예제 #1
// Traj_NcEnsemble::readArray() //TODO RemdValues
int Traj_NcEnsemble::readArray(int set, FrameArray& f_ensemble) {
  MPI_Offset pstart_[4];
  MPI_Offset pcount_[4];
# define start_ pstart_
# define count_ pcount_
# endif
  start_[0] = set; // Frame
  start_[2] = 0;   // Atoms
  start_[3] = 0;   // XYZ
  count_[0] = 1;        // Frame
  count_[1] = 1;        // Ensemble
  count_[3] = 3;        // XYZ
  //rprintf("DEBUG: Reading frame %i\n", set+1);
  for (int member = ensembleStart_; member != ensembleEnd_; member++) {
#   ifdef MPI
    Frame& frm = f_ensemble[0];
#   else
    Frame& frm = f_ensemble[member];
#   endif
    start_[1] = member;   // Ensemble
    count_[2] = Ncatom(); // Atoms
    // Read Coords
#   ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
    if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_float_all(ncid_, coordVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)))
#   else
    if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_float(ncid_, coordVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)))
#   endif
      rprinterr("Error: Getting coordinates for frame %i\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    FloatToDouble(frm.xAddress(), Coord_);
    //mprintf("Frm=%8i Rep=%8i ", set+1, member+1); // DEBUG
    //frm.printAtomCoord(0); // DEBUG
    // Read Velocities
    if (velocityVID_ != -1) {
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_float_all(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_float(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)))
#     endif
        rprinterr("Error: Getting velocities for frame %i\n", set+1);
        return 1;
      FloatToDouble(frm.vAddress(), Coord_);
    // Read Box
    if (cellLengthVID_ != -1) {
      count_[2] = 3;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_double_all(ncid_, cellLengthVID_, start_, count_, frm.bAddress())))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, cellLengthVID_, start_, count_, frm.bAddress())))
#     endif
        rprinterr("Error: Getting cell lengths for frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_double_all(ncid_, cellAngleVID_, start_, count_, frm.bAddress()+3)))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, cellAngleVID_, start_, count_, frm.bAddress()+3)))
#     endif
        rprinterr("Error: Getting cell angles for frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
    // Read Temperature
    if (TempVID_!=-1) {
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_double_all(ncid_, TempVID_, start_, count_, frm.tAddress())))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, TempVID_, start_, count_, frm.tAddress())))
#     endif
        rprinterr("Error: Getting replica temperature for frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
      //fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: Replica Temperature %lf\n",F->T);
    // Read indices
    if (indicesVID_!=-1) {
      count_[2] = remd_dimension_;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (checkPNCerr(ncmpi_get_vara_int_all(ncid_, indicesVID_, start_, count_, frm.iAddress())))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_get_vara_int(ncid_, indicesVID_, start_, count_, frm.iAddress())))
#     endif
        rprinterr("Error: Getting replica indices for frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
      // DEBUG
      //char buffer[128];
      //char* ptr = buffer;
      //ptr += sprintf(buffer,"DEBUG:\tReplica indices:");
      //for (int dim=0; dim < remd_dimension_; dim++) ptr += sprintf(ptr, " %i", frm.RemdIndices()[dim]);
      //rprintf("%s", buffer);
  // DEBUG
# undef start_
# undef count_
# endif
  return 0;
예제 #2
// Traj_AmberNetcdf::writeFrame() 
int Traj_AmberNetcdf::writeFrame(int set, Frame const& frameOut) {
  DoubleToFloat(Coord_, frameOut.xAddress());

  // Write coords
  start_[0] = ncframe_;
  start_[1] = 0;
  start_[2] = 0;
  count_[0] = 1;
  count_[1] = Ncatom();
  count_[2] = 3;
  if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_float(ncid_,coordVID_,start_,count_,Coord_)) ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf Writing coords frame %i\n", set+1);
    return 1;

  // Write velocity. FIXME: Should check in setup
  if (CoordInfo().HasVel() && frameOut.HasVelocity()) {
    DoubleToFloat(Coord_, frameOut.vAddress());
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_float(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Netcdf writing velocity frame %i\n", set+1);
      return 1;

  // Write box
  if (cellLengthVID_ != -1) {
    count_[1] = 3;
    count_[2] = 0;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellLengthVID_,start_,count_,frameOut.bAddress())) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing cell lengths frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellAngleVID_,start_,count_, frameOut.bAddress()+3)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing cell angles frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;

  // Write temperature
  if (TempVID_!=-1) {
    if ( checkNCerr( nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,TempVID_,start_,count_,frameOut.tAddress())) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing temperature frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;

  // Write time
  if (timeVID_ != -1) {
    float tVal = (float)frameOut.Time();
    if ( checkNCerr( nc_put_vara_float(ncid_,timeVID_,start_,count_,&tVal)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing time frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;
  // Write indices
  if (indicesVID_ != -1) {
    count_[1] = remd_dimension_;
    if ( checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_int(ncid_,indicesVID_,start_,count_,frameOut.iAddress())) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing indices frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;

  nc_sync(ncid_); // Necessary after every write??


