void Skein::NewLine(const CStringW& line) { bool nodeAdded = false; CStringW nodeLine = EscapeLine(line,UsePrintable); // Is there a child node with the same line? Node* node = m_inst.current->Find(nodeLine); if (node == NULL) { node = new Node(nodeLine,L"",L"",L"",false); m_inst.current->Add(node); nodeAdded = true; } // Make this the new current node m_inst.current = node; m_played = node; // Notify any listeners if (nodeAdded) { m_layout = false; NotifyChange(TreeChanged); NotifyEdit(true); } else NotifyChange(ThreadChanged); NotifyShowNode(node,ShowNewLine); }
virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_NOTIFY) { LPNMHDR lpnmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; if (lpnmhdr->idFrom == IDC_EXTRAORDER && lpnmhdr->code == NM_RCLICK) { HTREEITEM hSelected = m_tree.GetDropHilight(); if (hSelected != NULL && !m_tree.IsSelected(hSelected)) { m_tree.UnselectAll(); m_tree.SelectItem(hSelected); } int sels = m_tree.GetNumSelected(); if (sels > 1) { if (ShowPopup(0) == ID_GROUP) { GroupSelectedItems(); NotifyChange(); } } else if (sels == 1) { HTREEITEM hItem = m_tree.GetSelection(); intlist *ids = Tree_GetIDs(hItem); if (ids->count > 1) { if (ShowPopup(1) == ID_UNGROUP) { UngroupSelectedItems(); NotifyChange(); } } } } } return CDlgBase::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); }
// Paste text from either the clipboard or selection. void ScintillaQt::pasteFromClipboard(QClipboard::Mode mode) { int len; const char *s; bool rectangular; const QMimeData *source = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(mode); if (!source || !qsb->canInsertFromMimeData(source)) return; QByteArray text = qsb->fromMimeData(source, rectangular); len = text.length(); s = text.data(); s = Document::TransformLineEnds(&len, s, len, pdoc->eolMode); UndoGroup ug(pdoc); ClearSelection(); SelectionPosition start = sel.IsRectangular() ? sel.Rectangular().Start() : sel.Range(sel.Main()).Start(); if (rectangular) PasteRectangular(start, s, len); else InsertPaste(start, s, len); delete[] s; NotifyChange(); Redraw(); }
void Skein::Trim(Node* node, bool running, bool notify) { int i = 0; while (i < node->GetNumChildren()) { Node* child = node->GetChild(i); bool inCurrent = InCurrentThread(child); // Only delete unlocked nodes. If the game is running, only delete // if the node is not in the current thread as well. if (child->GetTemporary() && !(running && inCurrent)) { if (inCurrent) { m_current = m_root; m_played = m_root; } if (RemoveAll(child,false) == false) i++; } else { Trim(child,running,false); i++; } } if (notify) NotifyChange(TreeChanged); }
void Skein::SetLine(Node* node, LPCWSTR line) { if (node->SetLine(line)) NotifyEdit(true); m_layout = false; NotifyChange(NodeTextChanged); }
void SaveData() { if ( !GetPropertyContainer() || !m_Extra ) return; m_Extra->m_Label = Label->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Selected = Selected->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
void Camera::SetPosition(const cocos2d::CCPoint &newPosition) { cocos2d::CCPoint innerPos = newPosition; if (newPosition.x < 4.8f) { innerPos.x = 4.8f; } else if (newPosition.x > WorldManager::Instance()->GetSceneInfo()->GetWidth() - 9.6f) { innerPos.x = WorldManager::Instance()->GetSceneInfo()->GetWidth() - 9.6f; } if (newPosition.y < 3.2f) { innerPos.y = 3.2f; } else if (newPosition.y > WorldManager::Instance()->GetSceneInfo()->GetHeight() - 4.8f) { innerPos.y = WorldManager::Instance()->GetSceneInfo()->GetHeight() - 4.8f; } m_position = innerPos; cocos2d::CCPoint entityPos = m_position; entityPos.x -= m_size.width / 2; entityPos.y -= m_size.height / 2; CameraPosChanged event(entityPos); NotifyChange(&event); }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsSubscribableServer::AddTo(const nsACString& aName, bool aAddAsSubscribed, bool aSubscribable, bool aChangeIfExists) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (mStopped) { #ifdef DEBUG_seth printf("stopped!\n"); #endif return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } SubscribeTreeNode *node = nsnull; // todo, shouldn't we pass in aAddAsSubscribed, for the // default value if we create it? rv = FindAndCreateNode(aName, &node); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); NS_ASSERTION(node,"didn't find the node"); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (aChangeIfExists) { node->isSubscribed = aAddAsSubscribed; rv = NotifyChange(node, kNC_Subscribed, node->isSubscribed); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); } node->isSubscribable = aSubscribable; return rv; }
