hold = len;
    if (len) {
        // Add what we have sofar to the block
        PRUint8* p = (mGIFStruct.state == gif_global_colormap) ? (PRUint8*)mGIFStruct.global_colormap :
                     (mGIFStruct.state == gif_image_colormap) ? (PRUint8*)mColormap :
        memcpy(p, buf, len);
        mGIFStruct.bytes_to_consume -= len;

// We want to flush before returning if we're on the first frame
    if (!mGIFStruct.images_decoded) {
        mLastFlushedRow = mCurrentRow;
        mLastFlushedPass = mCurrentPass;

예제 #20
nsSimplePageSequenceFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                                  nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                  const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                  nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
                  "A Page Sequence is only for real pages");
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;  // we're always complete

  // Don't do incremental reflow until we've taught tables how to do
  // it right in paginated mode.
  if (!(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    // Return our desired size
    aDesiredSize.height  = mSize.height * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();
    aDesiredSize.width   = mSize.width * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();
    aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea = nsRect(0, 0, aDesiredSize.width,
    return NS_OK;

  PRBool isPrintPreview =
    aPresContext->Type() == nsPresContext::eContext_PrintPreview;

  // See if we can get a Print Settings from the Context
  if (!mPageData->mPrintSettings &&
      aPresContext->Medium() == nsGkAtoms::print) {
      mPageData->mPrintSettings = aPresContext->GetPrintSettings();

  // now get out margins & edges
  if (mPageData->mPrintSettings) {
    nsIntMargin unwriteableTwips;
    NS_ASSERTION(unwriteableTwips.left  >= 0 && unwriteableTwips.top >= 0 &&
                 unwriteableTwips.right >= 0 && unwriteableTwips.bottom >= 0,
                 "Unwriteable twips should be non-negative");

    nsIntMargin marginTwips;
    mMargin = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(marginTwips + unwriteableTwips);

    PRInt16 printType;
    mPrintRangeType = printType;

    nsIntMargin edgeTwips;

    // sanity check the values. three inches are sometimes needed
    PRInt32 inchInTwips = NS_INCHES_TO_INT_TWIPS(3.0);
    edgeTwips.top = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.top, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.bottom = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.bottom, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.left = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.left, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.right = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.right, 0), inchInTwips);

    mPageData->mEdgePaperMargin =
      aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(edgeTwips + unwriteableTwips);

  // *** Special Override ***
  // If this is a sub-sdoc (meaning it doesn't take the whole page)
  // and if this Document is in the upper left hand corner
  // we need to suppress the top margin or it will reflow too small

  nsSize pageSize = aPresContext->GetPageSize();

  mPageData->mReflowSize = pageSize;
  // If we're printing a selection, we need to reflow with
  // unconstrained height, to make sure we'll get to the selection
  // even if it's beyond the first page of content.
  if (nsIPrintSettings::kRangeSelection == mPrintRangeType) {
    mPageData->mReflowSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
  mPageData->mReflowMargin = mMargin;

  // Compute the size of each page and the x coordinate that each page will
  // be placed at
  nscoord extraThreshold = NS_MAX(pageSize.width, pageSize.height)/10;
  PRInt32 gapInTwips = nsContentUtils::GetIntPref("print.print_extra_margin");
  gapInTwips = NS_MAX(0, gapInTwips);

  nscoord extraGap = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(gapInTwips);
  extraGap = NS_MIN(extraGap, extraThreshold); // clamp to 1/10 of the largest dim of the page

  nscoord  deadSpaceGap = 0;
  if (isPrintPreview) {
    deadSpaceGap = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(gapInTwips);

  nsMargin extraMargin(0,0,0,0);
  nsSize   shadowSize(0,0);
  if (aPresContext->IsScreen()) {
    extraMargin.SizeTo(extraGap, extraGap, extraGap, extraGap);
    nscoord fourPixels = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(4);
    shadowSize.SizeTo(fourPixels, fourPixels);

  mPageData->mShadowSize      = shadowSize;
  mPageData->mExtraMargin     = extraMargin;

  const nscoord x = deadSpaceGap;
  nscoord y = deadSpaceGap;// Running y-offset for each page

  nsSize availSize(pageSize.width + shadowSize.width + extraMargin.LeftRight(),
                   pageSize.height + shadowSize.height +

  // Tile the pages vertically
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidSize;
  for (nsIFrame* kidFrame = mFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != kidFrame; ) {
    // Set the shared data into the page frame before reflow
    nsPageFrame * pf = static_cast<nsPageFrame*>(kidFrame);

    // Reflow the page
    nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame,
    nsReflowStatus  status;

    PR_PL(("AV W: %d   H: %d\n", kidReflowState.availableWidth, kidReflowState.availableHeight));

    // Place and size the page. If the page is narrower than our
    // max width then center it horizontally
    ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, kidSize, kidReflowState, x, y, 0, status);

    FinishReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, kidSize, x, y, 0);
    y += kidSize.height;

    // Leave a slight gap between the pages
    y += deadSpaceGap;

    // Is the page complete?
    nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = kidFrame->GetNextInFlow();

    if (NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(status)) {
      NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "bad child flow list");
    } else if (!kidNextInFlow) {
      // The page isn't complete and it doesn't have a next-in-flow, so
      // create a continuing page.
      nsIFrame* continuingPage;
      nsresult rv = aPresContext->PresShell()->FrameConstructor()->
        CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, kidFrame, this, &continuingPage);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {

      // Add it to our child list
      mFrames.InsertFrame(nsnull, kidFrame, continuingPage);

    // Get the next page
    kidFrame = kidFrame->GetNextSibling();

  // Get Total Page Count
  nsIFrame* page;
  PRInt32 pageTot = 0;
  for (page = mFrames.FirstChild(); page; page = page->GetNextSibling()) {

  // Set Page Number Info
  PRInt32 pageNum = 1;
  for (page = mFrames.FirstChild(); page; page = page->GetNextSibling()) {
    nsPageFrame * pf = static_cast<nsPageFrame*>(page);
    if (pf != nsnull) {
      pf->SetPageNumInfo(pageNum, pageTot);

