예제 #1
bool Physics::serialize( const std::string& meshFile, const std::string& outputFile )
    log_debug << "Physics: serializing physics static geometry '" << meshFile << "'" << std::endl;
    log_debug << "Physics: unloading existing level" << std::endl;
    // first unload existing level
    LevelManager::get()->unloadLevel( true, true );

    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node >  meshnode = LevelManager::get()->loadMesh( meshFile, false );
    if ( !meshnode.valid() )
        return false;

    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > root = new osg::Group;
    root->addChild( meshnode.get() );

    // begin build the collision faces
    NewtonCollision* p_collision = NewtonCreateTreeCollision( _p_world, levelCollisionCallback );
    NewtonTreeCollisionBeginBuild( p_collision );

    // start timer
    osg::Timer_t start_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    //! iterate through all geometries and create their collision faces
    PhysicsVisitor physVisitor( osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN, p_collision );
    root->accept( physVisitor );
    // stop timer and give out the time messure
    osg::Timer_t end_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    log_debug << "Physics: elapsed time for building physics collision faces = "<< osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start_tick, end_tick ) << std::endl;
    log_debug << "Physics:  total num of evaluated primitives: " << physVisitor.getNumPrimitives() << std::endl;
    log_debug << "Physics:  total num of vertices: " << physVisitor.getNumVertices() << std::endl;

    // finalize tree building
    NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild( p_collision, 0 );

    // write out the serialization data
    std::string file( yaf3d::Application::get()->getMediaPath() + outputFile + YAF3DPHYSICS_SERIALIZE_POSTFIX );
    log_debug << "Physics: write to serialization file '" << file << "'" << std::endl;
    std::ofstream serializationoutput;
    serializationoutput.open( file.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out );
    if ( !serializationoutput )
        log_error << "Physics: cannot write to serialization file '" << file << "'" << std::endl;
        NewtonReleaseCollision( _p_world, p_collision );
        return false;
    NewtonTreeCollisionSerialize( p_collision, serializationCallback, &serializationoutput );
    NewtonReleaseCollision( _p_world, p_collision );
    return true;
void dCollisionConeNodeInfo::CalculateInertiaGeometry (dScene* world, dVector& inertia, dVector& centerOfMass) const
	NewtonWorld* newton = world->GetNewtonWorld();
	NewtonCollision* box = NewtonCreateCylinder(newton, m_radius, m_height, 0, &m_matrix[0][0]);
	CalculateGeometryProperies (box, inertia, centerOfMass);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (newton, box);
    if (NtCollision_)
        NewtonReleaseCollision(NewtonSimulator::getNewtonWorld(), NtCollision_);
    if (NtBody_)
        NewtonDestroyBody(NewtonSimulator::getNewtonWorld(), NtBody_);
예제 #4
void CCamera::Initialiser(NewtonWorld *nWorld,CVector3 taille)
	// On initialise le vecteur de dimensions
   m_vTailleCollisionCam.x = taille.x;
   m_vTailleCollisionCam.y = taille.y;
   m_vTailleCollisionCam.z = taille.z;

   CMatrix matrice; // On créé une matrice

   // On définit la matrice de manière à ce que l'objet soit placé aux positions
   // spécifiées en utilisant la dernière colonne de la matrice
   matrice.m_Mat[3][0] = 0;
   matrice.m_Mat [3][1] = 0;
   matrice.m_Mat [3][2] = 0;

   // On initialise la boîte de collision
   NewtonCollision * collision = NULL;
   // On créé la boite de collision aux dimensions de l'objet
   collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, m_vTailleCollisionCam.x, m_vTailleCollisionCam.y, m_vTailleCollisionCam.z, NULL);
   // On initialise le corps avec la boite de collision
   m_pBody = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

   if (m_pBody == NULL)
      std::cerr << "Impossible d'initialiser le corps.";
   // On détruit la boite de collision, on n'en a plus besoin
   NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

   // Enfin, on affecte notre matrice (qui représente donc sa position dans l'espace)
   // à notre corps grâce à la fonction NewtonBodySetMatrix
   NewtonBodySetMatrix (m_pBody, &matrice.m_Mat [0][0]);
예제 #5
NewtonBody*	CPhysics::CreateRigidBody(NewtonWorld *world,  CObject3D *object, NewtonCollision *collision, float mass)
	float matrix[16];
	Vector3 angles = object->rotation * ToRad;

	NewtonBody *body = NewtonCreateBody(world, collision, matrix);

	if (mass > 0)
		float inertia[3], origin[3];
		NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body, mass, mass * inertia[0], mass * inertia[1], mass * inertia[2]);
		NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(body, &origin[0]);