void wxsProject::Configure() { if ( !m_GUI ) { m_GUI = wxsGUIFactory::SelectNew(_("wxSmith does not manage any GUI for this project.\nPlease select GUI you want to be managed in wxSmith."),this); if ( m_GUI ) { NotifyChange(); } } if ( m_GUI ) { if ( !m_GUI->CheckIfApplicationManaged() ) { // TODO: Prepare better communicate, consider chancing to cbAnnoyingDiaog if ( wxMessageBox(_("wxSmith does not manage this application's source.\n" "Should I create proper bindings?"),_("wxSmith"),wxYES_NO) == wxNO ) return; if ( !m_GUI->CreateApplicationBinding() ) return; } cbConfigurationDialog Dlg(0,-1,_("Configuring wxSmith")); Dlg.AttachConfigurationPanel(m_GUI->BuildConfigurationPanel(&Dlg)); Dlg.ShowModal(); } }
void Skein::Import(const char* path) { Node* node = m_inst.root; bool added = false; CStdioFile recFile; if (recFile.Open(path,CFile::modeRead|CFile::typeText)) { CString recLine; while (recFile.ReadString(recLine)) { recLine.Trim(); if (recLine.GetLength() > 0) { CStringW recLineW = EscapeLine(CStringW(recLine),UsePrintable); Node* newNode = node->Find(recLineW); if (newNode == NULL) { newNode = new Node(recLineW,L"",L"",L"",false); node->Add(newNode); added = true; } node = newNode; } } if (added) { m_layout = false; NotifyChange(TreeChanged); NotifyEdit(true); } } }
void wxsSizerParentQP::SaveData() { if ( !GetPropertyContainer() || !m_Extra ) return; m_Extra->Flags = 0; if ( BrdLeft ->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::BorderLeft; if ( BrdRight ->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::BorderRight; if ( BrdTop ->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::BorderTop; if ( BrdBottom->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::BorderBottom; m_Extra->Border.Value = BrdSize->GetValue(); m_Extra->Border.DialogUnits = BrdDlg->GetValue(); if ( PlaceExp ->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::Expand; if ( PlaceShp ->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::Shaped; if ( PlaceLT->GetValue() || PlaceCT->GetValue() || PlaceRT->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignTop; if ( PlaceLC->GetValue() || PlaceCC->GetValue() || PlaceRC->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignCenterVertical; if ( PlaceLB->GetValue() || PlaceCB->GetValue() || PlaceRB->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignBottom; if ( PlaceLT->GetValue() || PlaceLC->GetValue() || PlaceLB->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignLeft; if ( PlaceCT->GetValue() || PlaceCC->GetValue() || PlaceCB->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignCenterHorizontal; if ( PlaceRT->GetValue() || PlaceRC->GetValue() || PlaceRB->GetValue() ) m_Extra->Flags |= wxsSizerFlagsProperty::AlignRight; m_Extra->Proportion = Proportion->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
void Skein::SetLabel(Node* node, LPCWSTR label) { if (node->SetLabel(label)) NotifyEdit(true); m_layout = false; NotifyChange(NodeTextChanged); }
void Skein::Reset(bool current) { if (current) m_inst.current = m_inst.root; m_played = m_inst.root; NotifyChange(ThreadChanged); }
void Camera::Reset( void ) { cocos2d::CCPoint entityPos = m_position; entityPos.x -= m_size.width / 2; entityPos.y -= m_size.height / 2; CameraReset event(entityPos); NotifyChange(&event); }
void Skein::Unlock(Node* node, bool notify) { if (node->SetLocked(false)) NotifyEdit(true); for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumChildren(); i++) Unlock(node->GetChild(i),false); if (notify) NotifyChange(LockChanged); }
void wxsAuiManagerParentQP::OnCaptionButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_Extra->m_MinimizeButton = MinimizeButton->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_MaximizeButton = MaximizeButton->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_PinButton = PinButton->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_CloseButton = CloseButton->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
void SceneObjectProp::Init( int id, const char *imageName, float x, float y, float width, float height ) { m_id = id; m_imageName = imageName; m_position = cocos2d::CCPointMake(x, y); m_size = cocos2d::CCSizeMake(width, height); SceneObjectEventInit event(m_imageName, m_position, m_size); NotifyChange(&event); }
void wxsAuiManagerParentQP::OnDockChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { if ( !GetPropertyContainer() || !m_Extra ) return; m_Extra->m_Docked = Docked->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_DockFixed = DockFixed->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
void Skein::Lock(Node* node) { while (node != NULL) { if (node->SetLocked(true)) NotifyEdit(true); node = node->GetParent(); } NotifyChange(LockChanged); }
