예제 #1
void MibView::SelectedNode( QTreeWidgetItem * item, QTreeWidgetItem *)
    MibNode *node = (MibNode*)item;
    QString text;

    if (node)
        emit NodeProperties(text);
예제 #2
int MainWindow::buildNetwork(const QString& description)
    int result = Success;

    // Split into lines
    QStringList lines = description.split(QRegExp("[\\n|\\r]"),
    if (lines.isEmpty()) {
        postErrorMessage("Problem specification is empty after whitespace "
        return ErrorEmpty;

    // Validate the length of the specification
    int nodeCount = lines[0].toInt();
    postInfoMessage(QString("Expecting %1x%1 adjacency matrix...")

    if (lines.length() != (nodeCount + 2)) {
        postErrorMessage(QString("Expecting %1 lines in specification; read %2")
            .arg(nodeCount + 2)
        return ErrorSpecTooSmall;

    // Clear the existing graph and scene
    if (boost::num_vertices(m_graph) != 0) {
        postWarningMessage("Existing network already loaded; must be cleared "
            "in order to continue.");

        int response = QMessageBox::question(this, "NetRoute", "There is "
            "already a graph in the explorer; the current data will have to "
            "be discared.  Continue?");
        if (response == QMessageBox::No) {
            postErrorMessage("Aborted by user.");
            return WarningAbort;

        postInfoMessage("Discarding network.");

    // Create the nodes
    postInfoMessage("Creating nodes...");
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
        QString name = QString("%1").arg(QChar('A' + i));

        NodeItem* node = new NodeItem;
        m_graphNodes[name] = node;
        boost::add_vertex(NodeProperties(node), m_graph);


    // Create the edges
    postInfoMessage("Creating edges from adjacency matrix...");
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
        QString     line    = lines[i + 1].trimmed();
        QStringList weights = line.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

        // Sanity check
        if (weights.length() != nodeCount) {
                QString("Matrix row %1 has %2 columns; expecting %3.")
            return ErrorRowTooShort;

        // Actually create the edges
        postInfoMessage(QString("Creating edges for node %1")
            .arg(QChar('A' + i)));
        DigraphVertex vStart = boost::vertex(i, m_graph);
        for (int j = 0; j < nodeCount; ++j) {
            bool ok;
            int weight = weights[j].trimmed().toInt(&ok);

            if (ok && weight >= 0) {
                DigraphVertex vEnd = boost::vertex(j, m_graph);

                // Create the new edge item
                EdgeItem* edge = new EdgeItem;

                // Add it to the graph
                boost::add_edge(vStart, vEnd, EdgeProperties(edge), m_graph);
            } else if (!ok) {
                postWarningMessage(QString("Weight (%1,%2) is malformed: %3.")
                result |= WarningBadCell;

    // Parse the final line of the description: the start/end nodes
    QStringList nodes = lines[lines.length() - 1].split(QRegExp("\\s+"),
    if (nodes.length() != 2) {
        postWarningMessage("Start and end nodes line is malformed; "
            "routing will not take place.");
        result |= WarningBadStartEnd;
    } else {
        QString startNodeName = nodes[0];
        QString endNodeName   = nodes[1];

        m_routeStart = m_graphNodes[startNodeName];
        m_routeEnd   = m_graphNodes[endNodeName];

        if (!m_routeStart) {
            postWarningMessage(QString("Failed to find start node '%1'; "
                "routing will not take place.")
            result |= WarningNoStartNode;

        if (!m_routeEnd) {
            postWarningMessage(QString("Failed to find end node '%1'; "
                "routing will not take place.")
            result |= WarningNoEndNode;

    // Graph was built successfully, even if some parsing errors arose.
    return result;