  // Create current Date/Time String
  if (!mDateFormatter)
    mDateFormatter = do_CreateInstance(NS_DATETIMEFORMAT_CONTRACTID);


  nsAutoString formattedDateString;
  time_t ltime;
  time( &ltime );
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mDateFormatter->FormatTime(nsnull /* nsILocale* locale */,
                                              formattedDateString))) {
    PRUnichar * uStr = ToNewUnicode(formattedDateString);
    SetDateTimeStr(uStr); // memory will be freed

  // Return our desired size
  // Adjustr the reflow size by PrintPreviewScale so the scrollbars end up the
  // correct size
  nscoord w = (x + availSize.width + deadSpaceGap);
  aDesiredSize.height  = y * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale(); // includes page heights and dead space
  aDesiredSize.width   = w * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();

  aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea = nsRect(0, 0, aDesiredSize.width,

  // cache the size so we can set the desired size 
  // for the other reflows that happen
  mSize.width  = w;
  mSize.height = y;

  NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("nsSimplePageSequeceFrame::Reflow", aStatus);
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
/* static */
txXPathNodeUtils::comparePosition(const txXPathNode& aNode,
                                  const txXPathNode& aOtherNode)
    // First check for equal nodes or attribute-nodes on the same element.
    if (aNode.mNode == aOtherNode.mNode) {
        if (aNode.mIndex == aOtherNode.mIndex) {
            return 0;

        NS_ASSERTION(!aNode.isDocument() && !aOtherNode.isDocument(),
                     "documents should always have a set index");

        if (aNode.isContent() || (!aOtherNode.isContent() &&
                                  aNode.mIndex < aOtherNode.mIndex)) {
            return -1;

        return 1;

    // Get document for both nodes.
    nsIDocument* document = aNode.mNode->GetCurrentDoc();
    nsIDocument* otherDocument = aOtherNode.mNode->GetCurrentDoc();

    // If the nodes have different current documents, compare the document
    // pointers.
    if (document != otherDocument) {
        return document < otherDocument ? -1 : 1;

    // Now either both nodes are in orphan trees, or they are both in the
    // same tree.

    // Get parents up the tree.
    nsAutoTArray<nsINode*, 8> parents, otherParents;
    nsINode* node = aNode.mNode;
    nsINode* otherNode = aOtherNode.mNode;
    nsINode* parent, *otherParent;
    while (node && otherNode) {
        parent = node->GetNodeParent();
        otherParent = otherNode->GetNodeParent();

        // Hopefully this is a common case.
        if (parent == otherParent) {
            if (!parent) {
                // Both node and otherNode are root nodes in respective orphan
                // tree.
                return node < otherNode ? -1 : 1;

            return parent->IndexOf(node) < parent->IndexOf(otherNode) ?
                   -1 : 1;

        node = parent;
        otherNode = otherParent;

    while (node) {
        node = node->GetNodeParent();
    while (otherNode) {
        otherNode = otherNode->GetNodeParent();

    // Walk back down along the parent-chains until we find where they split.
    PRInt32 total = parents.Length() - 1;
    PRInt32 otherTotal = otherParents.Length() - 1;
    NS_ASSERTION(total != otherTotal, "Can't have same number of parents");

    PRInt32 lastIndex = NS_MIN(total, otherTotal);
    PRInt32 i;
    parent = nsnull;
    for (i = 0; i <= lastIndex; ++i) {
        node = parents.ElementAt(total - i);
        otherNode = otherParents.ElementAt(otherTotal - i);
        if (node != otherNode) {
            if (!parent) {
                // The two nodes are in different orphan subtrees.
                NS_ASSERTION(i == 0, "this shouldn't happen");
                return node < otherNode ? -1 : 1;

            PRInt32 index = parent->IndexOf(node);
            PRInt32 otherIndex = parent->IndexOf(otherNode);
            NS_ASSERTION(index != otherIndex && index >= 0 && otherIndex >= 0,
                         "invalid index in compareTreePosition");

            return index < otherIndex ? -1 : 1;

        parent = node;

    // One node is a descendant of the other. The one with the shortest
    // parent-chain is first in the document.
    return total < otherTotal ? -1 : 1;
예제 #22
SpdyStream::OnReadSegment(const char *buf,
                          PRUint32 count,
                          PRUint32 *countRead)
  LOG3(("SpdyStream::OnReadSegment %p count=%d state=%x",
        this, count, mUpstreamState));

  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread, "wrong thread");
  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mSegmentReader, "OnReadSegment with null mSegmentReader");
  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
  PRUint32 dataLength;

  switch (mUpstreamState) {
    // The buffer is the HTTP request stream, including at least part of the
    // HTTP request header. This state's job is to build a SYN_STREAM frame
    // from the header information. count is the number of http bytes available
    // (which may include more than the header), and in countRead we return
    // the number of those bytes that we consume (i.e. the portion that are
    // header bytes)

    rv = ParseHttpRequestHeaders(buf, count, countRead);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;
    LOG3(("ParseHttpRequestHeaders %p used %d of %d. complete = %d",
          this, *countRead, count, mSynFrameComplete));
    if (mSynFrameComplete) {
                        "OnReadSegment SynFrameComplete 0b");
      rv = TransmitFrame(nsnull, nsnull);
      if (rv == NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK && *countRead)
        rv = NS_OK;
      if (mTxInlineFrameSize)
    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(*countRead == count,
                      "Header parsing not complete but unused data");

                      "OnReadSegment in generating_request_body with "
                      "frame in progress");
    dataLength = NS_MIN(count, mChunkSize);
    LOG3(("SpdyStream %p id %x request len remaining %d, "
          "count avail %d, chunk used %d",
          this, mStreamID, mRequestBodyLen, count, dataLength));
    if (dataLength > mRequestBodyLen)
    mRequestBodyLen -= dataLength;
    GenerateDataFrameHeader(dataLength, !mRequestBodyLen);
    // NO BREAK

    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mTxInlineFrameSize, "OnReadSegment Send Data Header 0b");
    rv = TransmitFrame(buf, countRead);
    LOG3(("TransmitFrame() rv=%x returning %d data bytes. "
          "Header is %d/%d Body is %d/%d.",
          rv, *countRead,
          mTxInlineFrameSent, mTxInlineFrameSize,
          mTxStreamFrameSent, mTxStreamFrameSize));

    if (rv == NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK && *countRead)
      rv = NS_OK;