  return 0;
예제 #3
/** Get the specified frame from amber netcdf file
  * Coords are a 1 dimensional array of format X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,...
int Traj_AmberNetcdf::readFrame(int set, Frame& frameIn) {
  start_[0] = set;
  start_[1] = 0;
  start_[2] = 0;
  count_[0] = 1;
  count_[1] = Ncatom();
  count_[2] = 3;

  // Get temperature
  if (TempVID_!=-1) {
    if ( checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, TempVID_, start_, count_, frameIn.tAddress())) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Getting replica temperature for frame %i.\n", set+1); 
      return 1;
    //fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: Replica Temperature %lf\n",F->T);

  // Get time
  if (timeVID_!=-1) {
    float time;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_float(ncid_, timeVID_, start_, count_, &time))) {
      mprinterr("Error: Getting time for frame %i.\n", set + 1);
      return 1;
    frameIn.SetTime( (double)time );

  // Read Coords 
  if ( checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_float(ncid_, coordVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)) ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Getting coordinates for frame %i\n", set+1);
    return 1;
  FloatToDouble(frameIn.xAddress(), Coord_);

  // Read Velocities
  if (velocityVID_ != -1) {
    if ( checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_float(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Getting velocities for frame %i\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    FloatToDouble(frameIn.vAddress(), Coord_);

  // Read indices. Input array must be allocated to be size remd_dimension.
  if (indicesVID_!=-1) {
    count_[1] = remd_dimension_;
    if ( checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_int(ncid_, indicesVID_, start_, count_, frameIn.iAddress())) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Getting replica indices for frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    //mprintf("DEBUG:\tReplica indices:");
    //for (int dim=0; dim < remd_dimension_; dim++) mprintf(" %i",remd_indices[dim]);