	NewtonBodySetUserData(body, object);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, CPhysics::TransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(body, CPhysics::DestroyBodyCallback);

	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);
	return body;
예제 #6
*  @brief
*    Constructor
BodyEllipsoid::BodyEllipsoid(PLPhysics::World &cWorld, const Vector3 &vRadius) :
	PLPhysics::BodyEllipsoid(cWorld, static_cast<World&>(cWorld).CreateBodyImpl(), vRadius)
	// Deactivate the physics simulation if required
	const bool bSimulationActive = cWorld.IsSimulationActive();
	if (bSimulationActive)

	// Get the Newton physics world
	Newton::NewtonWorld *pNewtonWorld = static_cast<World&>(cWorld).GetNewtonWorld();

	// Create collision primitive
	Newton::NewtonCollision *pCollision = NewtonCreateSphere(pNewtonWorld, m_vRadius.x, m_vRadius.y, m_vRadius.z, 0, nullptr);

	// Create the rigid body
	// [TODO] Remove this as soon as there's an up-to-date Linux version of Newton Game Dynamics available!
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision, Matrix4x4::Identity);
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);

	// Calculate the collision volume
	const float fCollisionVolume = static_cast<float>((4/3)*Math::Pi*m_vRadius.x*m_vRadius.y*m_vRadius.z);

	// Initialize the Newton physics body
	static_cast<BodyImpl&>(GetBodyImpl()).InitializeNewtonBody(*this, *pNewtonBody, fCollisionVolume);

	// Reactivate the physics simulation if required
	if (bSimulationActive)
예제 #7
	Roket_PhysicsBody::Roket_PhysicsBody(NewtonCollision* collision, NewtonWorld* physworld, ePhysicsType type, int materialid)
		body = NewtonCreateBody(physworld,collision);
		affectedByGravity = true;
		objectExists = true;

		// apply initial force
		/*float omega[3];
		omega[0] = 10.0f;
		omega[1] = 10.0f;
		omega[2] = 10.0f;
		NewtonBodySetOmega (body, &omega[0]);*/

		float force[3];
		force[0] = 0.0f;
		force[1] = -9.8f;
		force[2] = 0.0f;
		NewtonBodyAddForce( body, &force[0] );

		world = physworld;
예제 #8
void dCollisionBoxNodeInfo::CalculateInertiaGeometry (dScene* world, dVector& inertia, dVector& centerOfMass) const
	NewtonWorld* newton = world->GetNewtonWorld();
	NewtonCollision* box = NewtonCreateBox(newton, m_size.m_x, m_size.m_y, m_size.m_z, 0, &m_matrix[0][0]);
	CalculateGeometryProperies (box, inertia, centerOfMass);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (newton, box);
예제 #9
void Newtonnode::initConvexHull(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const ion::video::Mesh& srcmesh,const float mass,
								const float Ixx,const float Iyy,const float Izz)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if (!srcmesh.isValid()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "Source mesh is invalid\n";

	if (!srcmesh.vertexstream().isMapped()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "source mesh \"" << srcmesh.objIdentifier() << " is not mapped!\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	float *pPoints;
		pPoints=new float[3*srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity()];
		for (ion_uint32 v=0;v<srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity();++v) {
			const ion::math::Vector3f &rV=srcmesh.vertexstream().position(v);


	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);

	delete [] pPoints;
		for (dListNode* node = GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			ShatterAtom& atom = node->GetInfo();
			NewtonReleaseCollision (m_world, atom.m_collision);
	ShatterEffect(NewtonWorld* const world, NewtonMesh* const mesh, int interiorMaterial)
		:dList<ShatterAtom>(), m_world (world)
		// first we populate the bounding Box area with few random point to get some interior subdivisions.
		// the subdivision are local to the point placement, by placing these points visual ally with a 3d tool
		// and have precise control of how the debris are created.
		// the number of pieces is equal to the number of point inside the Mesh plus the number of point on the mesh 
		dVector size;
		dMatrix matrix(GetIdentityMatrix()); 
		NewtonMeshCalculateOOBB(mesh, &matrix[0][0], &size.m_x, &size.m_y, &size.m_z);

		// pepper the inside of the BBox box of the mesh with random points
		int count = 0;
		dVector points[NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS + 1];
		while (count < NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS) {			
			dFloat x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
			dFloat y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
			dFloat z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
			if ((x <= size.m_x) && (x >= -size.m_x) && (y <= size.m_y) && (y >= -size.m_y) && (z <= size.m_z) && (z >= -size.m_z)){
				points[count] = dVector (x, y, z);
				count ++;