    // If that frame was all sent, look for another one
    if (!mTxInlineFrameSize)


                      "resuming partial fin stream out of OnReadSegment");
    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(false, "SpdyStream::OnReadSegment non-write state");
  return rv;
예제 #23
nsMathMLmfracFrame::PlaceInternal(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                                  bool                 aPlaceOrigin,
                                  nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                  bool                 aWidthOnly)
  // Get the children's desired sizes
  nsBoundingMetrics bmNum, bmDen;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics sizeNum;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics sizeDen;
  nsIFrame* frameDen = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* frameNum = mFrames.FirstChild();
  if (frameNum) 
    frameDen = frameNum->GetNextSibling();
  if (!frameNum || !frameDen || frameDen->GetNextSibling()) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    return ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(frameNum, sizeNum, bmNum);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(frameDen, sizeDen, bmDen);

  nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));

  nscoord defaultRuleThickness, axisHeight;
  GetRuleThickness(aRenderingContext, fm, defaultRuleThickness);
  GetAxisHeight(aRenderingContext, fm, axisHeight);

  nsEmbellishData coreData;
  GetEmbellishDataFrom(mEmbellishData.coreFrame, coreData);

  // see if the linethickness attribute is there 
  nsAutoString value;
  GetAttribute(mContent, mPresentationData.mstyle, nsGkAtoms::linethickness_,

  mLineThickness = CalcLineThickness(presContext, mStyleContext, value,
                                     onePixel, defaultRuleThickness);

  // bevelled attribute
  GetAttribute(mContent, mPresentationData.mstyle, nsGkAtoms::bevelled_,
  mIsBevelled = value.EqualsLiteral("true");

  if (!mIsBevelled) {
    mLineRect.height = mLineThickness;
    // by default, leave at least one-pixel padding at either end, or use
    // lspace & rspace that may come from <mo> if we are an embellished
    // container (we fetch values from the core since they may use units that
    // depend on style data, and style changes could have occurred in the
    // core since our last visit there)
    nscoord leftSpace = NS_MAX(onePixel, coreData.leftSpace);
    nscoord rightSpace = NS_MAX(onePixel, coreData.rightSpace);

    // Get shifts
    nscoord numShift = 0;
    nscoord denShift = 0;

    // Rule 15b, App. G, TeXbook
    nscoord numShift1, numShift2, numShift3;
    nscoord denShift1, denShift2;

    GetNumeratorShifts(fm, numShift1, numShift2, numShift3);
    GetDenominatorShifts(fm, denShift1, denShift2);
    if (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) {
      // C > T
      numShift = numShift1;
      denShift = denShift1;
    else {
      numShift = (0 < mLineRect.height) ? numShift2 : numShift3;
      denShift = denShift2;

    nscoord minClearance = 0;
    nscoord actualClearance = 0;

    nscoord actualRuleThickness =  mLineThickness;

    if (0 == actualRuleThickness) {
      // Rule 15c, App. G, TeXbook

      // min clearance between numerator and denominator
      minClearance = (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) ?
        7 * defaultRuleThickness : 3 * defaultRuleThickness;
      actualClearance =
        (numShift - bmNum.descent) - (bmDen.ascent - denShift);
      // actualClearance should be >= minClearance
      if (actualClearance < minClearance) {
        nscoord halfGap = (minClearance - actualClearance)/2;
        numShift += halfGap;
        denShift += halfGap;
    else {
    // Rule 15d, App. G, TeXbook

    // min clearance between numerator or denominator and middle of bar

    // TeX has a different interpretation of the thickness.
    // Try $a \above10pt b$ to see. Here is what TeX does:
//     minClearance = (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) ?
//      3 * actualRuleThickness : actualRuleThickness;
    // we slightly depart from TeX here. We use the defaultRuleThickness instead
    // of the value coming from the linethickness attribute, i.e., we recover what
    // TeX does if the user hasn't set linethickness. But when the linethickness
    // is set, we avoid the wide gap problem.
     minClearance = (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) ?
      3 * defaultRuleThickness : defaultRuleThickness + onePixel;

      // adjust numShift to maintain minClearance if needed
      actualClearance =
        (numShift - bmNum.descent) - (axisHeight + actualRuleThickness/2);
      if (actualClearance < minClearance) {
        numShift += (minClearance - actualClearance);
      // adjust denShift to maintain minClearance if needed
      actualClearance =
        (axisHeight - actualRuleThickness/2) - (bmDen.ascent - denShift);
      if (actualClearance < minClearance) {
        denShift += (minClearance - actualClearance);

    // Place Children

    // XXX Need revisiting the width. TeX uses the exact width
    // e.g. in $$\huge\frac{\displaystyle\int}{i}$$
    nscoord width = NS_MAX(bmNum.width, bmDen.width);
    nscoord dxNum = leftSpace + (width - sizeNum.width)/2;
    nscoord dxDen = leftSpace + (width - sizeDen.width)/2;
    width += leftSpace + rightSpace;

    // see if the numalign attribute is there 
    GetAttribute(mContent, mPresentationData.mstyle, nsGkAtoms::numalign_,
    if (value.EqualsLiteral("left"))
      dxNum = leftSpace;
    else if (value.EqualsLiteral("right"))
      dxNum = width - rightSpace - sizeNum.width;