void wxsAuiManagerParentQP::OnDockSiteChange(wxSpinEvent& event) { if ( !GetPropertyContainer() || !m_Extra ) return; m_Extra->m_Layer = Layer->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Row = Row->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Position = Position->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
void Skein::UpdateAfterPlaying(const CStringW& transcript) { // Update the status of the last played node if (transcript.IsEmpty() == FALSE) m_played->NewTranscriptText(transcript); NotifyChange(NodeColourChanged); if (transcript.IsEmpty() == FALSE) NotifyShowNode(m_played,ShowNewTranscript); }
void Skein::Bless(Node* node, bool all) { while (node != NULL) { if (node->Bless()) NotifyEdit(true); node = all ? node->GetParent() : NULL; } NotifyChange(NodeColourChanged); }
void wxsAuiManagerParentQP::OnDockDirectionChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { if ( !GetPropertyContainer() || !m_Extra ) return; if ( DockTop->GetValue() && (m_Extra->m_DockDirection != wxAUI_DOCK_TOP) ) { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_TOP; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags |= wxsAuiDockableProperty::TopDockable; DockBottom->SetValue(false); DockLeft-> SetValue(false); DockRight-> SetValue(false); DockCenter->SetValue(false); } else if ( DockBottom->GetValue() && (m_Extra->m_DockDirection != wxAUI_DOCK_BOTTOM) ) { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_BOTTOM; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags |= wxsAuiDockableProperty::BottomDockable; DockLeft-> SetValue(false); DockRight-> SetValue(false); DockCenter->SetValue(false); } else if ( DockLeft->GetValue() && (m_Extra->m_DockDirection != wxAUI_DOCK_LEFT) ) { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_LEFT; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags |= wxsAuiDockableProperty::LeftDockable; DockRight-> SetValue(false); DockCenter->SetValue(false); } else if ( DockRight->GetValue() && (m_Extra->m_DockDirection != wxAUI_DOCK_RIGHT) ) { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_RIGHT; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags |= wxsAuiDockableProperty::RightDockable; DockCenter->SetValue(false); } else if ( DockCenter->GetValue() && (m_Extra->m_DockDirection != wxAUI_DOCK_CENTER) ) { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_CENTER; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags = wxsAuiDockableProperty::Dockable; } else { m_Extra->m_DockDirection = wxAUI_DOCK_LEFT; m_Extra->m_DockableFlags |= wxsAuiDockableProperty::LeftDockable; m_Extra->m_Docked = false; Docked-> SetValue(false); DockTop-> SetValue(false); DockBottom->SetValue(false); DockLeft-> SetValue(true); DockRight-> SetValue(false); DockCenter->SetValue(false); } NotifyChange(); }
Void CPropertyConcrete<DataType>::SetValue( const DataType& value ) { if( m_Value != value && m_CanSetValue) { m_CanSetValue = FALSE; DataType oldValue = m_Value; m_Value = value; NotifyChange( oldValue ); m_CanSetValue = TRUE; } }
void Skein::Reset() { delete m_inst.root; m_inst.root = new Node(L"- start -",L"",L"",L"",false); m_inst.current = m_inst.root; m_played = m_inst.root; m_layout = false; NotifyChange(TreeChanged); NotifyEdit(false); }
// Call ReadDirectoryChangesW to check if the file has changed since the last call. bool FileWatcher::CheckForChanges(DWORD waittime) { if (!overl.hEvent) return false; DWORD dwObj = WaitForSingleObject(overl.hEvent, waittime); if (dwObj != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return false; return NotifyChange(); }
void wxsAuiManagerParentQP::OnGeneralChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_Extra->m_Visible = Visible->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Resizable = Resizable->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_PaneBorder = PaneBorder->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Movable = Movable->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_Floatable = Floatable->GetValue(); m_Extra->m_DestroyOnClose = DestroyOnClose->GetValue(); NotifyChange(); }
Skein::Node* Skein::AddNew(Node* node) { Node* newNode = new Node(L"",L"",L"",L"",false); node->Add(newNode); m_layout = false; NotifyChange(TreeChanged); NotifyEdit(true); return newNode; }
Skein::Node* Skein::AddNewParent(Node* node) { Node* newNode = new Node(L"",L"",L"",L"",false); node->GetParent()->Replace(node,newNode); newNode->Add(node); m_layout = false; NotifyChange(TreeChanged); NotifyEdit(true); return newNode; }
bool Skein::NextLine(CStringW& line) { // Find the next node to use Node* next = m_played->FindAncestor(m_inst.current); if (next != NULL) { line = EscapeLine(next->GetLine(),UseCharacters); m_played = next; NotifyChange(ThreadChanged); NotifyShowNode(next,ShowNewLine); return true; } return false; }