		// create a texture matrix, for applying the material's UV to all internal faces
		dMatrix textureMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
		textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / size.m_x;
		textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / size.m_y;

		// now we call create we decompose the mesh into several convex pieces 
		NewtonMesh* const debriMeshPieces = NewtonMeshVoronoiDecomposition (mesh, count, sizeof (dVector), &points[0].m_x, interiorMaterial, &textureMatrix[0][0]);

		// Get the volume of the original mesh
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHullFromMesh (m_world, mesh, 0.0f, 0);
		dFloat volume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision(m_world, collision);

		// now we iterate over each pieces and for each one we create a visual entity and a rigid body
		NewtonMesh* nextDebri;
		for (NewtonMesh* debri = NewtonMeshCreateFirstLayer (debriMeshPieces); debri; debri = nextDebri) {
			nextDebri = NewtonMeshCreateNextLayer (debriMeshPieces, debri); 

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHullFromMesh (m_world, debri, 0.0f, 0);
			if (collision) {
				ShatterAtom& atom = Append()->GetInfo();
				atom.m_mesh = new DemoMesh(debri);
				atom.m_collision = collision;
				NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (atom.m_collision, &atom.m_momentOfInirtia[0], &atom.m_centerOfMass[0]);	
				dFloat debriVolume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (atom.m_collision);
				atom.m_massFraction = debriVolume / volume;

		//Release Newton Collision

		//Release all subshapes (for compound objects)
		for(int i=0; i < (int)mvSubShapes.size(); i++)
예제 #13
void Newtonnode::initCube(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const float xlength,const float ylength,const float zlength)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initCube()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_pBody, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);
예제 #14
CustomDGRayCastCar::~CustomDGRayCastCar ()
	NewtonWorld *world;
	world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (m_body0);

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_tiresCount; i ++ ) {
		NewtonReleaseCollision ( world, m_tires[i].m_shape );
	if (m_tires) {
		delete[] m_tires;
예제 #15
void CMod_PhysicsEndBSPCollisionTree() {
	dVector worldMin, worldMax;
	NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild (g_collision, 1);
	dMatrix worldMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	g_rigidBody = NewtonCreateBody (g_world, g_collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (g_world, g_collision);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (g_rigidBody, &worldMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (g_collision, &worldMatrix[0][0], &worldMin[0], &worldMax[0]);
	NewtonSetWorldSize (g_world, &worldMin[0], &worldMax[0]);
void xxxxx (NewtonWorld* const world)
	NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateTreeCollision(world, 0);

	float faces[] = {
		32.000000, 26.000000, -1.000000, // Quad 0
		32.000000, 26.000000, 0.000000,
		32.000000, 25.000000, 0.000000,
		32.000000, 25.000000, -1.000000};
	NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(collision, 4, &faces[0], 3 * sizeof (float), 0);

	NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild(collision, 0);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);
예제 #17
void CMod_PhysicsAddEntity(sharedEntity_t * gEnt) {
	NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;
	NewtonBody* body = NULL;

	std::map<int, bspCmodel>::iterator it = bspModels.find (gEnt->s.modelindex);
	if ( it == bspModels.end() ) {
	vec3_t inertia, com;
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	bspCmodel* bmodel = &it->second;
	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (g_world, bmodel->vertices.size(), &bmodel->vertices[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, &matrix[0][0]);
	body = NewtonCreateBody (g_world, collision);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (g_world, collision);
	bmodel->rigidBody = body;

	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (body, defaultMaterialGroup);
	NewtonBodySetUserData (body, (void*)gEnt);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, PhysicsEntityDie);
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (body, 0);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (body, PhysicsEntityThink);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, PhysicsEntitySetTransform);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &com[0]);
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (body, &com[0]);
	VectorScale (inertia, 10.0f, inertia); // The inertia needs to be scaled by the mass.
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (body, 10.f, inertia[0], inertia[1], inertia[2]);
	matrix.m_posit.m_x = gEnt->s.origin[0] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_y = gEnt->s.origin[1] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_z = gEnt->s.origin[2] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (body, &matrix[0][0]);
	gEnt->s.pos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->s.pos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->r.currentOrigin);
	gEnt->s.apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->s.apos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->r.currentAngles);
예제 #18
PhysicsActor::setScale(float _x, float _y, float _z)
    m_scaleX = _x;
    m_scaleY = _y;
    m_scaleZ = _z;