    // see if the denomalign attribute is there 
    GetAttribute(mContent, mPresentationData.mstyle, nsGkAtoms::denomalign_,
    if (value.EqualsLiteral("left"))
      dxDen = leftSpace;
    else if (value.EqualsLiteral("right"))
      dxDen = width - rightSpace - sizeDen.width;

    mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing =
      NS_MAX(dxNum + bmNum.rightBearing, dxDen + bmDen.rightBearing);
    if (mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing < width - rightSpace)
      mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = width - rightSpace;
    mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing =
      NS_MIN(dxNum + bmNum.leftBearing, dxDen + bmDen.leftBearing);
    if (mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing > leftSpace)
      mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = leftSpace;
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = bmNum.ascent + numShift;
    mBoundingMetrics.descent = bmDen.descent + denShift;
    mBoundingMetrics.width = width;

    aDesiredSize.ascent = sizeNum.ascent + numShift;
    aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
      sizeDen.height - sizeDen.ascent + denShift;
    aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
    aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

    mReference.x = 0;
    mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

    if (aPlaceOrigin) {
      nscoord dy;
      // place numerator
      dy = 0;
      FinishReflowChild(frameNum, presContext, nsnull, sizeNum, dxNum, dy, 0);
      // place denominator
      dy = aDesiredSize.height - sizeDen.height;
      FinishReflowChild(frameDen, presContext, nsnull, sizeDen, dxDen, dy, 0);
      // place the fraction bar - dy is top of bar
      dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (axisHeight + actualRuleThickness/2);
      mLineRect.SetRect(leftSpace, dy, width - (leftSpace + rightSpace),
  } else {
    nscoord numShift = 0.0;
    nscoord denShift = 0.0;
    nscoord padding = 3 * defaultRuleThickness;
    nscoord slashRatio = 3;

    // Define the constant used in the expression of the maximum width
    nscoord em = fm->EmHeight();
    nscoord slashMaxWidthConstant = 2 * em;

    // For large line thicknesses the minimum slash height is limited to the
    // largest expected height of a fraction
    nscoord slashMinHeight = slashRatio *
      NS_MIN(2 * mLineThickness, slashMaxWidthConstant);

    nscoord leftSpace = NS_MAX(padding, coreData.leftSpace);
    nscoord rightSpace = NS_MAX(padding, coreData.rightSpace);
    nscoord delta;
    //           ___________
    //          |           |    /
    //         {|-NUMERATOR-|   /
    //         {|___________|  S
    //         {               L
    // numShift{               A
    // ------------------------------------------------------- baseline
    //                         S   _____________ } denShift
    //                         H  |             |}
    //                        /   |-DENOMINATOR-|}
    //                       /    |_____________| 

    // first, ensure that the top of the numerator is at least as high as the
    // top of the denominator (and the reverse for the bottoms)
    delta = NS_MAX(bmDen.ascent - bmNum.ascent,
                   bmNum.descent - bmDen.descent) / 2;
    if (delta > 0) {
      numShift += delta;
      denShift += delta;

    if (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) {
      delta = NS_MIN(bmDen.ascent + bmDen.descent,
                     bmNum.ascent + bmNum.descent) / 2;
      numShift += delta;
      denShift += delta;
    } else {
      nscoord xHeight = fm->XHeight();
      numShift += xHeight / 2;
      denShift += xHeight / 4;
    // Set the ascent/descent of our BoundingMetrics.
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = bmNum.ascent + numShift;
    mBoundingMetrics.descent = bmDen.descent + denShift;

    // At this point the height of the slash is
    // mBoundingMetrics.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent
    // Ensure that it is greater than slashMinHeight
    delta = (slashMinHeight -
             (mBoundingMetrics.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent)) / 2;
    if (delta > 0) {
      mBoundingMetrics.ascent += delta;
      mBoundingMetrics.descent += delta;

    // Set the width of the slash
    if (aWidthOnly) {
      mLineRect.width = mLineThickness + slashMaxWidthConstant;
    } else {
      mLineRect.width = mLineThickness +
               (mBoundingMetrics.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent) /

    // Set horizontal bounding metrics
    mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = leftSpace + bmNum.leftBearing;
    mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing =
      leftSpace + bmNum.width + mLineRect.width + bmDen.rightBearing;
    mBoundingMetrics.width =
      leftSpace + bmNum.width + mLineRect.width + bmDen.width + rightSpace;

    // Set aDesiredSize
    aDesiredSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + padding;
    aDesiredSize.height =
      mBoundingMetrics.ascent + mBoundingMetrics.descent + 2 * padding;
    aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
    aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

    mReference.x = 0;
    mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;
    if (aPlaceOrigin) {
      FinishReflowChild(frameNum, presContext, nsnull, sizeNum,
                        aDesiredSize.ascent - numShift - sizeNum.ascent, 0);

      mLineRect.SetRect(leftSpace + bmNum.width,
                        aDesiredSize.ascent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent,
                        aDesiredSize.height - 2 * padding);

      FinishReflowChild(frameDen, presContext, nsnull, sizeDen,
                        leftSpace + bmNum.width + mLineRect.width,
                        aDesiredSize.ascent + denShift - sizeDen.ascent, 0);


  return NS_OK;
예제 #24
nsSHEntry::AddChild(nsISHEntry * aChild, PRInt32 aOffset)
  if (aChild) {
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(aChild->SetParent(this), NS_ERROR_FAILURE);

  if (aOffset < 0) {
    return NS_OK;

  // Bug 52670: Ensure children are added in order.
  //  Later frames in the child list may load faster and get appended
  //  before earlier frames, causing session history to be scrambled.
  //  By growing the list here, they are added to the right position.
  //  Assert that aOffset will not be so high as to grow us a lot.
  NS_ASSERTION(aOffset < (mChildren.Count()+1023), "Large frames array!\n");

  bool newChildIsDyn = false;
  if (aChild) {

  // If the new child is dynamically added, try to add it to aOffset, but if
  // there are non-dynamically added children, the child must be after those.
  if (newChildIsDyn) {
    PRInt32 lastNonDyn = aOffset - 1;
    for (PRInt32 i = aOffset; i < mChildren.Count(); ++i) {
      nsISHEntry* entry = mChildren[i];
      if (entry) {
        bool dyn = false;
        if (dyn) {
        } else {
          lastNonDyn = i;
    // InsertObjectAt allows only appending one object.
    // If aOffset is larger than Count(), we must first manually
    // set the capacity.
    if (aOffset > mChildren.Count()) {
    if (!mChildren.InsertObjectAt(aChild, lastNonDyn + 1)) {
      NS_WARNING("Adding a child failed!");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  } else {
    // If the new child isn't dynamically added, it should be set to aOffset.
    // If there are dynamically added children before that, those must be
    // moved to be after aOffset.
    if (mChildren.Count() > 0) {
      PRInt32 start = NS_MIN(mChildren.Count() - 1, aOffset);
      PRInt32 dynEntryIndex = -1;
      nsISHEntry* dynEntry = nsnull;
      for (PRInt32 i = start; i >= 0; --i) {
        nsISHEntry* entry = mChildren[i];
        if (entry) {
          bool dyn = false;
          if (dyn) {
            dynEntryIndex = i;
            dynEntry = entry;
          } else {
      if (dynEntry) {
        nsCOMArray<nsISHEntry> tmp;
        tmp.SetCount(aOffset - dynEntryIndex + 1);
        mChildren.InsertObjectsAt(tmp, dynEntryIndex);
        NS_ASSERTION(mChildren[aOffset + 1] == dynEntry, "Whaat?");

