예제 #1
NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for set Volume Information called by both the
    fsd and fsp threads.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation


    NTSTATUS Status;
    PFILE_OBJECT FileObject;

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PVCB Vcb;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PSCB Scb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    ULONG Length;
    FS_INFORMATION_CLASS FsInformationClass;
    PVOID Buffer;

    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_IRP( Irp );
    ASSERT( FlagOn( IrpContext->TopLevelIrpContext->State, IRP_CONTEXT_STATE_OWNS_TOP_LEVEL ));


    //  Get the current Irp stack location

    IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    DebugTrace( +1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo\n") );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("IrpContext         = %08lx\n", IrpContext) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Irp                = %08lx\n", Irp) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Length             = %08lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.Length) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("FsInformationClass = %08lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.FsInformationClass) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Buffer             = %08lx\n", Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) );

    //  Reference our input parameters to make things easier

    Length = IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.Length;
    FsInformationClass = IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.FsInformationClass;
    Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

    //  Extract and decode the file object to get the Vcb, we don't really
    //  care what the type of open is.

    FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject;
    TypeOfOpen = NtfsDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, FileObject, &Vcb, &Fcb, &Scb, &Ccb, TRUE );

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserVolumeOpen &&
        (TypeOfOpen != UserViewIndexOpen ||
         FsInformationClass != FileFsControlInformation ||
         Fcb != Vcb->QuotaTableScb->Fcb)) {

        NtfsCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED );

        DebugTrace( -1, Dbg2, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo -> STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED\n") );

        return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

    //  The volume must be writable.

    if (NtfsIsVolumeReadOnly( Vcb )) {

        NtfsCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );

        DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo -> %08lx\n", Status) );
        return Status;


	if (!FlagOn( IrpContext->State, IRP_CONTEXT_STATE_WAIT )) {

		return NtfsPostRequest( IrpContext, Irp );


    //  Acquire exclusive access to the Vcb

    NtfsAcquireExclusiveVcb( IrpContext, Vcb, TRUE );

    try {

        //  Proceed only if the volume is mounted.

        if (FlagOn( Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_VOLUME_MOUNTED )) {


			if(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject == NULL) {

				DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_ALL, ("IrpSp->FileObject is NULL, IrpSp->MajorFunction = %x, IrpSp->MinorFunction = %x\n", IrpSp->MajorFunction, IrpSp->MinorFunction) );
			if (IS_SECONDARY_FILEOBJECT(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject)) {

				Status = NdNtfsSecondaryCommonSetVolumeInfo( IrpContext, Irp );

            //  Based on the information class we'll do different actions.  Each
            //  of the procedures that we're calling performs the action if
            //  possible and returns true if it successful and false if it couldn't
            //  wait for any I/O to complete.

            switch (FsInformationClass) {

            case FileFsLabelInformation:

                Status = NtfsSetFsLabelInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer );

            case FileFsControlInformation:

                Status = NtfsSetFsControlInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer );

            case FileFsObjectIdInformation:

                Status = NtfsSetFsVolumeObjectIdInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer );
				DebugTrace( 0, Dbg2, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo %x, FileFsObjectIdInformation Vcb = %p\n", Status, IrpContext->Vcb) );


                Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        } else {

            Status = STATUS_FILE_INVALID;

        //  Abort transaction on error by raising.

        NtfsCleanupTransaction( IrpContext, Status, FALSE );

    } finally {

        DebugUnwind( NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo );

        NtfsReleaseVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

        DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo -> %08lx\n", Status) );

    NtfsCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
    return Status;
예제 #2
파일: volinfo.c 프로젝트: 340211173/hf-2011
NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for set Volume Information called by both the
    fsd and fsp threads.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation


    NTSTATUS Status;
    PFILE_OBJECT FileObject;

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PVCB Vcb;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PSCB Scb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    ULONG Length;
    FS_INFORMATION_CLASS FsInformationClass;
    PVOID Buffer;

    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_IRP( Irp );


    //  Get the current Irp stack location

    IrpSp = (PMyIO_STACK_LOCATION)IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    DebugTrace( +1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo\n") );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("IrpContext         = %08lx\n", IrpContext) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Irp                = %08lx\n", Irp) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Length             = %08lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.Length) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("FsInformationClass = %08lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.FsInformationClass) );
    DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Buffer             = %08lx\n", Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) );

    //  Reference our input parameters to make things easier

    Length = IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.Length;
    FsInformationClass = IrpSp->Parameters.SetVolume.FsInformationClass;
    Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

    //  Extract and decode the file object to get the Vcb, we don't really
    //  care what the type of open is.

    FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject;
    TypeOfOpen = NtfsDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, FileObject, &Vcb, &Fcb, &Scb, &Ccb, TRUE );

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserVolumeOpen) {

        NtfsCompleteRequest( &IrpContext, &Irp, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED );

        DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo -> STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED\n") );

        return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

    //  Acquire exclusive access to the Vcb

    NtfsAcquireExclusiveVcb( IrpContext, Vcb, TRUE );

    try {

        //  Proceed only if the volume is mounted.

        if (FlagOn( Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_VOLUME_MOUNTED )) {

            //  Based on the information class we'll do different actions.  Each
            //  of the procedures that we're calling performs the action if
            //  possible and returns true if it successful and false if it couldn't
            //  wait for any I/O to complete.

            switch (FsInformationClass) {

            case FileFsLabelInformation:

                Status = NtfsSetFsLabelInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer );

#ifdef _CAIRO_

            case FileFsQuotaSetInformation:
                Status = NtfsFsQuotaSetInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer, Length );

            case FileFsControlInformation:

                Status = NtfsSetFsControlInfo( IrpContext, Vcb, Buffer );

#endif // _CAIRO_


                Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        } else {

            Status = STATUS_FILE_INVALID;

        //  Abort transaction on error by raising.

        NtfsCleanupTransaction( IrpContext, Status, FALSE );

    } finally {

        DebugUnwind( NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo );

        NtfsReleaseVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

        if (!AbnormalTermination()) {

            NtfsCompleteRequest( &IrpContext, &Irp, Status );

        DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, ("NtfsCommonSetVolumeInfo -> %08lx\n", Status) );

    return Status;