#if 0
    NewtonCollision* collision = createCollision();

    NewtonBodySetCollision(m_pActor, collision);
    NewtonReleaseCollision(dynamic_cast<PhysicsZone*>(m_pZone.get())->getZonePtr(), collision);
    std::cout << "Warning: PhysicsActor::setScale() not implemented!" << std::endl;
void SimplePlaneCollision (NewtonFrame& system)
	NewtonWorld* world;
	LevelPrimitive *level;
	NewtonCollision* planeColl;

	world = system.m_world;

	// create a material carrier to collision with this object
	int defaultMaterialID;
	defaultMaterialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID (world);

	// create the sky box and the floor,
	level = LoadLevelAndSceneRoot (system, "flatplane.dae", 1);

	// Find the world mesh and replace the collision for a custom plane collision mesh
	dMatrix matrix;
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (level->m_level, &matrix[0][0]);
	dVector plane (matrix.m_up);
	plane.m_w = - (plane % matrix.m_posit);
	planeColl = CreatePlaneCollidion (world, plane);
	NewtonBodySetCollision(level->m_level, planeColl);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, planeColl);

	dVector posit (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	posit.m_y = FindFloor (world, posit.m_x, posit.m_z) + 5.0f;

	InitEyePoint (dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), posit);

	dVector size (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	dVector location (cameraEyepoint + cameraDir.Scale (10.0f));

	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _SPHERE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _CONE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _CHAMFER_CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _RANDOM_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
	AddBoxes (&system, 10.0f, location, size, 3, 3, 10.0f, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID);
예제 #20
void Car::initPhysics() {

    NewtonWorld * nWorld = this->controller->getWorld();
    NewtonCollision* collision;
    float mass = 900.0f;

    vector3df v1 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MinEdge;
    vector3df v2 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MaxEdge;

    dVector minBox(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z);
    dVector maxBox(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z);

    dVector size(maxBox - minBox);
    dVector origin((maxBox + minBox).Scale(0.5f));

    size.m_w = 1.0f;
    origin.m_w = 1.0f;

    dMatrix offset(GetIdentityMatrix());
    offset.m_posit = origin;

    collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, 0, &offset[0][0]);

    dVector inertia;

    matrix4 m = this->carNode->getRelativeTransformation();
    NewtonConvexHullModifierSetMatrix(collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBody * body = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(body, this);
    NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body, mass, mass * inertia.m_x, mass * inertia.m_y, mass * inertia.m_z);
    NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(body, &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, applyCarMoveForce);
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, applyCarTransform);
    int matId = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(nWorld);
    NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(nWorld, matId, matId, this, 0, applyCarCollisionForce);

    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision);
    this->setCarBodyAndGravity(body, dVector(0,-10,0,0));
static void AddShatterPrimitive (DemoEntityManager* const scene, dFloat mass, const dVector& origin, const dVector& size, int xCount, int zCount, dFloat spacing, PrimitiveType type, int materialID)
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());

	// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, type, materialID);

	// create a newton mesh from the collision primitive
	NewtonMesh* const mesh = NewtonMeshCreateFromCollision(collision);

	// apply a material map
	int externalMaterial = LoadTexture("reljef.tga");
	int internalMaterial = LoadTexture("KAMEN-stup.tga");
	NewtonMeshApplyBoxMapping(mesh, externalMaterial, externalMaterial, externalMaterial);

	// create a newton mesh from the collision primitive
	ShatterEffect shatter (world, mesh, internalMaterial);

	DemoMesh* const visualMesh = new DemoMesh(mesh);

	for (int i = 0; i < xCount; i ++) {
		dFloat x = origin.m_x + (i - xCount / 2) * spacing;
		for (int j = 0; j < zCount; j ++) {
			dFloat z = origin.m_z + (j - zCount / 2) * spacing;

			matrix.m_posit.m_x = x;
			matrix.m_posit.m_z = z;
			matrix.m_posit.m_y = FindFloor (world, x, z) + 4.0f;
			AddShatterEntity (scene, visualMesh, collision, shatter, matrix.m_posit);

	// do not forget to release the assets	
	NewtonMeshDestroy (mesh);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);

예제 #22
*  @brief
*    Constructor
BodyTerrain::BodyTerrain(PLPhysics::World &cWorld, uint32 nWidth, uint32 nHeight,
						 const float fTerrain[], const Vector3 &vBoxMin, const Vector3 &vBoxMax, const Vector3 &vScale) :
	PLPhysics::BodyTerrain(cWorld, static_cast<World&>(cWorld).CreateBodyImpl()),
	// Deactivate the physics simulation if required
	const bool bSimulationActive = cWorld.IsSimulationActive();
	if (bSimulationActive)