    // Make sure there isn't anything at aOffset.
    if (aOffset < mChildren.Count()) {
      nsISHEntry* oldChild = mChildren[aOffset];
      if (oldChild && oldChild != aChild) {
        NS_ERROR("Adding a child where we already have a child? This may misbehave");

    if (!mChildren.ReplaceObjectAt(aChild, aOffset)) {
      NS_WARNING("Adding a child failed!");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  return NS_OK;
nsCORSPreflightListener::AddResultToCache(nsIRequest *aRequest)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> http = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
  NS_ASSERTION(http, "Request was not http");

  // The "Access-Control-Max-Age" header should return an age in seconds.
  nsCAutoString headerVal;
  if (headerVal.IsEmpty()) {

  // Sanitize the string. We only allow 'delta-seconds' as specified by
  // http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control (digits 0-9 with no leading or
  // trailing non-whitespace characters).
  PRUint32 age = 0;
  nsCSubstring::const_char_iterator iter, end;
  while (iter != end) {
    if (*iter < '0' || *iter > '9') {
    age = age * 10 + (*iter - '0');
    // Cap at 24 hours. This also avoids overflow
    age = NS_MIN(age, 86400U);

  if (!age || !EnsurePreflightCache()) {

  // String seems fine, go ahead and cache.
  // Note that we have already checked that these headers follow the correct
  // syntax.

  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
  NS_GetFinalChannelURI(http, getter_AddRefs(uri));

  // PR_Now gives microseconds
  PRTime expirationTime = PR_Now() + (PRUint64)age * PR_USEC_PER_SEC;

  nsPreflightCache::CacheEntry* entry =
    sPreflightCache->GetEntry(uri, mReferrerPrincipal, mWithCredentials,
  if (!entry) {

  // The "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" header contains a comma separated
  // list of method names.

  nsCCharSeparatedTokenizer methods(headerVal, ',');
  while(methods.hasMoreTokens()) {
    const nsDependentCSubstring& method = methods.nextToken();
    if (method.IsEmpty()) {
    PRUint32 i;
    for (i = 0; i < entry->mMethods.Length(); ++i) {
      if (entry->mMethods[i].token.Equals(method)) {
        entry->mMethods[i].expirationTime = expirationTime;
    if (i == entry->mMethods.Length()) {
      nsPreflightCache::TokenTime* newMethod =
      if (!newMethod) {

      newMethod->token = method;
      newMethod->expirationTime = expirationTime;

  // The "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header contains a comma separated
  // list of method names.

  nsCCharSeparatedTokenizer headers(headerVal, ',');
  while(headers.hasMoreTokens()) {
    const nsDependentCSubstring& header = headers.nextToken();
    if (header.IsEmpty()) {
    PRUint32 i;
    for (i = 0; i < entry->mHeaders.Length(); ++i) {
      if (entry->mHeaders[i].token.Equals(header)) {
        entry->mHeaders[i].expirationTime = expirationTime;
    if (i == entry->mHeaders.Length()) {
      nsPreflightCache::TokenTime* newHeader =
      if (!newHeader) {

      newHeader->token = header;
      newHeader->expirationTime = expirationTime;
예제 #26
nsHttpChunkedDecoder::HandleChunkedContent(char *buf,
                                           PRUint32 count,
                                           PRUint32 *contentRead,
                                           PRUint32 *contentRemaining)
    LOG(("nsHttpChunkedDecoder::HandleChunkedContent [count=%u]\n", count));

    *contentRead = 0;
    // from RFC2617 section 3.6.1, the chunked transfer coding is defined as:
    //   Chunked-Body    = *chunk
    //                     last-chunk
    //                     trailer
    //                     CRLF
    //   chunk           = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
    //                     chunk-data CRLF
    //   chunk-size      = 1*HEX
    //   last-chunk      = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
    //   chunk-extension = *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
    //   chunk-ext-name  = token
    //   chunk-ext-val   = token | quoted-string
    //   chunk-data      = chunk-size(OCTET)
    //   trailer         = *(entity-header CRLF)
    // the chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size of the
    // chunk.  the chunked encoding is ended by any chunk whose size is zero, 
    // followed by the trailer, which is terminated by an empty line.

    while (count) {
        if (mChunkRemaining) {
            PRUint32 amt = NS_MIN(mChunkRemaining, count);

            count -= amt;
            mChunkRemaining -= amt;

            *contentRead += amt;
            buf += amt;
        else if (mReachedEOF)
            break; // done
        else {
            PRUint32 bytesConsumed = 0;

            nsresult rv = ParseChunkRemaining(buf, count, &bytesConsumed);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

            count -= bytesConsumed;

            if (count) {
                // shift buf by bytesConsumed
                memmove(buf, buf + bytesConsumed, count);
    *contentRemaining = count;
    return NS_OK;
예제 #27
nsCSSScanner::ParseNumber(PRInt32 c, nsCSSToken& aToken)
  NS_PRECONDITION(c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '-' || IsDigit(c),
                  "Why did we get called?");
  aToken.mHasSign = (c == '+' || c == '-');

