STATUS NF_Command(char *server ,char* szcommand,char * szResult) { HANDLE hRetInfo; STATUS nError; char *pBuffer; nError = NotesInitExtended (0, NULL); if (nError) return ERR(nError); nError = NSFRemoteConsole (server, szcommand, &hRetInfo); if (nError != NOERROR) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(nError), szResult, 1024); CutFlag(szResult,0x13); NotesTerm(); return (ERR(nError)); } pBuffer = OSLock (char, hRetInfo); strcpy(szResult,pBuffer); OSUnlock (hRetInfo); OSMemFree (hRetInfo); NotesTerm(); return (NOERROR); }
BOOL getDBSpace(CString strServer, CString strDBFile, char *szReturn) { char szFullNetPath[MAXPATH] = ""; /* full network path */ DBHANDLE dir_handle; /* handle for directory */ STATUS error = NOERROR; /* return status from API calls */ DWORD dwAvalid = 0; DWORD dwFree = 0; error = NotesInitExtended (0, NULL); if (error) { sprintf (szReturn, "error=Error initializing Notes."); return FALSE; } if(strServer != _T("")) { /* Compose the full network pathname to the directory. */ if (error = OSPathNetConstruct(NULL, strServer.GetBuffer(0), strDBFile.GetBuffer(0), szFullNetPath)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } } /* Open the directory. */ if (error = NSFDbOpen (szFullNetPath, &dir_handle)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } if (error = NSFDbSpaceUsage(dir_handle, &dwAvalid, &dwFree)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } /* Close the directory. */ if (error = NSFDbClose (dir_handle)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } NotesTerm(); sprintf(szReturn, "Used=%f$Free=%f$FreePer=%f$", dwAvalid/(1024.0*1024), dwFree/(1024.0*1024), 100.0*dwFree/(dwFree+dwAvalid)); return TRUE; }
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { // called when DLL is first mapped into calling process's address space case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // Initialize the C API. NotesInitExtended((int)0, (char**)NULL); // not using command line args break; // called when DLL is un-mapped from calling process's address space case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // Terminate the API. NotesTerm(); break; } return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DBHANDLE db_handle; /* handle of source database */ STATUS error = NOERROR; /* return #Dtatus from API calls */ char formula[STRING_LENGTH]; char database_name[STRING_LENGTH]; char username_name[STRING_LENGTH]; char *pUserName = username_name; char *pDbFileName = database_name; /* pathname of source database */ ProcessArgs(argc, argv); // ConfigAgent.exe idfile passwd server dbfile formname char *pIDFileName = argv[1]; //"C:\\Program Files\\lotus\\notes\\data\\"; char *pPassword = argv[2]; //"mac8.6"; char *pServer = argv[3]; // benz char *pDatabase = argv[4]; // smd\smconf.nsf char *pForm = argv[5]; // policy if (strncmp(pForm, "*", strlen(pForm)) == 0) strncpy(formula, "@All", 5); else { _snprintf(formula, sizeof(formula)-1, "Form=\"%s\"", pForm); formula[sizeof(formula)-1] = '\0'; } if (error = NotesInitExtended (argc, argv)) { printf("\n Unable to initialize Notes.\n"); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_NOTE_INIT_FAIL; } if (error = OSPathNetConstruct( NULL, pServer, pDatabase, pDbFileName)) { PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_PATH_CONSTRUCT_FAIL; } if (error = SECKFMSwitchToIDFile(pIDFileName, pPassword, pUserName, STRING_LENGTH, fKFM_switchid_DontSetEnvVar, NULL)) { printf ("Error: unable to open the id file '%s'\n", pIDFileName); PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); if (error == ERR_NOEXIST) return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_IDFILE_NOT_EXIST; else if (error == ERR_BSAFE_BADPASSWORD) return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD; else return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_SWITCH_ID_FAIL; } /* Open the database. */ if (error = NSFDbOpen (pDbFileName, &db_handle)) { printf ("Error: unable to open database '%s'\n", pDbFileName); PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_DB_OPEN_FAIL; } /* Compile the selection formula. */ //char formula[] = "select form=\"Events\""; /* an ASCII selection formula. */ FORMULAHANDLE formula_handle; /* a compiled selection formula */ WORD wdc; /* a word we don't care about */ if (error = NSFFormulaCompile ( NULL, /* name of formula (none) */ (WORD) 0, /* length of name */ formula, /* the ASCII formula */ (WORD) strlen(formula), /* length of ASCII formula */ &formula_handle, /* handle to compiled formula */ &wdc, /* compiled formula length (don't care) */ &wdc, /* return code from compile (don't care) */ &wdc, &wdc, &wdc, &wdc)) /* compile error info (don't care) */ { NSFDbClose (db_handle); PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_FORMULA_COMPILE_FAIL; } /* Call NSFSearch to find all data notes in the database. Specify search flag SEARCH_SUMMARY so that the action routine gets passed the summary buffer as input. */ if (error = NSFSearch ( db_handle, /* database handle */ formula_handle, /* selection formula */ NULL, /* title of view in selection formula */ SEARCH_SUMMARY, /* search flags: get summary data! */ NOTE_CLASS_DATA, /* note class to find */ NULL, /* starting date (unused) */ ReadSummaryData, /* action routine for notes found */ NULL, /* argument to action routine */ NULL)) /* returned ending date (unused) */ { printf ("Error: unable to search database.