	// Get the Newton physics world
	NewtonWorld *pNewtonWorld = static_cast<World&>(cWorld).GetNewtonWorld();

	// Create collision primitive
	NewtonCollision *pCollision = NewtonCreateUserMeshCollision(pNewtonWorld, m_vBoxMin, m_vBoxMax, this, MeshCollisionCollideCallback, UserMeshCollisionRayHitCallback, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);

	// Create the rigid body
	// [TODO] Remove this as soon as there's an up-to-date Linux version of Newton Game Dynamics available!
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision, Matrix4x4::Identity);
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);

	// Initialize the Newton physics body
	static_cast<BodyImpl&>(GetBodyImpl()).InitializeNewtonBody(*this, *pNewtonBody, 0.0f);

	// Reactivate the physics simulation if required
	if (bSimulationActive)
NewtonBody* dRigidbodyNodeInfo::CreateNewtonBody (NewtonWorld* const world, dScene* const scene, dScene::dTreeNode* const myNode) const
    // find the collision and crate a rigid body
    _ASSERTE (IsType (dRigidbodyNodeInfo::GetRttiType()));

    // attach the parent node as user data
    dScene::dTreeNode* parentNode = scene->FindParentByType(myNode, dSceneNodeInfo::GetRttiType());
    dSceneNodeInfo* sceneInfo = (dSceneNodeInfo*) scene->GetInfoFromNode(parentNode);

    dScene::dTreeNode* shapeNode = scene->FindChildByType (myNode, dCollisionNodeInfo::GetRttiType());
    _ASSERTE (shapeNode);
    dCollisionNodeInfo* collInfo = (dCollisionNodeInfo*) scene->GetInfoFromNode(shapeNode);

    dMatrix matrix (sceneInfo->CalculateOrthoMatrix());

    NewtonCollision* collision = collInfo->CreateNewtonCollision (world, scene, shapeNode);
    NewtonBody* body = NewtonCreateBody(world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);
    NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);

//	NewtonBodySetMatrix(body, &matrix[0][0]);

    NewtonBodySetUserData(body, parentNode);

    NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(body, &m_centerOfMass[0]);
    NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body, m_massMatrix.m_w, m_massMatrix.m_x, m_massMatrix.m_y, m_massMatrix.m_z);
    NewtonBodySetVelocity(body, &m_velocity[0]);
    NewtonBodySetOmega(body, &m_omega[0]);

    //dVector internalDamp(rigidBody->GetI);
    //NewtonBodySetLinearDamping(body, internalDamp);
    //dVariable* bodyType = rigidBody->FindVariable("rigidBodyType");
    //if (!bodyType || !strcmp (bodyType->GetString(), "default gravity")) {
    //	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, DemoEntity::SetTransformCallback);
    return body;
예제 #24
PhysicsActor::attachBody(pCollisionShape_type _collision)
    // valid Newton collision primitives include the following:
    //   Null, Box, Sphere (ovoid), Cone, Capsule, Cylinder, ChamferCylinder,
    //   ConvexHull (not impl yet), CompoundCollision (not impl),
    //   TreeCollision (not impl yet), UserMesh (heightfield)

    m_pActor = NewtonCreateBody(dynamic_cast<PhysicsZone*>(m_pZone.get())->getZonePtr(), dynamic_cast<CollisionShape*>(_collision.get())->getShapePtr());
    NewtonReleaseCollision(dynamic_cast<PhysicsZone*>(m_pZone.get())->getZonePtr(), dynamic_cast<CollisionShape*>(_collision.get())->getShapePtr());

    // set the transform call back function
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_pActor, TransformCallback);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_pActor, ApplyForceAndTorqueCallback);
    NewtonBodySetAutoactiveCallback(m_pActor, ActivationStateCallback);


    NewtonBodySetUserData(m_pActor, this);

    return true;
예제 #25
void CreateScene (NewtonWorld* world, SceneManager* sceneManager)
	Entity* floor;
	NewtonCollision* shape;
	NewtonBody* floorBody;
	void* materialManager;
	SoundManager* sndManager;
	PhysicsMaterialInteration matInterations;
	sndManager = sceneManager->GetSoundManager();

	// Create the material for this scene, and attach it to the Newton World
	materialManager = CreateMaterialManager (world, sndManager);

