예제 #1
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: AndresPozo/phd2
CameraConfigDialogCtrlSet::CameraConfigDialogCtrlSet(wxWindow *pParent, GuideCamera *pCamera, AdvancedDialog *pAdvancedDialog, BrainCtrlIdMap& CtrlMap)
    : ConfigDialogCtrlSet(pParent, pAdvancedDialog, CtrlMap)

    m_pCamera = pCamera;

    if (m_pCamera->HasSubframes)
        m_pUseSubframes = new wxCheckBox(GetParentWindow(AD_cbUseSubFrames), wxID_ANY, _("Use Subframes"));
        AddCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_cbUseSubFrames, m_pUseSubframes, _("Check to only download subframes (ROIs). Sub-frame size is equal to search region size."));

    int numRows = (int)m_pCamera->HasGainControl + (int)m_pCamera->HasDelayParam + (int)m_pCamera->HasPortNum + 1;

    int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
    // Pixel size always
    m_pPixelSize = NewSpinnerDouble(GetParentWindow(AD_szPixelSize), width, m_pCamera->GetCameraPixelSize(), 0.0, 99.9, 0.1,
        _("Guide camera un-binned pixel size in microns. Used with the guide telescope focal length to display guiding error in arc-seconds."));
    AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szPixelSize, _("Pixel size"), m_pPixelSize, "");

    // Gain control
    if (m_pCamera->HasGainControl)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pCameraGain = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szGain), width, 100, 0, 100, 1);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szGain, _("Camera gain"), m_pCameraGain, _("Camera gain, default = 95 % , lower if you experience noise or wish to guide on a very bright star. Not available on all cameras."));

    // Binning
    m_binning = 0;
    if (m_pCamera->MaxBinning > 1)
        wxArrayString opts;
        int width = StringArrayWidth(opts);
        m_binning = new wxChoice(GetParentWindow(AD_binning), wxID_ANY, wxPoint(-1, -1),
            wxSize(width + 35, -1), opts);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_binning, _("Binning"), m_binning, _("Camera pixel binning"));

    // Delay parameter
    if (m_pCamera->HasDelayParam)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pDelay = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szDelay), width, 5, 0, 250, 150);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szDelay, _("Delay"), m_pDelay, _("LE Read Delay (ms) , Adjust if you get dropped frames"));

    // Port number
    if (m_pCamera->HasPortNum)
        wxString port_choices[] = {
            _T("Port 378"), _T("Port 3BC"), _T("Port 278"), _T("COM1"), _T("COM2"), _T("COM3"), _T("COM4"),
            _T("COM5"), _T("COM6"), _T("COM7"), _T("COM8"), _T("COM9"), _T("COM10"), _T("COM11"), _T("COM12"),
            _T("COM13"), _T("COM14"), _T("COM15"), _T("COM16"),

        int width = StringArrayWidth(port_choices, WXSIZEOF(port_choices));
        m_pPortNum = new wxChoice(GetParentWindow(AD_szPort), wxID_ANY, wxPoint(-1, -1),
            wxSize(width + 35, -1), WXSIZEOF(port_choices), port_choices);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szPort, _("LE Port"), m_pPortNum, _("Port number for long-exposure control"));

    if (m_pCamera->HasCooler)
        wxSizer *sz = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
        m_coolerOn = new wxCheckBox(GetParentWindow(AD_cooler), wxID_ANY, _("Cooler On"));
        m_coolerOn->SetToolTip(_("Turn camera cooler on or off"));
        sz->Add(m_coolerOn, wxSizerFlags().Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL).Border(wxRIGHT));
        m_coolerSetpt = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szDelay), width, 5, -99, 99, 1);
        wxSizer *szt = MakeLabeledControl(AD_cooler, _("Set Temperature"), m_coolerSetpt, _("Cooler setpoint temperature"));
        sz->Add(szt, wxSizerFlags().Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
        AddGroup(CtrlMap, AD_cooler, sz);

    // Watchdog timeout
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_timeoutVal = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szCameraTimeout), width, 5, 5, 9999, 1);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szCameraTimeout, _("Disconnect nonresponsive\ncamera after (seconds)"), m_timeoutVal,
            wxString::Format(_("The camera will be disconnected if it fails to respond for this long. "
            "The default value, %d seconds, should be appropriate for most cameras."), DefaultGuideCameraTimeoutMs / 1000));
예제 #2
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: knro/phd2
CameraConfigDialogPane::CameraConfigDialogPane(wxWindow *pParent, GuideCamera *pCamera)
    : ConfigDialogPane(_("Camera Settings"), pParent)

    m_pCamera = pCamera;

    if (m_pCamera->HasSubframes)
        m_pUseSubframes = new wxCheckBox(pParent, wxID_ANY,_("Use Subframes"), wxPoint(-1,-1), wxSize(75,-1));
        DoAdd(m_pUseSubframes, _("Check to only download subframes (ROIs) if your camera supports it"));

    int numRows = (int)m_pCamera->HasGainControl + (int)m_pCamera->HasDelayParam + (int)m_pCamera->HasPortNum + 1;

    wxFlexGridSizer *pCamControls = new wxFlexGridSizer(numRows, 2, 5, 15);

    int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
    // Pixel size always
    m_pPixelSize = NewSpinnerDouble(pParent, width, m_pCamera->GetCameraPixelSize(), 0.0, 99.9, 0.1,
        _("Guide camera pixel size in microns. Used with the guide telescope focal length to display guiding error in arc-seconds."));
    AddTableEntryPair(pParent, pCamControls, _("Pixel size"), m_pPixelSize);

    // Gain control
    if (m_pCamera->HasGainControl)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pCameraGain = NewSpinnerInt(pParent, width, 100, 0, 100, 1, _("Camera gain boost ? Default = 95 % , lower if you experience noise or wish to guide on a very bright star. Not available on all cameras."));
        AddTableEntryPair(pParent, pCamControls, _("Camera gain"), m_pCameraGain);

    // Delay parameter
    if (m_pCamera->HasDelayParam)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pDelay = NewSpinnerInt(pParent, width, 5, 0, 250, 150, _("LE Read Delay (ms) , Adjust if you get dropped frames"));
        AddTableEntryPair(pParent, pCamControls, _("Delay"), m_pDelay);

    // Port number
    if (m_pCamera->HasPortNum)
        wxString port_choices[] = {
            _T("Port 378"), _T("Port 3BC"), _T("Port 278"), _T("COM1"), _T("COM2"), _T("COM3"), _T("COM4"),
            _T("COM5"), _T("COM6"), _T("COM7"), _T("COM8"), _T("COM9"), _T("COM10"), _T("COM11"), _T("COM12"),
            _T("COM13"), _T("COM14"), _T("COM15"), _T("COM16"),

        int width = StringArrayWidth(port_choices, WXSIZEOF(port_choices));
        m_pPortNum = new wxChoice(pParent, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(-1, -1),
                                  wxSize(width + 35, -1), WXSIZEOF(port_choices), port_choices);
        m_pPortNum->SetToolTip(_("Port number for long-exposure control"));
        AddTableEntryPair(pParent, pCamControls, _("LE Port"), m_pPortNum);

    // Watchdog timeout
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_timeoutVal = NewSpinnerInt(pParent, width, 5, 5, 9999, 1, wxString::Format(_("The camera will be disconnected if it fails to respond for this long. The default value, %d seconds, should be appropriate for most cameras."), DefaultGuideCameraTimeoutMs / 1000));
        AddTableEntryPair(pParent, pCamControls, _("Disconnect nonresponsive\ncamera after (seconds)"), m_timeoutVal);