  // Read box info 
  if (cellLengthVID_ != -1) {
    count_[1] = 3;
    count_[2] = 0;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, cellLengthVID_, start_, count_, frameIn.bAddress())))
      mprinterr("Error: Getting cell lengths for frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_get_vara_double(ncid_, cellAngleVID_, start_, count_, frameIn.bAddress()+3)))
      mprinterr("Error: Getting cell angles for frame %i.\n", set+1);
      return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #4
// Traj_NcEnsemble::setupTrajin()
int Traj_NcEnsemble::setupTrajin(FileName const& fname, Topology* trajParm)
# ifdef MPI
  if (NoPnetcdf()) return TRAJIN_ERR;
# endif
  readAccess_ = true;
  filename_ = fname;
  //if (openTrajin()) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Open single thread for now
  if (NC_openRead( filename_.Full() )) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Sanity check - Make sure this is a Netcdf ensemble trajectory
  if ( GetNetcdfConventions() != NC_AMBERENSEMBLE ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf file %s conventions do not include \"AMBERENSEMBLE\"\n",
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // This will warn if conventions are not 1.0 
  // Get title
  SetTitle( GetNcTitle() );
  // Get Frame info
  if ( SetupFrameDim()!=0 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  if ( Ncframe() < 1 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf file is empty.\n");
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Get ensemble info
  int ensembleSize = SetupEnsembleDim();
  if (ensembleSize < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not get ensemble dimension info.\n");
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Setup Coordinates/Velocities
  if ( SetupCoordsVelo( useVelAsCoords_, useFrcAsCoords_ )!=0 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Check that specified number of atoms matches expected number.
  if (Ncatom() != trajParm->Natom()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Number of atoms in NetCDF file %s (%i) does not\n"
              "Error:   match number in associated parmtop (%i)!\n",
              filename_.base(), Ncatom(), trajParm->Natom());
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Setup Time - FIXME: Allowed to fail silently
  // Box info
  Box nc_box; 
  if (SetupBox(nc_box, NC_AMBERENSEMBLE) == 1) // 1 indicates an error
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Replica Temperatures - FIXME: Allowed to fail silently
  // Replica Dimensions
  ReplicaDimArray remdDim;
  if ( SetupMultiD(remdDim) == -1 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Set traj info: FIXME - no forces yet
  SetCoordInfo( CoordinateInfo(ensembleSize, remdDim, nc_box, HasVelocities(),
                               HasTemperatures(), HasTimes(), false) ); 
  if (debug_>1) NetcdfDebug();
  // Close single thread for now
  // Set up local ensemble parameters
# ifdef MPI
  ensembleStart_ = Parallel::World().Rank();
  ensembleEnd_ = Parallel::World().Rank() + 1;
# else
  ensembleStart_ = 0;
  ensembleEnd_ = ensembleSize;
# endif
  // DEBUG: Print info for all ranks
  // Allocate float array
  if (Coord_ != 0) delete[] Coord_;
  Coord_ = new float[ Ncatom3() ];
  return Ncframe();
예제 #5
// Traj_NcEnsemble::writeArray()
int Traj_NcEnsemble::writeArray(int set, FramePtrArray const& Farray) {
  MPI_Offset pstart_[4];
  MPI_Offset pcount_[4];
# define start_ pstart_
# define count_ pcount_
# endif
  start_[0] = ncframe_; // Frame
  start_[2] = 0;        // Atoms
  start_[3] = 0;        // XYZ
  count_[0] = 1; // Frame
  count_[1] = 1; // Ensemble
  count_[3] = 3; // XYZ
  for (int member = ensembleStart_; member != ensembleEnd_; member++) {
    //rprintf("DEBUG: Writing set %i, member %i\n", set+1, member); 
#   ifdef MPI
    Frame* frm = Farray[0];
#   else
    Frame* frm = Farray[member];
#   endif
    start_[1] = member;   // Ensemble
    count_[2] = Ncatom(); // Atoms
    // Write Coords
    //WriteIndices(); // DEBUG
    DoubleToFloat(Coord_, frm->xAddress());
#   ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
    if (ncmpi_put_vara_float_all(ncid_, coordVID_, start_, count_, Coord_))
#   else
    if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_float(ncid_, coordVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)))
#   endif
      mprinterr("Error: Netcdf Writing coords frame %i\n", set+1);
      return 1;
    // Write velocity.
    if (velocityVID_ != -1) {
      DoubleToFloat(Coord_, frm->vAddress());
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (ncmpi_put_vara_float_all(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_float(ncid_, velocityVID_, start_, count_, Coord_)) )
#     endif
        mprinterr("Error: Netcdf writing velocity frame %i\n", set+1);
        return 1;
    // Write box
    if (cellLengthVID_ != -1) {
      count_[2] = 3;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (ncmpi_put_vara_double_all(ncid_,cellLengthVID_,start_,count_,frm->bAddress()))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellLengthVID_,start_,count_,frm->bAddress())) )
#     endif
        mprinterr("Error: Writing cell lengths frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (ncmpi_put_vara_double_all(ncid_,cellAngleVID_,start_,count_,frm->bAddress()+3))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellAngleVID_,start_,count_,frm->bAddress()+3)))
#     endif
        mprinterr("Error: Writing cell angles frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
    // Write temperature
    if (TempVID_!=-1) {
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (ncmpi_put_vara_double_all(ncid_,TempVID_,start_,count_,frm->tAddress()))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,TempVID_,start_,count_,frm->tAddress())))
#     endif
        mprinterr("Error: Writing temperature frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
    // Write indices
    if (indicesVID_ != -1) {
      count_[2] = remd_dimension_;
#     ifdef HAS_PNETCDF
      if (ncmpi_put_vara_int_all(ncid_,indicesVID_,start_,count_,frm->iAddress()))
#     else
      if (NC::CheckErr(nc_put_vara_int(ncid_,indicesVID_,start_,count_,frm->iAddress())))
#     endif
        mprinterr("Error: Writing indices frame %i.\n", set+1);
        return 1;
# else
  nc_sync(ncid_); // Necessary after every write??
# endif
  // DEBUG
# undef start_
# undef count_
# endif
  return 0;
예제 #6
// Traj_AmberRestartNC::writeFrame() 
int Traj_AmberRestartNC::writeFrame(int set, double *X, double *V,double *box, double T) {
  // Set up file for this set
  bool V_present = (HasV() && V != 0);
  std::string fname;
  // Create filename for this set
  // If just writing 1 frame dont modify output filename
  if (singleWrite_)
    fname = filename_.Full();
    fname = NumberFilename(filename_.Full(), set+1);
  if ( NC_create( fname.c_str(), NC_AMBERRESTART, Ncatom(), V_present,
                  HasBox(), HasT(), (time0_ >= 0), Title() ) )
    return 1;
  // write coords
  start_[0] = 0;
  start_[1] = 0;
  count_[0] = Ncatom(); 
  count_[1] = 3;
  if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,coordVID_,start_,count_,X)) ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf restart Writing coordinates %i\n",set);
    return 1;
  // write velocity
  if (V_present) {
    mprintf("DEBUG: Writing V, VID=%i\n",velocityVID_);
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,velocityVID_,start_,count_,V)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Netcdf restart writing velocity %i\n",set);
      return 1;
  // write box
  if (cellLengthVID_ != -1) {
    count_[0] = 3;
    count_[1] = 0;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellLengthVID_,start_,count_,box)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing cell lengths.\n");
      return 1;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_vara_double(ncid_,cellAngleVID_,start_,count_, box+3)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing cell angles.\n");
      return 1;
  // write time
  if (timeVID_ != -1) {
    restartTime_ = (time0_ + (double)set) * dt_;
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_var_double(ncid_,timeVID_,&restartTime_)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing restart time.\n");
      return 1;
  // write temperature
  if (TempVID_ != -1) {
    if (checkNCerr(nc_put_var_double(ncid_,TempVID_,&T)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Writing restart temperature.\n"); 
      return 1;
  //nc_sync(ncid_); // Necessary? File about to close anyway... 
  // Close file for this set
  return 0;