	// add the Material table
	matInterations.m_restitution = 0.6f;
	matInterations.m_staticFriction = 0.6f;
	matInterations.m_kineticFriction = 0.3f;
	matInterations.m_scrapingSound = NULL;

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metalMetal.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_metal, &matInterations);

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("boxBox.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_wood, &matInterations);

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metalBox.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_wood, &matInterations);
	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("grass0.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_grass, &matInterations);

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("boxHit.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_bricks, &matInterations);

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("grass1.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_grass, &matInterations);
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_grass, m_bricks, &matInterations);

	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metal.wav");
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_bricks, &matInterations);
	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_grass, m_grass, &matInterations);

	// Create a large body to be the floor
	floor = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
	floor->LoadMesh ("LevelMesh.dat");

	// add static floor Physics
	int materialMap[] = {m_bricks, m_grass, m_wood,	m_metal};
	shape = CreateMeshCollision (world, floor, materialMap);
	floorBody = CreateRigidBody (world, floor, shape, 0.0f);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

	// set the Transformation Matrix for this rigid body
	dMatrix matrix (floor->m_curRotation, floor->m_curPosition);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &matrix[0][0]);

	// now we will use the properties of this body to set a proper world size.
	dVector minBox;
	dVector maxBox;
	NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);

	// add some extra padding
	minBox.m_x -=  50.0f;
	minBox.m_y -= 500.0f;
	minBox.m_z -=  50.0f;

	maxBox.m_x +=  50.0f;
	maxBox.m_y += 500.0f;
	maxBox.m_z +=  50.0f;

	// set the new world size
	NewtonSetWorldSize (world, &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);

	// add some visual entities.
	dFloat y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.0f) + 10.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
		Entity* smilly;
		NewtonBody* smillyBody;
		smilly = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
		smilly->LoadMesh ("Smilly.dat");
		smilly->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
		y0 += 2.0f;
		smilly->m_prevPosition = smilly->m_curPosition;

		// add a body with a box shape
		shape = CreateNewtonBox (world, smilly, m_metal);
		smillyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, smilly, shape, 10.0f);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

	// add some visual entities.
	y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.4f) + 10.5f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
		Entity* frowny;
		NewtonBody* frownyBody;
		frowny = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
		frowny->LoadMesh ("Frowny.dat");
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_z = 0.4f;
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
		y0 += 2.0f;
		frowny->m_prevPosition = frowny->m_curPosition;

		// add a body with a Convex hull shape
		shape = CreateNewtonConvex (world, frowny, m_wood);
		frownyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, frowny, shape, 10.0f);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

	y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 2.0f) + 10.5f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
		Entity* frowny;
		NewtonBody* frownyBody;

		frowny = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
		frowny->LoadMesh ("dumb.dat");
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_z = 2.0f;
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
		y0 += 2.0f;
		frowny->m_prevPosition = frowny->m_curPosition;

		// add a body with a Convex hull shape
		int materialMap[] = {m_grass, m_wood, m_metal, m_metal};
		shape = CreateNewtonCompoundFromEntitySubmesh (world, frowny, materialMap);
		frownyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, frowny, shape, 10.0f);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

	// set the Camera EyePoint close to the scene action
	InitCamera (dVector (-15.0f, FindFloor (world, -15.0f, 0.0f) + 5.0f, 0.0f), dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
예제 #26
void AddRollingBeats (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* bar;
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_x =  5.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_y =  2.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -2.0f; 
	dVector size (10.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f);

	bar = NULL;
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////             
	// create a bar and attach it to the world with a hinge with limits
	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		CustomHinge* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CylinderPrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (nWorld, size.m_y, size.m_x, NULL); 

		// craete the bar body
		bar = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

		// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(bar, visualObject);

		// set a destructor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (bar, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (bar, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (bar,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (bar, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (bar, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (bar, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pin (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.5f;
		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		//joint = NewtonConstraintCreateHinge (nWorld, &pivot.m_x, &pin.m_x, link0, link1);
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, bar, NULL);

		// no limits
		//joint->EnableLimits (true);
		//joint->SetAngleLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a sliding visualObject with limits
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomSlider* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x += size.m_x * 0.25f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, beatSize.m_x, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_z, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin (beatLocation.m_front);
		joint = new CustomSlider (pivot, pin, beat, bar);

		// claculate the minimum and maximum limit for this joints
		dFloat minLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) - size.m_x * 0.5f);
		dFloat maxLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) + size.m_x * 0.5f);

		joint->SetLimis (minLimits, maxLimits); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a corkscrew visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomCorkScrew* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.25f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin (beatLocation.m_front);
		joint = new CustomCorkScrew (pivot, pin, beat, bar);