  // Our sign.
  PRInt32 sign = c == '-' ? -1 : 1;
  // Absolute value of the integer part of the mantissa.  This is a double so
  // we don't run into overflow issues for consumers that only care about our
  // floating-point value while still being able to express the full PRInt32
  // range for consumers who want integers.
  double intPart = 0;
  // Fractional part of the mantissa.  This is a double so that when we convert
  // to float at the end we'll end up rounding to nearest float instead of
  // truncating down (as we would if fracPart were a float and we just
  // effectively lost the last several digits).
  double fracPart = 0;
  // Absolute value of the power of 10 that we should multiply by (only
  // relevant for numbers in scientific notation).  Has to be a signed integer,
  // because multiplication of signed by unsigned converts the unsigned to
  // signed, so if we plan to actually multiply by expSign...
  PRInt32 exponent = 0;
  // Sign of the exponent.
  PRInt32 expSign = 1;

  if (aToken.mHasSign) {
    NS_ASSERTION(c != '.', "How did that happen?");
    c = Read();

  PRBool gotDot = (c == '.');

  if (!gotDot) {
    // Parse the integer part of the mantisssa
    NS_ASSERTION(IsDigit(c), "Why did we get called?");
    do {
      intPart = 10*intPart + DecimalDigitValue(c);
      c = Read();
      // The IsDigit check will do the right thing even if Read() returns < 0
    } while (IsDigit(c));

    gotDot = (c == '.') && IsDigit(Peek());

  if (gotDot) {
    // Parse the fractional part of the mantissa.
    c = Read();
    NS_ASSERTION(IsDigit(c), "How did we get here?");
    // Power of ten by which we need to divide our next digit
    float divisor = 10;
    do {
      fracPart += DecimalDigitValue(c) / divisor;
      divisor *= 10;
      c = Read();
      // The IsDigit check will do the right thing even if Read() returns < 0
    } while (IsDigit(c));

  PRBool gotE = PR_FALSE;
  if (IsSVGMode() && (c == 'e' || c == 'E')) {
    PRInt32 nextChar = Peek();
    PRInt32 expSignChar = 0;
    if (nextChar == '-' || nextChar == '+') {
      expSignChar = Read();
      nextChar = Peek();
    if (IsDigit(nextChar)) {
      gotE = PR_TRUE;
      if (expSignChar == '-') {
        expSign = -1;

      c = Read();
      NS_ASSERTION(IsDigit(c), "Peek() must have lied");
      do {
        exponent = 10*exponent + DecimalDigitValue(c);
        c = Read();
        // The IsDigit check will do the right thing even if Read() returns < 0
      } while (IsDigit(c));
    } else {
      if (expSignChar) {

  nsCSSTokenType type = eCSSToken_Number;

  // Set mIntegerValid for all cases (except %, below) because we need
  // it for the "2n" in :nth-child(2n).
  aToken.mIntegerValid = PR_FALSE;

  // Time to reassemble our number.
  float value = float(sign * (intPart + fracPart));
  if (gotE) {
    // pow(), not powf(), because at least wince doesn't have the latter.
    // And explicitly cast everything to doubles to avoid issues with
    // overloaded pow() on Windows.
    value *= pow(10.0, double(expSign * exponent));
  } else if (!gotDot) {
    // Clamp values outside of integer range.
    if (sign > 0) {
      aToken.mInteger = PRInt32(NS_MIN(intPart, double(PR_INT32_MAX)));
    } else {
      aToken.mInteger = PRInt32(NS_MAX(-intPart, double(PR_INT32_MIN)));
    aToken.mIntegerValid = PR_TRUE;

  nsString& ident = aToken.mIdent;

  // Look at character that terminated the number
  if (c >= 0) {
    if (StartsIdent(c, Peek())) {
      if (!GatherIdent(c, ident)) {
        return PR_FALSE;
      type = eCSSToken_Dimension;
    } else if ('%' == c) {
      type = eCSSToken_Percentage;
      value = value / 100.0f;
      aToken.mIntegerValid = PR_FALSE;
    } else {
      // Put back character that stopped numeric scan
  aToken.mNumber = value;
  aToken.mType = type;
  return PR_TRUE;
예제 #28
nsPNGDecoder::WriteInternal(const char *aBuffer, PRUint32 aCount)
  // We use gotos, so we need to declare variables here
  PRUint32 width = 0;
  PRUint32 height = 0;

  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!HasError(), "Shouldn't call WriteInternal after error!");

  // If we only want width/height, we don't need to go through libpng
  if (IsSizeDecode()) {

    // Are we done?
    if (mHeaderBytesRead == BYTES_NEEDED_FOR_DIMENSIONS)

    // Read data into our header buffer
    PRUint32 bytesToRead = NS_MIN(aCount, BYTES_NEEDED_FOR_DIMENSIONS -
    memcpy(mHeaderBuf + mHeaderBytesRead, aBuffer, bytesToRead);
    mHeaderBytesRead += bytesToRead;

    // If we're done now, verify the data and set up the container
    if (mHeaderBytesRead == BYTES_NEEDED_FOR_DIMENSIONS) {

      // Check that the signature bytes are right
      if (memcmp(mHeaderBuf, nsPNGDecoder::pngSignatureBytes, 
                 sizeof(pngSignatureBytes))) {

      // Grab the width and height, accounting for endianness (thanks libpng!)
      width = png_get_uint_32(mHeaderBuf + WIDTH_OFFSET);
      height = png_get_uint_32(mHeaderBuf + HEIGHT_OFFSET);

      // Too big?
      if ((width > MOZ_PNG_MAX_DIMENSION) || (height > MOZ_PNG_MAX_DIMENSION)) {

      // Post our size to the superclass
      PostSize(width, height);

  // Otherwise, we're doing a standard decode
  else {

    // libpng uses setjmp/longjmp for error handling - set the buffer
    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(mPNG))) {

      // We might not really know what caused the error, but it makes more
      // sense to blame the data.
      if (!HasError())

      png_destroy_read_struct(&mPNG, &mInfo, NULL);

    // Pass the data off to libpng
    png_process_data(mPNG, mInfo, (unsigned char *)aBuffer, aCount);

/* virtual */ void
FixedTableLayoutStrategy::ComputeColumnWidths(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
    nscoord tableWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();

    if (mLastCalcWidth == tableWidth)
    mLastCalcWidth = tableWidth;

    nsTableCellMap *cellMap = mTableFrame->GetCellMap();
    PRInt32 colCount = cellMap->GetColCount();
    nscoord spacing = mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX();

    if (colCount == 0) {
        // No Columns - nothing to compute

    // border-spacing isn't part of the basis for percentages.
    tableWidth -= spacing * (colCount + 1);
    // store the old column widths. We might call multiple times SetFinalWidth
    // on the columns, due to this we can't compare at the last call that the
    // width has changed with the respect to the last call to
    // ComputeColumnWidths. In order to overcome this we store the old values
    // in this array. A single call to SetFinalWidth would make it possible to
    // call GetFinalWidth before and to compare when setting the final width.
    nsTArray<nscoord> oldColWidths;

    // XXX This ignores the 'min-width' and 'max-width' properties
    // throughout.  Then again, that's what the CSS spec says to do.