\n"); NSFDbClose (db_handle); PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_DB_SERACH_FAIL; } /* Close the database. */ if (error = NSFDbClose (db_handle)) { printf ("Error: unable to close database '%s'\n", pDbFileName); PrintAPIError (error); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_DB_CLOSE_FAIL; } /* End of main routine. */ printf("\nProgram completed successfully.\n"); NotesTerm(); return CONFIG_AGENT_ERROR_SUCCESS; }
extern "C" _declspec (dllexport) BOOL Init(const char * strParas, char * szRet, int& nSize) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); STATUS nStatus = NOERROR; CString strServerName=_T(""); CString strUserAccount=_T(""); CString strPassWord=_T(""); CStringList lstParas; MakeStringListByChar(lstParas,strParas); strServerName = GetValueFromList("_ServerName",lstParas); strUserAccount = GetValueFromList("_UserAccount",lstParas); strPassWord = GetValueFromList("_PassWord",lstParas); char szResult[1024*10]={0}; char szServer[1024]={0}; strcpy(szServer,strServerName); HANDLE hhandle =CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,"Global\\SiteView-Lotus-Montior"); if(hhandle ==NULL) { DWORD nlast; nlast =GetLastError(); sprintf(szRet,"error=CreateMutex Failed code is %d", nlast); nSize = static_cast<int>(strlen(szRet)); return FALSE; } WaitForSingleObject(hhandle,INFINITE); WritePassword(strPassWord); nStatus = NotesInitExtended (0, NULL); if (nStatus != NOERROR) { ReleaseMutex(hhandle); CloseHandle(hhandle); OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(nStatus), szResult, 1024); CutFlag(szResult,0x13); sprintf(szRet,"error=Can't Init Notes Extended:%s", szResult); nSize = static_cast<int>(strlen(szRet)); return FALSE; } nStatus=NF_Command(szServer,"show server",szResult); if(nStatus != NOERROR) { ReleaseMutex(hhandle); CloseHandle(hhandle); sprintf(szRet,"error=Can't Connect to Server:%s", szResult); nSize = static_cast<int>(strlen(szRet)); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } NotesTerm(); sprintf(szRet,"Connected to Server[%s]", szServer); nSize = static_cast<int>(strlen(szRet)); ReleaseMutex(hhandle); CloseHandle(hhandle); return TRUE; }
BOOL NSF_List(CString strServer, CString strDirectory, CStringList &lstTexts, CStringList &lstValues, char* szReturn) { char szFullNetPath[MAXPATH] = ""; /* full network path */ DBHANDLE dir_handle; /* handle for directory */ STATUS error = NOERROR; /* return status from API calls */ error = NotesInitExtended (0, NULL); if (error) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); return FALSE; } if (strDirectory != _T("")) { strcpy(szFullNetPath, strDirectory.GetBuffer(0)); } if(strServer != _T("")) { // Compose the full network pathname to the directory. if (error = OSPathNetConstruct(NULL, strServer.GetBuffer(0), strDirectory.GetBuffer(0), szFullNetPath)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } } // Open the directory. if (error = NSFDbOpen (szFullNetPath, &dir_handle)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } /* Call NSFSearch to find files in the directory. For each file found, call an action routine. */ if (error = NSFSearch ( dir_handle, /* directory handle */ NULLHANDLE, /* selection formula */ NULL, /* title of view in formula */ SEARCH_FILETYPE + /* search for files */ SEARCH_SUMMARY, /* return a summary buffer */ FILE_DBANY + /* find any .NS? file */ FILE_DIRS + /* find subdirectories */ FILE_NOUPDIRS, /* don't find the ".." dir */ NULL, /* starting date */ file_action_list, /* call for each file found */ &lstTexts, /* argument to action routine */ NULL)) /* returned ending date (unused) */ { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NSFDbClose (dir_handle); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } /* Close the directory. */ if (error = NSFDbClose (dir_handle)) { OSLoadString(NULLHANDLE, ERR(error), szReturn, 1024); NotesTerm(); return FALSE; } /* Terminate Domino and Notes. */ NotesTerm(); POSITION pos=NULL; pos = lstTexts.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { lstValues.AddTail(lstTexts.GetNext(pos)); } return TRUE; }
_declspec ( dllexport) void ThreadInitialize() { NotesInitExtended((int)0, (char**)NULL); }