		// claculate the minimum and maximum limit for this joints
		dFloat minLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) - size.m_x * 0.5f);
		dFloat maxLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) + size.m_x * 0.5f);

		joint->SetLimis (minLimits, maxLimits); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a universal joint visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomUniversal* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin0 (beatLocation.m_front);
		dVector pin1 (beatLocation.m_up);
		// tell this joint to destroiy its local private data when destroyed
		joint = new CustomUniversal (pivot, pin0, pin1, beat, bar);

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a universal joint visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomUniversal* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x = size.m_x;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin0 (beatLocation.m_front.Scale(-1.0f));
		dVector pin1 (beatLocation.m_up);
		// tell this joint to destroiy its local private data when destroyed
		joint = new CustomUniversal (pivot, pin0, pin1, beat, bar);

예제 #27
void AddDoubleSwingDoors (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* link0;
	NewtonBody* link1;
	CustomHinge* joint;
	BoxPrimitive* visualObject;
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	dVector size (2.0f, 5.0f, 0.5f);

	// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
	mass = 5.0f;
	Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

	// create 100 tack of 10 boxes each
	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_x = -2.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_y =  3.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -2.0f; 

	// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 

	// make first wing
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		dVector pin (location.m_up);
		pivot.m_x += size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, link1, NULL);

		joint->EnableLimits (true);
		joint->SetLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

	// make second wing

		location.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

		//create the rigid body
		link0 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link0, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link0, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link0, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link0, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link0,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link0, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link0, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link0, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		dVector pin (location.m_up);
		pivot.m_x += size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		//joint = NewtonConstraintCreateHinge (nWorld, &pivot.m_x, &pin.m_x, link0, link1);
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, link0, link1);

		joint->EnableLimits (true);
		joint->SetLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

	// release the collision geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);
예제 #28
// create a rope of boxes
void AddRope (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	int i;
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* link0;
	NewtonBody* link1;
	NewtonCustomJoint* joint;
	NewtonCollision* collision;
	RenderPrimitive* visualObject;

	dVector size (2.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f);

	// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
	mass = 2.0f;
	Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

	// create 100 tack of 10 boxes each
	//dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	dMatrix location (dgRollMatrix(3.1426f * 0.5f));
	location.m_posit.m_y = 11.5f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -5.0f; 

	// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
	collision = NewtonCreateCapsule (nWorld, size.m_y, size.m_x, NULL);
	link0 = NULL;

	// create a lon vertical rope with limits
	for (i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CapsulePrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// add some damping to each link
		NewtonBodySetLinearDamping (link1, 0.2f);
		dVector angularDamp (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
		NewtonBodySetAngularDamping (link1, &angularDamp.m_x);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_y += (size.m_x - size.m_y) * 0.5f;

		dFloat coneAngle = 2.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dFloat twistAngle = 2.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dVector pin (location.m_front.Scale (-1.0f));

		joint = new CustomConeLimitedBallAndSocket(twistAngle, coneAngle, pin, pivot, link1, link0);

		link0 = link1;
		location.m_posit.m_y -= (size.m_x - size.m_y);

	// vrete a short horizontal rope with limits
	location = GetIdentityMatrix();
	location.m_posit.m_y = 2.5f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -7.0f; 
	link0 = NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CapsulePrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// add some damping to each link
		NewtonBodySetLinearDamping (link1, 0.2f);
		dVector angularDamp (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
		NewtonBodySetAngularDamping (link1, &angularDamp.m_x);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// make sure it is active
		NewtonWorldUnfreezeBody (nWorld, link1);
		//NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze (link1, 0);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_x += (size.m_x - size.m_y) * 0.5f;

		dFloat coneAngle = 10.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dFloat twistAngle = 10.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dVector pin (location.m_front.Scale (-1.0f));
		joint = new CustomConeLimitedBallAndSocket(twistAngle, coneAngle, pin, pivot, link1, link0);

		link0 = link1;
		location.m_posit.m_x -= (size.m_x - size.m_y);

	// release the collision geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);
예제 #29
void CreateScene (NewtonWorld* world, SceneManager* sceneManager)
	Entity* floor;
	Entity* smilly;
	Entity* frowny;
	NewtonBody* floorBody;
	NewtonBody* smillyBody;
	NewtonBody* frownyBody;
	NewtonCollision* shape;

	// Create the material for this scene
	CreateMateials (world, sceneManager);

	// Create a large body to be the floor
	floor = sceneManager->CreateEntity();