    // XXX Should we really ignore widths on column groups?

    PRUint32 unassignedCount = 0;
    nscoord unassignedSpace = tableWidth;
    const nscoord unassignedMarker = nscoord_MIN;

    // We use the PrefPercent on the columns to store the percentages
    // used to compute column widths in case we need to shrink or expand
    // the columns.
    float pctTotal = 0.0f;

    // Accumulate the total specified (non-percent) on the columns for
    // distributing excess width to the columns.
    nscoord specTotal = 0;

    for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
        nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
        if (!colFrame) {
            NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
        const nsStyleCoord *styleWidth =
        nscoord colWidth;
        if (styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord) {
            colWidth = nsLayoutUtils::ComputeWidthValue(
                         colFrame, 0, 0, 0, *styleWidth);
            specTotal += colWidth;
        } else if (styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Percent) {
            float pct = styleWidth->GetPercentValue();
            colWidth = NSToCoordFloor(pct * float(tableWidth));
            pctTotal += pct;
        } else {
            NS_ASSERTION(styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Auto ||
                         styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Enumerated ||
                         "bad width");

            // The 'table-layout: fixed' algorithm considers only cells
            // in the first row.
            PRBool originates;
            PRInt32 colSpan;
            nsTableCellFrame *cellFrame =
                cellMap->GetCellInfoAt(0, col, &originates, &colSpan);
            if (cellFrame) {
                styleWidth = &cellFrame->GetStylePosition()->mWidth;
                if (styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord ||
                    (styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Enumerated &&
                     (styleWidth->GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_WIDTH_MAX_CONTENT ||
                      styleWidth->GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_WIDTH_MIN_CONTENT))) {
                    // XXX This should use real percentage padding
                    // Note that the difference between MIN_WIDTH and
                    // PREF_WIDTH shouldn't matter for any of these
                    // values of styleWidth; use MIN_WIDTH for symmetry
                    // with GetMinWidth above, just in case there is a
                    // difference.
                    colWidth = nsLayoutUtils::IntrinsicForContainer(
                                 cellFrame, nsLayoutUtils::MIN_WIDTH);
                } else if (styleWidth->GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Percent) {
                    // XXX This should use real percentage padding
                    nsIFrame::IntrinsicWidthOffsetData offsets =
                    float pct = styleWidth->GetPercentValue();
                    colWidth = NSToCoordFloor(pct * float(tableWidth)) +
                               offsets.hPadding + offsets.hBorder;
                    pct /= float(colSpan);
                    pctTotal += pct;
                } else {
                    // 'auto', '-moz-available', '-moz-fit-content', and
                    // 'calc()'
                    colWidth = unassignedMarker;
                if (colWidth != unassignedMarker) {
                    if (colSpan > 1) {
                        // If a column-spanning cell is in the first
                        // row, split up the space evenly.  (XXX This
                        // isn't quite right if some of the columns it's
                        // in have specified widths.  Should we care?)
                        colWidth = ((colWidth + spacing) / colSpan) - spacing;
                        if (colWidth < 0)
                            colWidth = 0;
                    if (styleWidth->GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Percent) {
                        specTotal += colWidth;
            } else {
                colWidth = unassignedMarker;


        if (colWidth == unassignedMarker) {
        } else {
            unassignedSpace -= colWidth;

    if (unassignedSpace < 0) {
        if (pctTotal > 0) {
            // If the columns took up too much space, reduce those that
            // had percentage widths.  The spec doesn't say to do this,
            // but we've always done it in the past, and so does WinIE6.
            nscoord pctUsed = NSToCoordFloor(pctTotal * float(tableWidth));
            nscoord reduce = NS_MIN(pctUsed, -unassignedSpace);
            float reduceRatio = float(reduce) / pctTotal;
            for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
                nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
                if (!colFrame) {
                    NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
                nscoord colWidth = colFrame->GetFinalWidth();
                colWidth -= NSToCoordFloor(colFrame->GetPrefPercent() *
                if (colWidth < 0)
                    colWidth = 0;
        unassignedSpace = 0;