	// add scene collision from a level mesh
	shape = CreateHeightFieldCollision (world, "h2.raw", 0);
	floorBody = CreateRigidBody (world, floor, shape, 0.0f);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

	// make a visual mesh for the collision data
	CreateHeightFieldMesh (shape, floor);

	// set the matrix at the origin
	dVector boxP0; 
	dVector boxP1; 
	dMatrix matrix (floor->m_curRotation, floor->m_curPosition);
	NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &boxP0.m_x, &boxP1.m_x); 

	// place the origin of the visual mesh at the center of the height field
	matrix.m_posit = (boxP0 + boxP1).Scale (-0.5f);
	matrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
	floor->m_curPosition = matrix.m_posit;
	floor->m_prevPosition = matrix.m_posit;

	// relocate the body;
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &matrix[0][0]);

	// now we will use the properties of this body to set a proper world size.
	NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &boxP0.m_x, &boxP1.m_x); 

	// add some extra padding
	boxP0.m_x -=  50.0f;
	boxP0.m_y -= 500.0f;
	boxP0.m_z -=  50.0f;

	boxP1.m_x +=  50.0f;
	boxP1.m_y += 500.0f;
	boxP1.m_z +=  50.0f;

	// set the new world size
	NewtonSetWorldSize (world, &boxP0[0], &boxP1[0]);

	// assign an Material ID to this body
	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (floorBody, g_floorMaterial);

	// add some visual entities.
	dFloat y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.0f) + 10.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
		smilly = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
		smilly->LoadMesh ("Smilly.dat");
		smilly->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
		y0 += 2.0f;
		smilly->m_prevPosition = smilly->m_curPosition;

		// add a body with a box shape
		shape = CreateNewtonBox (world, smilly, 0);
		smillyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, smilly, shape, 10.0f);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

		// assign an Material ID to this body
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (smillyBody, g_metalMaterial);

	// add some visual entities.
	y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.4f) + 10.5f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
		frowny = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
		frowny->LoadMesh ("Frowny.dat");
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_z = 0.4f;
		frowny->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
		y0 += 2.0f;
		frowny->m_prevPosition = frowny->m_curPosition;

		// add a body with a Convex hull shape
		shape = CreateNewtonConvex (world, frowny, 0);
		frownyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, frowny, shape, 10.0f);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);

		// assign an Material ID to this body
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (frownyBody, g_woodMaterial);

	// set the Camera EyePoint close to the scene action
	InitCamera (dVector (-15.0f, FindFloor (world, -15.0f, 0.0f) + 5.0f, 0.0f), dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
예제 #30
void CreateScene (NewtonWorld* world, SceneManager* sceneManager)
	Entity* floor;
	Entity* smilly;
	Entity* frowny;
	NewtonBody* floorBody;
	NewtonBody* smillyBody;
	NewtonBody* frownyBody;
	NewtonCollision* shape;


	// Create a large body to be the floor
	floor = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
	floor->LoadMesh ("FloorBox.dat");
	// add static floor Physics
	shape = CreateNewtonBox (world, floor, 0);
	floorBody = CreateRigidBody (world, floor, shape, 0.0f);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);
	// set the Transformation Matrix for this rigid body
	dMatrix matrix (floor->m_curRotation, floor->m_curPosition);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	// now we will use the properties of this body to set a proper world size.
	dVector minBox;
	dVector maxBox;
	NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);
	// add some extra padding
	minBox.m_x -=  50.0f;
	minBox.m_y -= 500.0f;
	minBox.m_z -=  50.0f;
	maxBox.m_x +=  50.0f;
	maxBox.m_y += 500.0f;
	maxBox.m_z +=  50.0f;
	// set the new world size
	NewtonSetWorldSize (world, &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);


	// add some visual entities.
	smilly = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
	smilly->LoadMesh ("Smilly.dat");
	smilly->m_curPosition.m_y = 10.0f;
	smilly->m_prevPosition = smilly->m_curPosition;
	// add a body with a box shape
	shape = CreateNewtonBox (world, smilly, 0);
	smillyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, smilly, shape, 10.0f);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);
	// add some visual entities.
	frowny = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
	frowny->LoadMesh ("Frowny.dat");
	frowny->m_curPosition.m_z = 0.4f;
	frowny->m_curPosition.m_y = 10.0f + 0.4f;
	frowny->m_prevPosition = frowny->m_curPosition;
	// add a body with a Convex hull shape
	shape = CreateNewtonConvex (world, frowny, 0);
	frownyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, frowny, shape, 10.0f);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (world, shape);