    if (unassignedCount > 0) {
        // The spec says to distribute the remaining space evenly among
        // the columns.
        nscoord toAssign = unassignedSpace / unassignedCount;
        for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
            nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
            if (!colFrame) {
                NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
            if (colFrame->GetFinalWidth() == unassignedMarker)
    } else if (unassignedSpace > 0) {
        // The spec doesn't say how to distribute the unassigned space.
        if (specTotal > 0) {
            // Distribute proportionally to non-percentage columns.
            nscoord specUndist = specTotal;
            for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
                nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
                if (!colFrame) {
                    NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
                if (colFrame->GetPrefPercent() == 0.0f) {
                    NS_ASSERTION(colFrame->GetFinalWidth() <= specUndist,
                                 "widths don't add up");
                    nscoord toAdd = AllocateUnassigned(unassignedSpace,
                       float(colFrame->GetFinalWidth()) / float(specUndist));
                    specUndist -= colFrame->GetFinalWidth();
                    colFrame->SetFinalWidth(colFrame->GetFinalWidth() + toAdd);
                    unassignedSpace -= toAdd;
                    if (specUndist <= 0) {
                        NS_ASSERTION(specUndist == 0,
                                     "math should be exact");
            NS_ASSERTION(unassignedSpace == 0, "failed to redistribute");
        } else if (pctTotal > 0) {
            // Distribute proportionally to percentage columns.
            float pctUndist = pctTotal;
            for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
                nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
                if (!colFrame) {
                    NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
                if (pctUndist < colFrame->GetPrefPercent()) {
                    // This can happen with floating-point math.
                    NS_ASSERTION(colFrame->GetPrefPercent() - pctUndist
                                   < 0.0001,
                                 "widths don't add up");
                    pctUndist = colFrame->GetPrefPercent();
                nscoord toAdd = AllocateUnassigned(unassignedSpace,
                    colFrame->GetPrefPercent() / pctUndist);
                colFrame->SetFinalWidth(colFrame->GetFinalWidth() + toAdd);
                unassignedSpace -= toAdd;
                pctUndist -= colFrame->GetPrefPercent();
                if (pctUndist <= 0.0f) {
            NS_ASSERTION(unassignedSpace == 0, "failed to redistribute");
        } else {
            // Distribute equally to the zero-width columns.
            PRInt32 colsLeft = colCount;
            for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
                nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
                if (!colFrame) {
                    NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
                NS_ASSERTION(colFrame->GetFinalWidth() == 0, "yikes");
                nscoord toAdd = AllocateUnassigned(unassignedSpace,
                                                   1.0f / float(colsLeft));
                unassignedSpace -= toAdd;
            NS_ASSERTION(unassignedSpace == 0, "failed to redistribute");
    for (PRInt32 col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
        nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(col);
        if (!colFrame) {
            NS_ERROR("column frames out of sync with cell map");
        if (oldColWidths.ElementAt(col) != colFrame->GetFinalWidth()) {
예제 #30
    PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
      ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, mGdkKeymap=%p",
       this, mGdkKeymap));

    Display* display =

    int min_keycode = 0;
    int max_keycode = 0;
    XDisplayKeycodes(display, &min_keycode, &max_keycode);

    int keysyms_per_keycode = 0;
    KeySym* xkeymap = XGetKeyboardMapping(display, min_keycode,
                                          max_keycode - min_keycode + 1,
    if (!xkeymap) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, "
             "Failed due to null xkeymap", this));

    XModifierKeymap* xmodmap = XGetModifierMapping(display);
    if (!xmodmap) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, "
             "Failed due to null xmodmap", this));
    PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
        ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, min_keycode=%d, "
         "max_keycode=%d, keysyms_per_keycode=%d, max_keypermod=%d",
         this, min_keycode, max_keycode, keysyms_per_keycode,

    // The modifiermap member of the XModifierKeymap structure contains 8 sets
    // of max_keypermod KeyCodes, one for each modifier in the order Shift,
    // Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, and Mod5.
    // Only nonzero KeyCodes have meaning in each set, and zero KeyCodes are
    // ignored.

    // Note that two or more modifiers may use one modifier flag.  E.g.,
    // on Ubuntu 10.10, Alt and Meta share the Mod1 in default settings.
    // And also Super and Hyper share the Mod4. In such cases, we need to
    // decide which modifier flag means one of DOM modifiers.

    // mod[0] is Modifier introduced by Mod1.
    Modifier mod[5];
    int32_t foundLevel[5];
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(mod); i++) {
        mod[i] = NOT_MODIFIER;
        foundLevel[i] = INT32_MAX;
    const uint32_t map_size = 8 * xmodmap->max_keypermod;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < map_size; i++) {
        KeyCode keycode = xmodmap->modifiermap[i];
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, "
             "  i=%d, keycode=0x%08X",
             this, i, keycode));
        if (!keycode || keycode < min_keycode || keycode > max_keycode) {

        ModifierKey* modifierKey = GetModifierKey(keycode);
        if (!modifierKey) {
            modifierKey = mModifierKeys.AppendElement(ModifierKey(keycode));

        const KeySym* syms =
            xkeymap + (keycode - min_keycode) * keysyms_per_keycode;
        const uint32_t bit = i / xmodmap->max_keypermod;
        modifierKey->mMask |= 1 << bit;

        // We need to know the meaning of Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4 and Mod5.
        // Let's skip if current map is for others.
        if (bit < 3) {

        const int32_t modIndex = bit - 3;
        for (int32_t j = 0; j < keysyms_per_keycode; j++) {
            Modifier modifier = GetModifierForGDKKeyval(syms[j]);
            PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
                ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitBySystemSettings, "
                 "    Mod%d, j=%d, syms[j]=%s(0x%X), modifier=%s",
                 this, modIndex + 1, j, gdk_keyval_name(syms[j]), syms[j],

            switch (modifier) {
                case NOT_MODIFIER:
                    // Don't overwrite the stored information with
                    // NOT_MODIFIER.
                case CAPS_LOCK:
                case SHIFT:
                case CTRL:
                    // Ignore the modifiers defined in GDK spec. They shouldn't
                    // be mapped to Mod1-5 because they must not work on native
                    // GTK applications.
                    // If new modifier is found in higher level than stored
                    // value, we don't need to overwrite it.
                    if (j > foundLevel[modIndex]) {
                    // If new modifier is more important than stored value,
                    // we should overwrite it with new modifier.
                    if (j == foundLevel[modIndex]) {
                        mod[modIndex] = NS_MIN(modifier, mod[modIndex]);
                    foundLevel[modIndex] = j;
                    mod[modIndex] = modifier;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_OF_MODIFIER_INDEX; i++) {
        Modifier modifier;
        switch (i) {
            case INDEX_NUM_LOCK:
                modifier = NUM_LOCK;
            case INDEX_SCROLL_LOCK:
                modifier = SCROLL_LOCK;
            case INDEX_ALT:
                modifier = ALT;
            case INDEX_META:
                modifier = META;
            case INDEX_SUPER:
                modifier = SUPER;
            case INDEX_HYPER:
                modifier = HYPER;
            case INDEX_LEVEL3:
                modifier = LEVEL3;
            case INDEX_LEVEL5:
                modifier = LEVEL5;
                MOZ_NOT_REACHED("All indexes must be handled here");
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ArrayLength(mod); j++) {
            if (modifier == mod[j]) {
                mModifierMasks[i] |= 1 << (j + 3);
